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【新闻】联合国科学报告:全球升温成定局,极端天气将大幅增加  A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us.   2021-08-10 10:45
  Nations have delayed curbing their fossil-fuel emissions for so long that they can no longer stop global warming from intensifying over the next 30 years, though there is still a short window to prevent the most harrowing future, a major new United Nations scientific report has concluded.

【新闻】东京奥运会上的“金牌”造型  Gold Medals in Style From the 2020 Tokyo Olympics   2021-08-10 05:58
  The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo have been among the strangest in memory. Delayed by a year, and unloved and underway in a host city that didn’t want them, the Games have still provided a bevy of brilliant sporting stories, including bold debuts and smashed records, underdog triumphs and superstar broken hearts.

【体育】中国奥运选手戴毛泽东像章领奖引发争议  I.O.C. seeks answers after two Chinese athletes wore Mao pins during the medal c   2021-08-09 11:18
  The International Olympic Committee said it was investigating a potential breach of Olympic regulations after two cyclists from China wore pins bearing the silhouette of Mao Zedong in a medal ceremony.
  两位来自中国的自行车选手在颁奖仪式上佩戴毛泽东像章后,国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)表示,正在对这一可能违反奥林匹克章程的行为展开调查。

【文化】一届奇异、矛盾、难以完全理解的奥运会  A Memorable Olympics, but for the Right Reasons?   2021-08-09 10:49
  TOKYO — The kaleidoscopic stands of Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium — a disordered mosaic of white and green and reddish-brown seats — were designed to evoke the sun-dappled floor of a Japanese forest.

【商业】阿里解雇涉嫌强奸下属员工,受害人称此前向公司反映无果  Alibaba Suspends Employees After Rape Accusation   2021-08-09 03:57
  The Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group told staff members in a memo on Monday morning that it had fired a male employee who was accused of raping a female colleague.

【新闻】这些拿了亚军的日本运动员为何道歉?  Second Best in the World, but Still Saying Sorry   2021-08-06 12:36
  TOKYO — Kenichiro Fumita was crying so hard that he could barely get the words out.
  东京——文田健一郎(Kenichiro Fumita)哭得太伤心,几乎说不出话来。

【新闻】变种毒株迅速传播,中国防疫模式还能成功吗?  After Months as a Covid Success Story, China Tries to Tame Delta   2021-08-06 09:35
  In the battle against the coronavirus, few places seemed as confident of victory as China.

【文化】东京奥运赛场上的坚韧与风度  Tokyo Olympians Are Showing That Grit Can Be Graceful   2021-08-06 04:04
  For all the controversy, for all the well-founded worry over hosting the Summer Games amid a pandemic that has killed four million globally and is currently lashing Japan, Olympic athletes have delivered again and again.

【新闻】央视记者称铅球金牌得主巩立姣“女汉子”引发众怒  A Chinese gold medalist was asked about her “masculine” appearance, promptin   2021-08-05 04:09
  After Gong Lijiao won China’s first gold medal in an Olympic field event on Sunday, a reporter for state news media asked about her “masculine” appearance and her life plans, setting off a heated debate about the restrictive discourse surrounding women.

【健康】Delta毒株感染激增,已接种疫苗的人该如何防护?  Should I Mask? Can I Travel? What About Hugs? How Delta Is Changing Advice for t   2021-08-05 01:49
  For the vaccinated, it was supposed to be a worry-free, “hot vax” summer of socializing and fun. But the rise of the highly infectious Delta variant has spoiled those plans.

【新闻】白俄罗斯运动员拒绝被强送回国,获得波兰庇护  Belarusian Sprinter Who Feared for Her Safety Is Offered Asylum in Poland   2021-08-04 12:55
  TOKYO — Kristina Timanovskaya, the Belarusian Olympic sprinter who sought protection at a Tokyo airport as her nation tried to forcibly send her home from the Summer Games, has been offered asylum in Poland.
  东京——白俄罗斯奥运短跑运动员克里斯蒂娜·季马诺夫斯卡娅(Kristina Timanovskaya)在东京一机场寻求保护,因为她的国家试图强行令其回国,她已获得波兰庇护。

【新闻】在一座冷落奥运会的主办城市感受奥运会  Outside the Olympic Cocoon, a Tokyo Abuzz Only With Cicadas   2021-08-04 11:10
  TOKYO — Outside the Olympic bubble is a city that does not want us.

【科技】官媒批网游为“精神鸦片”,腾讯等公司股价大跌  Chinese video game shares plunge after state media calls its products ‘spiritu   2021-08-04 09:54
  Shares of Tencent Holdings and other prominent Chinese video-game companies plunged in Hong Kong trading on Tuesday after a Beijing-affiliated media outlet called their products “spiritual opium.”

【新闻】她极力避免卷入政治,却成为白俄罗斯强权镇压的象征  Belarus Sprinter Becomes an Unlikely Dissident   2021-08-04 01:15
  She sparked the biggest political crisis of the Tokyo Olympics, but Kristina Timanovskaya didn’t set out to be a symbol of the repression in her native Belarus. She just wanted to run.
  克里斯蒂娜·季马诺夫斯卡娅(Kristina Timanovskaya)引发了东京奥运会最大的政治危机,但她并不想成为祖国白俄罗斯镇压的象征。她只想跑步。

【文化】一块奥运会奖牌值多少钱?  Priceless? Even Olympic Medals Can Be Had for the Right Price   2021-08-03 12:07
  A silver medal in shooting from the 1900 Olympics in Paris recently sold for a mere $1,283.

【新闻】奥运会香港获一金两银:低迷时期的希望与慰藉  Olympic Success Gives Hong Kong an Emotional Lift in Hard Times   2021-08-02 10:51
  TOKYO — The light red flag with the five-petaled bauhinia flower does not represent a country. But Hong Kong, the Chinese territory where political and civil rights have been battered in recent months, is enjoying its strongest-ever showing at the Tokyo Olympics, capturing gold in fencing and two silvers in swimming.

【新闻】奥运场外的较量:羽毛球金牌之争凸显两岸分歧  Taiwan’s gold medal win over China in badminton raises tension.   2021-08-02 08:59
  At the medal ceremony for the badminton men’s doubles on Saturday, the winning players watched a flag being raised, but it was not their own. They sang as a song reverberated in the mostly empty venue, but it was not their anthem.

【文化】跨性别运动员首次亮相奥运赛场引发争议  Olympics’ First Openly Transgender Woman Stokes Debate on Fairness   2021-08-02 05:14
  TOKYO — When Laurel Hubbard, a 43-year-old weight lifter from New Zealand, makes her first attempt in the women’s heavyweight competition on Monday, she will become the first openly transgender female athlete to compete at the Olympics.
  东京——周一,43岁的新西兰举重运动员劳雷尔·哈伯德(Laurel Hubbard)首次参加女子重量级比赛,她将成为首位参加奥运会的公开身份的跨性别女性运动员。

【新闻】比基尼还是紧身裤,女运动员穿什么应该由谁决定?  Who Decides What a Champion Should Wear?   2021-07-30 12:42
  In the end, the mid-sleeved, long-legged unitard didn’t make it to the gymnastics team final at the Olympics. The German women who wore it to combat the “sexualization” of their sport were eliminated during the qualifying rounds. Instead, the usual crystal-strewn leotards cut high on the thigh were worn by the medaling teams.

【健康】已接种新冠疫苗的人还会传播Delta毒株吗?  Behind the Masks, a Mystery: How Often Do the Vaccinated Spread the Virus?   2021-07-30 04:13
  The recommendation that vaccinated people in some parts of the country dust off their masks was based largely on one troublesome finding, according to Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)主任罗谢尔·瓦伦斯基(Rochelle Walensky)表示,之所以建议美国一些地区的疫苗接种者重新戴上口罩,主要是基于一个令人不安的发现。

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