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【新闻】无法实现“零感染”,各国如何学习与病毒共存?  How Nations Are Learning to ‘Let It Go’ and Live With Covid   2021-07-22 04:54
  SINGAPORE — England has removed nearly all coronavirus restrictions. Germany is allowing vaccinated people to travel without quarantines. Outdoor mask mandates are mostly gone in Italy. Shopping malls remain open in Singapore.

【新闻】你是个“贝佐斯”吗?  Are You a Bezos?   2021-07-22 04:14
  Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about the whole thing was that it wasn’t that noteworthy at all: another Tuesday. Another billionaire businessman paying to catapult himself into space.

【新闻】世卫提议再次调查武汉病毒所,中国称“不可能接受”  China denounces the W.H.O.’s call for another look at the Wuhan lab as ‘shoc   2021-07-22 03:28
  Chinese officials said on Thursday that they were shocked and offended by a World Health Organization proposal to further investigate whether the coronavirus emerged from a lab in Wuhan, exposing a widening rift over the inquiry into the origins of the pandemic.
  中国官员周四表示,他们对世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)提出的进一步调查新冠病毒是否来自武汉的一个实验室的提议感到惊讶和被冒犯,这暴露出在调查疫情起源方面不断扩大的分歧。

【新闻】美国指中国十年间多次攻击其油气管道网络  China Breached Dozens of Pipeline Companies in Past Decade, U.S. Says   2021-07-21 03:58
  The Biden administration disclosed previously classified details on Tuesday about the breadth of state-sponsored cyberattacks on American oil and gas pipelines over the past decade, as part of a warning to pipeline owners to increase the security of their systems to stave off future attacks.

【新闻】环保还是“反性爱”?东京奥运村纸板床引热议  ‘Anti-Sex’ Beds in the Olympic Village? A Social Media Theory Is Soon Debunk   2021-07-20 03:35
  Competitors arriving at the Tokyo Olympics have discovered something unusual about the beds in the athletes’ village: They’re made of cardboard.

【文化】与坂本龙一对话:癌症、自然与时间  Ryuichi Sakamoto on Life, Nature and ‘Time’   2021-07-16 03:53
  Ryuichi Sakamoto is in Tokyo for the summertime rainy season. A New York resident for over 30 years, the Oscar-winning composer has been in Japan since last November — not because of the pandemic, but because of a diagnosis of rectal cancer, discovered just after he went into remission after several years of treatment for throat cancer.

【商业】物价持续低迷,日本面临通货紧缩压力  Inflation? Not in Japan. And That Could Hold a Warning for the U.S.   2021-07-16 02:02
  TOKYO — In the United States, everyone is talking about inflation. The country’s reopening from the coronavirus pandemic has unleashed pent-up demand for everything from raw materials like lumber to secondhand goods like used cars, pushing up prices at the fastest clip in over a decade.

【商业】中国二季度GDP增7.9%,增速放缓  China’s Growth Slows as Pandemic Fears Persist   2021-07-15 04:24
  BEIJING — After a year of leading the global economy out of the pandemic slump, China’s growth is now starting to level off, as the world tries to digest whether the country’s recovery will continue or peter out.

【艺术】一位自称“麻烦制造者”的富豪,一座不一样的巴黎博物馆  A Self-Styled ‘Troublemaker’ Creates a Different Paris Museum   2021-07-15 03:20
  PARIS — François Pinault, the French billionaire, has never had much time for convention. “Avoid the paths already trodden,” has been his motto. Bored with acquiring Impressionist or Cubist works with surefire credentials, he said to himself four decades ago: “It’s impossible that we have become so stupid today that there are no human beings alive capable of creating tomorrow’s masterpieces.”
  巴黎——对于约定俗成,法国富豪弗朗索瓦·皮诺(François Pinault)从来没有多少耐心。“避开别人走过的路”是他的座右铭。四十年前已经厌倦收购印象派或立体派作品的他当时告诉自己:“今天的我们不可能蠢到没有一个活着的人能创造出属于明天的杰作。”

【新闻】女性故事引发共鸣,中国女影人迎来票房春天  China’s Women Filmmakers Are Embracing Their Stories. Moviegoers Are Loving It   2021-07-15 01:02
  Two of the biggest films in China this year were neither chest-thumping odes to patriotism nor slapstick buddy comedies. They featured no superheroes or intricately choreographed car chase scenes.

【商业】中国6月出口强劲,盐田港拥堵影响小于预期  China reports strong export numbers despite shipping delays.   2021-07-14 11:08
  BEIJING — China has prospered during much of the coronavirus pandemic as the world’s factory, making everything from face masks to exercise equipment for housebound consumers. Demand for its products doesn’t appear to be slowing even as Western economies reopen.

【旅游】双岛记:漫游卡普里和普罗奇达  Capri and Procida: A Tale of Two Islands   2021-07-14 03:19
  The aperitifs arrived as the Capri sun dipped into an orange band across the Gulf of Naples and a couple on the terrace talked about how quiet the island had become. The hotel felt empty, and its barman, in elegant suit and tie, interrupted his revelry about the prepandemic days to shoo off a sea gull deprived of its usual tourist-scrap banquet.

【新闻】“妈妈,你什么时候回来?”:印度疫情中的孤儿们  ‘Mother, When Will You Come?’: The Covid Orphans of India   2021-07-13 12:38
  PATTAPUR, India — In a small, colorfully painted house on India’s eastern coast, G. Sonali Reddy cooks meals and feeds her younger siblings by day and rocks them to sleep at night, hoping to assuage their fears, just as her mother would.
  印度帕塔普尔——在印度东海岸一座色彩缤纷的小房子里,G·索纳利·雷迪(G.Sonali Reddy)白天给弟弟妹妹做饭,晚上哄他们入睡,希望能像她的母亲一样减轻他们的恐惧。

【新闻】台湾与BioNTech达成疫苗购买协议,打破数月僵局  After months in limbo, Taiwan finally has a deal to acquire BioNTech shots.   2021-07-13 12:21
  BioNTech on Monday announced a deal to provide 10 million doses of its coronavirus vaccine to Taiwan, easing a serious shortage there and ending months of deadlock stemming from the self-ruling island’s complicated relationship with China, which considers Taiwan part of its territory.

【科技】撞上监管高墙,中国金融科技业何去何从?  China Called Finance Apps the Best Thing Since the Compass. No Longer.   2021-07-13 03:33
  When the coronavirus jammed up China’s economy last year, Rao Yong needed cash to tide over his online handicrafts business. But he dreaded the idea of spending long, dull hours at the bank.

【新闻】亿万富翁布兰森圆梦,太空旅游离我们还有多远?  Branson Completes Virgin Galactic Flight, Aiming to Open Up Space Tourism   2021-07-13 01:19
  SPACEPORT AMERICA, N.M. — Soaring more than 50 miles into the hot, glaringly bright skies above New Mexico, Richard Branson at last fulfilled a dream that took decades to realize: He can now call himself an astronaut.
  新墨西哥州美国太空港——理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)在新墨西哥州炎热明亮的天空中翱翔了50多英里,终于实现了他花费几十年才实现的梦想:他现在可以称自己为宇航员了。

【新闻】部分科学家反驳新冠病毒实验室泄漏说  A Group of Scientists Presses a Case Against the Lab Leak Theory of Covid   2021-07-12 10:39
  In the latest volley of the debate over the origins of the coronavirus, a group of scientists this week presented a review of scientific findings that they argue shows a natural spillover from animal to human is a far more likely cause of the pandemic than a laboratory incident.

【新闻】虚拟房地产:一个可以“买到”埃菲尔铁塔的世界  The Curious World of NFT Real Estate and Design   2021-07-12 01:53
  It’s not uncommon for people to buy vacation homes they may only visit a few times a year. What about a home you never visit? And that doesn’t actually exist?

【新闻】清洁耳朵最好的办法:用耳勺  The Best Way to Clean Your Ears: With a Spoon   2021-07-09 03:35
  When I was growing up in the suburbs east of San Francisco, our teachers used to say, “Don’t put anything in your ear except for your elbow.” No matter how much our ears itched, we were told, we shouldn’t poke in a pen cap, the pink eraser on a No. 2 pencil or a cotton swab; doing so risked puncturing our eardrums.

【新闻】“萌”化人心:巨型3D猫咪亮相日本街头  A Digital Cat Is Melting Hearts (and Napping a Lot) in Japan   2021-07-09 01:49
  Ryoko Kikuchi was strolling home from a Tokyo movie theater when she saw a cat the size of a yacht strutting high above the sidewalk, coyly licking its paws.
  菊地凉子(Ryoko Kikuchi,音)从东京一家电影院散步回家时,发现一只游艇大小的猫在人行道上方昂首阔步,羞怯地舔着自己的爪子。

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