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【商业】比尔·盖茨被指多次追求女下属,并与爱泼斯坦有往来  Long Before Divorce, Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior   2021-05-18 09:52
【商业】华融债务困局考验北京金融改革决心  China’s Biggest ‘Bad Bank’ Tests Beijing’s Resolve on Financial Reform   2021-05-18 04:31
【健康】夏日炎炎吃西瓜:西瓜对健康居然有这么多好处!  7 health benefits of watermelon that prove it's the perfect summer snack   2021-05-17 14:49
【教育】网红教授对年轻人的建议:别害怕为爱付出承诺  Jordan's Advice for Men and Women in Their 20s   2021-05-17 10:10
【新闻】多年平静后,巴以冲突为何现在突然爆发?  After Years of Quiet, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Exploded. Why Now?   2021-05-17 04:34
【新闻】Quora精选:揭秘瘦人饮食,减肥看这里     2021-05-16 08:00
【新闻】20多岁最后悔做的5件事情  5 Dumb Things People Often Do in Their 20s That They Soon Regret   2021-05-15 09:00
【教育】求职面试后没回音?你可能做错了这些事(下)  10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅡ)   2021-05-14 14:07
【新闻】“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”——那些关于惜时的名句英译  10 Time Quotes That Will Inspire You Deeply   2021-05-14 10:46
【新闻】“宠物盲盒”引发中国公众愤怒  Deaths of Mail-Order Pets in Mystery Boxes Set Off a Backlash in China   2021-05-14 10:25
【商业】盖茨夫妇离婚案:巨额财富怎么分?  The Gateses’ Public Split Spotlights a Secretive Fortune   2021-05-14 05:34
【新闻】巴以冲突阴影下,加沙平民的恐惧与惊骇  In Gaza, an Ordinary Street, and Extraordinary Horror, as Missiles Thunder In   2021-05-14 03:37
【新闻】印度新冠危机波及邻国:“感觉就像世界大战”  As India’s Covid Crisis Rages, Its Neighbors Brace for the Worst   2021-05-14 02:47
【教育】求职面试后没回音?你可能做错了这些事(上)  10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅠ)   2021-05-13 15:52
【新闻】塞舌尔疫情反弹引发对国药疫苗有效性质疑  World’s Most Vaccinated Nation Is Spooked by Covid Spike   2021-05-13 11:09
【新闻】超棒的写作指南!为什么你写的人物不生动?找到原因了……  Chuck Palahniuk’s Writing Tips   2021-05-13 10:50
【新闻】韩国女喜剧演员性骚扰争议:文化双标?  She Used a Male Doll in a Joke. Now She’s Accused of Sexual Harassment.   2021-05-13 05:32
【新闻】一家韩国超市如何俘获美国人的心  The Lure of H Mart, Where the Shelves Can Seem as Wide as Asia   2021-05-13 05:29
【科技】研究:安眠药长期服用会失效  Sleeping pills do not work in long term, scientists find   2021-05-12 15:35
【新闻】玻璃栈道被风吹“破”,中国网红景点安全性遭质疑  A Glass Bridge. Gale-Force Winds. A Moment of Terror High in the Air.   2021-05-12 11:29

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