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【科技】扎克伯格和库克是如何成为敌人的  Breaking Point: How Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook Became Foes   2021-04-27 05:40
【科技】没手机没钟表在一个洞穴里待40天是什么感觉?  15 people just spent 40 days in a cave without phones, clocks, or sunlight   2021-04-26 16:11
【文化】十个拍照套路,让你的五一假期惊艳朋友圈  10 Tips on How to Take Great Holiday Photos   2021-04-26 11:09
【文化】赵婷获奥斯卡最佳导演奖,《无依之地》获最佳影片  Chloé Zhao and ‘Nomadland’ Win at 2021 Oscars   2021-04-26 05:01
【新闻】东京奥运会临近 日本宣布进入紧急状态  Coronavirus: Japan declares virus emergency in Tokyo as Olympics near   2021-04-25 15:28
【新闻】“中国街拍”海外播放12亿,外国网友看呆:中国人都这么酷吗?  Chinese street style is taking over Tiktok   2021-04-25 11:05
【新闻】不知道如何选书?听听名家怎么说  6 pieces of reading advice from history’s greatest minds   2021-04-23 15:27
【新闻】“生命太短暂”:男子突发心脏病后写“心灵鸡汤”走红网络  After His Heart Attack, a British Man’s Rules for Living Take Off on LinkedIn   2021-04-23 11:24
【教育】世界读书日:关于读书的名言隽语  9 Famous Quotes About Reading Books   2021-04-23 09:35
【健康】从香港、东非到加州:我家的全球疫苗接种故事  My Family’s Global Vaccine Journey   2021-04-23 07:22
【科技】“你只能活一次”:疫情让千禧一代拥抱冒险经济  Welcome to the YOLO Economy   2021-04-23 03:38
【新闻】关爱地球母亲 可以从这四种绿色生活方式做起  This Earth Day, take these 4 steps to go (more) green   2021-04-22 14:20
【新闻】揭秘:衣服上为什么会设计假兜?  The reason dresses and jeans have fake pockets   2021-04-21 14:31
【科技】科技巨头影响力不受限的时代即将告终?  A Global Tipping Point for Reining In Tech Has Arrived   2021-04-21 10:12
【科技】研究发现:打屁股会影响儿童的大脑发育  How spanking may affect brain development in children   2021-04-20 11:23
【新闻】对话《海外华人札记》作者:如何为中文读者写专栏  Writing for the Chinese Diaspora   2021-04-20 06:11
【文化】亚裔艺术家如何对抗种族主义和仇恨  Asian-American Artists, Now Activists, Push Back Against Hate   2021-04-20 05:36
【新闻】全球新冠肺炎死亡人数破300万  Covid-19 deaths pass three million worldwide   2021-04-19 15:28
【商业】五一火车票秒光,或成“史上最热黄金周”  Ticket bookings foretell explosive tourism for May Day holidays in China   2021-04-19 11:11
【新闻】从日本到澳洲,为何亚太国家疫苗接种缓慢?  These Countries Did Well With Covid. So Why Are They Slow on Vaccines?   2021-04-19 05:09

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