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【新闻】家居绿植美学:把大自然带回家  How to Bring Nature Inside With the Right Houseplants   2021-05-07 10:21
  Spending more time inside has accelerated any number of trends that existed before the pandemic, including bingeing of all kinds. But here’s one that’s actually good for you: Bringing nature indoors.

【新闻】一场为期五周的初次约会  My Five-Week-Long First Date   2021-05-07 10:05
  “Wind twenty knots,” he wrote. “Thinking of you.”

【旅游】中央公园,纽约的永恒绿洲和庇护所  Finding Refuge, and a Snowy Owl, in Central Park   2021-05-07 10:03
  NEW YORK — It was a chilly Saturday night in February and there was more than a foot of snow in Central Park, along with slippery patches of black ice and slushy, calf-high puddles. But some 200 New Yorkers carefully made their way to the Reservoir in hopes of catching a glimpse of the magical snowy owl, who had touched down in the park the week before in what was reported as the first visit there by the species in more than 130 years.

【旅游】马背上的鹰猎人:探访蒙古阿泰尔  On Horseback Among the Eagle Hunters and Herders of the Mongolian Altai   2021-05-07 10:03
  Nine-year-old Dastan, the son of a Kazakh eagle hunter, rode his pony alongside mine, cantering effortlessly without a saddle and giggling at my attempts to show my fluffy pony some affection — a gesture that the animal wasn’t accustomed to.

【文化】情感专家:婚姻走到尽头的四个征兆  4 signs your marriage is heading towards divorce, according to a relationship th   2021-05-06 15:38
  Bill and Melinda Gates announced they are filing for divorce, ending their 27-year marriage via Twitter on May 3. Melinda Gates said the marriage was "irretrievably broken" in their divorce filings.

【商业】中国大举建设电动汽车厂,抢占海内外市场  As Cars Go Electric, China Builds a Big Lead in Factories   2021-05-06 02:55
  ZHAOQING, China — Xpeng Motors, a Chinese electric car start-up, recently opened a large assembly plant in southeastern China and is building a matching factory nearby. It has announced plans for a third.

【教育】如何鉴别谁是真朋友?心理学教授:告诉他们这些话试试……     2021-05-05 09:00

【新闻】青年节,读这首《青春》正合适     2021-05-04 09:00
  Youth– A Poem by Samuel Ullman
  青春——塞缪尔·厄尔曼(王佐良 译

【教育】Quora精选:面试时做过最疯狂的事     2021-05-02 08:00
  The interviewer, a very senior technical guy, asked me, "So, do you have any questions for me?"

【新闻】300多万人选修这门幸福课,他们学到了什么  Over 3 Million People Took This Course on Happiness. Here’s What Some Learned.   2021-04-30 05:12
  The Yale happiness class, formally known as Psyc 157: Psychology and the Good Life, is one of the most popular classes to be offered in the university’s 320-year history.
  耶鲁大学幸福课的正式名称是“心理157:心理学与美好生活”(Psyc 157: Psychology and the Good Life),它是该校320年历史上最受欢迎的课程之一。

【健康】我们能活多久?  How Long Can We Live?   2021-04-30 03:57
  In 1990, not long after Jean-Marie Robine and Michel Allard began conducting a nationwide study of French centenarians, one of their software programs spat out an error message. An individual in the study was marked as 115 years old, a number outside the program’s range of acceptable age values. They called their collaborators in Arles, where the subject lived, and asked them to double-check the information they had provided, recalls Allard, who was then the director of the IPSEN Foundation, a nonprofit research organization. Perhaps they made a mistake when transcribing her birth date? Maybe this Jeanne Calment was actually born in 1885, not 1875? No, the collaborators said. We’ve seen her birth certificate.
  1990年,让—马里·罗比内(Jean-Marie Robine)和米歇尔·阿拉尔(Michel Allard)开始进行一项对法国百岁老人的全国性研究不久后,他们计算机程序中之一突然吐出了一条错误信息。一名研究对象的标记年龄是115岁,这个数字超出了该项目设定的年龄值范围。当时是非营利研究机构IPSEN基金会负责人的阿拉尔回忆说,他们给在阿尔勒(该究对象居住的地方)的合作者打了电话,请其对提供的信息进行复查。也许他们输入的出生日期有误?也许这个叫让娜·卡尔芒(Jeanne Calment)的人是1885年出生的,而不是1875年?没出错,合作者说。我们看过她的出生证明。

【经济】菲律宾男子5岁起开始收集快餐店玩具 希望可以办展览  Philippine collector amasses super-sized collection of fast-food restaurant toys   2021-04-29 15:07
  From the age of 5, Filipino graphic artist Percival Lugue has had a passion for collecting toys from fast-food restaurant chains like McDonald's, Burger King and home-country favourite Jollibee.

【文化】《头彩》:超级富人值得同情吗?  ‘Jackpot’ Looks at How Inequality Is Experienced by the Very, Very Rich   2021-04-29 06:15
  If you have ever wondered how the ultra-rich live, it turns out — are you ready for it? — they live pretty well. Even in the early, chaotic days of the pandemic, they managed as a class to thrive: hunkered down in the Hamptons while the values of their stock portfolios soared, able to procure precious Covid tests that were unavailable to the unmoneyed and unconnected.

【文化】“对牛弹琴”?丹麦农舍为奶牛举办音乐会  When the Cellos Play, the Cows Come Home   2021-04-29 04:41
  LUND, Denmark — During a recent performance of Tchaikovsky’s “Pezzo Capriccioso,” a handful of audience members leaned forward attentively, their eyes bright, a few encouraging snuffles escaping from the otherwise hushed parterre. Though relative newcomers to classical music, they seemed closely attuned to the eight cellists onstage, raising their heads abruptly as the piece’s languid strains gave way to rapid-fire bow strokes.
  丹麦隆德——前不久,在一场柴可夫斯基(Tchaikovsky)《奇想曲》(Pezzo Capriccioso)演奏会上,几位观众聚精会神地向前倾着身子,眼睛闪闪发亮,除了几声鼓励的鼻息之外,整个会场一片寂静。

【文化】研究:孤独会增加中年男人患癌风险 危害等同于吸烟和肥胖  Loneliness increases the risk of CANCER for middle-aged men 'as much as smok   2021-04-28 16:00
  Lonely and single middle-aged men are at an increased risk of developing cancer than those in a relationship and with people around them, according to a new study.

【新闻】麦香鱼,我理想中的“完美”快餐  Why the Filet-O-Fish Is My Gold Standard for Fast Food   2021-04-28 10:13
  One of the first Chinese McDonald’s opened on April 23, 1992, in Beijing, the largest in the world, at the time. I never got to eat there: My mother was busy packing our things. Two weeks after it opened, she and I were on a plane bound for Montreal to join my father, who was then completing a postdoc that would leave him broke for years. What I remember most from that period was how little we did. My mother worked weekend shifts at a sock factory, while my father took over at home. He studied in our one-bedroom apartment, and I watched TV. On special occasions, we went to McDonald’s.

【文化】《无依之地》:那些居无定所的美国人  ‘Nomadland’ Review: The Unsettled Americans   2021-04-28 02:15
  “People wish to be settled,” Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote. “Only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them.” This tension between stability and uprooting, between the illusory consolations of home and the risky lure of the open road, lies at the heart of “Nomadland,” Chloé Zhao’s expansive and intimate third feature.

  “人们希望得到安顿,”拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)写道。“如果没有得到安顿,他们就只剩下希望。”这种稳定与流离、家园的虚幻慰藉与大路的危险诱惑之间的紧张关系,是赵婷广阔而又亲切的第三部作品《无依之地》(Nomadland)的核心所在。

【新闻】漫威发布新任美国队长海报 不仅有盾牌还有双翼  Marvel Studios releases new poster of Anthony Mackie as Captain America   2021-04-27 15:32
  Marvel movie fans know hanging around after a film or show's end credits usually rewards them with hints of things to come in the MCU, and the finale of "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier" was no different.

【文化】尹汝贞,韩国电影届的“米纳里”  Long Before Her ‘Minari’ Oscar, Yuh-Jung Youn Won South Korea’s Heart   2021-04-27 11:46
  SEOUL — “Minari,” the critically acclaimed movie about a hard-luck family of Korean immigrants in the United States, was not exactly a commercial blockbuster in South Korea: Fewer than a million people watched it in 54 days of screening across the country.

【经济】香奈儿诉华为商标侵权败诉!  Chanel loses EU court battle over Huawei logo   2021-04-27 09:00
  French luxury house Chanel on Wednesday lost its trademark fight with Huawei Technologies after a top European court said their logos bear no similarity to each other.

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