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【新闻】香港国安法第首案宣判:骑车撞警男子获刑九年  Hong Kong Protester Is Sentenced to 9 Years in First Security Law Case   2021-07-30 04:01
  HONG KONG — A Hong Kong court sentenced a protester to nine years in prison on Friday for terrorism and inciting secession, highlighting the power of a sweeping new national security law to deter those who might speak out against the authorities.

【文化】重温贾樟柯长片处女作《小武》:低调而杰出  In ‘Xiao Wu,’ a Wandering Pickpocket in the People’s China   2021-07-30 03:02
  Made for a pittance with nonprofessional actors, officially unapproved in China and first shown in the United States in 1999, Jia Zhangke’s debut feature “Xiao Wu” depicted a deadbeat Chinese protagonist and a backwater milieu few Westerners had ever seen.

【新闻】大坂直美失利引发争议,日本是更多元还是更“排外”?  Critics Pounce on Naomi Osaka After Loss, Denting Japan’s Claim to Diversity   2021-07-29 03:10
  TOKYO — Just four days after Naomi Osaka mounted the stairs to light the Olympic cauldron, presented as a symbol of a new, more inclusive Japan, that image was undermined on Tuesday by a backlash that followed her surprise defeat in Tokyo.
  东京——就在大坂直美(Naomi Osaka)踏上台阶,点燃象征着一个更具包容性的新日本的奥运主火炬仅仅四天后,这一形象就因她周二在东京的意外失利而被破坏。

【科技】微信暂停注册新用户,腾讯股价大跌  China’s Tencent suspends registrations for WeChat, its popular app.   2021-07-28 10:38
  The Chinese internet giant Tencent said Tuesday that it had temporarily suspended new user registrations for its hugely popular WeChat app, raising fears of new regulatory pressures even as it insisted the outage was the result of a technical upgrade.

【新闻】洗澡的时候,为什么会冒出这些奇怪的脑洞……     2021-07-28 09:00
  Shower thoughts
  An idea, thought, or concept that first comes to you when you are taking your morning shower or doing some other part of your morning routine;

【商业】中国教育培训机构遭监管打击,股价暴跌  China moves against private tutoring companies, causing shares to plunge.   2021-07-27 12:22
  Chinese regulators on Monday banned tutoring companies from making profits, a move that sent their shares plummeting, erasing tens of billions of dollars from the value of the country’s once blistering education sector, as Beijing turns its focus to the growing financial burden that students — and their parents — face.

【新闻】外媒:中国人“金鸡独立”夺冠!这个站姿用英语原来这样说……     2021-07-27 09:19

【新闻】中国奥运选手遭遇民族主义攻击引争议  Chinese nationalists are targeting their own athletes on social media.   2021-07-27 05:55
  China has many reasons to be proud of its Olympians in Tokyo, starting with the fact that they have won the most medals so far of any country. But some social media users are turning on their own athletes, accusing them of being insufficiently patriotic.

【文化】在古典音乐界,仍然不被“看见”的亚裔艺术家  Asians Are Represented in Classical Music. But Are They Seen?   2021-07-27 05:51
  As reports of anti-Asian hate crimes spread in the United States earlier this year, David Kim, a violist in the San Francisco Symphony, found himself despondent.
  今年早些时候,随着反亚裔仇恨犯罪的消息在美国蔓延,旧金山交响乐团(San Francisco Symphony)的中提琴手戴维·金(David Kim)感到沮丧。

【新闻】香港国安法第一案:骑车撞警男子“煽动分裂国家”罪成  Hong Kong Protester Is Convicted in First Trial Under Tough Security Law   2021-07-27 03:42
  A Hong Kong protester was found guilty of terrorism and inciting secession on Tuesday, a victory for the government in the first trial under the tough security law China imposed a year ago, and a sign that the city’s traditionally independent courts will strictly enforce new limits on dissent.

【科技】华为聘请资深民主党说客,以求改善与拜登政府关系  Tony Podesta is hired to lobby by Huawei and a Bulgarian energy company.   2021-07-26 11:08
  WASHINGTON — The Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei has hired the veteran Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta as part of an expanded campaign to improve relations with the Biden administration.
  华盛顿——为了进一步改善与拜登政府的关系,中国电信巨头华为聘请了资深民主党说客托尼·波德斯塔(Tony Podesta)。

【商业】柯达删除涉新疆Instagram帖子引发争议  Kodak Deletes Post by Photographer Who Called Xinjiang an ‘Orwellian Dystopia   2021-07-26 10:31
  The American company Eastman Kodak has deleted an Instagram post featuring images of Xinjiang, a western Chinese region where the government is accused of grave human rights violations, after an online backlash from Beijing’s supporters.
  在网上遭到北京支持者的强烈反对后,美国伊士曼柯达(Eastman Kodak)公司删除了一条Instagram帖子,内容是中国西部地区新疆的图片,该地区政府被指控严重侵犯人权。

【新闻】黑客攻击新常态下,我们将迎来一个怎样的时代?  Constant but Camouflaged, Flurry of Cyberattacks Offer Glimpse of New Era   2021-07-26 07:34
  The world woke up on Monday to revelations of a sort that have become disconcertingly routine.

【新闻】美国拟撤销对五名中国研究人员的签证欺诈指控  U.S. Moves to Drop Cases Against Chinese Researchers Accused of Hiding Military    2021-07-26 01:16
  WASHINGTON — The Justice Department moved this week to drop cases that it brought last year against five visiting researchers accused of hiding their ties to China’s military, prompting questions about the department’s efforts to combat Chinese national security threats.

【新闻】场馆空旷、气氛平淡:东京奥运会在疫情阴影中开幕  Tokyo Olympics Open to a Sea of Empty Seats   2021-07-24 12:28
  TOKYO — The opening ceremony of the 32nd Summer Olympics unfolded in subdued fashion on Friday night inside a nearly empty Tokyo stadium, inaugurating a Games delayed by a year and diminished in atmosphere by a tenacious pandemic.

【新闻】“新冠气泡”成国外流行语,原来“泡泡”还有这个意思!     2021-07-24 09:00
  Bubble: a usually small group of people (such as family members, friends, coworkers, or classmates) who regularly interact closely with one another but with few or no others in order to minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection during an outbreak of a contagious disease.
  CNBC电视台在去年6月27日的一篇文章中,就曾描述过COVID-19 bubble:

【新闻】日本艺术家为东京奥运会参赛国绘制“动漫武士”队旗  Tokyo Olympics: Japanese artists reimagine countries as anime samurai   2021-07-23 14:14
  A group of Japanese artists are hoping to help people embrace both the Olympic spirit and Japanese culture by reimagining flags of competing countries as samurai characters.

【新闻】从1964到2021:两届东京奥运会折射日本的昔与今  The 1964 Games Proclaimed a New Japan. There’s Less to Cheer This Time.   2021-07-23 11:12
  TOKYO — Under crisp blue skies in October 1964, Emperor Hirohito of Japan stood before a reborn nation to declare the opening of the Tokyo Olympic Games. A voice that the Japanese public had first heard announcing the country’s surrender in World War II now echoed across a packed stadium alive with anticipation.

【新闻】有人要在华二次溯源?不过是打自己的脸! | 小象漫评     2021-07-23 10:46
  The World Health Organization proposed a plan to launch another origin tracing in China.

【新闻】当下一次洪水来临,我们城市的地铁准备好了吗?  The Climate Crisis Could Overwhelm Subway Systems   2021-07-23 02:42
  Terrified passengers trapped in flooded subway cars in Zhengzhou, China. Water cascading down stairways into the London Underground. A woman wading through murky, waist-deep water to reach a New York City subway platform.

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