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【新闻】那些老爸让人哭笑不得的瞬间,原来爸爸们都是隐藏段子手     2021-06-18 08:00

【科技】研究:睡着后大脑也会开启单曲循环  Earworms don't just haunt you when you're awake, sleep study reveals   2021-06-17 15:38
  We're all familiar with songs getting stuck in our head while we're awake, but it turns out this can happen during sleep as well. A new study investigating the phenomenon indicates that earworms invading our brains at night could cause problems in getting to sleep and staying asleep.

【新闻】德尔塔变异毒株已传至74国 或成全球主流毒株  Delta variant of Covid spreading rapidly and detected in 74 countries   2021-06-16 14:44
  The Delta variant of Covid-19, first identified in India, has been detected in 74 countries and continues to spread rapidly amid fears that it is poised to become the dominant strain worldwide.

【新闻】绿树阴浓夏日长——夏日诗词英译  4 Summer Poems Everyone Should Read   2021-06-16 08:00

【健康】研究显示新冠感染者或面临长期后遗症  Medical problems can persist long after infection with virus, a study found.   2021-06-16 03:20
  Hundreds of thousands of Americans have sought medical care for post-Covid health problems that they had not been diagnosed with before becoming infected with the coronavirus, according to the largest study to date of long-term symptoms in Covid-19 patients.

【新闻】调查:中国民众对中国共产党的满意度和信任度上升  People's trust in CPC on rise, surveys find   2021-06-15 15:44
  Chinese people's satisfaction and trust in the century-old Communist Party of China has been on the rise, driven by the Party leading the country in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and eliminating extreme poverty, according to reports and analysts.

【教育】清华迎来我国首个虚拟学生!能诗会画双商高,甚至还能剧本杀……  First virtual student 'enrolls' at Tsinghua University   2021-06-12 09:00
  Hua Zhibing, China's first virtual student enabled by the country's largest pre-trained model, made its debut on June 1.

【新闻】美国国家地理学会宣布:承认南大洋为世界第五大洋  National Geographic recognizes new Southern Ocean, bringing global total to five   2021-06-11 14:47
  Anyone who thought the world had four oceans will now have to think again, after the National Geographic Society announced it would recognize a new Southern Ocean in Antarctica, bringing the global total to five.

【新闻】舌尖上的乌鸡,居然成了国外网红萌宠!小乌鸡太可爱了  This Fluffy Chicken Is a New Pet Obsession   2021-06-11 08:00
  When Aaron Chong and his sister Angelique take their offbeat pet out for walks around their neighborhood in Singapore, they receive friendly comments from strangers who mistake it for a small dog. Then, intrigued stares ensue when people realize that it isn’t a furry dog but an ultra fluffy chicken. For the siblings though, they’re almost the same thing.身在新加坡的亚伦和妹妹安吉丽带着他们的宠物在他们居住的社区附近散步时,路人经常把把乌鸡误认为小狗,然后送上赞美。当人们发现这不是一只毛茸茸的狗狗,而是一只毛茸茸的鸡时,好奇的目光随之而来。不过,对于这对兄妹来说,两者没什么差别。

【文化】男性主导的世界中,那些“不健康的女人”  Why ‘Unwell Women’ Have Gone Misdiagnosed for Centuries   2021-06-11 05:17
  《不健康的女人》(Unwell Women)

【文化】“皇帝的雕塑”:意大利艺术家的隐形雕塑拍出1.5万欧元  World’s first invisible sculpture sells for a whopping $18,000   2021-06-10 14:14
  An invisible sculpture created by Italian artist Salvatore Garau recently acquired by a private collector who paid a whopping 15,000 euros for it during an auction.

【新闻】新研究:武汉市场贩售动物可能携带传染人类病原体  Wuhan animal markets sold dozens of species that can carry pathogens that infect   2021-06-10 11:01
  In the two years before the pandemic began, markets in the Chinese city of Wuhan were selling nearly three dozen animal species that can harbor pathogens that jump to humans, researchers have found, shedding new light on the possible role of the wildlife trade in the coronavirus’s origins.

【科技】我们还能花着快消的钱,过着奢侈品的生活吗?  Farewell, Millennial Lifestyle Subsidy   2021-06-10 09:43
  A few years ago, while on a work trip in Los Angeles, I hailed an Uber for a crosstown ride during rush hour. I knew it would be a long trip, and I steeled myself to fork over $60 or $70.

【新闻】拜登撤销特朗普TikTok、微信行政令,签署新审查令  Biden Revokes and Replaces Trump Order That Banned TikTok   2021-06-10 04:04
  WASHINGTON — President Biden on Wednesday revoked a Trump-era executive order that sought to ban the popular apps TikTok and WeChat and replaced it with one that calls for a broader review of a number of foreign-controlled applications that could pose a security risk to Americans and their data.

【新闻】蒙古新冠病例激增,国药疫苗有效性再受质疑  Infections are rising in Mongolia, where half the people have received the Sinop   2021-06-10 03:57
  Coronavirus cases are surging in Mongolia, where more than half the population is fully vaccinated, prompting a new focus on the effectiveness of its main vaccine, developed by China’s Sinopharm.

【新闻】走近韩国“袋鼠族”:年过三十却依然和父母同住  Meet South Korea's 'kangaroo tribe': Ages 30 through 40 who still li   2021-06-09 15:39
  Most parents want to shield their children from the hardships of the world, and in South Korea, that often means continuing to provide a home for them even after they are well into adulthood.

【新闻】科兴称中国已批准其疫苗用于三岁以上儿童  Sinovac says China has approved its vaccine for use in children as young as 3.   2021-06-09 11:37
   The chairman of the Chinese drugmaker Sinovac said China had approved the company’s Covid-19 vaccine for children as young as 3, which would make the country the first in the world to endorse a shot for such young children.

【新闻】“银发复兴”:成为网络时尚红人的韩国奶奶们  In Korea, You Don’t Have to Explain TikTok to Your Grandma   2021-06-09 04:30
  SEOUL — In 2017 Kim Yura shot a video during a vacation she took to the Australian city of Cairns and later posted it on a YouTube channel.
  首尔——2017年,金宇拉(Kim Yura,音)在澳大利亚凯恩斯市度假时拍摄了一段视频,随后发布到了一个YouTube频道上。

【新闻】在家吃回转寿司:疫情期间日本寿司店出租传送带  Bring the sushi bar home: A Japanese chain rents conveyor belts for takeout.   2021-06-09 01:43
  As parts of Japan endure a prolonged state of emergency to battle the latest coronavirus surge, one restaurant chain came up with a way to replicate the sushi bar experience at home: renting out conveyor belts.

【教育】世界各国最受欢迎的大学专业分别是哪些?答案可能会让你大吃一惊!(下  What are the most popular college majors in the world and why? (partⅡ)   2021-06-08 15:34
  Germany: Guys like Engineering while ladies prefer German Studies, but they both love Business

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