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【新闻】五本适合成人世界,直击灵魂深处的高分寓言书     2021-05-12 10:43
  Mitch Albom

【新闻】关于中国人口普查结果,你应该知道的四个要点  Key Takeaways From China’s Census Results   2021-05-12 09:54
  Births are falling. The population is aging. The work force of the world’s second-largest economy is shrinking.

【旅游】停工一年后,飞行员能安全复飞吗?  ‘It’s Not Quite Like Riding a Bike’: Pilots Get Ready to Fly Again   2021-05-12 05:03
  One returning pilot lost control of an aircraft during landing and skidded off the runway into a ditch. Another just returning from furlough forgot to activate a critical anti-icing system designed to prevent hazards in cold weather. Several others flew at the wrong altitudes, which they attributed to distractions and lapses in communication.

【新闻】检察官寻求对亚特兰大枪击案嫌犯判处死刑  Atlanta Spa Shootings Were Hate Crimes, Prosecutor Says   2021-05-12 01:34
  A prosecutor said on Tuesday that the man accused of killing eight people at spas in and around Atlanta had targeted some of the victims because they were of Asian descent, and said she was planning to seek the death penalty against him.

【科技】盲人出行利器:奥地利研发出可避开障碍的智能导航鞋  Company develops AI-controlled shoes that help the blind avoid obstacles   2021-05-11 16:04
  Austrian company Tec-Innovation recently unveiled smart shoes that use ultrasonic sensors to help people suffering from blindness or vision impairment to detect obstacles up to four meters away.

【新闻】杭州金钱豹出逃事件:野生动物世界“瞒豹”引质疑  Was That a Giant Cat? Leopards Escape, and a Zoo Keeps Silent (at First).   2021-05-11 10:18
  For a zoo to let a leopard escape is worrisome. To lose three of them and fail to warn residents for more than two weeks seems something else altogether.

【商业】比尔·盖茨夫妇究竟为何离婚?  The Separate Worlds of Bill and Melinda Gates   2021-05-11 06:41
  Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates were stuck at home.
  比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)和梅琳达·弗兰奇·盖茨(Melinda French Gates)被困在家里。

【新闻】科学告诉你:关于梦的5个真相  5 misconceptions about dreams   2021-05-10 16:29

【新闻】天才们都具有哪些共同点?美国知名科普作家:孤独感  Common Traits of Highly Intelligent People   2021-05-10 12:15
  I tried to get in their heads, understand their minds, the nature of their genius. I sort of felt I was seeing things that they had in common, and there were things that had to do with aloneness. They all had the ability to concentrate with a sort of intensity that is hard for mortals like me to grasp.

【新闻】联合国会议美中俄再度交锋,外交僵局难缓解  Blinken Jousts With China and Russia in U.N. Meeting   2021-05-10 10:23
  Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, meeting with counterparts from China and Russia on Friday, said that the United States would “push back forcefully” against breakers of international rules, even as he acknowledged his own country’s violations under the Trump administration.
  美国国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯(Antony J. Blinken)上周五与中国和俄罗斯的同行会晤时说,美国将对违反国际规则的行为做出“强有力的回应”,同时他承认美国在特朗普政府时期有违反国际规则的行为。

【新闻】“为什么我们该死?”阿富汗少数民族女学生遭屠杀  ‘Why Do We Deserve to Die?’ Kabul’s Hazaras Bury Their Daughters.   2021-05-10 03:13
  KABUL, Afghanistan — One by one they brought the girls up the steep hill, shrouded bodies covered in a ceremonial prayer cloth, the pallbearers staring into the distance. Shouted prayers for the dead broke the silence.

【新闻】那些年妈妈放过的狠话,简直让我笑掉头……     2021-05-09 08:00
  1. Because I said so!

【新闻】印度新郎在婚礼上背错乘法表 新娘当场拒婚  Indian bride shuts down wedding after groom fails her math test   2021-05-08 10:35
  An Indian bride canceled her wedding after her groom recited the multiplication table of two incorrectly.

【健康】荷兰训练蜜蜂嗅出新冠病毒 几秒钟就有答案  Scientists have taught bees to smell the coronavirus   2021-05-07 15:50
  Scientists in the Netherlands have trained bees to identify COVID-19 through their sense of smell, according to a press release from Wageningen University.

【新闻】“你是不是像这只狗狗一样?”美国驻华使馆微博用词引争议  ‘Are You Like This Doggy?’ U.S. Embassy Asked Chinese Students. It Backfired   2021-05-07 11:51
  HONG KONG — The U.S. Embassy in Beijing had good news to share: Student visa applications for Chinese nationals were resuming after a yearlong hiatus.

【新闻】​“能不能把飞机叫回来?” “能!”  Dozens of people work together to save boy's badly damaged arm   2021-05-07 10:55
  The airliner CZ6820 was being guided down the runway on April 30 at the Hotan airport in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region to prepare for its departure.4月30日,新疆和田机场CZ6820号航班准备起飞的过程中,收到指令返回廊桥。
  It was then stopped by the request of a father who rushed to send his seven-year-old son with a badly damaged arm to a hospital in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang.这架飞机是被一个父亲叫停的。他着急地要将手臂重伤的儿子送去新疆乌鲁木齐的医院。

【新闻】香港用打击“假新闻”进一步收紧媒体控制  Hong Kong Pushes ‘Fake News’ Label as Media Face ‘Worst of Times’   2021-05-07 10:22
  HONG KONG — The glossy pamphlet from the police, delivered to newsrooms in Hong Kong, declared: “Know the Facts: Rumors and Lies Can Never Be Right.” With it was a letter addressed to editors, decrying the “wicked and slanderous attacks” against the police.

【文化】尼尔森图书馆与林璎的人生故事  For Maya Lin, a Victory Lap Gives Way to Mourning   2021-05-07 10:22
  NORTHAMPTON, Mass. — Renovating a historic building is rarely simple, whether it’s a Brooklyn brownstone or, in this case, the $120 million overhaul of Smith College’s century-old Neilson Library. As any architect can attest, a venerable building’s emotionally attached owners can be far more challenging to manage than the actual construction. But any reservations Maya Lin may have had after being hired in 2015 by Smith to redesign the 200,000-square-foot Neilson fell away as soon as she stepped through its front doors. With a laugh, she recalled her reaction at the time: “This is going to be easy, because this is so bad!”
  马萨诸塞州北安普敦市——翻修历史建筑很少是件简单的事,无论是布鲁克林的一幢褐石建筑,还是这次斥资1.2亿美元对史密斯学院(Smith College)拥有百年历史的尼尔森图书馆(Neilson Library)的翻修。任何一位建筑师都可以证明,处理好所有者对于珍贵建筑的感情依赖,可能比实际施工更具挑战性。但在2015年受雇于史密斯学院重新设计面积达20万平方英尺的尼尔森图书馆时,林璎(Maya Lin)可能有的所有顾虑在她踏进前门的那一刻就烟消云散了。她笑着回忆起当时的反应:“肯定很容易做,因为这状况太糟糕了!”

【文化】芭蕾舞能告别瘦削身材审美吗?  What Is a Ballet Body?   2021-05-07 10:22
  Like many ballet dancers, Lauren Lovette has had some questions during the pandemic. One keeps rising to the top of her list. What is a ballet body? And a corollary: What does healthy look like? “Am I really working on being a better dancer?” Lovette said. “Or am I just trying to starve and get skinnier, so now I have the line?”
  和许多芭蕾舞者一样,劳伦·洛维特(Lauren Lovette)在疫情期间也有一些疑惑。其中有个在她看来一直首当其冲的问题。什么是芭蕾舞身材?以及随之推论出的问题:什么是健康?“我真的在努力成为一名更好的舞者吗?”洛维特问道。“还是我只是想把自己饿瘦,让自己拥有线条?”

【科技】大流行中,硅谷新贵如何庆祝“一夜暴富”  How Do Silicon Valley Techies Celebrate Getting Rich in a Pandemic?   2021-05-07 10:21
  SAN FRANCISCO — Things are so hot in Silicon Valley that it’s freaking people out.


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