园丁集 泰戈尔著 冰 心译
Title: The Gardener Author: Rabindranath Tagore 英文 中文 双语对照 双语交替 首页 目录 上一章 下一章 | |
| 68
None lives for ever, brother, and nothing lasts for long. Keep that in mind and rejoice.
| 没有人永远活着,兄弟,没有东西可以经久。把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。
Our life is not the one old burden, our path is not the one long journey.
| 我们的生命不是那个旧的负担,我们的道路不是那条长的旅程。
One sole poet has not to sing one aged song.
| 一个单独的诗人,不必去唱一支旧歌。
The flower fades and dies; but he who wears the flower has not to mourn for it for ever.
| 花儿萎谢;但是戴花的人不必永远悲伤。
Brother, keep that in mind and rejoice.
| 弟兄,把这个紧记在心及时行乐吧。
There must come a full pause to weave perfection into music.
| 必须有一段完全的停歇,好把“圆满”编进音乐。
Life droops toward its sunset to be drowned in the golden shadows.
| 生命向它的黄昏下落,为了沉浸于金影之中。
Love must be called from its play to drink sorrow and be borne to the heaven of tears.
| 必须从游戏中把“爱”招回,去饮忧伤之酒,再去生于泪天。
Brother, keep that in mind and rejoice.
| 弟兄,把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。
We hasten to gather our flowers lest they are plundered by the passing winds.
| 我们忙去采花,怕被过路的风偷走。
It quickens our blood and brightens our eyes to snatch kisses that would vanish if we delayed.
| 去夺取稍纵即逝的接吻,使我们血液奔流双目发光。
Our life is eager, our desires are keen, for time tolls the bell of parting.
| 我们的生命是热切的,愿望是强烈的,因为时间在敲着离别之钟。
Brother, keep that in mind and rejoice.
| 弟兄,把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。
There is not time for us to clasp a thing and crush it and fling it away to the dust.
| 我们没有时间去把握一件事物,揉碎它又把它丢在地上。
The hours trip rapidly away, hiding their dreams in their skirts.
| 时间急速地走过,把梦幻藏在裙底。
Our life is short; it yields but a few days for love.
| 我们的生命是短促的,只有几天恋爱的工夫。
Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly long.
| 若是为工作和劳役,生命就变得无尽的漫长。
Brother, keep that in mind and rejoice.
| 弟兄,把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。
Beauty is sweet to us, because she dances to the same fleeting tune with our lives.
| 美对我们是甜柔的,因为她和我们生命的快速调子应节舞蹈。
Knowledge is precious to us, because we shall never have time to complete it.
| 知识对我们是宝贵的,因为我们永不会有时间去完成它。
All is done and finished in the eternal Heaven.
| 一切都在永生的天上做完。
But earth's flowers of illusion are kept eternally fresh by death.
| 但是大地的幻象的花朵,却被死亡保持得永远新鲜。
Brother, keep that in mind and rejoice.
| 弟兄,把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。
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