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【商业】尿素短缺冲击全球经济,或将推高世界各地食品价格  This Chemical Is in Short Supply, and the Whole World Feels It   2021-12-09 12:05
  This is a story about one of those unsung forces that quietly keep the world running. It is a story about the clockwork interconnectedness of modern civilization, about how disturbances in one part of the planet can kick up storms in another.

【新闻】潘通发布2022年度色彩:仙女紫  Pantone unveils Color of the Year for 2022   2021-12-09 10:50
  While many of us will spend the final days of 2021 reflecting on its whirlwind events, global color authority Pantone has already been busy looking ahead -- to decide on the shade that will best encapsulate 2022.

【健康】科学家研发实验性口香糖,或可减少新冠病毒传播  Could a Chewing Gum Reduce COVID-19 Spread? Researchers Believe It Can   2021-12-09 08:00

【新闻】美国众议院通过法案,全面禁止进口新疆产品  House Votes to Impose Forced Labor Ban on Goods Made in Xinjiang   2021-12-09 04:03
  WASHINGTON — The House on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed a bill that would ban a wide array of imported products made in China’s Xinjiang region, moving over the strong objections of large corporations to crack down on companies sourcing goods produced through forced labor by persecuted Muslim minorities.

【新闻】报告:美国是全球塑料垃圾最大来源国  'Deluge of plastic waste’: US is world’s biggest plastic polluter   2021-12-08 15:39
  The US is the world’s biggest culprit in generating plastic waste and the country urgently needs a new strategy to curb the vast amount of plastic that ends up in the oceans, a new report submitted to the federal government has found.

【新闻】缅甸民主运动已不再需要昂山素季?  Aung San Suu Kyi Falls, but Myanmar’s Democratic Hopes Move On   2021-12-08 09:00
  When a court in Myanmar on Monday handed down the first sentences in the junta’s long list of charges against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, it closed a chapter on an era of weak and compromised democracy in a Southeast Asian nation long ruled by a military fist.

【商业】微软从中国黑客组织手中夺取42个网站  Microsoft Seizes 42 Websites From a Chinese Hacking Group   2021-12-07 10:52
  Microsoft said on Monday that it had seized 42 websites from a Chinese hacking group in an effort to disrupt the group’s intelligence-gathering operations.

【健康】早期研究显示奥密克戎致病症状可能较轻  Omicron Is Fast Moving, but Perhaps Less Severe, Early Reports Suggest   2021-12-07 04:48
  JOHANNESBURG — The Covid-19 virus is spreading faster than ever in South Africa, the country’s president said Monday, an indication of how the new Omicron variant is driving the pandemic, but there are early indications that Omicron may cause less serious illness than other forms of the virus.

【新闻】中国如何为1.6亿儿童接种新冠疫苗  In Its War on Covid-19, China Calls on ‘Little Inoculated Warriors’   2021-12-07 02:39
  As the rest of the world struggles to vaccinate adults in the face of a threat from a new coronavirus variant, China has embarked on an ambitious campaign that it says will give the country better protection against Covid-19: full inoculation of 160 million of its youngest citizens by the end of the year.

【体育】2022年北京冬奥会竞赛项目指南  A Brief Guide to Every Sport at the Winter Olympics   2021-12-06 05:59
  Just six months after the flame was doused in Tokyo, the Olympics get underway again on Feb. 4 in Beijing (and 50 miles north in Yanqing and 100 miles north of that in Zhangjiakou).

【商业】中国游客回归遥遥无期,全球旅游业难以复苏  When the Biggest Spenders Aren’t Coming Back Any Time Soon   2021-12-06 02:57
  On Jeju Island in South Korea, the markets have gone dark. In Bangkok, bored hawkers wait around for customers who never come. In Bali, tour guides have been laid off. In Paris and Rome, the long lines of people with selfie sticks and sun hats are a distant memory.

【体育】国际奥委会称与彭帅第二次视频通话  I.O.C. Says It Held Second Call With Peng Shuai   2021-12-03 11:34
  The International Olympic Committee said Thursday that it had held a second call with the Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai, trying anew to deflect criticism of its light-touch approach to China only months before the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing.

【健康】为什么喝咖啡会让你“便意盎然”  Why Does Coffee Make Me Poop?   2021-12-03 05:26
  Like opening the blinds and stepping into the shower, a cup of coffee gets people moving in the morning — in more ways than one. This satisfying brew revs energy levels with a dose of caffeine and, for many people, quickly and reliably jump-starts gut activity and an urgent need to poop.

【文化】2021年人们最常用的表情符号是哪个?  The Year in Emojis   2021-12-03 02:03
  The pandemic has affected nearly all aspects of modern life, from the clothes we wear to the food we eat to how we spend our time. There is one thing, however, that has remained almost unchanged: the emojis we send.

【商业】特斯拉,助力中国电动汽车弯道超车的“搅局者”  In China, Tesla Is a Catfish, and Turns Auto Companies Into Sharks   2021-12-01 09:31
  Forty-two years ago, Liu Siong Song built machines to help factories make cheap toys and watches. Then he made them for motorcycle companies.

【新闻】为啥一到冬天起床就特别困难?真不是因为懒  Have a hard time waking up when it’s cold out? Scientists say blame your brain   2021-12-01 08:00
  A study conducted by neurobiologists from Northwestern University made it possible to elucidate the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. 美国西北大学神经生物学家进行的一项研究或许能解释导致这种现象的机理。
  Their study on fruit flies, has found a thermometer circuit can transfer information about cold temps from their antennas right to the brain.他们在对果蝇的研究中发现了一个温度提示回路,可以将低温信息从触角传输到大脑。

【文化】《纽约时报》2021年度十大好书  The 10 Best Books of 2021   2021-12-01 05:45

【新闻】她为了自由逃离朝鲜,却成为朝韩间谍战的一枚棋子  She Fled North Korea for Freedom. Then She Was Arrested.   2021-12-01 05:12
  SEOUL — Song Chun-son, a duck farm worker, endured two and a half years in a North Korean labor camp and said she was later coerced to work for its secret police, the Ministry of State Security. Then she defected to South Korea in 2018. She studied to become a caretaker for nursing home patients while working part time as a waitress.

【健康】奥密克戎已蔓延20余国,“入侵”欧洲时间比已知更早  Omicron Variant, in at Least 20 Nations, Spread Earlier Than Was Known   2021-12-01 03:25
  The heavily mutated new coronavirus variant was in Europe several days earlier than previously known, health officials said Tuesday, and the number of countries where it has been found increased to at least 20, raising questions about whether the pandemic is about to surge once again.

【新闻】“疫苗(vaccine)”当选《韦氏词典》2021年度词汇  Merriam Webster's 2021 word of the year is ...   2021-11-30 15:36
  "Vaccine" is Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year. The word was selected based on lookup data, notable spikes, and year-over-year increases in searches.

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