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【商业】比尔·盖茨被指多次追求女下属,并与爱泼斯坦有往来  Long Before Divorce, Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior   2021-05-18 09:52
  By the time Melinda French Gates decided to end her 27-year marriage, her husband was known globally as a software pioneer, a billionaire and a leading philanthropist.
  在梅琳达·弗兰奇·盖茨(Melinda French Gates)决定结束她27年之久的婚姻时,她的丈夫已是全球闻名的软件先驱、亿万富翁和首屈一指的慈善家。

【商业】华融债务困局考验北京金融改革决心  China’s Biggest ‘Bad Bank’ Tests Beijing’s Resolve on Financial Reform   2021-05-18 04:31
  HONG KONG — BlackRock gave it money. So did Goldman Sachs.
  香港——贝莱德(BlackRock)给了它钱。高盛(Goldman Sachs)也是如此。

【健康】夏日炎炎吃西瓜:西瓜对健康居然有这么多好处!  7 health benefits of watermelon that prove it's the perfect summer snack   2021-05-17 14:49
  1. Keeps you hydrated

【教育】网红教授对年轻人的建议:别害怕为爱付出承诺  Jordan's Advice for Men and Women in Their 20s   2021-05-17 10:10
  Don't be afraid of taking on responsibility. It's where you find what sustains in your life. You can take on too much responsibility; you have to be cautious in that regard. But that's a less common problem than not taking on enough. A lot of the things that people regard as traps are actually the means to their life.不要害怕承担责任,这是你维系生命的所在。你可能会承担过多的责任,在这方面你必须谨慎。但比起没有承担足够责任来说,这是个小问题。很多人们视作陷阱的东西,实际上是他们赖以生活的方式。

【新闻】多年平静后,巴以冲突为何现在突然爆发?  After Years of Quiet, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Exploded. Why Now?   2021-05-17 04:34
  JERUSALEM — Twenty-seven days before the first rocket was fired from Gaza this week, a squad of Israeli police officers entered the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, brushed the Palestinian attendants aside and strode across its vast limestone courtyard. Then they cut the cables to the loudspeakers that broadcast prayers to the faithful from four medieval minarets.

【新闻】Quora精选:揭秘瘦人饮食,减肥看这里     2021-05-16 08:00
  获得345.6k好评的回答@Charmaine de Jongh:

【新闻】20多岁最后悔做的5件事情  5 Dumb Things People Often Do in Their 20s That They Soon Regret   2021-05-15 09:00
  1.Letting the party go on a little too long1.

【教育】求职面试后没回音?你可能做错了这些事(下)  10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅡ)   2021-05-14 14:07
  You Spoke Poorly About Your Former Workplace

【新闻】“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”——那些关于惜时的名句英译  10 Time Quotes That Will Inspire You Deeply   2021-05-14 10:46

The exuberant years of life will not return,
The morning of the day does not repeat itself.
Seize your time and brace yourself up,
For time does not stop to wait for you.
Tao Yuanming (365-427), poet of the Jin Dynasty

【新闻】“宠物盲盒”引发中国公众愤怒  Deaths of Mail-Order Pets in Mystery Boxes Set Off a Backlash in China   2021-05-14 10:25
  HONG KONG — The mystery pet boxes are listed on e-commerce platforms in China as a bargain, priced at little more than a few dollars, and they often contain cuddly animals ready to be mailed straight to your doorstep.

【商业】盖茨夫妇离婚案:巨额财富怎么分?  The Gateses’ Public Split Spotlights a Secretive Fortune   2021-05-14 05:34
  The fortune of Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates exceeds the size of Morocco’s annual economy, combines the value of Ford, Twitter and Marriott International and is triple the endowment of Harvard. While few know how their wealth will be divided in the divorce, one thing is clear: breaking it up can’t be easy.
  比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)和梅琳达·弗兰奇·盖茨(Melinda French Gates)的财富超过了摩洛哥的全年经济总额,是福特(Ford)、Twitter和万豪国际(Marriott International)市值的总和,是哈佛大学捐赠基金的三倍。虽然没什么人知道他们离婚后会如何分割财富,但很显然:分割这些财富不是一件容易的事。

【新闻】巴以冲突阴影下,加沙平民的恐惧与惊骇  In Gaza, an Ordinary Street, and Extraordinary Horror, as Missiles Thunder In   2021-05-14 03:37
  GAZA CITY — The taxi was loaded with everything the family would need for Eid al-Fitr, a holiday of feasts and cookies and new clothes that Israeli airstrikes on Gaza have transfigured this year into a time of swooping drones and fear.

【新闻】印度新冠危机波及邻国:“感觉就像世界大战”  As India’s Covid Crisis Rages, Its Neighbors Brace for the Worst   2021-05-14 02:47
  KATHMANDU, Nepal — Most of Nepal is under lockdown, its hospitals overwhelmed. Bangladesh suspended vaccination sign-ups after promised supplies were cut off. Sri Lanka’s hopes of a tourism-led economic revival have collapsed.

【教育】求职面试后没回音?你可能做错了这些事(上)  10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅠ)   2021-05-13 15:52
  You Didn't Do Your Homework

【新闻】塞舌尔疫情反弹引发对国药疫苗有效性质疑  World’s Most Vaccinated Nation Is Spooked by Covid Spike   2021-05-13 11:09
  Marie Neige, a call center operator in Seychelles, was eager to be vaccinated. Like the majority of the residents in the tiny island nation, she was offered China’s Sinopharm vaccine in March, and was looking forward to the idea of being fully protected in a few weeks.
  在塞舌尔一家电话服务中心工作的玛丽·内芝(Marie Neige)非常想接种疫苗。与这个小岛国的大多数居民一样,她已在今年3月打了中国国药集团的疫苗,正期待着几周后疫苗将提供的充足保护。

【新闻】超棒的写作指南!为什么你写的人物不生动?找到原因了……  Chuck Palahniuk’s Writing Tips   2021-05-13 10:50
  “Waiting for the bus, Mark started to worry about how long the trip would take.”马克一边等车,一边开始担心起这趟旅行要多长时间。

【新闻】韩国女喜剧演员性骚扰争议:文化双标?  She Used a Male Doll in a Joke. Now She’s Accused of Sexual Harassment.   2021-05-13 05:32
  Park Na-rae, a comedian, grabbed a male doll, placed its plastic arm between its legs and made a suggestive remark.
  喜剧演员朴娜勑(Park Na-rae,早期常被音译为“朴娜莱”——编注)拿着一个男性人偶,将它的塑料手臂放在它的两腿之间,并讲了一句带有暗示的话。

【新闻】一家韩国超市如何俘获美国人的心  The Lure of H Mart, Where the Shelves Can Seem as Wide as Asia   2021-05-13 05:29
  NEW YORK — At the H Mart on Broadway at 110th Street in Manhattan, the lights are bright on the singo pears, round as apples and kept snug in white mesh, so their skin will not bruise. Here are radishes in hot pink and winter white, gnarled ginseng grown in Wisconsin, broad perilla leaves with notched edges, and almost every kind of Asian green: yu choy, bok choy, ong choy, hon choy, aa choy, wawa choy, gai lan, sook got.
  纽约——在曼哈顿110街与百老汇街交界处的H Mart,明亮的灯光打在新高梨上,它们像苹果一样圆润,包裹在白色塑料泡沫网里,这样一来果皮就不会被碰坏。这里还有亮粉色的小萝卜、威斯康星州种植的雪白、分叉繁多的人参、宽阔的带锯齿边的紫苏叶,以及几乎所有种类的亚洲青菜:菜心、小白菜、空心菜、红苋菜、莴苣叶、娃娃菜、芥蓝、茼蒿。

【科技】研究:安眠药长期服用会失效  Sleeping pills do not work in long term, scientists find   2021-05-12 15:35
  Sleeping pills prescribed to millions of people every year do not work in the long term, a study has found.

【新闻】玻璃栈道被风吹“破”,中国网红景点安全性遭质疑  A Glass Bridge. Gale-Force Winds. A Moment of Terror High in the Air.   2021-05-12 11:29
  A man who ventured out on a glass-bottom bridge in China’s northeast was left clinging to the side for dear life after gale-force winds blew away some floor panels, leaving gaping holes in the structure hundreds of feet above the ground, local officials said.

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