Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 英文 中文 双语对照 双语交替 首页 目录 上一章 下一章 | |
| 第四章 在丽痕书店
Life at the Burrow was as different as possible from life on Privet Drive. The Dursleys liked everything neat and ordered; the Weasleys’ house burst with the strange and unexpected. Harry got a shock the first time he looked in the mirror over the kitchen mantelpiece and it shouted, “Tuck your shirt in, scruffy!” The ghoul in the attic howled and dropped pipes whenever he felt things were getting too quiet, and small explosions from Fred and George’s bedroom were considered perfectly normal. What Harry found most unusual about life at Ron’s, however, wasn’t the talking mirror or the clanking ghoul: It was the fact that everybody there seemed to like him.
| 陋居的生活和女贞路的生活有着天壤之别。德思礼一家人喜欢一切都井井有条,韦斯莱家却充满神奇和意外。厨房壁炉架上的那面镜子就把哈利吓了一跳。他第一次照镜子时,镜子突然大叫起来:“把衬衫塞到裤腰里去,邋里邋遢!”阁楼上的食尸鬼只要觉得家里太安静了,就高声嚎叫,咣啷咣啷地敲管子。弗雷德和乔治卧室中小小的爆炸声被认为是完全正常的。但是在哈利看来,罗恩家的生活最不寻常的地方不是会说话的镜子,也不是敲敲打打的食尸鬼,而是这里所有的人好像都很喜欢他。
Mrs. Weasley fussed over the state of his socks and tried to force him to eat fourth helpings at every meal. Mr. Weasley liked Harry to sit next to him at the dinner table so that he could bombard him with questions about life with Muggles, asking him to explain how things like plugs and the postal service worked.
| 韦斯莱夫人为他补袜子,每顿饭都逼着他添四次。韦斯莱先生喜欢让哈利吃饭时坐在他身边,并一个劲儿地向哈利打听麻瓜的生活,问他插头和邮局是怎么回事。
“Fascinating!” he would say as Harry talked him through using a telephone. “Ingenious, really, how many ways Muggles have found of getting along without magic.”
| “太妙了!”哈利给他讲完怎样使用电话之后,他叹道,“真是天才,麻瓜想出了多少不用魔法生活的办法啊。”
Harry heard from Hogwarts one sunny morning about a week after he had arrived at the Burrow. He and Ron went down to breakfast to find Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Ginny already sitting at the kitchen table. The moment she saw Harry, Ginny accidentally knocked her porridge bowl to the floor with a loud clatter. Ginny seemed very prone to knocking things over whenever Harry entered a room. She dived under the table to retrieve the bowl and emerged with her face glowing like the setting sun. Pretending he hadn’t noticed this, Harry sat down and took the toast Mrs. Weasley offered him.
| 到陋居大约一星期后,在一个晴朗的早晨,哈利收到了霍格沃茨的来信。那天他和罗恩下楼吃早饭,发现韦斯莱夫妇和金妮已经坐在餐桌旁了。金妮一看见哈利,不小心把她的粥碗碰翻在地,弄出了很大的响声。好像每次哈利一进屋,金妮总要碰倒什么东西。她钻到桌子底下去捡碗,出来时脸红得像晚霞一样。哈利装做没看见,坐了下来,接过韦斯莱夫人递给他的面包片。
“Letters from school,” said Mr. Weasley, passing Harry and Ron identical envelopes of yellowish parchment, addressed in green ink. “Dumbledore already knows you’re here, Harry — doesn’t miss a trick, that man. You two’ve got them, too,” he added, as Fred and George ambled in, still in their pajamas.
| “学校来信了。”书斯莱先生说。哈利和罗恩都拿到了一个黄色羊皮纸的信封,上面的字是绿色的。“哈利,邓布利多已经知道你在这儿了——这个人啊,什么也瞒不过他。你们俩也有。”弗雷德和乔治慢慢地踱了进来,身上还穿着睡衣。
For a few minutes there was silence as they all read their letters. Harry’s told him to catch the Hogwarts Express as usual from King’s Cross station on September first. There was also a list of the new books he’d need for the coming year.
| 一时间没有人说话,大家各自看信。哈利的信让他九月一日仍旧从国王十字车站搭乘霍格沃茨特快列车。信里还列出了他这一年要用的新书的书单。
second-year students will require:
| 二年级学生要读:
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2
| 《标准咒语(二级)》 米兰达戈沙克著《与女鬼决裂》 吉德罗洛哈特著《与食尸鬼同游》 吉德罗洛哈特著《与母夜叉一起度假》 吉德罗洛哈特著《与巨怪同行》 吉德罗洛哈特著《与吸血鬼同船旅行》 吉德罗洛哈特著《与狼人一起流浪》 吉德罗洛哈特著《与西藏雪人在一起的一年》 吉德罗洛哈特著
by Miranda Goshawk
| 弗雷德读完了他自己的单子,伸头来看哈利的。
Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart
| “你也要买吉德罗洛哈特的书!”他说,“新来的黑魔法防御术课老师一定是他的崇拜者——没准是个女巫。”弗雷德看到他母亲的目光,赶忙低头专心吃他的橘子酱。
Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart
| “那些书可不便宜,”乔治迅速地看了父母一眼说,“吉德罗洛哈特的书真够贵的……”
Holidays with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart
| “哦,我们会有办法的,”韦斯莱夫人说,可是看上去有点发愁,“我想金妮的许多东西可以买二手货。”
Travels with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart
| “哦,你今年也要上霍格沃茨了?”哈利问金妮。
Voyages with Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart
| 她点了点头,火红色头发的发根都红了。胳膊肘碰到了黄油盘里。幸好除了哈利之外没有别人看见,因为这时罗恩的哥哥珀西正好走了进来。他已经穿戴整齐,级长的徽章别在针织短背心上。
Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart
| “大家早上好。”珀西轻快地说,“天气不错。”
Year with the Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart
| 他坐到仅剩的一张椅子上,但马上又跳了起来,从屁股下面拉出一个掉毛的灰鸡毛掸子——至少哈利以为那是个鸡毛掸子,随即发现它居然在呼吸。
Fred, who had finished his own list, peered over at Harry’s.
| “埃罗尔!”罗恩大叫起来。他接过珀西手里那只病恹恹的猫头鹰,从它翅膀下面抽出一封信。“它终于带来了赫敏的回信。我写信告诉她,我们要去德思礼家把你救出来。”
“You’ve been told to get all Lockhart’s books, too!” he said. “The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher must be a fan — bet it’s a witch.”
| 他把埃罗尔抱到后门旁的一根栖木跟前,想让它站在上面,可埃罗尔直往下掉。罗恩只好把它放在滴水板上,嘴里咕哝着“可怜可怜”。然后他撕开赫敏的信,大声读道:
At this point, Fred caught his mother’s eye and quickly busied himself with the marmalade.
| 亲爱的罗恩,还有哈利,如果你也在,祝一切都好,祝哈利平安,希望你们救他的时候没有做什么违法的事情,因为那也会给哈利惹麻烦的。我真是担心极了,要是哈利还好,请马上告诉我。不过你最好换一只猫头鹰,我想再送一回信你这只鸟就没命了。我当然在忙着做功课……
“That lot won’t come cheap,” said George, with a quick look at his parents. “Lockhart’s books are really expensive. . . .”
| “她怎么可能?”罗恩大吃一惊,“现在是暑假啊!”——
“Well, we’ll manage,” said Mrs. Weasley, but she looked worried. “I expect we’ll be able to pick up a lot of Ginny’s things secondhand.”
| 我下星期三要去伦敦买课本。咱们在对角巷见面如何?尽快把你们的情况告诉我,好友,赫敏。
“Oh, are you starting at Hogwarts this year?” Harry asked Ginny.
| “正巧,我们也在那天去买。”韦斯莱夫人开始收拾桌子,“你们今天都有什么活动?”
She nodded, blushing to the roots of her flaming hair, and put her elbow in the butter dish. Fortunately no one saw this except Harry, because just then Ron’s elder brother Percy walked in. He was already dressed, his Hogwarts prefect badge pinned to his sweater vest.
| 哈利、罗恩、弗雷德和乔治打算到山上韦斯莱家的一块围场上去,那儿周围都是树,不会被下面村里的人看见。他们可以在那里练习打魁地奇,只要不飞得太高就行。但他们不能用真正的魁地奇球,要是不小心让它们飞到村子上空,那就说不清楚了,所以他们只是互相抛接苹果。他们轮流骑坐哈利的光轮2000,它比其他几人的扫帚都要好得多,罗恩的那把“流星”经常被蝴蝶撇在后面。
“Morning, all,” said Percy briskly. “Lovely day.”
| 五分钟后,四个人扛着扫帚朝山上爬去。他们原想邀珀西一起去,可他说没空。到现在为止,哈利只在吃饭时才能看到珀西。
He sat down in the only remaining chair but leapt up again almost immediately, pulling from underneath him a molting, gray feather duster — at least, that was what Harry thought it was, until he saw that it was breathing.
| “我真想知道他在干什么,”弗雷德皱着眉头说,“他最近很反常。你来的前一天他拿到了考试成绩,十二个O.w.Ls证书,都没看出他怎么得意。”
“Errol!” said Ron, taking the limp owl from Percy and extracting a letter from under its wing. “Finally — he’s got Hermione’s answer. I wrote to her saying we were going to try and rescue you from the Dursleys.”
| “O.w.Ls代表普通巫师等级考试。”看到哈利不解的表情,乔治解释说,“比尔也得过十二个,如果我们不留神点儿,家里可能会再出现一个男生学生会主席,我可丢不起这份人。”
He carried Errol to a perch just inside the back door and tried to stand him on it, but Errol flopped straight off again so Ron laid him on the draining board instead, muttering, “Pathetic.” Then he ripped open Hermione’s letter and read it out loud:
| 比尔是韦斯莱兄弟中的老大,他和老二查理都已离开了霍格沃茨。哈利从没见过他们,但知道查理在罗马尼亚研究龙,比尔在埃及为古灵阁,即巫师银行工作。
“ ‘Dear Ron, and Harry if you’re there,
| “不知道爸爸妈妈到哪里弄钱给我们买今年的学习用品,”乔治过了一会儿说,“五套洛哈特的书!金妮还需要长袍和魔杖什么的……”
“ ‘I hope everything went all right and that Harry is okay and that you didn’t do anything illegal to get him out, Ron, because that would get Harry into trouble, too. I’ve been really worried and if Harry is all right, will you please let me know at once, but perhaps it would be better if you used a different owl, because I think another delivery might finish your one off.
| 哈利没有说话,他觉得有点尴尬。他父母留给他的一点可怜的财产,存在古灵阁的地下金库里。当然,他的钱只能在魔法世界里使用,你不能在麻瓜的商店里用加隆、西可和纳特买东西。哈利从没向德思礼一家提起他在古灵阁的存款,他认为他们虽然惧怕与魔法有关的一切,但这种恐惧大概不会扩展到一大堆金币上面。
“ ‘I’m very busy with schoolwork, of course’ — How can she be?” said Ron in horror. “We’re on vacation! — ‘and we’re going to London next Wednesday to buy my new books. Why don’t we meet in Diagon Alley?
| 到了下星期三,韦斯莱夫人一大早就把他们叫醒了。他们每人匆匆吃了五六块成肉三明治,然后穿好外套。韦斯莱夫人从厨房壁炉架上端起一只花盆,朝里面看着。
“ ‘Let me know what’s happening as soon as you can. Love from Hermione.’ ”
| “不多了,亚瑟,”她叹了口气,“今天得去买点儿……好吧,客人先请!哈利,你先来!”
“Well, that fits in nicely, we can go and get all your things then, too,” said Mrs. Weasley, starting to clear the table. “What’re you all up to today?”
| 她把花盆送到他面前。
Harry, Ron, Fred, and George were planning to go up the hill to a small paddock the Weasleys owned. It was surrounded by trees that blocked it from view of the village below, meaning that they could practice Quidditch there, as long as they didn’t fly too high. They couldn’t use real Quidditch balls, which would have been hard to explain if they had escaped and flown away over the village; instead they threw apples for one another to catch. They took turns riding Harry’s Nimbus Two Thousand, which was easily the best broom; Ron’s old Shooting Star was often outstripped by passing butterflies.
| 哈利愣住了,大家都看着他。
Five minutes later they were marching up the hill, broomsticks over their shoulders. They had asked Percy if he wanted to join them, but he had said he was busy. Harry had only seen Percy at mealtimes so far; he stayed shut in his room the rest of the time.
| “我——我应该怎么做?”他结结巴巴地问。
“Wish I knew what he was up to,” said Fred, frowning. “He’s not himself. His exam results came the day before you did; twelve O.W.L.s and he hardly gloated at all.”
| “他没用过飞路粉旅行。”罗恩突然说,“对不起,哈利,我忘记了。”
“Ordinary Wizarding Levels,” George explained, seeing Harry’s puzzled look. “Bill got twelve, too. If we’re not careful, we’ll have another Head Boy in the family. I don’t think I could stand the shame.”
| “你没用过?”韦斯莱先生问道,“那你去年是怎么到对角巷去买学习用品的?”
Bill was the oldest Weasley brother. He and the next brother, Charlie, had already left Hogwarts. Harry had never met either of them, but knew that Charlie was in Romania studying dragons and Bill in Egypt working for the wizard’s bank, Gringotts.
| “我坐地铁去的——”
“Dunno how Mum and Dad are going to afford all our school stuff this year,” said George after a while. “Five sets of Lockhart books! And Ginny needs robes and a wand and everything. . . .”
| “是吗?”韦斯莱先生兴致勃勃地问,“有电梯子吗?到底怎么——”
Harry said nothing. He felt a bit awkward. Stored in an underground vault at Gringotts in London was a small fortune that his parents had left him. Of course, it was only in the wizarding world that he had money; you couldn’t use Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts in Muggle shops. He had never mentioned his Gringotts bank account to the Dursleys; he didn’t think their horror of anything connected with magic would stretch to a large pile of gold. Mrs. Weasley woke them all early the following Wednesday. After a quick half a dozen bacon sandwiches each, they pulled on their coats and Mrs. Weasley took a flowerpot off the kitchen mantelpiece and peered inside.
| “现在别问了,亚瑟。”韦斯莱夫人说,“哈利用飞路粉要快得多,可是,天哪,要是你从前没用过——”
“We’re running low, Arthur,” she sighed. “We’ll have to buy some more today. . . . Ah well, guests first! After you, Harry dear!”
| “他没问题的,妈妈。”弗雷德说,“哈利,先看我们怎么做。”
And she offered him the flowerpot.
| 他从花盆里捏起一撮亮晶晶的粉末,走到火炉前,把粉末丢进火焰里。
Harry stared at them all watching him.
| 呼的一声,炉火变得碧绿,升得比弗雷德还高。他径直走进火里,喊了一声“对角巷!”眨眼间就不见了。
“W-what am I supposed to do?” he stammered.
| “你必须把这几个字说清楚,孩子,”韦斯莱夫人对哈利说,乔治也把手伸进了花盆,“出来时千万别走错炉门……”
“He’s never traveled by Floo powder,” said Ron suddenly. “Sorry, Harry, I forgot.”
| “别走错什么?”哈利紧张地问,火焰呼啸着蹿起,把乔治也卷走了。
“Never?” said Mr. Weasley. “But how did you get to Diagon Alley to buy your school things last year?”
| “你知道,魔火有很多种,你必须选准,但只要你口齿清楚——”
“I went on the Underground —”
| “他不会有事的,莫丽,别紧张兮兮的。”韦斯莱先生说着,也取了一些飞路粉。
“Really?” said Mr. Weasley eagerly. “Were there escapators? How exactly —”
| “可是亲爱的,如果他走丢了,我们怎么跟他的姨父姨妈交代啊?”
“Not now, Arthur,” said Mrs. Weasley. “Floo powder’s a lot quicker, dear, but goodness me, if you’ve never used it before —”
| “他们不会着急的。”哈利安慰她说,“达力会觉得,我在烟囱里失踪是一个绝妙的笑话,您不用担心。”
“He’ll be all right, Mum,” said Fred. “Harry, watch us first.”
| “那……好吧……你在亚瑟后面走。”韦斯莱夫人说道,“记住,一走进火里,就说你要去哪儿——”
He took a pinch of glittering powder out of the flowerpot, stepped up to the fire, and threw the powder into the flames.
| “胳膊肘夹紧。”罗恩教他。
With a roar, the fire turned emerald green and rose higher than Fred, who stepped right into it, shouted, “Diagon Alley!” and vanished.
| “闭上眼睛,”韦斯莱夫人说,“有煤烟——”
“You must speak clearly, dear,” Mrs. Weasley told Harry as George dipped his hand into the flowerpot. “And be sure to get out at the right grate. . . .”
| “不要乱动,”罗恩说,“不然你可能从别的炉门跌出来——”
“The right what?” said Harry nervously as the fire roared and whipped George out of sight, too.
| “但也不要慌里慌张,不要出来得太早,要等你看到了弗雷德和乔治。”
“Well, there are an awful lot of wizard fires to choose from, you know, but as long as you’ve spoken clearly —”
| 哈利拼命把这些都记在心里,伸手取了一撮飞路粉,走到火焰边上。他深深吸了一口气,把粉末撒进火里,向前走去。火焰像一股热风,他一张嘴,马上吸了一大口滚烫的烟灰。
“He’ll be fine, Molly, don’t fuss,” said Mr. Weasley, helping himself to Floo powder, too.
| “对——对角巷。”他咳着说。
“But, dear, if he got lost, how would we ever explain to his aunt and uncle?”
| 他仿佛被吸进了一个巨大的插座孔。他的身子好像在急速旋转……耳旁的呼啸声震耳欲聋……他拼命想睁开眼睛,可是飞旋的绿色火焰让他感到眩晕……有什么坚硬的东西撞到了他的胳膊肘,他紧紧夹住双臂,还是不停地转啊转啊……现在好像有冰凉的手在拍打他的面颊……他眯着眼透过镜片看去,只见一连串炉门模糊地闪过,隐约能瞥见壁炉外的房间……咸肉三明治在他的胃里翻腾……他赶忙闭上眼,祈求快点停下来,然后——他脸朝下摔到了冰冷的石头地上,感觉他的眼镜片碎了。
“They wouldn’t mind,” Harry reassured her. “Dudley would think it was a brilliant joke if I got lost up a chimney, don’t worry about that —”
| 他头晕目眩,皮肤青肿,满身煤灰,小心翼翼地爬起来,把碎裂的眼镜举到眼前。他是独自一人,然而这是什么地方呢,他不知道。他好像是站在一个宽敞而昏暗的巫师商店的石头壁炉前面——可是这里的东西似乎没有一样可能列在霍格沃茨学校的购物单上。
“Well . . . all right . . . you go after Arthur,” said Mrs. Weasley. “Now, when you get into the fire, say where you’re going —”
| 旁边一个玻璃匣里的垫子上,有一只枯萎的人手、一叠血迹斑斑的纸牌和一只呆滞不动的玻璃眼球。狰狞的面具在墙上朝下睨视,柜台上摆着各种各样的人骨,生锈的尖齿状的器械从天花板挂下来。更糟糕的是,哈利可以看出,满是灰尘的商店橱窗外那条阴暗狭窄的小巷,肯定不是对角巷。
“And keep your elbows tucked in,” Ron advised.
| 要尽快离开这里。鼻子还火辣辣地痛,哈利迅速轻手轻脚地向门口走去,可是还没走到一半,门外出现了两个人——其中一个是哈利此刻最不想遇到的人:德拉科马尔福。啊,可不能让马尔福看到他迷了路,满身煤灰,戴着破眼镜。
“And your eyes shut,” said Mrs. Weasley. “The soot —”
| 哈利迅速朝四下一望,看到左边有一个黑色的大柜子,便闪身钻了进去,掩上门,只留了一条细缝。几秒钟后,铃声一响,马尔福走进了店里。
“Don’t fidget,” said Ron. “Or you might well fall out of the wrong fireplace —”
| 他身后的那个男人只能是他的父亲,也是那样苍白的尖脸,那样冷漠的灰眼睛。马尔福先生穿过店堂,懒洋洋地看着陈列的物品,摇响了柜台上的铃铛,然后转身对儿子说:“什么都别碰,德拉科。”
“But don’t panic and get out too early; wait until you see Fred and George.”
| 马尔福正要伸手摸那只玻璃眼球,他说:“我以为你要给我买件礼物呢。”
Trying hard to bear all this in mind, Harry took a pinch of Floo powder and walked to the edge of the fire. He took a deep breath, scattered the powder into the flames, and stepped forward; the fire felt like a warm breeze; he opened his mouth and immediately swallowed a lot of hot ash.
| “我是说要给你买一把比赛用的扫帚。”他父亲用手指叩着柜台说。
“D-Dia-gon Alley,” he coughed.
| “如果我不是学院队的队员,买扫帚有什么用?”马尔福气呼呼地说,“哈利波特去年得了一把光轮2000,邓布利多特许他代表格兰芬多学院比赛。他根本就不配,不过是因为他有些名气……因为他额头上有一个愚蠢的伤疤……”
It felt as though he were being sucked down a giant drain. He seemed to be spinning very fast — the roaring in his ears was deafening — he tried to keep his eyes open but the whirl of green flames made him feel sick — something hard knocked his elbow and he tucked it in tightly, still spinning and spinning — now it felt as though cold hands were slapping his face — squinting through his glasses he saw a blurred stream of fireplaces and snatched glimpses of the rooms beyond — his bacon sandwiches were churning inside him — he closed his eyes again wishing it would stop, and then —
| 马尔福弯腰仔细查看满满一个架子的头盖骨。
He fell, face forward, onto cold stone and felt the bridge of his glasses snap.
| “……所有的人都觉得他那么优秀,了不起的哈利波特和他的伤疤,还有他的飞天扫帚……”
Dizzy and bruised, covered in soot, he got gingerly to his feet, holding his broken glasses up to his eyes. He was quite alone, but where he was, he had no idea. All he could tell was that he was standing in the stone fireplace of what looked like a large, dimly lit wizard’s shop — but nothing in here was ever likely to be on a Hogwarts school list.
| “你已经跟我讲了至少有十遍了,”马尔福先生看了儿子一眼,制止他再说下去,“我要提醒你,当多数人都把哈利波特看成是赶跑了魔头的英雄时,你不装作喜欢他是不——不明智的。——啊,博金先生。”
A glass case nearby held a withered hand on a cushion, a bloodstained pack of cards, and a staring glass eye. Evil-looking masks stared down from the walls, an assortment of human bones lay upon the counter, and rusty, spiked instruments hung from the ceiling. Even worse, the dark, narrow street Harry could see through the dusty shop window was definitely not Diagon Alley.
| 一个躬腰驼背的男人出现在柜台后面,用手向后捋着油光光的头发。
The sooner he got out of here, the better. Nose still stinging where it had hit the hearth, Harry made his way swiftly and silently toward the door, but before he’d got halfway toward it, two people appeared on the other side of the glass — and one of them was the very last person Harry wanted to meet when he was lost, covered in soot, and wearing broken glasses: Draco Malfoy.
| “马尔福先生,再次见到您真让人愉快。”博金先生用和他的头发一样油滑的腔调说道,“非常荣幸——还有马尔福少爷——欢迎光临。我能为您做些什么?我一定要给您看看,今天刚进的,价钱非常公道——”
Harry looked quickly around and spotted a large black cabinet to his left; he shot inside it and pulled the doors closed, leaving a small crack to peer through. Seconds later, a bell clanged, and Malfoy stepped into the shop.
| “我今天不买东西,博金先生,我是来卖东西的。”马尔福先生说。
The man who followed could only be Draco’s father. He had the same pale, pointed face and identical cold, gray eyes. Mr. Malfoy crossed the shop, looking lazily at the items on display, and rang a bell on the counter before turning to his son and saying, “Touch nothing, Draco.”
| “卖东西?”博金先生脸上的笑容稍稍减少了一些。
Malfoy, who had reached for the glass eye, said, “I thought you were going to buy me a present.”
| “你想必听说了,部里加紧了抄查。”马尔福先生说着,从衣服内侧的口袋里摸出一卷羊皮纸,展开给博金先生看。“我家里有一些——啊——可能给我造成不便的东西,如果部里来……”
“I said I would buy you a racing broom,” said his father, drumming his fingers on the counter.
| 博金先生戴上一副夹鼻眼镜,低头看着清单。“想来部里不会去打搅您吧,先生?”
“What’s the good of that if I’m not on the House team?” said Malfoy, looking sulky and bad-tempered. “Harry Potter got a Nimbus Two Thousand last year. Special permission from Dumbledore so he could play for Gryffindor. He’s not even that good, it’s just because he’s famous . . . famous for having a stupid scar on his forehead. . . .”
| 马尔福先生撇了撇嘴。“目前还没有来过。马尔福的名字还有一点威望,可是部里越来越好管闲事了。据说要出台一部新的《麻瓜保护法》——一定是那个邋里邋遢的蠢货亚瑟韦斯莱在背后搞鬼,他最喜欢麻瓜——”
Malfoy bent down to examine a shelf full of skulls.
| 哈利觉得怒火中烧。
“. . . everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick —”
| “——你知道,这上面的有些毒药可以让它看上去——”
“You have told me this at least a dozen times already,” said Mr. Malfoy, with a quelling look at his son. “And I would remind you that it is not — prudent — to appear less than fond of Harry Potter, not when most of our kind regard him as the hero who made the Dark Lord disappear — ah, Mr. Borgin.”
| “我明白,先生,这是当然的。”博金先生说,“让我看看……”
A stooping man had appeared behind the counter, smoothing his greasy hair back from his face.
| “能把那个给我看看吗?”德拉科指着垫子上那只枯萎的人手问道。
“Mr. Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again,” said Mr. Borgin in a voice as oily as his hair. “Delighted — and young Master Malfoy, too — charmed. How may I be of assistance? I must show you, just in today, and very reasonably priced —”
| “啊,光荣之手!”博金先生叫道,丢下马尔福先生的单子,奔到德拉科面前。“插上一支蜡烛,只有拿着它的人才能看见亮光!这是小偷和强盗最好的朋友!您的儿子很有眼力,先生。”
“I’m not buying today, Mr. Borgin, but selling,” said Mr. Malfoy.
| “我希望我的儿子比小偷和强盗有出息一点儿,博金。”马尔福先生冷冷地说。
“Selling?” The smile faded slightly from Mr. Borgin’s face.
| 博金先生马上说:“对不起,先生,我没有那个意思——”
“You have heard, of course, that the Ministry is conducting more raids,” said Mr. Malfoy, taking a roll of parchment from his inside pocket and unraveling it for Mr. Borgin to read. “I have a few — ah — items at home that might embarrass me, if the Ministry were to call. . . .”
| “不过要是他的成绩没有起色,”马尔福先生语气更冷地说,“他也许只能干那些勾当。”
Mr. Borgin fixed a pair of pince-nez to his nose and looked down the list.
| “这不是我的错,”德拉科顶嘴说,“老师们都很偏心,那个赫敏·格兰杰——”
“The Ministry wouldn’t presume to trouble you, sir, surely?”
| “一个非巫师家庭出身的女孩子回回考试都比你强,我还以为你会感到羞耻呢。”马尔福先生怒气冲冲地说。
Mr. Malfoy’s lip curled.
| “哈哈!”看到德拉科又羞又恼的样子,哈利差点笑出声来。
“I have not been visited yet. The name Malfoy still commands a certain respect, yet the Ministry grows ever more meddlesome. There are rumors about a new Muggle Protection Act — no doubt that flea-bitten, Muggle-loving fool Arthur Weasley is behind it —”
| “到处都是这样,”博金先生用他那油滑的腔调说,“巫师血统越来越不值钱了。”
Harry felt a hot surge of anger.
| “我不这样认为。”马尔福先生说,他的长鼻孔扇动着,喷着粗气。
“— and as you see, certain of these poisons might make it appear —”
| “我也不,先生。”博金先生深鞠一躬说。
“I understand, sir, of course,” said Mr. Borgin. “Let me see . . .”
| “那么,也许我们可以接着看我的单子了吧。”马尔福先生不耐烦地说道,“我时间不多,博金,今天我还有重要的事情要办。”
“Can I have that?” interrupted Draco, pointing at the withered hand on its cushion.
| 他们开始讨价还价,德拉科随心所欲地观看店里出售的物品,眼看着就要接近哈利的藏身之处,哈利的心提了起来。德拉科停下来研究一根长长的绞索,又傻笑着念一串华贵的蛋白石项链上面的牌子:当心:切勿触摸,已被施咒——已经夺走了十九位麻瓜的生命。
“Ah, the Hand of Glory!” said Mr. Borgin, abandoning Mr. Malfoy’s list and scurrying over to Draco. “Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder! Best friend of thieves and plunderers! Your son has fine taste, sir.”
| 德拉科转过身,看到了那个柜子。他走上前……手伸向了门把手……
“I hope my son will amount to more than a thief or a plunderer, Borgin,” said Mr. Malfoy coldly, and Mr. Borgin said quickly, “No offense, sir, no offense meant —”
| “成了,”马尔福先生在柜台那边说,“过来,德拉科!”
“Though if his grades don’t pick up,” said Mr. Malfoy, more coldly still, “that may indeed be all he is fit for —”
| 德拉科转身走开了,哈利用衣袖擦了擦额头。
“It’s not my fault,” retorted Draco. “The teachers all have favorites, that Hermione Granger —”
| “再见,博金先生,明天我在家中等你来拿货。”
“I would have thought you’d be ashamed that a girl of no wizard family beat you in every exam,” snapped Mr. Malfoy.
| 门一关,博金先生立刻收起了他那谄媚的腔调。“再见吧,马尔福先生,如果那些传说是真的,你卖给我的东西还不到你宅中私藏的一半……”博金先生愤愤地嘀咕着,走进后房去了。
“Ha!” said Harry under his breath, pleased to see Draco looking both abashed and angry.
| 哈利等了一会儿,怕他还会出来。然后,他尽可能悄无声息地钻出柜子,走过那些玻璃柜台,溜出了店门。
“It’s the same all over,” said Mr. Borgin, in his oily voice. “Wizard blood is counting for less everywhere —”
| 他把破眼镜摁在眼睛上,往四下里张望,眼前是一条肮脏的小巷,两旁似乎全是黑魔法的店铺。他刚刚出来的那一家叫博金·博克,好像是最大的,但对面一家的橱窗里阴森森地陈列着一些萎缩的人头。隔着两家门面,一个大笼子里黑压压地爬满巨大的黑蜘蛛。在一个阴暗的门洞里,有两个衣衫褴褛的巫师正看着他窃窃私语。哈利感到毛骨悚然,要赶快离开那里。他一路努力把眼镜片扶正,心中抱着一线希望,但愿能摸出去。
“Not with me,” said Mr. Malfoy, his long nostrils flaring.
| 一家卖毒蜡烛的店铺前挂着块旧木头街牌,告诉他这是翻倒巷。这没有用,哈利从来都没听说过这个地方。他想,他可能是在韦斯莱家火炉里时吞了满嘴烟灰,没有把地名说清楚。他竭力保持镇静,思索着该怎么办。
“No, sir, nor with me, sir,” said Mr. Borgin, with a deep bow.
| “不是迷路了吧,亲爱的?”耳边忽然响起一个声音,把他吓了一跳。
“In that case, perhaps we can return to my list,” said Mr. Malfoy shortly. “I am in something of a hurry, Borgin, I have important business elsewhere today —”
| 一个老巫婆站在他面前,托着一碟酷似整片死人指甲的东西。她乜斜着他,露出长着苔藓的牙齿,哈利慌忙后退。
They started to haggle. Harry watched nervously as Draco drew nearer and nearer to his hiding place, examining the objects for sale. Draco paused to examine a long coil of hangman’s rope and to read, smirking, the card propped on a magnificent necklace of opals, Caution: Do Not Touch. Cursed — Has Claimed the Lives of Nineteen Muggle Owners to Date.
| “我很好,谢谢。”他说,“我只是——”
Draco turned away and saw the cabinet right in front of him. He walked forward — he stretched out his hand for the handle —
| “哈利!你在这里干什么?”
“Done,” said Mr. Malfoy at the counter. “Come, Draco —”
| 哈利的心怦怦跳起来,那巫婆也惊得一跳,指甲纷纷洒落到她的脚背上。她诅咒着,只见海格,那魁梧的狩猎场看守,正大步向他们走来,甲虫般黑亮的眼睛在大胡子上面炯炯放光。
Harry wiped his forehead on his sleeve as Draco turned away.
| “海格!”哈利心里一宽,沙哑着嗓子喊道,“我迷路了……飞路粉……”
“Good day to you, Mr. Borgin. I’ll expect you at the manor tomorrow to pick up the goods.”
| 海格揪住哈利的后脖颈把他从老巫婆身边拉开,然后一挥手打落了她手里的盘子。她的尖叫声一直追着他们穿过曲曲折折的小巷,直到他们来到明亮的阳光下。哈利远远地就看到了一个熟悉的雪白大理石建筑:古灵阁银行。海格直接把他带到了对角巷。
The moment the door had closed, Mr. Borgin dropped his oily manner.
| “看你这样子!”海格粗声粗气地说,用力给哈利掸去身上的煤灰,重手重脚的,差点把他搡进一家药店外的龙粪桶里。“在翻倒巷里瞎转,你不知道——那不是个好地方,哈利,别让人看见你在那儿——”
“Good day yourself, Mister Malfoy, and if the stories are true, you haven’t sold me half of what’s hidden in your manor. . . .”
| “我也看出来了,”哈利见海格又要来替他掸灰,连忙躲开,“跟你说我迷路了嘛——你在那儿干什么?”
Muttering darkly, Mr. Borgin disappeared into a back room. Harry waited for a minute in case he came back, then, quietly as he could, slipped out of the cabinet, past the glass cases, and out of the shop door.
| “我在找一种驱赶食肉鼻涕虫的药,”海格粗声粗气地说,“它们快把学校的卷心菜糟蹋光了。你不是一个人吧?”
Clutching his broken glasses to his face, Harry stared around. He had emerged into a dingy alleyway that seemed to be made up entirely of shops devoted to the Dark Arts. The one he’d just left, Borgin and Burkes, looked like the largest, but opposite was a nasty window display of shrunken heads and, two doors down, a large cage was alive with gigantic black spiders. Two shabby-looking wizards were watching him from the shadow of a doorway, muttering to each other. Feeling jumpy, Harry set off, trying to hold his glasses on straight and hoping against hope he’d be able to find a way out of here.
| “我现在住在韦斯莱家,可是我们走散了,”哈利解释说,“我得去找他们……”
An old wooden street sign hanging over a shop selling poisonous candles told him he was in Knockturn Alley. This didn’t help, as Harry had never heard of such a place. He supposed he hadn’t spoken clearly enough through his mouthful of ashes back in the Weasleys’ fire. Trying to stay calm, he wondered what to do.
| 他们一起朝前走去。
“Not lost are you, my dear?” said a voice in his ear, making him jump.
| “你怎么一直不给我回信?”海格问,哈利在他身边一溜小跑(他三步才能赶上海格那双大皮靴的一步)。哈利把多比和德思礼一家的情况都跟他说了。
An aged witch stood in front of him, holding a tray of what looked horribly like whole human fingernails. She leered at him, showing mossy teeth. Harry backed away.
| “可恶的麻瓜,”海格咆哮道,“要是我知道——”
“I’m fine, thanks,” he said. “I’m just —”
| “哈利!哈利!快过来!”
“HARRY! What d’yeh think yer doin’ down there?”
| 哈利一抬头,看见赫敏格兰杰站在古灵阁的白台阶上。她跑下来迎接他们,蓬松的棕发在身后飞扬。
Harry’s heart leapt. So did the witch; a load of fingernails cascaded down over her feet and she cursed as the massive form of Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper, came striding toward them, beetle-black eyes flashing over his great bristling beard.
| “你的眼镜怎么了?你好,海格……哦,又看到你们俩了,真是太好了……你去古灵阁吗,哈利?”
“Hagrid!” Harry croaked in relief. “I was lost — Floo powder —”
| “我找到韦斯莱一家之后就去。”哈利说。
Hagrid seized Harry by the scruff of the neck and pulled him away from the witch, knocking the tray right out of her hands. Her shrieks followed them all the way along the twisting alleyway out into bright sunlight. Harry saw a familiar, snow-white marble building in the distance — Gringotts Bank. Hagrid had steered him right into Diagon Alley.
| “你不用找多久的。”海格笑道。
“Yer a mess!” said Hagrid gruffly, brushing soot off Harry so forcefully he nearly knocked him into a barrel of dragon dung outside an apothecary. “Skulkin’ around Knockturn Alley, I dunno — dodgy place, Harry — don’ want no one ter see yeh down there —”
| 哈利和赫敏环顾四周,看见罗恩、弗雷德、乔治、珀西和韦斯莱先生正从拥挤的街上快步跑来。
“I realized that,” said Harry, ducking as Hagrid made to brush him off again. “I told you, I was lost — what were you doing down there, anyway?”
| “哈利,”韦斯莱先生喘着气说,“我们但愿你只错过了一个炉门……”他擦了擦亮晶晶的秃顶。
“I was lookin’ fer a Flesh-Eatin’ Slug Repellent,” growled Hagrid. “They’re ruinin’ the school cabbages. Yer not on yer own?”
| “莫丽都急疯了——她马上就来。”
“I’m staying with the Weasleys but we got separated,” Harry explained. “I’ve got to go and find them. . . .”
| “你在哪儿出来的?"罗恩问。
They set off together down the street.
| “翻倒巷。”海格板着脸说。
“How come yeh never wrote back ter me?” said Hagrid as Harry jogged alongside him (he had to take three steps to every stride of Hagrid’s enormous boots). Harry explained all about Dobby and the Dursleys.
| “太棒了!”弗雷德和乔治一起叫了起来。
“Lousy Muggles,” growled Hagrid. “If I’d’ve known —”
| “大人们从来不让我们去的。”罗恩羡慕地说。
“Harry! Harry! Over here!”
| “我想最好别去。”海格粗声说。
Harry looked up and saw Hermione Granger standing at the top of the white flight of steps to Gringotts. She ran down to meet them, her bushy brown hair flying behind her.
| 韦斯莱夫人急急地向这边跑来,一只手拎着的手提包剧烈地摆动着;金妮拉着她的另一只手吃力地跟着。
“What happened to your glasses? Hello, Hagrid — Oh, it’s wonderful to see you two again — Are you coming into Gringotts, Harry?”
| “哦,哈利——哦,亲爱的——你走到哪儿都可能的啊——”她上气不接下气地从包里拿出一把大衣刷,开始掸扫海格没拍掉的煤灰。韦斯莱先生接过哈利的眼镜,用魔杖一点,还给他的眼镜像新的一样。
“As soon as I’ve found the Weasleys,” said Harry.
| “唔,我得走了。”海格说,他的手正被韦斯莱夫人紧紧攥着(“翻倒巷!多亏你发现了他,海格!”)。“霍格沃茨见!”他大步流星地走了,比街上所有的人都高出一个头和一个肩膀。
“Yeh won’t have long ter wait,” Hagrid said with a grin.
| “你们猜我在博金·博克店里看到谁了?”走上古灵阁的台阶时,哈利问罗恩和赫敏。“马尔福和他爸爸。”
Harry and Hermione looked around: Sprinting up the crowded street were Ron, Fred, George, Percy, and Mr. Weasley.
| “卢修斯马尔福买什么东西了吗?”韦斯莱先生在他们身后警惕地问。
“Harry,” Mr. Weasley panted. “We hoped you’d only gone one grate too far. . . .” He mopped his glistening bald patch. “Molly’s frantic — she’s coming now —”
| “没有,他去卖东西了。”
“Where did you come out?” Ron asked.
| “他害怕了,”韦斯莱先生严肃而满意地说,“哦,我真想抓到卢修斯马尔福的证据……”
“Knockturn Alley,” said Hagrid grimly.
| “当心点,亚瑟。”韦斯莱夫人告诫他说,一位小妖躬着身子把他们引进银行。“那一家人可不好惹,别去咬你啃不动的骨头。”
“Excellent!” said Fred and George together.
| “你认为我斗不过马尔福?”韦斯莱先生愤愤地说,可是他的注意力马上被转移了,因为他看见赫敏的父母正局促地站在横贯整个大理石大厅的柜台旁,等着赫敏给他们作介绍。
“We’ve never been allowed in,” said Ron enviously.
| “啊,你们是麻瓜!”韦斯莱先生高兴地说,“咱们一定要喝一杯去!你手里拿的那个是什么?哦,你们在兑换麻瓜货币。莫丽,你瞧!”他兴奋地指着格兰杰先生手里那张十英镑的钞票说。
“I should ruddy well think not,” growled Hagrid.
| “一会儿还在这儿见。”罗恩对赫敏说,韦斯莱一家和哈利由另一个古灵阁小妖领着,前往他们的地下金库。
Mrs. Weasley now came galloping into view, her handbag swinging wildly in one hand, Ginny just clinging onto the other.
| 由小妖驾驶的小车在小型铁轨上穿梭飞驰,穿过银行的地下隧道到达各个保险库。哈利觉得那一路风驰电掣的感觉十分过瘾,可是当韦斯莱家的保险库打开时,他感到比在翻倒巷时还可怕。里面是很不起眼的一堆银西可,只有一块金加隆。韦斯莱夫人连边边角角都摸过了,最后把所有的硬币都拨拉到她的包里。到了他自己的保险库,哈利感觉更难堪了。他尽量不让别人看到,匆匆地把几小把硬币扫进一个皮包。
“Oh, Harry — oh, my dear — you could have been anywhere —”
| 他们在银行外的大理石台阶上分手了。珀西嘀咕着要买一根新羽毛笔,弗雷德和乔治看到了他们在霍格沃茨学校的朋友李乔丹。韦斯莱夫人和金妮要去一家卖旧袍子的商店。韦斯莱先生坚持要带格兰杰一家去破釜酒吧喝一杯。
Gasping for breath she pulled a large clothes brush out of her bag and began sweeping off the soot Hagrid hadn’t managed to beat away. Mr. Weasley took Harry’s glasses, gave them a tap of his wand, and returned them, good as new.
| “一小时后在丽痕书店集合,给你们买课本。”韦斯莱夫人一面交代,一面带着金妮动身离开。“不许去翻倒巷!”她冲着双胞胎兄弟的背影喊。
“Well, gotta be off,” said Hagrid, who was having his hand wrung by Mrs. Weasley (“Knockturn Alley! If you hadn’t found him, Hagrid!”). “See yer at Hogwarts!” And he strode away, head and shoulders taller than anyone else in the packed street.
| 哈利、罗恩和赫敏在卵石铺成的曲折街道上溜达。那些金币、银币和铜币在哈利兜里愉决地响着,大声要求把它们花掉。于是他买了三块大大的草莓花生黄油冰淇淋。他们惬意地吃着冰淇淋在巷子里闲逛,浏览着琳琅满目的商店橱窗。罗恩恋恋不舍地盯着魁地奇精品店橱窗里陈列的全套查德里火炮队袍服,直到赫敏拉他们到旁边一家店铺里去买墨水和羊皮纸。在蹦跳嬉闹魔法笑话商店,他们碰到了弗雷德、乔治和李乔丹。他们在大量购买“费力拔博士的自动点火、见水开花神奇烟火”。在一家堆满破破烂烂的魔杖、摇摇晃晃的铜天平和药渍斑斑的旧斗篷的旧货铺里,他们发现珀西正在聚精会神地读一本非常枯燥的书:《级长怎样获得权力》。
“Guess who I saw in Borgin and Burkes?” Harry asked Ron and Hermione as they climbed the Gringotts steps. “Malfoy and his father.”
| “霍格沃茨的级长和他们离校后从事的职业,”罗恩大声念着封底的说明,“听起来蛮吸引人的……”
“Did Lucius Malfoy buy anything?” said Mr. Weasley sharply behind them.
| “走开。”珀西没好气地说。
“No, he was selling —”
| “当然啦,珀西是有野心的,他都计划好了……他要当魔法部长……”他们离开珀西时,罗恩低声对哈利和赫敏说。
“So he’s worried,” said Mr. Weasley with grim satisfaction. “Oh, I’d love to get Lucius Malfoy for something. . . .”
| 一小时后,他们向丽痕书店走去,去书店的人远不止他们几个。他们惊讶地发现店门外挤了一大群人,都想进去。楼上拉出了一条大横幅:吉德罗洛哈特签名出售自传《会魔法的我》,今日下午12:30-4:30
“You be careful, Arthur,” said Mrs. Weasley sharply as they were bowed into the bank by a goblin at the door. “That family’s trouble. Don’t go biting off more than you can chew —”
| “我们可以当面见到他啦!”赫敏叫起来,“我是说,书单上的书几乎全是他写的呀!”
“So you don’t think I’m a match for Lucius Malfoy?” said Mr. Weasley indignantly, but he was distracted almost at once by the sight of Hermione’s parents, who were standing nervously at the counter that ran all along the great marble hall, waiting for Hermione to introduce them.
| 人群中似乎大部分都是韦斯莱夫人这个年纪的女巫。一位面色疲惫的男巫站在门口说:“女士们,安静……不要拥挤……当心图书……”
“But you’re Muggles!” said Mr. Weasley delightedly. “We must have a drink! What’s that you’ve got there? Oh, you’re changing Muggle money. Molly, look!” He pointed excitedly at the tenpound notes in Mr. Granger’s hand.
| 哈利、罗恩和赫敏从人缝里钻了进去。弯弯曲曲的队伍从门口一直排到书店后面,吉德罗洛哈特就在那里签名售书。他们每人抓了一本《与女鬼决裂》,偷偷跑到韦斯莱一家和格兰杰夫妇排队的地方。
“Meet you back here,” Ron said to Hermione as the Weasleys and Harry were led off to their underground vaults by another Gringotts goblin.
| “哦,你们可来了,太好了。”韦斯莱夫人说。她呼吸急促,不停地拍着头发。“我们一会儿就能见到他了……”
The vaults were reached by means of small, goblin-driven carts that sped along minature train tracks through the bank’s underground tunnels. Harry enjoyed the breakneck journey down to the Weasleys’ vault, but felt dreadful, far worse than he had in Knockturn Alley, when it was opened. There was a very small pile of silver Sickles inside, and just one gold Galleon. Mrs. Weasley felt right into the corners before sweeping the whole lot into her bag. Harry felt even worse when they reached his vault. He tried to block the contents from view as he hastily shoved handfuls of coins into a leather bag.
| 渐渐地,他们望见吉德罗洛哈特了。他坐在桌子后面,被他自己的大幅照片包围着,照片上的那些脸全都在向人群眨着眼睛,闪露着白得耀眼的牙齿。真正的洛哈特穿着件跟勿忘我花一样蓝色的长袍,与他的蓝眼睛正好相配。尖顶巫师帽俏皮地歪戴在一头鬈发上。
Back outside on the marble steps, they all separated. Percy muttered vaguely about needing a new quill. Fred and George had spotted their friend from Hogwarts, Lee Jordan. Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were going to a secondhand robe shop. Mr. Weasley was insisting on taking the Grangers off to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink.
| 一个脾气暴躁的矮个子男人举着一个黑色的大照相机,在他前前后后跳来跳去地拍照。每次闪光灯炫目地一闪,相机里便喷出一股股紫色的烟雾。
“We’ll all meet at Flourish and Blotts in an hour to buy your schoolbooks,” said Mrs. Weasley, setting off with Ginny. “And not one step down Knockturn Alley!” she shouted at the twins’ retreating backs.
| “闪开,”他对罗恩嚷道,一面后退着选取一个更好的角度,“这是给《预言家日报》拍的。”
Harry, Ron, and Hermione strolled off along the winding, cobbled street. The bag of gold, silver, and bronze jangling cheerfully in Harry’s pocket was clamoring to be spent, so he bought three large strawberry-and-peanut-butter ice creams, which they slurped happily as they wandered up the alley, examining the fascinating shop windows. Ron gazed longingly at a full set of Chudley Cannon robes in the windows of Quality Quidditch Supplies until Hermione dragged them off to buy ink and parchment next door. In Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, they met Fred, George, and Lee Jordan, who were stocking up on Dr. Filibuster’s Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks, and in a tiny junk shop full of broken wands, lopsided brass scales, and old cloaks covered in potion stains they found Percy, deeply immersed in a small and deeply boring book called Prefects Who Gained Power.
| “真了不起。”罗恩揉着被那人踩痛的脚背说。
“A study of Hogwarts prefects and their later careers,” Ron read aloud off the back cover. “That sounds fascinating. . . .”
| 吉德罗洛哈特听到了。他抬起头来,看到了罗恩,接着又看到了哈利。他盯着哈利看了一会儿,跳起来喊道:“这不是哈利波特吗?”
“Go away,” Percy snapped.
| 人群让开一条路,兴奋地低语着。洛哈特冲上前来,抓住哈利的胳膊,把他拉到前面,全场爆发出一阵掌声。哈利脸上发烧,洛哈特握着他的手让摄影师拍照。矮个子男人疯狂地连连按动快门,阵阵浓烟飘到韦斯莱一家身上。
“ ’Course, he’s very ambitious, Percy, he’s got it all planned out. . . . He wants to be Minister of Magic . . .” Ron told Harry and Hermione in an undertone as they left Percy to it.
| “笑得真漂亮,哈利。”洛哈特自己也展示着一口晶亮的牙齿,“咱们俩可以上第一版。”
An hour later, they headed for Flourish and Blotts. They were by no means the only ones making their way to the bookshop. As they approached it, they saw to their surprise a large crowd jostling outside the doors, trying to get in. The reason for this was proclaimed by a large banner stretched across the upper windows:
| 当他终于放开哈利的手时,哈利手指都麻木了。他想溜回韦斯莱一家那里,可洛哈特的一只胳膊还搭在他肩上,把他牢牢夹在身边。
| “女士们先生们,”洛哈特大声说,挥手让大家安静,“这是多么不同寻常的一刻!我要借这个绝妙的场合宣布一件小小的事情,这件事我压了一段时间一直没有说。”
will be signing copies of his autobiography
| “年轻的哈利今天走进丽痕书店时,只是想买我的自传——我愿意当场把这本书免费赠送给他——”又是一片掌声。“——可他不知道,”洛哈特继续说,并摇晃了哈利一下,弄得他眼镜滑到了鼻尖上,“他不久将得到比拙作《会魔法的我》更有价值的东西,实际上,他和他的同学们将得到一个真正的、会魔法的我。不错,女士们先生们,我无比愉快和自豪地宣布,今年九月,我将成为霍格沃茨魔法学校的黑魔法防御术课教师!”
| 人群鼓掌欢呼,哈利发现自己拿到了吉德罗洛哈特的全套著作,沉得他走路都有点摇晃。他好不容易才走出公众注意的中心,来到墙边,金妮正站在她的新坩埚旁。
today 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
| “这些给你,”哈利把书倒进坩埚里,含糊地对她说,“我自己再买——”
“We can actually meet him!” Hermione squealed. “I mean, he’s written almost the whole booklist!”
| “你一定很喜欢这样吧,波特?”一个他决不会听错的声音说道。哈利直起腰,与德拉科马尔福打了个照面,对方脸上挂着惯常的那种嘲讽人的笑容。
The crowd seemed to be made up mostly of witches around Mrs. Weasley’s age. A harassed-looking wizard stood at the door, saying, “Calmly, please, ladies. . . . Don’t push, there . . . mind the books, now. . . .”
| “著名的哈利波特,”马尔福说,“连进书店都不能不成为头版新闻。”
Harry, Ron, and Hermione squeezed inside. A long line wound right to the back of the shop, where Gilderoy Lockhart was signing his books. They each grabbed a copy of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 and sneaked up the line to where the rest of the Weasleys were standing with Mr. and Mrs. Granger.
| “别胡说,他不想那样!”金妮说。这是她第一次当着哈利的面主动说话,对马尔福怒目而视。
“Oh, there you are, good,” said Mrs. Weasley. She sounded breathless and kept patting her hair. “We’ll be able to see him in a minute. . . .”
| “波特,你找了个女朋友!”马尔福拖长着音调说。金妮的脸红了,罗恩和赫敏挤过来,每人都抱着一摞洛哈特的书。
Gilderoy Lockhart came slowly into view, seated at a table surrounded by large pictures of his own face, all winking and flashing dazzlingly white teeth at the crowd. The real Lockhart was wearing robes of forget-me-not blue that exactly matched his eyes; his pointed wizard’s hat was set at a jaunty angle on his wavy hair.
| “哦,是你,”罗恩看着马尔福,仿佛看到了鞋底上什么恶心的东西,“你在这儿看到哈利一定很吃惊吧,嗯?”
A short, irritable-looking man was dancing around taking photographs with a large black camera that emitted puffs of purple smoke with every blinding flash.
| “更让我吃惊的是,居然看到你也进了商店,韦斯莱。”马尔福反唇相讥,“我猜,为了买那些东西,你爸爸妈妈下个月要饿肚子了吧。”
“Out of the way, there,” he snarled at Ron, moving back to get a better shot. “This is for the Daily Prophet —”
| 罗恩涨红了脸,把书丢进坩埚,就要朝马尔福冲去。哈利和赫敏从后面紧紧拽住他的衣服。
“Big deal,” said Ron, rubbing his foot where the photographer had stepped on it.
| “罗恩!”韦斯莱先生带着弗雷德和乔治挤过来,“你在干什么?这里的人都疯了,我们出去吧。”
Gilderoy Lockhart heard him. He looked up. He saw Ron — and then he saw Harry. He stared. Then he leapt to his feet and positively shouted, “It can’t be Harry Potter?”
| “啊呀呀——亚瑟韦斯莱。”
The crowd parted, whispering excitedly; Lockhart dived forward, seized Harry’s arm, and pulled him to the front. The crowd burst into applause. Harry’s face burned as Lockhart shook his hand for the photographer, who was clicking away madly, wafting thick smoke over the Weasleys.
| 是马尔福先生。他一只手搭在德拉科的肩上,脸上挂着和儿子一模一样的讥笑。
“Nice big smile, Harry,” said Lockhart, through his own gleaming teeth. “Together, you and I are worth the front page.”
| “卢修斯。”韦斯莱先生冷冷地点头说。
When he finally let go of Harry’s hand, Harry could hardly feel his fingers. He tried to sidle back over to the Weasleys, but Lockhart threw an arm around his shoulders and clamped him tightly to his side.
| “听说老兄公务繁忙得很哪,”马尔福先生说,“那么多的抄查……我想他们付给你加班费了吧?”他把手伸进金妮的坩埚,从崭新光亮的洛哈特著作中间抽出了一本破破烂烂的《初学变形指南》。“看来并没有。我的天,要是连个好报酬都捞不到,做个巫师中的败类又有什么好处呢?”
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said loudly, waving for quiet. “What an extraordinary moment this is! The perfect moment for me to make a little announcement I’ve been sitting on for some time!
| 韦斯莱先生的脸比罗恩和金妮红得还厉害。
“When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts today, he only wanted to buy my autobiography — which I shall be happy to present him now, free of charge —” The crowd applauded again. “He had no idea,” Lockhart continued, giving Harry a little shake that made his glasses slip to the end of his nose, “that he would shortly be getting much, much more than my book, Magical Me. He and his schoolmates will, in fact, be getting the real magical me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that this September, I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!”
| “我们对于什么是巫师中的败类看法截然不同,马尔福。”他说。
The crowd cheered and clapped and Harry found himself being presented with the entire works of Gilderoy Lockhart. Staggering slightly under their weight, he managed to make his way out of the limelight to the edge of the room, where Ginny was standing next to her new cauldron.
| “当然,”马尔福先生说。他浅色的眼珠子一转,目光落到了提心吊胆地看着他们的格兰杰夫妇身上。“看看你交的朋友,韦斯莱……我本以为你们一家已经堕落到极限了呢。”
“You have these,” Harry mumbled to her, tipping the books into the cauldron. “I’ll buy my own —”
| 哐当一声,金妮的坩埚飞了出去。韦斯莱先生朝马尔福先生扑过去,把他撞到一个书架上,几十本厚厚的咒语书掉到他们头上。
“Bet you loved that, didn’t you, Potter?” said a voice Harry had no trouble recognizing. He straightened up and found himself face-to-face with Draco Malfoy, who was wearing his usual sneer.
| 弗雷德和乔治大喊:“揍他,爸爸!”
“Famous Harry Potter,” said Malfoy. “Can’t even go into a bookshop without making the front page.”
| 韦斯莱夫人尖叫:“别这样,亚瑟,别这样!”
“Leave him alone, he didn’t want all that!” said Ginny. It was the first time she had spoken in front of Harry. She was glaring at Malfoy.
| 人群惊慌后退,撞倒了更多的书架。
“Potter, you’ve got yourself a girlfriend !” drawled Malfoy. Ginny went scarlet as Ron and Hermione fought their way over, both clutching stacks of Lockhart’s books.
| “先生们,行行好——行行好。”店员喊道。
“Oh, it’s you,” said Ron, looking at Malfoy as if he were something unpleasant on the sole of his shoe. “Bet you’re surprised to see Harry here, eh?”
| 然后一个大嗓门压过了所有的声音:“散开,先生们,散开——”
“Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley,” retorted Malfoy. “I suppose your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for all those.”
| 海格踏着满地的书大步走了过来,一眨眼就把韦斯莱先生和马尔福先生拉开了。韦斯莱先生的嘴唇破了,马尔福先生的一只眼睛被《毒菌大全》砸了一下,手里还捏着金妮那本破旧的变形术课本。他把书往她手里一塞,眼里闪着恶毒的光芒。
Ron went as red as Ginny. He dropped his books into the cauldron, too, and started toward Malfoy, but Harry and Hermione grabbed the back of his jacket.
| “喏。小丫头——拿着你的书——这是你爸爸能给你的最好的东西——”他挣脱了海格的手臂,向德拉科一招手,冲出了店门。
“Ron!” said Mr. Weasley, struggling over with Fred and George. “What are you doing? It’s too crowded in here, let’s go outside.”
| “你不该理他,亚瑟,”海格伸手替韦斯莱先生把袍子抹平,差点把他举了起来,“这家伙坏透了,他们全家都是,所有的人都知道。马尔福一家人的话根本不值得听。他们身上的血是坏的,就是这么回事。走,我们出去吧。”
“Well, well, well — Arthur Weasley.”
| 店员似乎想拦住他们,可是他的个头才到海格的腰部,所以没敢造次。
It was Mr. Malfoy. He stood with his hand on Draco’s shoulder, sneering in just the same way.
| 他们快步走到街上,格兰杰夫妇吓得浑身发抖,韦斯莱夫人则气得发狂。
“Lucius,” said Mr. Weasley, nodding coldly.
| “给孩子们带的好头……当众打架……吉德罗洛哈特会怎么想……”
“Busy time at the Ministry, I hear,” said Mr. Malfoy. “All those raids . . . I hope they’re paying you overtime?”
| “他可高兴了,”弗雷德说道,“咱们出来时你没听见吗?他问《预言家日报》的那个家伙能不能把打架的事也写进报道——他说这能造成轰动。”
He reached into Ginny’s cauldron and extracted, from amid the glossy Lockhart books, a very old, very battered copy of A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration.
| 不过回到破釜酒吧的壁炉旁时,大伙儿已经平静多了。哈利、书斯莱一家和买的东西都要用飞路粉运回陋居。格兰杰一家要回城那边麻瓜住的街道。他们在酒吧道别,韦斯莱先生想问问他们汽车站是什么样的,可是看到韦斯莱夫人的表情,只好赶快闭了嘴。
“Obviously not,” Mr. Malfoy said. “Dear me, what’s the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don’t even pay you well for it?”
| 哈利摘下眼镜,小心地放进口袋里,才去取飞路粉。这显然不是他最喜欢的旅行方式。
Mr. Weasley flushed darker than either Ron or Ginny.
“We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy,” he said.
| |
“Clearly,” said Mr. Malfoy, his pale eyes straying to Mr. and Mrs. Granger, who were watching apprehensively. “The company you keep, Weasley . . . and I thought your family could sink no lower —”
| |
There was a thud of metal as Ginny’s cauldron went flying; Mr. Weasley had thrown himself at Mr. Malfoy, knocking him backward into a bookshelf. Dozens of heavy spellbooks came thundering down on all their heads; there was a yell of, “Get him, Dad!” from Fred or George; Mrs. Weasley was shrieking, “No, Arthur, no!”; the crowd stampeded backward, knocking more shelves over; “Gentlemen, please — please!” cried the assistant, and then, louder than all —
| |
“Break it up, there, gents, break it up —”
| |
Hagrid was wading toward them through the sea of books. In an instant he had pulled Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy apart. Mr. Weasley had a cut lip and Mr. Malfoy had been hit in the eye by an Encyclopedia of Toadstools. He was still holding Ginny’s old Transfiguration book. He thrust it at her, his eyes glittering with malice.
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“Here, girl — take your book — it’s the best your father can give you —” Pulling himself out of Hagrid’s grip he beckoned to Draco and swept from the shop.
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“Yeh should’ve ignored him, Arthur,” said Hagrid, almost lifting Mr. Weasley off his feet as he straightened his robes. “Rotten ter the core, the whole family, everyone knows that — no Malfoy’s worth listenin’ ter — bad blood, that’s what it is — come on now — let’s get outta here.”
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The assistant looked as though he wanted to stop them from leaving, but he barely came up to Hagrid’s waist and seemed to think better of it. They hurried up the street, the Grangers shaking with fright and Mrs. Weasley beside herself with fury.
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“A fine example to set for your children . . . brawling in public . . . what Gilderoy Lockhart must’ve thought —”
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“He was pleased,” said Fred. “Didn’t you hear him as we were leaving? He was asking that bloke from the Daily Prophet if he’d be able to work the fight into his report — said it was all publicity —”
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But it was a subdued group that headed back to the fireside in the Leaky Cauldron, where Harry, the Weasleys, and all their shopping would be traveling back to the Burrow using Floo powder. They said good-bye to the Grangers, who were leaving the pub for the Muggle street on the other side; Mr. Weasley started to ask them how bus stops worked, but stopped quickly at the look on Mrs. Weasley’s face.
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Harry took off his glasses and put them safely in his pocket before helping himself to Floo powder. It definitely wasn’t his favorite way to travel.
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