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【科技】扎克伯格和库克是如何成为敌人的  Breaking Point: How Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook Became Foes   2021-04-27 05:40
  SAN FRANCISCO — At a confab for tech and media moguls in Sun Valley, Idaho, in July 2019, Timothy D. Cook of Apple and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook sat down to repair their fraying relationship.
  旧金山——2019年7月,在爱达荷州太阳谷一场科技和媒体巨头座谈会中,苹果公司(Apple)的蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)和Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)坐了下来,以修补两人间摩擦重重的关系。

【科技】没手机没钟表在一个洞穴里待40天是什么感觉?  15 people just spent 40 days in a cave without phones, clocks, or sunlight   2021-04-26 16:11
  Fifteen volunteers have emerged from a cave in the southwest of France after spending 40 days without clocks, phones, or sunlight for a human isolation experiment.

【文化】十个拍照套路,让你的五一假期惊艳朋友圈  10 Tips on How to Take Great Holiday Photos   2021-04-26 11:09

【文化】赵婷获奥斯卡最佳导演奖,《无依之地》获最佳影片  Chloé Zhao and ‘Nomadland’ Win at 2021 Oscars   2021-04-26 05:01
  LOS ANGELES — “Nomadland” was named best picture and Chloé Zhao won best director at Sunday night’s sleepy and surreal 93rd Academy Awards, a stage show broadcast on television about films mostly distributed on the internet.

【新闻】东京奥运会临近 日本宣布进入紧急状态  Coronavirus: Japan declares virus emergency in Tokyo as Olympics near   2021-04-25 15:28
  Japan has announced emergency Covid measures in Tokyo and three other areas in a bid to curb rising infections, just three months before the country is set to host the Olympics.

【新闻】“中国街拍”海外播放12亿,外国网友看呆:中国人都这么酷吗?  Chinese street style is taking over Tiktok   2021-04-25 11:05

【新闻】不知道如何选书?听听名家怎么说  6 pieces of reading advice from history’s greatest minds   2021-04-23 15:27

【新闻】“生命太短暂”:男子突发心脏病后写“心灵鸡汤”走红网络  After His Heart Attack, a British Man’s Rules for Living Take Off on LinkedIn   2021-04-23 11:24
  As he sat at his computer on a recent Sunday afternoon preparing for the workweek ahead, Jonathan Frostick, a program manager at an investment bank in London, said he could not breathe. His chest tightened and his ears started to pop. He was having a heart attack.
  不久前的一个周日下午,当伦敦一家投资银行的项目经理乔纳森·弗罗斯蒂克(Jonathan Frostick)坐在电脑前,为接下来一周的工作做准备时,他说自己无法呼吸。他的胸口发紧,耳朵开始砰砰作响。他心脏病发作了。

【教育】世界读书日:关于读书的名言隽语  9 Famous Quotes About Reading Books   2021-04-23 09:35
  For out of olde feldes, as men seyth,Cometh al this newe corn fro yer to yere;And out of olde bokes, in good feyth,Cometh al this newe science that men lere.(Geoffrey Chaucer, “The Parliament of Fowls”, l. 22)人们说得好,在耕种多年的田地里,一年又一年长出新的谷子;完全可以相信,从读过的旧书里,人们也一定能学到新的知识。(乔叟,《众鸟之会》,第22行)
  Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some book also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others.(Francis Bacon, “Of Studies”)有些书可供浅尝,有些可以吞食,少数则须咀嚼消化。换言之,有些书只须读上部分,有些只须大体浏览,少数则须全读,读时须全神贯注,孜孜不倦。书也可请人去读,事后取其读书摘要。(培根,《谈读书》)

【健康】从香港、东非到加州:我家的全球疫苗接种故事  My Family’s Global Vaccine Journey   2021-04-23 07:22
  In early February, my sister posted a video in our family’s WhatsApp group.

【科技】“你只能活一次”:疫情让千禧一代拥抱冒险经济  Welcome to the YOLO Economy   2021-04-23 03:38
  Something strange is happening to the exhausted, type-A millennial workers of America. After a year spent hunched over their MacBooks, enduring back-to-back Zooms in between sourdough loaves and Peloton rides, they are flipping the carefully arranged chessboards of their lives and deciding to risk it all.


【新闻】关爱地球母亲 可以从这四种绿色生活方式做起  This Earth Day, take these 4 steps to go (more) green   2021-04-22 14:20
  Conduct a plastic audit

【新闻】揭秘:衣服上为什么会设计假兜?  The reason dresses and jeans have fake pockets   2021-04-21 14:31
  Clip-on ties. Fake button holes. Clothing can sometimes be a source of optical illusions. None may be more peculiar than the faux pocket. It’s there when you try on a dress or pair of jeans, try to dig your hand into the pocket, and realize there’s no depth to it. The pocket isn’t there.

【科技】科技巨头影响力不受限的时代即将告终?  A Global Tipping Point for Reining In Tech Has Arrived   2021-04-21 10:12
  China fined the internet giant Alibaba a record $2.8 billion this month for anticompetitive practices, ordered an overhaul of its sister financial company and warned other technology firms to obey Beijing’s rules.

【科技】研究发现:打屁股会影响儿童的大脑发育  How spanking may affect brain development in children   2021-04-20 11:23
  Spanking may affect a child's brain development in similar ways to more severe forms of violence, according to a new study led by Harvard researchers.

【新闻】对话《海外华人札记》作者:如何为中文读者写专栏  Writing for the Chinese Diaspora   2021-04-20 06:11
  The past year has been momentous for so many reasons it’s hard to even begin to describe them. A harsh spotlight has been cast on deep inequities in American life and on the myriad ways that racism and hatred afflict our nation.

【文化】亚裔艺术家如何对抗种族主义和仇恨  Asian-American Artists, Now Activists, Push Back Against Hate   2021-04-20 05:36
  Early in the pandemic, word started to travel among Asian-American artists: racist attacks were on the rise. Jamie Chan told a fellow artist, Kenneth Tam, about getting kicked out of an Uber pool ride by the driver who noticed her sniffling. Anicka Yi, an artist based in New York, called Christine Y. Kim, a curator at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, to talk about being spit at on a Manhattan street; Kim, in turn, recounted being accosted in a Whole Foods parking lot.
  大流行初期,消息在亚裔艺术家中间传开:种族主义袭击正在加剧。杰米·陈(Jamie Chan)告诉同行艺术家肯尼思·谭(Kenneth Tam),她在坐Uber时,司机注意到她抽了抽鼻子,于是就把她赶下了车。纽约艺术家艾妮卡·易(Anicka Yi)打电话给洛杉矶县立艺术博物馆的策展人克里斯汀·Y·金(Christine Y. Kim)说,她在曼哈顿的街上被人吐口水;而克里斯汀·金则叙述了在全食超市(Whole Foods)停车场被挑衅的经历。

【新闻】全球新冠肺炎死亡人数破300万  Covid-19 deaths pass three million worldwide   2021-04-19 15:28
  The number of people who have died worldwide in the Covid-19 pandemic has surpassed three million, according to Johns Hopkins University.

【商业】五一火车票秒光,或成“史上最热黄金周”  Ticket bookings foretell explosive tourism for May Day holidays in China   2021-04-19 11:11
  Train tickets to some of the most popular destinations for this year's May Day holiday sold out the moment they became available, causing platforms to temporarily crash, foretelling an explosive holiday season starting on May 1. 今年五一假期一些热门目的地的火车票一开售就售罄,导致售票平台暂时瘫痪,这预示着一个火爆的五一假期。

【新闻】从日本到澳洲,为何亚太国家疫苗接种缓慢?  These Countries Did Well With Covid. So Why Are They Slow on Vaccines?   2021-04-19 05:09
  All through last year, as first Europe and then the United States suffered catastrophically high coronavirus infections and deaths, Pacific Rim countries staved off disaster through an array of methods. South Korea tested widely. Australia and New Zealand locked down. In Japan, people donned masks and heeded calls to isolate.

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