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【科技】研究发现:闪电有助于改善全球气候  Study finds shocking benefit of lightning   2021-05-25 13:44
  What is the purpose of lightning? That might sound like a deeply philosophical question, but scientists may have shed some more light on the answer with the results of a recently released study.

【新闻】Quora:有哪些深受外国人喜爱的中国产品?  What Chinese Products Do Foreigners Like?   2021-05-25 10:58
  Lao Gan Ma, especially chili sauce flavor with picture of a middle-age women printed on it. Literally one of the best sauces, I think. All people who have known what I felt are not surprised when they saw me eating three piece of bread with a bottle of Lao Gan Ma.

【新闻】甘肃夺命越野赛:极端天气致21人死亡,主办方遭质疑  21 Runners Dead After Extreme Weather Hits Chinese Ultramarathon   2021-05-25 09:39
  Twenty-one people, including two of China’s top marathon athletes, died after freezing rain and high winds struck a 62-mile mountain race in northwestern China, local officials said on Sunday.

【科技】神奇!额头贴上“第三只眼” 走路看手机两不误  Designer creates wearable third eye that lets you walk safely while looking at y   2021-05-24 16:06
  An industrial design student has created a high-tech third eye that can be affixed to a person’s forehead and look out for obstacles as they walk, while their real eyes are glued to their smartphone.

【新闻】为什么你总觉得照片里的自己不够好看?原因找到了!  Here's Why You Look Better In The Mirror Than Photos   2021-05-22 09:00

【新闻】终于要退休了!微软将于明年终止支持IE浏览器  Microsoft is finally getting rid of its most-hated product   2021-05-21 15:56
  The end is finally near for Internet Explorer, one of Microsoft's most-reviled products that refused to die. Microsoft announced this week that it will end support for Internet Explorer 11 on June 15, 2022.

【新闻】“北上广曹”突然火了,网友:常常因为自己不是曹县人而感到自卑  Remote county puts positive spin on social media ridicule   2021-05-21 10:23
  China’s latest Internet fad: Ridicule Caoxian county — a tiny, little-known inland county in East China’s Shandong province — and talk about it as if it is on par with the world’s most developed cities.最近中国的网络热潮:调侃曹县。曹县本是一个不太为人所知的山东省内陆县城,大家却把它说成能够比肩世界最发达的城市。

【新闻】“小国机遇”:夹在中俄之间的蒙古为何不缺疫苗  Countries Are Scrambling for Vaccines. Mongolia Has Plenty.   2021-05-21 04:25
  Mongolia, a country of grassy hills, vast deserts and endless skies, has a population not much bigger than Chicago’s. The small democratic nation is used to living in the shadow of its powerful neighbors, Russia and China.

【科技】研究:喝酒无论多少都会伤脑  Drinking any amount of alcohol causes damage to the brain, study finds   2021-05-20 14:58
  There is no such thing as a "safe" level of drinking, with increased consumption of alcohol associated with poorer brain health, according to a new study.

【新闻】日本航空公司推出“飞机上的婚礼”,画风是这样的……  ANA to offer weddings on grounded planes   2021-05-20 11:36
  Airlines still need to cover the costs for aircraft maintenance even when the planes are not in operation.即使飞机不再运行,航空公司仍然需要支付飞机维护费用。
  They are looking to bring in as much extra cash as possible amid the pandemic through services like domestic sightseeing flights and offering meals on grounded planes.航空公司希望通过国内观光航班和在停飞的飞机上提供餐饮等服务,在疫情期间尽可能多地带来额外收入。

【旅游】一座被冻结在过去的北极圈苏联“鬼镇”  Glimpses of a Soviet Ghost Town on an Arctic Norwegian Isle   2021-05-20 05:45
  Sergei Chernikov, my guide, had a bolt-action rifle slung over his shoulder — in case we came across any polar bears, he said, or in case they came across us.
  我的导游谢尔盖·切尔尼科夫(Sergei Chernikov)肩膀上挂着一支栓动步枪,以防我们遇到北极熊,或者它遇到我们。

【新闻】中国“祝融号”首次传回火星照片  China Releases Rover’s First Photos After Mars Landing   2021-05-20 03:37
  Four days after landing a spacecraft on Mars, China’s space agency released its first photographs from the red planet on Wednesday, announcing that the mission was going as planned.

【健康】世卫组织:每周工作55小时以上的人中风风险更高  Overwork killed more than 745,000 people in a year, WHO study finds   2021-05-19 15:01
  Working long hours poses an occupational health risk that kills hundreds of thousands of people each year, the World Health Organization says.

【新闻】香港外佣面临的另一种流行病:系统性歧视  For Hong Kong’s Domestic Workers During Covid, Discrimination Is Its Own Epide   2021-05-19 10:15
  HONG KONG — The noodle shop was doing a brisk Friday evening business, with diners crowded at shared tables. Eni Lestari, a migrant domestic worker in Hong Kong, spotted a seat near another woman and hurried to claim it.
  香港——这家面馆周五晚上的生意很好,可容纳多人的餐桌边坐满了食客。在香港打工的外籍女佣埃妮·莱斯塔丽(Eni Lestari)注意到另一名女子旁边有个空位子,就赶紧把它占了下来。

【文化】一场引发朝韩两国抗议的艺术展  Korean Art Goes on Show, With Protests From North and South   2021-05-19 05:15
  BERN, Switzerland — Against a fiery sky, North Korea’s former leaders Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il watch with beaming smiles as missiles whiz above them in bursts of light and clouds of smoke. The painting — “The Missiles,” by Pak Yong-chol — is one of the collector Uli Sigg’s prized possessions, acquired through persistence, persuasion and contacts forged during his term as Switzerland’s ambassador to North Korea in the 1990s.
  瑞士伯尔尼——朝鲜前领导人金日成和金正日在火红的天空下,面带灿烂的笑容,观看飞驰过头顶的导弹发出光芒和烟雾。这幅朴勇哲(Pak Yong-chol,音)创作的油画《导弹》(The Missiles)是收藏家乌利·希克(Uli Sigg)的珍藏品之一,是他通过坚持不懈的努力和劝说,以及在1990年代担任瑞士驻朝鲜大使期间建立的关系而获得的。

【新闻】斯里兰卡移民在日本拘禁所死亡,引发社会反思  Japan Is Shaken After a Detainee, Wasting Away, Dies Alone in Her Cell   2021-05-19 04:07
  NAGOYA, Japan — First came a high fever. Then her face and limbs turned numb. Soon, she could keep down little more than water, sugar and bites of bread as she wasted away in her cell in a Japanese detention center.

【新闻】巴以冲突加剧加沙地区人道主义危机  Gaza War Deepens a Long-Running Humanitarian Crisis   2021-05-19 02:59
  GAZA CITY — The nine-day battle between Hamas militants and the Israeli military has damaged 17 hospitals and clinics in Gaza, wrecked its only coronavirus test laboratory, sent fetid wastewater into its streets and broke water pipes serving at least 800,000 people, setting off a humanitarian crisis that is touching nearly every civilian in the crowded enclave of about two million people.

【新闻】美国拟投入1200亿美元支持科学创新,以抗衡中国  Senate Weighs Investing $120 Billion in Science to Counter China   2021-05-19 01:09
  WASHINGTON — An expansive bill that would pour $120 billon into jump-starting scientific innovation by strengthening research into cutting-edge technologies is barreling through the Senate, amid a rising sense of urgency in Congress to bolster the United States’ ability to compete with China.

【新闻】盘点世界上最奇特的博物馆  7 of the world’s weirdest museums   2021-05-18 16:04
  1. Leila’s Hair Museum

【新闻】巴以暴力冲突进入第二周:你应该知道的六件事  Israel-Gaza Conflict: What You Need to Know   2021-05-18 12:23
  As Palestinians and Israelis hunkered down for the second week of an intense conflict, a series of deadly flash points have galvanized both sides in a region where the human cost of war is all too familiar.

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