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【新闻】耶鲁“虎妈”蔡美儿身陷“晚宴门”  Gripped by ‘Dinner Party-gate,’ Yale Law Confronts a Venomous Divide   2021-06-08 06:01
  NEW HAVEN, Conn. — On March 26, a group of students at Yale Law School approached the dean’s office with an unusual accusation: Amy Chua, one of the school’s most popular but polarizing professors, had been hosting drunken dinner parties with students, and possibly federal judges, during the pandemic.
  康涅狄格州纽黑文——3月26日,耶鲁大学法学院(Yale Law School)的一群学生来到院长办公室,提出了一项不同寻常的指控:该校最受欢迎但也最有争议的教授之一蔡美儿(Amy Chua)疫情期间一直在举行有学生——可能还有联邦法官——参加的纵酒晚宴。

【商业】“可互换的亚裔”:亚裔被叫错名字背后的隐性偏见  The Cost of Being an ‘Interchangeable Asian’   2021-06-08 02:17
  About three years ago, JC Lau, a game developer, was one of a handful of women of Asian descent working at Bungie, a large video game studio in Bellevue, Wash. At the office, which had an open-floor plan and a staff of predominantly white men, co-workers regularly mistook her for one of the other Asian employees sitting in another row nearby.
  大约三年前,游戏开发者JC·刘(JC Lau)在华盛顿州贝尔维尤的大型电子游戏工作室Bungie工作,是工作室里的几名亚裔女性之一。办公室采用开放式布局,员工主要是白人男性,同事们经常把她误认为坐在附近另一排的另一名亚裔员工。

【教育】世界各国最受欢迎的大学专业分别是哪些?答案可能会让你大吃一惊!(上  What are the most popular college majors in the world and why? The answers may s   2021-06-07 15:43
  China: 7 out of the Top 10 are STEM majors, showing absolute dominance

【新闻】“沙发、座机画质、考古视频”……原来外国网友也爱这些弹幕  The Worst YouTube Comments That Really Need to Die   2021-06-07 10:51
  For some unknown reason, many people feel like it's an accomplishment to leave the first comment on a video. Thus, you'll find a "First!" comment on nearly every video, especially if you're among the first viewers.

【新闻】9.2!全网爆哭的Netflix最新神剧:《我是遗物整理师》     2021-06-06 08:00
  Clothes left unworn, books meticulously curated across the years, gadgets and jewellery, worn-out shoes—all suddenly bereft of their owner.

【新闻】盘点历年世界环境日主题  Themes of the World Environment Day   2021-06-05 08:30

【科技】为什么袋熊拉的便便是方形的?科学家终于知道答案了!  Wombats produce square-shaped droppings and now we know how   2021-06-04 14:45
  Despite having round anuses like all other mammals, bare-nosed wombats do not produce round pellets, tubular coils or messy piles; they are the only creature on Earth that poops cubes.

【教育】单词记不住、忘得快,怎么办? 语言学学士教你背单词     2021-06-04 10:28
  My method is "write and pronounce". Writing words on paper leaves a visual memory trail of the words. If you just look words, you may forget them quickly, but writing them makes you concentrate on them more efficiently. Reading words aloud gives you a phonetic memory trail. It creates an echoing sound in my head and that sound I can recall later. When you know words enough, you will understand the principles of word formation in that language. This helps you guess meanings of unfamiliar words, when you read, and create word families in your memory.

【新闻】越南发现英国和印度新冠变种毒株混合体  Covid: Vietnam detects new UK-Indian variant, health officials say   2021-06-01 15:33
  Vietnam has detected a Covid variant that appears to be a combination of the Indian and UK variants and can spread quickly by air, officials say.

【新闻】Quora精选:小天使们的伤心事,心疼哭  What is the saddest thing you have heard a child say?   2021-06-01 11:00
  I have a neighbor. He shouts at his kids a lot. He has a close friend with a little girl, Mindy. Does this guy also shout at his kids a lot? I don't know...

【新闻】6月不可错过的精彩新片  Four films to watch this June   2021-05-31 16:12
  Peter Rabbit 2《比得兔2:逃跑计划》
  Critics weren't too keen on 2018's Peter Rabbit, a blend of live-action and animation that owed less to Beatrix Potter's charming picture books than to the slapstick violence of a Bugs Bunny cartoon. But audiences were more enthusiastic, so here is the inevitable sequel, featuring Rose Byrne and Domhnall Gleeson as (live-action) newlyweds, and James Corden as the (animated) rabbit who has agreed to stop stealing their vegetables. And this time, even the critics are happy with it. "Considerably better than Peter's 2018 outing," says Sarah Cartland at Caution Spoilers, "[the film is] colourful and visually engaging, and the comic timing is impeccable."

【新闻】美国专家呼吁中国提高新冠起源调查透明度  U.S. experts press calls for China to allow deeper inquiries into the pandemic   2021-05-31 12:00
  With new attention on the origins of the coronavirus, experts and officials on Sunday called on China to provide greater transparency and speed inquiries into whether the devastating pandemic began with a leak from a lab.

【教育】跳房子、玻璃珠、抓拐……小时候玩的游戏用英语怎么说?  Games From Your Childhood You Can Still Play   2021-05-31 11:47
  Chinese checkers is characterized by its hexagram-shaped board, which can accommodate up to 6 players. The main goal of Chinese checkers is to move all your marbles from your end to the opposite point of the star. Players can move their marbles by "hopping" over a single adjacent marble – one's own or the opponent's – and can continue to hop until there's no more adjacent marble.

【新闻】Quora精选:生活中你学到的最残酷的事是什么?     2021-05-30 08:00
  获得44.8k好评的回答@Maya Mazen:

【新闻】Quora精选:如何对 “放弃” 说不!  What do you do to motivate yourself when you are about to give up?   2021-05-28 11:00
  STEP 1: Understanding that you're not alone & the feeling isn't permanent.

【健康】科学界支持进一步调查新冠起源  Scientists Don’t Want to Ignore the ‘Lab Leak’ Theory, Despite No New Evid   2021-05-28 05:45
  On the heels of President Biden’s abrupt order to U.S. intelligence agencies to investigate the origins of the coronavirus, many scientists reacted positively, reflecting their push in recent weeks for more information about the work of a virus lab in Wuhan, China. But they cautioned against expecting an answer in the three-month time frame of the president’s request.

【新闻】美国据信掌握未经审查的新冠起源情报  U.S. Is Said to Have Unexamined Intelligence to Pore Over on Virus Origins   2021-05-28 03:14
  WASHINGTON — President Biden’s call for a 90-day sprint to understand the origins of the coronavirus pandemic came after intelligence officials told the White House they had a raft of still-unexamined evidence that required additional computer analysis that might shed light on the mystery, according to senior administration officials.

【新闻】这些法律听上去很夸张,但都是真的!(下)  12 weird laws from around the world that sound made up, but are actually true (p   2021-05-27 15:40
  7.Russia, Belarus, And Kazakhstan "Ban" Lace Undergarments

【新闻】这些法律听上去很夸张,但都是真的!(上)  12 weird laws from around the world that sound made up, but are actually true (p   2021-05-26 14:55
  1. It's Illegal To Toss Non-Biodegradable Plastic Confetti In Mobile, Alabama

【文化】什么导致了甘肃越野跑比赛悲剧?  ‘I Am So Freaked Out. I Can’t Even Get My Mind Around It.’   2021-05-26 01:53
  Ultrarunning has never experienced a day like Saturday, when 21 runners died as a storm descended on a high mountain pass during a 62-mile race in northwestern China.

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