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【新闻】以色列对哈马斯多年误判和政策失败如何酿成恶果  How Years of Israeli Failures on Hamas Led to a Devastating Attack   2023-10-30 03:17
  TEL AVIV, Israel — It was 3 a.m. on Oct. 7, and Ronen Bar, head of Israel’s domestic security service, still could not determine if what he was seeing was just another Hamas military exercise.

【电影】再见,钱德勒:马修·佩里的光芒与挣扎  The One Without Matthew Perry   2023-10-30 02:11
  A confession: When I received a news alert that the actor Matthew Perry had died, my mind adopted the particular cadence that Perry perfected as Chandler Bing, the character he played for 10 seasons on the NBC sitcom “Friends.” Here is what I thought, “Could this be any sadder?”

【经济】【双语财讯】前三季度我国黄金消费量同比增长7.32%  China's gold consumption rises 7.32% in first three quarters of 2023   2023-10-27 15:20
  China's gold consumption rose 7.32 percent year-on-year to 835.07 metric tons during the first three quarters of the year, while output climbed to 271.25 tons, according to the China Gold Association.

【新闻】距离不足三米:美军方称中美军机在南海险相撞  Chinese Jet Flies Within 10 Feet of U.S. Bomber, Pentagon Says   2023-10-27 04:11
  A Chinese fighter jet came within 10 feet of a U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber over the South China Sea this week in a nighttime maneuver that nearly caused a collision, the United States military said on Thursday.

【新闻】以色列对加沙轰炸规模之大、伤亡之重令全球瞩目  Israel’s Strikes on Gaza Are Some of the Most Intense This Century   2023-10-27 01:28
  Israel’s 19-day bombing campaign in Gaza has become one of the most intense of the 21st century, prompting growing global scrutiny of its scale, purpose and cost to human life.

【经济】【双语财讯】第134届广交会吸引15万采购商  Canton Fair offers boon to exporters   2023-10-26 17:26
  At a booth inside the Pazhou International Convention and Exhibition Center in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, Xu Yajie, a sales manager, has been busy all day introducing colorful ceramic products to buyers from the United Arab Emirates.

【新闻】11月即将上映的海外精彩新片  4 of the best films to watch in November   2023-10-26 16:00
  The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

【新闻】以色列称将消灭哈马斯,但加沙仍将面临政治难题  Israel Says It Will Destroy Hamas. But Who Will Govern Gaza?   2023-10-26 10:46
  As Israeli soldiers have massed to enter Gaza in force, the defense minister has promised them, “You see Gaza now from a distance; you will soon see it from inside.”

【新闻】美国众议院新任议长:反堕胎、反同性恋、挺特朗普  In Johnson, House Republicans Elevate One of Their Staunchest Conservatives   2023-10-26 02:40
  When Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana wanted to make the case against abortion rights last year during a Capitol Hill committee hearing, he grilled a witness in graphic fashion.

【新闻】长时间看屏幕致视力下降,上班族该如何有效保护眼睛?  Experts reveal why office workers need to drastically cut down their screen time   2023-10-25 17:30
  More than a quarter have to enlarge the font size on their mobile phone so they can read it clearly and half confess they're forced to zoom in on images to see them clearly. Meanwhile, 28% regularly squint at the screen – all of which are tell-tale signs of presbyopia.

【商业】【双语财讯】我国将增发1万亿元特别国债  China issues 1 trillion yuan in special bonds   2023-10-25 13:50
  China has decided to issue 1 trillion yuan ($136.79 billion) of special treasury bonds during the fourth quarter, expanding budgeted fiscal deficit rates to around 3.8 percent for the year, up from 3 percent.

【新闻】反共、反通胀、反尹锡悦:韩国为何“盛产”抗议集会  Why South Korea Has So Many Protests, and What That Means   2023-10-25 10:48
  A recent rally in Seoul carried the sound of a rock festival — high-amp speakers throbbing with the K-pop hit “Gangnam Style” — if not the look of one. The crowd of mostly elderly people waved South Korean and American flags to the song’s revised refrain: “Anti-communist style!” When speaker after speaker revved up the crowd with pro-American, anti-communist chants, the crowd shouted, “Hooray for President Yoon Suk Yeol!”​
  首尔最近的一次集会听起来像是摇滚音乐节,高倍扩音器里放着节奏强烈的韩国流行音乐《江南风格》(Gangnam Style)——不过看起来并不像。聚集在那里的大部分是上了年纪的人,他们挥舞着韩国和美国的国旗,唱着修改过的副歌:“反共风格!”。当一个接一个演讲者用亲美、反共的口号振奋人群时,人群高呼“尹锡悦总统万岁!”​

【新闻】“二战”以来最激烈的巷战?若以色列入侵加沙会发生什么  The ‘Devil’s Playground’ of Urban Combat That Israel Is Preparing to Enter   2023-10-25 05:00
  Heavy fire from rooftops and booby-trapped apartments. Armor-piercing projectiles blowing up troop carriers. Fighters blending in with civilians, launching drone ambushes, or surging from tunnels full of enough ammunition, food and water to sustain a long war.

【经济】【双语财讯】21省份前三季度GDP出炉:13省份增速超全国  13 regions beat national GDP growth rate   2023-10-24 16:13
  Of the 21 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions that have released their GDP figures for the first three quarters, 13 saw their GDP numbers exceed the national average growth rate, ThePaper reported.

【新闻】今日霜降:关于霜降的8个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 8 things you need to know about Frost's Descent   2023-10-24 14:34
  The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Frost's Descent, the 18th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct 24 and ends on Nov 7.

【新闻】发展中国家指西方在俄乌和加沙问题上双重标准  Developing World Sees Double Standard in West’s Actions in Gaza and Ukraine   2023-10-24 10:02
  For 20 months, the Biden administration has attempted to stake out the moral high ground against Russia, condemning its brutal war on Ukraine for indiscriminately killing civilians.

【新闻】哈马斯恐袭打破了多年来界定巴以冲突的一系列假设  War Has Smashed Assumptions About Israeli-Palestinian Conflict   2023-10-24 04:34
  The sudden and unexpected terror attack by Hamas into Israel has been a crushing blow to a host of assumptions that have defined the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for years.

【新闻】社区食堂“火”了!年轻人和老年人成为“饭搭子”  No matter what your age, who can resist a tasty, low-priced meal?   2023-10-23 18:29
  At noon, the Tongxin Cafeteria near the Jing'an Temple downtown has a queue that exemplifies its multi-generational popularity.

【经济】【双语财讯】前三季度北京经济稳步恢复 市场总消费额同比增长8.4%  Market consumption surges 8.4% in Beijing, retail sales see double-digit growth   2023-10-23 15:35
  Beijing's overall economy maintained a recovery momentum and the quality of development continued to improve in the first three quarters of this year, local authorities said on Friday.

【商业】中美芯片冲突的关键机器:光刻机  The Multimillion-Dollar Machines at the Center of the U.S.-China Rivalry   2023-10-23 09:22
  They are smooth white boxes, roughly the size of large cargo vans, and they are now at the heart of the U.S.-Chinese technology conflict.

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