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【科技】滴滴遭整改背后,中国政府发出了什么信号?  China’s Crackdown on Didi Is a Reminder That Beijing Is in Charge   2021-07-09 01:28
  In less than a week, China’s leading ride-hailing platform, Didi, has gone from investor darling with a megabucks Wall Street debut to the biggest new target in Beijing’s fast-moving efforts to tame the country’s internet industry.

【商业】腾讯启用人脸识别限制未成年玩家,引发隐私争议  To Catch Teenage Gamers After Curfew, Chinese Company Deploys Facial Recognition   2021-07-09 01:03
  For almost every video game restriction, children and teenagers will find a way around it.

【新闻】霞浦,中国的网红“打卡”点和摆拍“圣地”  At This Instagram Hot Spot, All the World’s a Stage (and the Buffalo’s a Pro   2021-07-07 03:23
  The morning mist was still thick between the banyan trees when the farmer appeared in the clearing, an ax slung over his shoulder as he led a water buffalo on a rope leash. In the slanting sunlight, unhurried and companionable, the two picked their way through the undergrowth, a vision of the rural idyll.

【新闻】一周4天工作制试点在冰岛大获成功 或将推广至全国  Four-day week 'an overwhelming success' in Iceland   2021-07-06 16:02
  Trials of a four-day week in Iceland were an "overwhelming success" and led to many workers moving to shorter hours, researchers have said.

【科技】美国科技巨头质疑港府推进修改数据安全法  American Internet Giants Hit Back at Hong Kong Doxxing Law   2021-07-06 11:25
  An industry group representing the largest American internet companies warned Hong Kong’s government that changes to the city’s data-protection laws could impact companies’ ability to provide services in the city.

【科技】技术冷战中,中国得不到的“最复杂机器”  The Tech Cold War’s ‘Most Complicated Machine’ That’s Out of China’s R   2021-07-06 04:09
  SAN FRANCISCO — President Biden and many lawmakers in Washington are worried these days about computer chips and China’s ambitions with the foundational technology.

【新闻】永远离开我之前,她把所有的爱装进盒子  She Put Her Unspent Love in a Cardboard Box   2021-07-06 01:58
  In the back of my closet is a small cardboard chest with brass handles and latches that has followed me to every new address; it’s the first thing I find a place for as the moving truck pulls away. An old sticker on the bottom says it was purchased at Ross for $26.99. The only remaining contents are three wrapped presents marked in my mother’s tidy cursive: “Engagement,” “Wedding” and “First Baby.”

【新闻】工作都快闷爆了怎么破?专家指出长期“闷爆”危害大  The damaging effects of 'boreout' at work   2021-07-05 15:17
  Being chronically bored at work can have damaging consequences – and we need to talk about it more, say experts.

【科技】滴滴被勒令下架整改,中国互联网监管力度升级  China Orders Didi Off App Stores in Escalating Crackdown   2021-07-05 01:08
  China’s government ordered the country’s leading ride-hailing platform, Didi, removed from app stores for “serious” problems related to the collection and use of customer data, the latest blow by Beijing to the company, which went public on the New York Stock Exchange just this past week.

【新闻】约完会人却消失了,不是因为你魅力不够,而是……     2021-07-04 08:00
  Men and women come in several behavioural layers. As such, one might not feel connected to his/her date regardless of how beautiful and intelligent the person may appear.

【新闻】夏季挑果图鉴:Super idol的笑容都没有它们甜~  How to pick the juiciest, freshest, sweetest fruit   2021-07-03 08:00
  An orange is a type of citrus fruit that people often eat. Oranges are a very good source of vitamin C. Orange juice is an important part of many people's breakfast.

【新闻】快看:7月不可错过的精彩新片  Four films to watch in July   2021-07-02 15:46
  Black Widow《黑寡妇》
  Scarlett Johansson's Natasha Romanoff finally gets her own solo film, a decade after the Russian spy was introduced in Iron Man 2. Inconveniently, she was killed off in Avengers: Endgame, but Loki and Vision came back from the dead for their own TV series, so why shouldn't she? The excuse is that Black Widow is set at an earlier time – just after Captain America: Civil War, to be exact. The Avengers have gone their separate ways, so Romanoff heads to Russia to reunite with the only family she has, three fellow secret agents played by Rachel Weisz, David Harbour and Florence Pugh. "It is unexpected, though, that Black Widow may be the least Avenger-like movie in the series so far. [The film] sets itself apart by emphasising Natasha's past, and her reunion with her fractured, drolly comic family." says BBC Culture's Caryn Jones.

【新闻】追求体育梦想还是“要女性化”:日本女运动员的困境  Expected to Be Demure, Japan’s Girls Face Steep Hurdles to Athletic Dreams   2021-07-02 04:08
  TOKYO — Kurumi Mochizuki is the kind of skilled soccer player who can roll a ball from between her shoulder blades to the top of her head and onto her right foot, keeping it aloft for more than a dozen kicks. She makes it look so easy.
  东京——望月久留美(Kurumi Mochizuki,音)是一名技术娴熟的足球运动员,她能把球从肩胛骨之间滚到头顶,再转到右脚上,让球保持在高处,踢上十几下。她做起来显得很轻松。

【新闻】建党百年庆祝大会隆重举行 空中梯队送上生日祝福  China holds grand gathering marking centenary of CPC   2021-07-01 14:22
  A grand gathering celebrating the centenary of the Communist Party of China was held at Tian'anmen Square at the heart of Beijing on Thursday.

【科技】滴滴赴美上市,增长和监管隐忧犹存  Didi, the Chinese Ride-Hailing Giant, Makes Its Debut on Wall Street   2021-07-01 11:59
  Didi, the leading Chinese ride-hailing platform, made its Wall Street debut on Wednesday, capping a year in which ride-hailing and travel companies have struggled to overcome intermittent pandemic lockdowns.

【新闻】想活得更久?你可以考虑冷冻自己  The Cryonics Industry Would Like to Give You the Past Year, and Many More, Back   2021-07-01 04:36
  When an 87-year-old Californian man was wheeled into an operating room just outside Phoenix last year, the pandemic was at its height and medical protocols were being upended across the country.

【新闻】中国被世卫组织认证为无疟疾国家  W.H.O. Says China Has Eliminated Malaria   2021-07-01 02:14
  The World Health Organization declared China free of malaria on Wednesday after a seven-decade campaign against the disease, which has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the country.
  世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)周三宣布,经过70年的抗击疟疾努力之后,中国获得了世卫组织给予的无疟疾认证。疟疾曾在中国导致数十万人死亡。

【新闻】了不起的壮举!世卫组织宣布中国已消除疟疾  WHO declares China malaria free   2021-06-30 15:26
  Following a 70-year effort, China has been awarded a malaria-free certification from WHO – a notable feat for a country that reported 30 million cases of the disease annually in the 1940s.

【新闻】在Nobu Malibu,与名人共度梦幻时光  At Nobu Malibu, Dream Time With the Famous and Almost Famous   2021-06-30 05:50
  MALIBU, Calif. — Look, but don’t make it obvious. Is that Bella Hadid? Or, is that a person who’s worked extremely hard to make herself look like Bella Hadid?
  加利福尼亚州马里布——快看,但别太刻意。那是贝拉·哈迪德(Bella Hadid)吗?还是一个使出浑身解数让自己看起来像贝拉·哈迪德的人?

【健康】关于Delta病毒变种,科学家们知道些什么?  The Delta Variant: What Scientists Know   2021-06-30 04:53
  The spread of the super-contagious Delta variant is prompting new lockdowns around the world and spurring new warnings from public health officials.

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