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【科技】滴滴遭整改背后,中国政府发出了什么信号?  China’s Crackdown on Didi Is a Reminder That Beijing Is in Charge   2021-07-09 01:28
【商业】腾讯启用人脸识别限制未成年玩家,引发隐私争议  To Catch Teenage Gamers After Curfew, Chinese Company Deploys Facial Recognition   2021-07-09 01:03
【新闻】霞浦,中国的网红“打卡”点和摆拍“圣地”  At This Instagram Hot Spot, All the World’s a Stage (and the Buffalo’s a Pro   2021-07-07 03:23
【新闻】一周4天工作制试点在冰岛大获成功 或将推广至全国  Four-day week 'an overwhelming success' in Iceland   2021-07-06 16:02
【科技】美国科技巨头质疑港府推进修改数据安全法  American Internet Giants Hit Back at Hong Kong Doxxing Law   2021-07-06 11:25
【科技】技术冷战中,中国得不到的“最复杂机器”  The Tech Cold War’s ‘Most Complicated Machine’ That’s Out of China’s R   2021-07-06 04:09
【新闻】永远离开我之前,她把所有的爱装进盒子  She Put Her Unspent Love in a Cardboard Box   2021-07-06 01:58
【新闻】工作都快闷爆了怎么破?专家指出长期“闷爆”危害大  The damaging effects of 'boreout' at work   2021-07-05 15:17
【科技】滴滴被勒令下架整改,中国互联网监管力度升级  China Orders Didi Off App Stores in Escalating Crackdown   2021-07-05 01:08
【新闻】约完会人却消失了,不是因为你魅力不够,而是……     2021-07-04 08:00
【新闻】夏季挑果图鉴:Super idol的笑容都没有它们甜~  How to pick the juiciest, freshest, sweetest fruit   2021-07-03 08:00
【新闻】快看:7月不可错过的精彩新片  Four films to watch in July   2021-07-02 15:46
【新闻】追求体育梦想还是“要女性化”:日本女运动员的困境  Expected to Be Demure, Japan’s Girls Face Steep Hurdles to Athletic Dreams   2021-07-02 04:08
【新闻】建党百年庆祝大会隆重举行 空中梯队送上生日祝福  China holds grand gathering marking centenary of CPC   2021-07-01 14:22
【科技】滴滴赴美上市,增长和监管隐忧犹存  Didi, the Chinese Ride-Hailing Giant, Makes Its Debut on Wall Street   2021-07-01 11:59
【新闻】想活得更久?你可以考虑冷冻自己  The Cryonics Industry Would Like to Give You the Past Year, and Many More, Back   2021-07-01 04:36
【新闻】中国被世卫组织认证为无疟疾国家  W.H.O. Says China Has Eliminated Malaria   2021-07-01 02:14
【新闻】了不起的壮举!世卫组织宣布中国已消除疟疾  WHO declares China malaria free   2021-06-30 15:26
【新闻】在Nobu Malibu,与名人共度梦幻时光  At Nobu Malibu, Dream Time With the Famous and Almost Famous   2021-06-30 05:50
【健康】关于Delta病毒变种,科学家们知道些什么?  The Delta Variant: What Scientists Know   2021-06-30 04:53

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