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【新闻】哈马斯未能提供证据证明以色列为轰炸加沙医院元凶  Hamas Fails to Make Case That Israel Struck Hospital   2023-10-23 03:24
  Five days after Hamas accused Israel of bombing a hospital in Gaza City and killing hundreds of people, the armed Palestinian group has yet to produce or describe any evidence linking Israel to the strike, says it cannot find the munition that hit the site and has declined to provide detail to support its count of the casualties.

【新闻】英国历史学家:“一带一路”倡议是世界乱局中的明灯  Belt and Road is a beacon of light in troubled world   2023-10-20 17:11
  Heavy spending on infrastructure projects and massive overseas investments have been the hallmarks of the initiative, strengthening the economies of both China and partner countries in a "win-win" relationship. One of the key characteristics of the initiative is that despite the clearly unequal strength of member countries compared with China, the relationship is rooted in the equal status of all participants.

【科技】亚马逊试用新型类人机器人 有胳膊有腿可抓握  Amazon trials humanoid robots to 'free up' staff   2023-10-20 14:08
  Amazon is trialling humanoid robots in its US warehouses, in the latest sign of the tech giant automating more of its operations.

【商业】碧桂园濒临违约,否认创始人父女离境  Country Garden, Facing Debt Deadline, Says Executives Have Not Left China   2023-10-20 11:43
  Facing a potential financial collapse, the embattled Chinese property developer Country Garden on Thursday denied rumors that its two most prominent executives had fled China.

【新闻】拜登的生涯时刻:证明美国是决定世界历史走向的唯一国家  Biden’s Moment: A President Convinced of America’s Role in the World   2023-10-20 04:03
  President Biden could very well go down in history as the last American president born during World War II and shaped by a view of American power nurtured in the Cold War. No other leader on the world stage today can boast that they sat in the Israeli prime minister’s office 50 years ago with Golda Meir, or discussed dismantling Soviet nuclear weapons with Mikhail Gorbachev.

【新闻】美国寻求与印度加强防务合作,抗衡中国海上力量  U.S. Pursues Defense Partnership With India to Deter Chinese Aggression   2023-10-20 03:04
  When the Salvor, a U.S. Navy rescue and salvage ship, pulled into a port in India’s southeast this summer, the job at hand was patching up the aging vessel. But there was a bigger mission, too: opening another door for a U.S. military trying to stretch out across the Indo-Pacific and counter Chinese power.

【科技】“五眼联盟”指中国间谍活动日益针对科技公司  Allied Spy Chiefs Warn of Chinese Espionage Targeting Tech Firms   2023-10-19 02:25
  The United States and its allies vowed this week to do more to counter Chinese theft of technology, warning at an unusual gathering of intelligence leaders that Beijing’s espionage is increasingly trained not on the hulking federal buildings of Washington but the shiny office complexes of Silicon Valley.

【经济】【双语财讯】多家跨国企业高管:“一带一路”释放巨大机遇 为全球企业创  BRI unleashes opportunities, say executives   2023-10-18 15:09
  The Belt and Road Initiative unleashes massive opportunities for global companies, creating a promising environment for multinational corporations, business executives and industry experts said on Tuesday.

【科技】研究:人类声音比狮子声音还要让野生动物害怕  South Africa's Kruger National Park study: Animals fear human voices more th   2023-10-18 15:08
  Human voices cause considerably more fear in wild mammals than the sound of lions, a study in South Africa has found.

【新闻】震惊与悲痛过后,以色列人面临一场新的战斗  Israelis Gird for a Deeper War Amid a Crisis of Trust in the Government   2023-10-18 12:33
  On the ninth day after Hamas overran more than 20 Israeli pastoral communities and army bases, killing more than 1,300 people and taking 150 hostages back to Gaza, Israel was a country on edge.

【新闻】拜登出访以色列:一次充满政治风险和人身危险的旅行  Biden Faces Risks in Wartime Visit to Israel   2023-10-18 11:59
  President Biden will travel to Israel on Wednesday to show solidarity with America’s closest ally in the Middle East, in a wartime trip to bolster the country’s resolve to eradicate Hamas but also to urge limits on what seems bound to be a casualty-filled ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.

【科技】研究:美枪杀率最高城市集中在枪支管控更松的“红州”,平均每10万人有11  America's highest gun death rates are in the South   2023-10-17 16:52
  The report argues that the findings refute Republican narratives that progressive policies stoke more crime in cities.

【新闻】【双语财讯】《2023中国餐饮业年度报告》发布 茶饮、烘焙增长明显  China's baking, tea beverage sectors show strong growth: Report   2023-10-17 14:19
  China's baking and tea beverage sectors are showing strong growth with significant increases in average revenue per outlet, according to an industry report jointly published by the China Hospitality Association and Xinhuanet on Friday.

【科技】华为如何在希腊进行游说活动:向政府官员送礼  Gifts, Gadgets and Greece: Inside a Huawei Lobbying Campaign   2023-10-17 01:17
  In November 2020, executives at Huawei, the Chinese telecom-equipment maker, exchanged messages about holding a meeting with a “friend” and an “adviser” in Greece.

【新闻】【双语财讯】央行行长潘功胜:货币政策要持续用力、乘势而上,为实体经  Central bank vows more solid support for real economy   2023-10-16 17:23
  The governor of China's central bank has vowed to provide more substantial support to the real economy amid recent improvements in economic indicators, which experts expect to further consolidate the confidence in the country's economic recovery.

【经济】航空公司推出“在空中更好喝的”新型咖啡  Alaska Airlines has created a coffee that it says tastes better in the sky   2023-10-16 15:45
  Drinking bad coffee is just one of the many downsides of flying. Alaska Airlines thinks it has a solution.

【新闻】中国比特币矿场在美引发国安忧虑  Across U.S., Chinese Bitcoin Mines Draw National Security Scrutiny   2023-10-16 01:50
  When a company with Chinese origins broke ground last year on a crypto-mining operation in Cheyenne, Wyoming, a team at Microsoft that assesses national security threats sounded the alarm.

【新闻】美国药物滥用致死人数持续上升,对人口造成“毁灭性影响”  US overdose deaths continue their rise, data shows, with ‘devastating impact   2023-10-13 15:02
  There were 112,024 overdose deaths in the 12-month period ending in May, compared with 109,261 in the 12-month period ending in May 2022, a 2.5% increase.

【经济】【双语财讯】国家统计局:9月份居民消费价格运行平稳  China's consumer prices flat in September   2023-10-13 14:47
  China's consumer prices remained flat in September while factory-gate prices fell at a slower pace, official data showed on Friday.

【商业】蔚来卖一辆车亏25万元,中国电动汽车靠什么崛起  China’s E.V. Threat: A Carmaker That Loses $35,000 a Car   2023-10-13 04:04
  Nio, a Chinese electric car company that competes with Tesla, employs 11,000 people in research and development, but sold a mere 8,000 cars per month from April through June.

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