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【新闻】五本适合成人世界,直击灵魂深处的高分寓言书     2021-05-12 10:43
【新闻】关于中国人口普查结果,你应该知道的四个要点  Key Takeaways From China’s Census Results   2021-05-12 09:54
【旅游】停工一年后,飞行员能安全复飞吗?  ‘It’s Not Quite Like Riding a Bike’: Pilots Get Ready to Fly Again   2021-05-12 05:03
【新闻】检察官寻求对亚特兰大枪击案嫌犯判处死刑  Atlanta Spa Shootings Were Hate Crimes, Prosecutor Says   2021-05-12 01:34
【科技】盲人出行利器:奥地利研发出可避开障碍的智能导航鞋  Company develops AI-controlled shoes that help the blind avoid obstacles   2021-05-11 16:04
【新闻】杭州金钱豹出逃事件:野生动物世界“瞒豹”引质疑  Was That a Giant Cat? Leopards Escape, and a Zoo Keeps Silent (at First).   2021-05-11 10:18
【商业】比尔·盖茨夫妇究竟为何离婚?  The Separate Worlds of Bill and Melinda Gates   2021-05-11 06:41
【新闻】科学告诉你:关于梦的5个真相  5 misconceptions about dreams   2021-05-10 16:29
【新闻】天才们都具有哪些共同点?美国知名科普作家:孤独感  Common Traits of Highly Intelligent People   2021-05-10 12:15
【新闻】联合国会议美中俄再度交锋,外交僵局难缓解  Blinken Jousts With China and Russia in U.N. Meeting   2021-05-10 10:23
【新闻】“为什么我们该死?”阿富汗少数民族女学生遭屠杀  ‘Why Do We Deserve to Die?’ Kabul’s Hazaras Bury Their Daughters.   2021-05-10 03:13
【新闻】那些年妈妈放过的狠话,简直让我笑掉头……     2021-05-09 08:00
【新闻】印度新郎在婚礼上背错乘法表 新娘当场拒婚  Indian bride shuts down wedding after groom fails her math test   2021-05-08 10:35
【健康】荷兰训练蜜蜂嗅出新冠病毒 几秒钟就有答案  Scientists have taught bees to smell the coronavirus   2021-05-07 15:50
【新闻】“你是不是像这只狗狗一样?”美国驻华使馆微博用词引争议  ‘Are You Like This Doggy?’ U.S. Embassy Asked Chinese Students. It Backfired   2021-05-07 11:51
【新闻】​“能不能把飞机叫回来?” “能!”  Dozens of people work together to save boy's badly damaged arm   2021-05-07 10:55
【新闻】香港用打击“假新闻”进一步收紧媒体控制  Hong Kong Pushes ‘Fake News’ Label as Media Face ‘Worst of Times’   2021-05-07 10:22
【文化】尼尔森图书馆与林璎的人生故事  For Maya Lin, a Victory Lap Gives Way to Mourning   2021-05-07 10:22
【文化】芭蕾舞能告别瘦削身材审美吗?  What Is a Ballet Body?   2021-05-07 10:22
【科技】大流行中,硅谷新贵如何庆祝“一夜暴富”  How Do Silicon Valley Techies Celebrate Getting Rich in a Pandemic?   2021-05-07 10:21

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