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【新闻】那些老爸让人哭笑不得的瞬间,原来爸爸们都是隐藏段子手     2021-06-18 08:00
【科技】研究:睡着后大脑也会开启单曲循环  Earworms don't just haunt you when you're awake, sleep study reveals   2021-06-17 15:38
【新闻】德尔塔变异毒株已传至74国 或成全球主流毒株  Delta variant of Covid spreading rapidly and detected in 74 countries   2021-06-16 14:44
【新闻】绿树阴浓夏日长——夏日诗词英译  4 Summer Poems Everyone Should Read   2021-06-16 08:00
【健康】研究显示新冠感染者或面临长期后遗症  Medical problems can persist long after infection with virus, a study found.   2021-06-16 03:20
【新闻】调查:中国民众对中国共产党的满意度和信任度上升  People's trust in CPC on rise, surveys find   2021-06-15 15:44
【教育】清华迎来我国首个虚拟学生!能诗会画双商高,甚至还能剧本杀……  First virtual student 'enrolls' at Tsinghua University   2021-06-12 09:00
【新闻】美国国家地理学会宣布:承认南大洋为世界第五大洋  National Geographic recognizes new Southern Ocean, bringing global total to five   2021-06-11 14:47
【新闻】舌尖上的乌鸡,居然成了国外网红萌宠!小乌鸡太可爱了  This Fluffy Chicken Is a New Pet Obsession   2021-06-11 08:00
【文化】男性主导的世界中,那些“不健康的女人”  Why ‘Unwell Women’ Have Gone Misdiagnosed for Centuries   2021-06-11 05:17
【文化】“皇帝的雕塑”:意大利艺术家的隐形雕塑拍出1.5万欧元  World’s first invisible sculpture sells for a whopping $18,000   2021-06-10 14:14
【新闻】新研究:武汉市场贩售动物可能携带传染人类病原体  Wuhan animal markets sold dozens of species that can carry pathogens that infect   2021-06-10 11:01
【科技】我们还能花着快消的钱,过着奢侈品的生活吗?  Farewell, Millennial Lifestyle Subsidy   2021-06-10 09:43
【新闻】拜登撤销特朗普TikTok、微信行政令,签署新审查令  Biden Revokes and Replaces Trump Order That Banned TikTok   2021-06-10 04:04
【新闻】蒙古新冠病例激增,国药疫苗有效性再受质疑  Infections are rising in Mongolia, where half the people have received the Sinop   2021-06-10 03:57
【新闻】走近韩国“袋鼠族”:年过三十却依然和父母同住  Meet South Korea's 'kangaroo tribe': Ages 30 through 40 who still li   2021-06-09 15:39
【新闻】科兴称中国已批准其疫苗用于三岁以上儿童  Sinovac says China has approved its vaccine for use in children as young as 3.   2021-06-09 11:37
【新闻】“银发复兴”:成为网络时尚红人的韩国奶奶们  In Korea, You Don’t Have to Explain TikTok to Your Grandma   2021-06-09 04:30
【新闻】在家吃回转寿司:疫情期间日本寿司店出租传送带  Bring the sushi bar home: A Japanese chain rents conveyor belts for takeout.   2021-06-09 01:43
【教育】世界各国最受欢迎的大学专业分别是哪些?答案可能会让你大吃一惊!(下  What are the most popular college majors in the world and why? (partⅡ)   2021-06-08 15:34

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