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【健康】摆脱耻感、迷思和恐惧:女性的更年期“受难”该结束了  Women Have Been Misled About Menopause   2023-11-06 03:18
  For the past two or three years, many of my friends, women mostly in their early 50s, have found themselves in an unexpected state of suffering. The cause of their suffering was something they had in common, but that did not make it easier for them to figure out what to do about it, even though they knew it was coming: It was menopause.

【新闻】巴以冲突引发舆论“世界大战”:伊俄中支持哈马斯  In a Worldwide War of Words, Russia, China and Iran Back Hamas   2023-11-06 01:40
  The conflict between Israel and Hamas is fast becoming a world war online.

【商业】FTX创始人班克曼-弗里德:昔日加密货币之王的惊人坠落  Sam Bankman-Fried’s Wild Rise and Abrupt Crash   2023-11-04 09:41
  There comes a moment in the development of a new technology when the hype is so common it passes for common sense. Lawyers, accountants and regulators are nowhere to be found. Investors insist entrepreneurs take their money. The world trembles on the brink of change.

【科技】研究:长期练太极拳可抑制帕金森病进展     2023-11-03 17:54
  Those who practised the martial art twice a week had fewer complications and better quality of life than those who didn't, the researchers say.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国将加强与拉美的经贸合作  Trade with Latin America set to soar   2023-11-03 15:48
  China, Latin America, and the Caribbean states will build a community with a shared future and further strengthen economic and trade cooperation, officials and business leaders said on Thursday. They made the remarks during the two-day 16th China-Latin America Business Summit in Beijing.

【新闻】找工作“怎么这么难”:那些青旅里的中国年轻人  For China’s Jobless Young People, Hostels Are the Place to Be   2023-11-03 09:34
  In a youth hostel in downtown Shanghai, amid the dull roar of a hair dryer, the shriek of a blender and the lingering aroma of spicy instant noodles, Ethan Yi, 23, was pondering the state of the world.

【新闻】从LGBT到政治讽刺:上海万圣节活动的“放飞”与表达  Shanghai’s Halloween Party, a Rare Chance for Chinese to Vent in Style   2023-11-03 01:20
  There were evil wizards, TV celebrities and undead beings, yes.

【新闻】《柯林斯词典》将AI选定为2023年度词汇  Collins Dictionary picks ‘AI’ as its word of the year   2023-11-02 15:05
  Collins Dictionary has named “AI” as its word of the year, defining it as an “abbreviation for artificial intelligence: the modelling of human mental functions by computer programs.”

【新闻】两国方案是化解巴以冲突的答案吗  Does a 2-State Solution, Long Discounted, Still Have a Future?   2023-11-02 02:47
  “There has to be a vision of what comes next,” President Biden said last week of the war between Israel and Hamas. “In our view, it has to be a two-state solution.” The surest path to peace, said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of Britain, is a two-state solution, a sentiment echoed by President Emmanuel Macron of France.

【科技】研究表明:愤怒情绪可能带来成功  Anger can lead to better results when tackling tricky tasks – study   2023-11-01 17:15
  The experiments suggest people who are angry perform better on a set of challenging tasks than those who are emotionally neutral.

【新闻】海关总署推出“加工贸易改革16条” 支持原油、煤炭等商品进口  General Administration of Customs introduces 16 reform measures   2023-11-01 15:48
  The General Administration of Customs' latest move of introducing 16 reform measures to promote high-quality development in processing trade will further enhance the role of policy guidance in supporting the gradual transition of industries within China, said an official on Tuesday.

【新闻】“一切都发生在暗中”:以色列对加沙地面入侵隐秘开始  Under Shroud of Secrecy, Israel Invasion of Gaza Has Begun   2023-11-01 09:13
  When Israeli ground forces advanced en masse into the Gaza Strip on Friday evening, just after the Jewish Sabbath began, they did it so secretly that it was hours before the outside world understood what had happened.

【新闻】巴以局势影响下欧洲出现反犹浪潮  For Europe’s Jews, a World of Fear   2023-11-01 05:05
  Perhaps not since the Holocaust, which saw the annihilation of about two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish community, have the Jews of Europe lived in an atmosphere of fear so acute that it feels like a fundamental shift in the terms of their existence.

【文化】第一位离开我们的“老友”  The First of Our Friends to Go   2023-11-01 04:18
  If you’re fortunate to live long enough, eventually you get The Call. Sometimes it’s an actual call, sometimes a social media post or a conversation on the street. But the message is the same: A friend of your youth has died.

【经济】【双语财讯】可再生能源装机规模不断实现新突破  Renewable energy capacity grows robustly   2023-10-31 17:42
  China's installed renewable energy capacity saw robust growth during the first nine months of this year amid the country's efforts to advance its green transition, according to the National Energy Administration.

【科技】研究:深睡眠时间减少将增大患痴呆症风险  Getting less slow-wave sleep as you age may increase your risk of dementia, stud   2023-10-31 16:08
  Loss of slow-wave sleep as you age may increase your risk of developing dementia, according to a new study.

【科技】马斯克是如何让Twitter变得面目全非的  How Elon Musk Changed the Meaning of Twitter for Users   2023-10-31 04:05
  After Nicholas Campiz evacuated from Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, in February 2022, he stayed glued to Twitter. As battles raged across the country, he tracked them on the app, staying up through many nights in a hotel room in Tbilisi, Georgia, to read updates as they rolled in, one tweet at a time.

【文化】“小甜甜”布兰妮:在《我心之女》中夺回自己的身体和声音  Watching Britney Spears, as a Girl and a Woman   2023-10-31 03:31
  There is a moment in Britney Spears’s new memoir when she is summoned to an MTV studio and made to review footage of strangers complaining that she was “too sexy.” Spears, then 18, had just performed at the 2000 Video Music Awards, where she had torn off a sparkly black tuxedo to reveal spangled nude pants and a spangled nude bra, and various pedestrians roving Times Square had decided that she had crossed a line.

【新闻】美国还会“毫无保留”支持以色列多久  Biden’s Support for Israel Now Comes With Words of Caution   2023-10-31 01:44
  WASHINGTON — Three days after Hamas terrorists slaughtered more than 1,400 people, President Joe Biden assured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel that he supported his vow to “avenge this black day” and to turn the Gaza Strip “into a ruin” from the air and on the ground.

【新闻】揭秘:稻草人真的能把鸟吓走吗?  Do scarecrows actually work?   2023-10-30 14:53
  Every Halloween, scarecrows become standard lawn decor. Trick-or-treaters might find them frightening, but what about the birds that these effigies are supposed to repel?

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