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【新闻】以色列对哈马斯多年误判和政策失败如何酿成恶果  How Years of Israeli Failures on Hamas Led to a Devastating Attack   2023-10-30 03:17
【电影】再见,钱德勒:马修·佩里的光芒与挣扎  The One Without Matthew Perry   2023-10-30 02:11
【经济】【双语财讯】前三季度我国黄金消费量同比增长7.32%  China's gold consumption rises 7.32% in first three quarters of 2023   2023-10-27 15:20
【新闻】距离不足三米:美军方称中美军机在南海险相撞  Chinese Jet Flies Within 10 Feet of U.S. Bomber, Pentagon Says   2023-10-27 04:11
【新闻】以色列对加沙轰炸规模之大、伤亡之重令全球瞩目  Israel’s Strikes on Gaza Are Some of the Most Intense This Century   2023-10-27 01:28
【经济】【双语财讯】第134届广交会吸引15万采购商  Canton Fair offers boon to exporters   2023-10-26 17:26
【新闻】11月即将上映的海外精彩新片  4 of the best films to watch in November   2023-10-26 16:00
【新闻】以色列称将消灭哈马斯,但加沙仍将面临政治难题  Israel Says It Will Destroy Hamas. But Who Will Govern Gaza?   2023-10-26 10:46
【新闻】美国众议院新任议长:反堕胎、反同性恋、挺特朗普  In Johnson, House Republicans Elevate One of Their Staunchest Conservatives   2023-10-26 02:40
【新闻】长时间看屏幕致视力下降,上班族该如何有效保护眼睛?  Experts reveal why office workers need to drastically cut down their screen time   2023-10-25 17:30
【商业】【双语财讯】我国将增发1万亿元特别国债  China issues 1 trillion yuan in special bonds   2023-10-25 13:50
【新闻】反共、反通胀、反尹锡悦:韩国为何“盛产”抗议集会  Why South Korea Has So Many Protests, and What That Means   2023-10-25 10:48
【新闻】“二战”以来最激烈的巷战?若以色列入侵加沙会发生什么  The ‘Devil’s Playground’ of Urban Combat That Israel Is Preparing to Enter   2023-10-25 05:00
【经济】【双语财讯】21省份前三季度GDP出炉:13省份增速超全国  13 regions beat national GDP growth rate   2023-10-24 16:13
【新闻】今日霜降:关于霜降的8个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 8 things you need to know about Frost's Descent   2023-10-24 14:34
【新闻】发展中国家指西方在俄乌和加沙问题上双重标准  Developing World Sees Double Standard in West’s Actions in Gaza and Ukraine   2023-10-24 10:02
【新闻】哈马斯恐袭打破了多年来界定巴以冲突的一系列假设  War Has Smashed Assumptions About Israeli-Palestinian Conflict   2023-10-24 04:34
【新闻】社区食堂“火”了!年轻人和老年人成为“饭搭子”  No matter what your age, who can resist a tasty, low-priced meal?   2023-10-23 18:29
【经济】【双语财讯】前三季度北京经济稳步恢复 市场总消费额同比增长8.4%  Market consumption surges 8.4% in Beijing, retail sales see double-digit growth   2023-10-23 15:35
【商业】中美芯片冲突的关键机器:光刻机  The Multimillion-Dollar Machines at the Center of the U.S.-China Rivalry   2023-10-23 09:22

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