Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There 英文 中文 双语对照 双语交替 首页 目录 上一章 下一章 | |
6 Humpty Dumpty
| 6.胖墩儿
But the egg got larger and larger, and more and morelike a person. Then Alice saw that it had eyes and anose and a mouth,and she realized that it was HUMPTYDUMPTY himself.
| 但鸡蛋越变越大,越变越像个人。爱丽丝看见他有眼,有鼻,有嘴巴。她才知道那原来就是胖墩儿。
‘It must be him,’she said to herself.‘There he is, sittingon a high wall,and he looks just like an egg.’
| 她自言自语道:“肯定是他。他就坐在一堵高墙上,外表像个鸡蛋。”
He was sitting very still and seemed to be asleep,so Alicestood and repeated to herself the words of the song:
| 他纹丝不动地坐在那儿,好像是睡着了。爱丽丝就站在那儿,口里背诵着一首歌词:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
| 胖墩儿坐在墙上,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
| 胖墩儿摔下重伤。
All the King's horses and all the King's men
| 国王的骏马、骑士,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
| 再不能将他拼上。
‘Don't stand there talking to yourself,’said HumptyDumpty suddenly,opening his eyes.‘Tell me your name.’
| 胖墩儿突然睁开眼睛说:“别站在那儿自言自语。告诉我你的名字。”
‘My name is Alice-’
| “我叫爱丽丝--”
‘That's a stupid name!’said Humpty Dumpty.‘What doesit mean?’
| 胖墩儿说:“那是个蠢名字!是什么意思?”
‘Must a name mean something?’Alice asked,puzzled.
| “名字都得有意思?”爱丽丝不解地问道。
‘Of course it must,’Humpty Dumpty said with a shortlaugh.‘My name means the shape I am-and a very goodshape it is, too. With a name like yours, you could be almostany shape.’
| “那当然。”胖墩儿笑了一下说:“我的名字说明了我的体形--我的体形多好。像你那个名字,你几乎什么体形都能用。”
‘Why do you sit out here all alone?’said Alice,not wishingto argue.
| 爱丽丝不想争辩,就问:“你怎么一个人坐在这儿?”
‘Because there's nobody with me!’ cried Humpty Dumpty.‘Did you think I didn't know the answer to that?Come,let'shave some intelligent conversation now.’
| “那是因为没有人与我在一起!”胖墩儿大声叫道,“你认为我不能回答你那个问题?好了,让我们谈些更明智的话题吧。”
Alice tried to think of something intelligent to say, butcouldn't.‘What a beautiful belt you're wearing!’she said,suddenly noticing it.
| 爱丽丝试图想些明智的话题讲讲,但就是想不起来。“你腰上的皮带多漂亮!”她突然发现了这点,就说了。
‘That's better,’said Humpty Dumpty,looking pleased.‘Yes,it was a present from the White King and Queen.Theygave it to me for an unbirthday present.’
| 胖墩儿面有悦色,说:“这话题好多了,这是白方国王与王后送我的礼物,是件非生日礼物。”
Alice looked puzzled.‘What is an unbirthday present?’
| 爱丽丝迷惑不解,“非生日礼物到底是什么?”
‘A present when it isn't your birthday,of course.’
| “那当然是你非生日那天送你的礼物。”
Alice thought about this.‘I like birthday presents best,’ shesaid at last.
| 爱丽丝想了想,最后说:“我还是最喜欢生日礼物。”
‘You don't know what you're talking about!’cried HumptyDumpty.‘How many days are there in a year?’
| “你在讲些什么呀!一年有多少天?”胖墩儿叫嚷道。
‘Three hundred and sixty-five,’said Alice.
| 爱丽丝说:“365天。”
‘And how many birthdays have you?’
| “其中有多少天是你的生日?”
| “一天。”
‘And if you take one from three hundred and sixty-five,what is left?’
| “那么365天减去1天剩多少?”
‘Three hundred and sixty-four, of course.’
| “当然是364天。”
‘So there's only one day when you can get birthdaypresents,’said Humpty Dumpty,‘but three hundred and six-ty-four days when you can get unbirthday presents!There'ssuccess for you!’
| 胖墩儿便说:“这么讲你只有一天能收到生日礼物。但其他364天都能收到非生日礼物,你就‘成功’了!”
‘I don't know what you mean by “success”,’Alice said.
| “我不明白你说‘成功’指的是什么?”爱丽丝问。
Humpty Dumpty smiled.‘Of course you don't-until I tellyou.I meant “there's a clever idea for you!”’
| 胖墩儿笑了笑,“我不告诉你,你当然不晓得,我指的是‘给你个聪明的主意!’”
‘But“success” doesn't mean “a clever idea”,’Alice argued.
| “但‘成功’没有‘聪明主意’的意思呀。”爱丽丝争辩说。
‘When I use a word,’Humpty Dumpty said,looking downhis nose at Alice,‘it means just what I choose it to mean-neither more nor less.’
| 胖墩儿不理会爱丽丝,说:“我用一个词儿,我要它什么意思,那词儿就是什么意思。”
‘But can you make words have different meanings?’askedAlice.
| “但你可以叫词儿具有另外的意思吗?”爱丽丝问。
‘Words are difficult things,I agree,’said HumptyDumpty.‘But you have to be strong with them.Give them or-ders.Tell them to obey you.They must work hard,and dowhat they're told!’ He banged his hand excitedly on the wallas he spoke.
| 胖墩儿说:“我同意,用词儿是件不容易的事。但你得对它们显示你的威力。给它们发号施令。要它们遵从你。它们必须好好干,对你百依百顺!”他说着,激动地将手重重地在墙上拍了一下。
‘You seem very clever with words,Sir,’said Alicepolitely,hoping to calm him.She was worried about himfalling off the wall.
| “你好像对词儿很有些办法,先生。”爱丽丝很有礼貌地说,希望使他平静下来。她担心胖墩儿从墙上摔下来。
Humpty Dumpty looked pleased.‘I can explain mostwords,and get them to do what I want,’he said.‘Some ofthem are like suitcases, you know.They've got several mean-ings packed up in them.Take poems,for example.One shortpoem can carry as many meanings as five people's luggage.’
| 胖墩儿面带悦色,说:“我能解释大多数的词儿,并叫它们为我服务。有些词儿像皮箱,里面有好几种意思。譬如诗歌,一首短诗的意思可以像五个人的行李一样丰富。”
‘Somebody repeated a poem to me earlier today,’saidAlice.‘It was Tweedledee,I think.’
| 爱丽丝说:“今天早些时候,有人给我背诵了首诗。我想那是特威帝吧。”
‘Oh,I can repeat any number of poems,if you like,’saidHumpty Dumpty.
| “哦,只要你不厌烦,我背诵多少首诗都可以。”胖墩儿说。
‘Well, not just at the moment,’Alice said quickly,hopingto stop him from beginning.
| 爱丽丝马上抢着说:“哦,现在不必了。”希望他别开始背。
‘This piece was written specially for you,’Humpty Dump-ty went on,not listening to her.‘It will amuse you.’
| 胖墩儿并不听她,继续说:“这首是专门为你写的。它将给你带来快乐。”
‘Thank you,’said Alice sadly. She could not refuse to lis-ten,she thought,if the poem was specially written for her.
| “谢谢!”爱丽丝沮丧地说。她想:如果这首诗是专门为她写的,她就不能不洗耳恭听。
In winter,when the fields are white,
| 冬日里田野白雪皑皑,
I sing this song for your delight-
| 我唱起这首歌,只为你开怀--
‘But I don't sing it,’he explained.
| 他解释说:“但我不唱歌。”
‘Yes,I can see that,’Alice said.
| “是的,这我明白。”爱丽丝应道。
‘If you can see me singing or not singing, you've better eyesthan most people,’ said Humpty Dumpty.Alice was silent,and he went on.
| 胖墩儿说:“如果你能看出我是否在唱歌,那么你的眼力比大部分人都要好。”爱丽丝沉默着,于是他又背:
In spring, when woods are getting green,
| 春天里树木郁郁葱葱,
I'll try and tell you what I mean.
| 我要设法告诉你我的意思。
‘Thank you very much,’ said Alice.
| 爱丽丝说:“非常感谢。”
In summer, when the days are long,
| 夏日里炎炎日长,
Perhaps you'll understand the song.
| 也许你会懂得我的歌唱。
In autumn, when the leaves are brown,
| 秋天枝叶枯黄,
Take pen and ink and write it down.
| 拿起笔墨永记不忘。
‘I will,if I can remember it so long,’said Alice.
| “我会的,如果我能把它长久记住的话。”爱丽丝说。
‘Don't go on saying things,’Humpty Dumpty said.‘They're not sensible, and I forget where I am.’
| 胖墩儿说:“别说了,你说的话不明智。我忘了讲到哪儿了。”
I sent a message to the fish;
| 我给鱼儿捎个信;
I told them‘This is what I wish.’
| 告诉它们“这是我的心愿。”
The little fishes of the sea,
| 大海里的小鱼儿,
They sent an answer back to me.
| 给了我一个回音。
The little fishes’answer was
| 小鱼儿的回音是
‘We cannot do it,Sir,because-’
| “先生,这事我们做不了,因为--”
‘I'm afraid I don't understand,’said Alice.
| 爱丽丝说:“恐怕我理解不了。”
‘It gets easier as it goes on,’ Humpty Dumpty replied.
| “越往后听,就变得越简单了。”胖墩儿说。
But the poem went on for a long time, and Alice thought itgot harder,not easier,to understand. Then Humpty Dumptysuddenly stopped, and there was a long silence.
| 诗歌又背了好长时间,可是爱丽丝觉得理解起来越来越难,而不是越来越容易了。胖墩儿突然停住,随后是长久的沉默。
‘Is that all?’Alice asked politely.
| 爱丽丝客气地问:“背完了?”
‘That's all,’said Humpty Dumpty.‘Goodbye.’
| “背完了,再见!”胖墩儿答。
Alice waited a minute,but Humpty Dumpty closed his eyesand did not speak again. So she got up, said‘goodbye’, andquietly walked away.
| 爱丽丝等了一会儿,但胖墩儿闭上眼,不再说话。她站了起来,道了“再见”,轻轻地走开了。
‘What an extraordinary person!’she said to herself as shewalked.‘I don't think I ever met-’She never finished whatshe was saying,because at that moment a heavy crash shookthe forest from end to end.
| “这真是个非常奇特的人!”她一边走,一边自言自语,“我想我从未见过--”但话只讲了半截,因为就在那时,强烈的撞击声震动了整个森林。
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