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| 第十六章 特里劳妮教授的预言
Harry's euphoria at finally winning the Quidditch Cup lasted at least a week. Even the weather seemed to be celebrating; as June approached, the days became cloudless and sultry, and all anybody felt like doing was strolling onto the grounds and flopping down on the grass with several pints of iced pumpkin juice, perhaps playing a casual game of Gobstones or watching the giant squid propel itself dreamily across the surface of the lake.
| 赢得魁地奇奖杯使哈利心情欢快,这种心情至少持续了一星期。就连天气似乎也来庆祝胜利了:随着六月的到来,白天变得闷热而晴朗无云,大家都只想到户外散步,带着几品脱冰镇南瓜汁到草地上猛然躺下,也许随意玩上一场掷石子游戏或是看着巨大的鱿鱼在湖面上梦一般地前进。
But they couldn't. Exams were nearly upon them, and instead of lazing around outside, the students were forced to remain inside the castle, trying to bully their brains into concentrating while enticing wafts of summer air drifted in through the windows. Even Fred and George Weasley had been spotted working; they were about to take their O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels). Percy was getting ready to take his N.E.W.T.s (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests), the highest qualification Hogwarts offered. As Percy hoped to enter the Ministry of Magic, he needed top grades. He was becoming increasingly edgy, and gave very severe punishments to anybody who disturbed the quiet of the common room in the evenings. In fact, the only person who seemed more anxious than Percy was Hermione.
| 但是他们不能这样做。考试临近了,学生们非但不能在户外懒洋洋地打发时光,而且还不得不留在城堡里,忍受着从窗外吹来的夏日熏风的诱惑,迫使自己的大脑努力工作。就连弗雷德和乔治也在用功,他们即将参加0. w. Ls(普通巫师等级)考试。珀西正在准备通过N. E. w. Ts(终极巫师考试),这是霍格沃茨所能提供的最高学历。珀西希望进入魔法部工作,因此他必须具备最高学历。他越来越急躁易怒,晚上谁破坏了公共休息室的宁静,他就给谁以严厉处罚。实际上,惟一比珀西还要焦急的人是赫敏。
Harry and Ron had given up asking her how she was managing to attend several classes at once, but they couldn't restrain themselves when they saw the exam schedule she had drawn up for herself. The first column read:
| 哈利和罗恩已经不再问她怎么能够同时上好几门课了,但是,他们看到她为自己拟定的考试时间表的时候,还是忍不住。这张表的第一栏写道:
| 星期一9点钟,算术占卜9点钟,变形午饭1点钟,魔咒1点钟,古代魔文
9 o'clock, Arithmancy
| “赫敏?”罗恩小心地问道,因为这些日子里她一受打扰就容易暴怒。“哦——你肯定没把这些时间抄错吗?”
9 o'clock, Transfiguration
| “什么?”赫敏厉声说,拿起那张时间表来仔细察看。“对的,我当然没抄错。”
| “你怎么能够同时坐在两个考场里,这样问一下不算没意义吧?”哈利说。
1 o'clock, Charms
| “不算,”赫敏简短地说,“你们谁看见我的《数字学和语法学》了?”
1 o'clock, Ancient Runes
| “哦,对,我借了去躺在床上的时候稍微看看。”罗恩说道,但是说得很平静。
"Hermione?" Ron said cautiously, because she was liable to explode when interrupted these days. "Er -- are you sure you've copied down these times right?"
| 赫敏开始在她的桌子上搬动一堆堆的羊皮纸,找那本书。就在这时,窗子处一阵响动,海德薇紧叼着一张便条飞了进来。
"What?" snapped Hermione, picking up the exam schedule and examining it. "Yes, of course I have."
| “是从海格那里来的。”哈利说,把那张便条撕开了,“巴克比克的上诉定在六号那天。”
"Is there any point asking how you're going to sit for two exams at once?" said Harry.
| “那正是我们考试结束的日子。”赫敏说,仍旧在到处找她的算术占卜书。
"No," said Hermione shortly. "Have either of you seen my copy of Numerology and Gramatica?"
| “他们到这里来听取上诉,”哈利说,仍旧在读那便条,“是魔法部的什么人和……一名行刑手。”
"Oh, yeah, I borrowed it for a bit of bedtime reading," said Ron, but very quietly. Hermione started shifting heaps of parchment Harry, Ron, and Hermione plenty of opportunity to speak to Hagrid.
| 赫敏抬起头来,惊慌了。“他们带行刑手来听取上诉!听起来好像他们已经决定了呀!”
"Beaky's gettin' a bit depressed," Hagrid told them, bending low on the pretense of checking that Harry's flobberworm was still alive. "Bin cooped up too long. But still... we'll know day after tomorrow -- one way or the other --"
| “对,是这样的。”哈利慢慢地说。
They had Potions that afternoon, which was an unqualified disaster. Try as Harry might, he couldn't get his Confusing Concoction to thicken, and Snape, standing watch with an air of vindictive pleasure, scribbled something that looked suspiciously like a zero onto his notes before moving away.
| “他们不能这样!”罗恩咆哮道,“我花了那么多时间为他阅读材料,他们不能全部不放在眼里!”
Then came Astronomy at midnight, up on the tallest tower; History of Magic on Wednesday morning, in which Harry scribbled everything Florean Fortescue had ever told him about medieval witch-hunts, while wishing he could have had one of Fortescue's choco-nut sundaes with him in the stifling classroom. Wednesday afternoon meant Herbology, in the greenhouses under a baking-hot sun; then back to the common room once more, with sunburnt necks, thinking longingly of this time next day, when it would all be over.
| 但是哈利有一种可怕的感觉,那就是马尔福先生已经替处置危险生物委员会下了决心。马尔福自从格兰芬多在魁地奇决赛中胜出以来,明显收敛了不少,但最近几天,他往日的狂妄自大又恢复了几分。从哈利偷听到的嘲笑性评论来看,马尔福肯定巴克比克是死定了,而且似乎因为是自己促成的而高兴得不得了。哈利所能做到的,只是不去模仿赫敏在这种场合打马尔福的耳光而已。这件事最糟糕的地方在于他们既没有时间也没有机会去看海格,因为新的严格的保安纪律还没有撤消,哈利又不敢从独眼女巫雕像下面取回他的隐形衣。
Their second to last exam, on Thursday morning, was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin had compiled the most unusual exam any of them had ever taken; a sort of obstacle course outside in the sun, where they had to wade across a deep paddling pool containing a grindylow, cross a series of potholes full of Red Caps, squish their way across a patch of marsh while ignoring misleading directions from a hinkypunk, then climb into an old trunk and battle with a new boggart.
| 考试周开始了,城堡里一片不寻常的静寂。三年级学生星期一午饭时从变形课堂出来,个个灰头土脸,走路也没了精神,大家互相比较成绩并且慨叹给他们的任务太难,这些任务包括把茶壶变成乌龟。
"Excellent, Harry," Lupin muttered as Harry climbed out of the trunk, grinning. "Full marks."
| 赫敏大惊小怪地说,她变出来的乌龟倒像甲鱼,而别人对这点已很满足了,因此她的牢骚让人恼火。
Flushed with his success, Harry hung around to watch Ron and Hermione. Ron did very well until he reached the hinkypunk, which successfully confused him into sinking waist-high into the quagmire. Hermione did everything perfectly until she reached the trunk with the boggart in it. After about a minute inside it, she burst out again, screaming.
| “我变的鸟龟尾巴仍旧是茶壶嘴,这可要命……”
"Hermione!" said Lupin, startled. "What's the matter?"
| “人们是不是以为乌龟呼吸水蒸气?”
"P -- P -- Professor McGonagall!" Hermione gasped, pointing into the trunk. "Sh -- she said I'd failed everything!"
| “我的乌龟仍旧有柳叶花纹的硬壳,你说这会给我扣分吗?”
It took a little while to calm Hermione down. When at last she had regained a grip on herself, she, Harry, and Ron went back to the castle. Ron was still slightly inclined to laugh at Hermione's boggart, but an argument was averted by the sight that met them on the top of the steps.
| 然后,大家急急忙忙吃过午饭,直接回到楼上参加魔咒课的考试。赫敏上次说得对,弗立维教授的确考他们快乐咒语了。哈利在消除紧张不安方面做得稍有些过头,而作为他搭档的罗恩最后一阵阵歇斯底里的大笑,人们只得把他领到安静的房间待了一个小时,等到他自己能念快乐咒语时为止。
Cornelius Fudge, sweating slightly in his pinstriped cloak, was standing there staring out at the grounds. He started at the sight of Harry.
| 晚饭以后,学生们赶回公共休息室,不是为了放松,而是开始复习保护神奇生物、魔药和天文学。
"Hello there, Harry!" he said. "Just had an exam, I expect? Nearly finished?"
| 第二天早晨,海格主持保护神奇生物考试,但一副心事重重的样子,心思似乎根本不在考试上。他给全班学生拿了一大桶新鲜的弗洛伯毛虫,告诉大家说,要想通过考试,他们的弗洛伯毛虫必须在一小时以后仍然活着。要是对弗洛伯毛虫放任不管,它们就繁殖得极快,因此这是他们所经历过的最容易的考试,这也给哈利、罗恩和赫敏提供了许多机会,以便和海格谈话。
"Yes," said Harry. Hermione and Ron, not being on speaking terms with the Minister of Magic, hovered awkwardly in the background.
| “比克有一点儿沮丧,”海格告诉他们说,假装查看哈利的毛虫是不是还活着,身体弯得很低,“禁闭得太久了。但仍旧……后天我们就知道了——胜还是败。”
"Lovely day," said Fudge, casting an eye over the lake.
| 那天下午他们考魔药,那绝对是一场灾难。哈利虽然尽了努力,他的混乱调料仍然太浓,斯内普站在一旁看着,一副幸灾乐祸的样子。在离开前他在哈利本子上写下几个字,看上去很像是一个零字。
"Pity... pity..."
| 午夜时刻考天文学,大家都到最高的楼上去了。
He sighed deeply and looked down at Harry.
| 魔术史是星期三上午考的,哈利一面在试卷上写下弗洛林曾经告诉他的有关中世纪追捕女巫的所有情况,一面希望在这间闷人的教室里能够有一份弗洛林的巧克力坚果圣代冰淇淋。
"I'm here on an unpleasant mission, Harry. The Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures required a witness to the execution of a mad hippogriff. As I needed to visit Hogwarts to check on the Black situation, I was asked to step in."
| 星期三下午考草药,那就得在灼热的阳光下待在暖房里;回到公共休息室的时候,大家的后脖子都给太阳晒伤了,心里都巴望着快到第二天,那时考试就都结束了。
"Does that mean the appeal's already happened?" Ron interrupted, stepping forward.
| 星期四上午考黑魔法防御术,这是他们的倒数第二门考试。卢平教授拟定的考试是他们谁都没有考过的,是最不同寻常的:那是在户外,在阳光下的一种类似障碍赛的考试,学生们必须涉水走过一处有格林迪洛的池塘,穿行一系列满是红帽子的坑洼,咯吱咯吱地走过一片沼泽地,不去理会一头欣克庞克发出的错误的指示,然后还要爬进一个旧箱子与一个新的博格特打斗。
"No, no, it's scheduled for this afternoon," said Fudge, looking curiously at Ron.
| “棒极了,哈利,”卢平说道,这时哈利笑着从箱子里爬出来,“满分。”
"Then you might not have to witness an execution at A!" said Eon stoutly. "The hippogriff might get off!"
| 哈利高兴得脸通红,留在那儿没走,等着看罗恩和赫敏的成绩。罗恩在遇到欣克庞克以前一直很棒,但是欣克庞克的错误指导让他陷进了齐腰深的泥泞中。赫敏在到达有博格特的箱子以前无懈可击。在箱子里待了大约一分钟之后,她又尖叫着冲了出来。
Before Fudge could answer, two wizards came through the castle doors behind him. One was so ancient he appeared to be withering before their very eyes; the other was tall and strapping, with a thin back mustache. Harry gathered that they were representatives of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, because tie very old wizard squinted toward Hagrid's cabin and said in a feeble voice, "Dear, dear, I'm getting too old for this.... Two o'clock, isn't it, Fudge?"
| “赫敏!”卢平说,吓了一跳,“怎么啦?”
The black-mustached man was fingering something in his belt; Harry looked and saw that he was running one broad thumb along the blade of a shining axe. Ron opened his mouth to say something, but Hermione nudged him hard in the ribs and jerked her head toward the entrance hall.
| “麦——麦格教授!”赫敏喘着气说,指着那箱子,“她——她说我全部考试都不及格!”
"Why'd you stop me?" said Ron angrily as they entered the Great Hall for lunch. "Did you see them? They've even got the axe ready! This isn't justice!"
| 让赫敏镇静下来花了一点儿时间。最后她又能控制自己了,她、哈利和罗恩回到了城堡。罗恩仍旧有点儿想取笑赫敏的博格特,但在楼梯尽头看到的景象让他们避免了一场争论。
"Ron, your dad works for the Ministry, you can't go saying things like that to his boss!" said Hermione, but she too looked very upset. "As long as Hagrid keeps his head this time, and argue, hi case properly, they can't possibly execute Buckbeak...."
| 康奈利福吉身穿他那件细条纹斗篷,稍稍有点儿出汗,正在那里瞪眼看着外面的场地。看见哈利,他也瞪着眼睛。“哈利,你好!”他说,“刚考完,是不是?快考完了吧?”
But Harry could tell Hermione didn't really believe what she was saying. All around them, people were talking excitedly as they ate their lunch, happily anticipating the end of the exams that afternoon, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione, lost in worry about Hagrid and Buckbeak, didn't join in.
| “是的。”哈利说。赫敏和罗恩没有和魔法部长说过话,尴尬地在后面走来走去。
Harry's and Ron's last exam was Divination; Hermione's, Muggle Studies. They walked up the marble staircase together; Hermione left them on the first floor and Harry and Ron proceeded all the way up to the seventh, where many of their class were sitting on the spiral staircase to Professor Trelawney's classroom, trying to cram in a bit of last-minute studying.
| “天气真好,”福吉说,目光落在湖面上,“可惜……可惜……”他深深叹着气,目光向下看哈利。“我到这里来执行令人不愉快的使命,哈利。处置危险生物委员会要求在处死一头发了疯的鹰头马身有翼兽时有一名证人在场。正好我为了布莱克的事需要拜访霍格沃茨,他们就请我参加了。”
"She's seeing us all separately," Neville informed them as they went to sit down next to him. He had his copy of Unfogging the Future open on his lap at the pages devoted to crystal gazing. "Have either of you ever seen anything in a crystal ball?" he asked them unhappily.
| “这就是说已经听取过上诉了?”罗恩走向前插嘴道。
"Nope," said Ron in an offhand voice. He kept checking his watch; Harry. knew that he was counting down the time until Buckbeak's appeal started.
| “不,不,上诉定在今天下午。”福吉说,好奇地看着罗恩。
The line of people outside the classroom shortened very slowly. As each person climbed back down the silver ladder, the rest of the class hissed, "What did she ask? Was it okay?"
| “那您有可能做不成死刑执行的见证人!”罗恩勇敢地说,“那头鹰头马身有翼兽也许没事!”
But they all refused to say.
| 福吉还没来得及回答,两名男巫从他身后的城堡大门里走了出来。一名已经很老了,好像就在他们眼前一点点儿枯萎下去;另外一名身材高大匀称,有稀疏的唇髭。哈利猜想他们是处置危险生物委员会的代表,因为那很老的男巫眯着眼看海格的小屋,还用软弱的声音说:“哎哟,哎哟,我太老了。不能做这样的事了……两点钟。是不是,福吉?”
"She says the crystal ball's told her that if I tell you, I'll have a horrible accident!" squeaked Neville as he clambered back down the ladder toward Harry and Ron, who had now reached the landing.
| 有黑唇髭的男子在他的皮带里用手指触摸着什么东西。哈利看了一下,发现他在用大拇指抚摸着一把发亮的斧头的刃。罗恩张嘴要说什么,但是赫敏用力戳他的肋骨,还把他的脑袋扭到前厅那个方向。
"That's convenient," snorted Ron. "You know, I'm starting to think Hermione was right about her" -- he jabbed his thumb toward the trapdoor overhead -- "she's a right old fraud."
| “为什么不让我说话?”罗恩恼怒地问,这时他们进了餐厅准备吃饭。“你没看见他们吗?他们连斧头都准备好了!这不公平!”
"Yeah," said Harry, looking at his own watch. It-was now two o'clock. "Wish she'd hurry up..."
| “罗恩,你爸在魔法部工作。你可不能对他的上司说这种话!”赫敏说。但是她也显得很沮丧。“这次只要海格头脑清醒,为这个案子说话恰当,他们就不会杀掉巴克比克……”
Parvati came back down the ladder glowing with pride.
| 但是哈利能够看出赫敏并不真正相信自己的话。在他们周围,人们吃午饭时都在兴奋地谈论着,快乐地预测当天下午的考试结果,但是哈利、罗恩和赫敏一味担心着海格和巴克比克,没有参加这样的谈论。
"She says I've got all the makings of a true Seer," she informed Harry and Ron. "I saw loads of stuff... Well, good luck!"
| 哈利和罗恩的最后一场考试是占卜,赫敏的是麻瓜研究。他们一起走上大理石楼梯。赫敏在二楼和他们分手了,哈利和罗恩一直走到八楼,许多同学坐在通往特里劳妮教授教室的螺旋形楼梯上,希望在最后时刻还能强记硬背一些东西。
She hurried off down the spiral staircase toward Lavender.
| “她要分别见我们。”纳威告诉他们,因为他们过来后就坐在他旁边。他膝上放着一本《拨开迷雾看未来》,翻开到水晶球那一章。“你们两人有谁在水晶球里看到过什么东西吗?”他怏快不乐地问。
"Ronald Weasley," said the familiar, misty voice from over their heads. Ron grimaced at Harry and climbed the silver ladder out of sight. Harry was now the only person left to be tested. He settled himself on the floor with his back against the wall, listening to a fly buzzing in the sunny window, his mind across the grounds with Hagrid.
| “没有。”罗恩说道,声音是不在意的。他一直在看表,哈利知道他在倒计时,计算巴克比克案上诉开始的时刻。
Finally, after about twenty minutes, Ron's large feet reappeared on the ladder.
| 教室外面的队伍缩短得很慢。一有人从那道银色楼梯上走下来,班上其余人就都悄声问道:“她问什么啦?通过了吗?”
"How'd it go?" Harry asked him, standing up.
| 但是他们都拒绝回答。
"Rubbish," said Ron. "Couldn't see a thing, so I made some stuff up. Don't think she was convinced, though...."
| “她说水晶球告诉她,如果我告诉了你们,我就会遇到可怕的事情!”纳威尖声说,这时他正从楼梯上下来走向哈利和罗恩,这两人现在已经到达楼梯平台了。
"Meet you in the common room," Harry muttered as Professor Trelawney's voice called, "Harry Potter!"
| “这就对了,”罗恩轻蔑地说,“你知道,我现在开始认为赫敏说她说对了(他把大拇指对着头上的活板门一翘),她是个老骗子。”
The tower room was hotter than ever before; the curtains were closed, the fire was alight, and the usual sickly scent made Harry cough as he stumbled through the clutter of chairs and table to where Professor Trelawney sat waiting for him before a large crystal ball.
| “对。”哈利说,看着他自己的表,现在已经两点钟了。“希望她快一点儿……”
"Good day, my dear," she said softly. "If you would kindly gaze into the Orb.... Take your time, now... then tell me what you see within it...."
| 帕瓦蒂走下楼梯,满脸得意。
Harry bent over the crystal ball and stared, stared as hard as he could, willing it to show him something other than swirling white fog, but nothing happened.
| “她说我具备成为真正预见者的全部素质,”她告诉哈利和罗恩,“我看见了许多东西……好吧,祝你们好运!”
"Well?" Professor Trelawney prompted delicately. "What do you see?"
| 她忙忙地走下螺旋形楼梯找拉文德去了。
The heat was overpowering and his nostrils were stinging with the perfumed smoke wafting from the fire beside them. He thought of what Ron had just said, and decided to pretend.
| “罗恩·韦斯莱。”他们头顶上那熟悉的模糊声音说。罗恩对哈利做了个鬼脸,爬上银色楼梯不见了。
"Er --" said Harry, "a dark shape... um..."
| 现在哈利是惟一在等待考试的人了。他坐在地板上,背靠着墙,听着一只苍蝇在有阳光的玻璃窗上嗡嗡着,心思已经飞越场地到海格那里去了。
"What does it resemble?" whispered Professor Trelawney. "Think, now..."
| 最后,大约二十分钟以后,罗恩的大脚又在楼梯上出现了。
Harry cast his mind around and it landed on Buckbeak.
| “考得怎么样?”哈利问他,自己则站了起来。
"A hippogriff," he said firmly.
| “乱七八糟,”罗恩说,“什么也看不见,所以我就编造起来。我想她没相信,不过……”
"Indeed!" whispered Professor Trelawney, scribbling keenly on the parchment perched upon her knees. "My boy, you may well be seeing the outcome of poor Hagrid's trouble with the Ministry of Magic! Look closer... Does the hippogriff appear to... have its head?"
| “在公共休息室碰头。”哈利低声道,这时特里劳妮教授的声音叫道:“哈利波特!”
"Yes," said Harry firmly.
| 这间塔楼房间比以前任何时候都要热。窗帘拉拢着,壁炉里烧着火,通常的那种令人恶心的气味弄得哈利咳嗽起来,这时他正从若干桌椅之间寻路走向特里劳妮教授。她坐在那里等他,面前放着一个硕大的水晶球。
"Are you sure?" Professor Trelawney urged him. "Are you quite sure, dear? You don't see it writhing on the ground, perhaps, and a shadowy figure raising an axe behind it?"
| “你好,亲爱的,”她温柔地说,“你看看这水晶球……现在给你计时……然后告诉我在里面看到了什么……”
"No!" said Harry, starting to feel slightly sick.
| 哈利俯身向这水晶球看去,尽量努力看,但愿它能让他看到除了旋转的白雾之外还有些什么,但什么也看不见。
"No blood? No weeping Hagrid?"
| “唔?”特里劳妮教授准时体贴地发问,“你看见什么了?”
"No!" said Harry again, wanting more than ever to leave the room and the heat. "It looks fine, it's - - flying away..."
| 房间里热浪灼人,哈利的鼻孔里由于火里一阵阵飘出的带香味的烟而感到刺痛。他想起罗恩刚才说的话,决定假装一下。“哦——”哈利说,“一块黑色的东西——唔——”
Professor Trelawney sighed.
| “那东西像什么形状?”特里劳妮教授低声问道。“现在,想一想……”
"Well, dear, I think we'll leave it there.... A little disappointing... but I'm sure you did your best."
| 哈利就想了起来,一下就想到了巴克比克。“是头鹰头马身有翼兽。”他坚决地说。
Relieved, Harry got up, picked up his bag and turned to go, but then a loud, harsh voice spoke behind him.
| “是吗?”特里劳妮教授低语,在放在她膝上的羊皮纸上迅速写下了一些什么。“我的孩子,你很可能正在看到可怜的海格和魔法部之间的麻烦所产生的后果!看仔细些……这头鹰头马身有翼兽好像……有脑袋吗?”
| “有的。”哈利坚定地说。
Harry wheeled around. Professor Trelawney had gone rigid in her armchair; her eyes were unfocused and her mouth sagging.
| “你能肯定吗?”特里劳妮教授敦促他。“你很肯定吗?亲爱的?你是不是看到它在地上挣扎,还有一个阴影在它后边举起了斧头?”
"S -- sorry?" said Harry.
| “没有!”哈利说,开始感到有些作呕。
But Professor Trelawney didn't seem to hear him. Her eyes started to roll. Harry sat there in a panic. She looked as though she was about to have some sort of seizure. He hesitated, thinking of running to the hospital wing -- and then Professor Trelawney spoke again, in the same harsh voice, quite unlike her own:
| “没有血?没有哭泣的海格?”
| “没有!”哈利又说,比什么时候都想离开这间教室和这里的闷热。“它看上去很好,它……飞走了……”
Professor Trelawney's head fell forward onto her chest. She made a grunting sort of noise. Harry sat there, staring at her. Then, quite suddenly, Professor Trelawney's head snapped up again.
| 特里劳妮教授叹了一口气:“好吧,亲爱的,我想我们就到这里吧……有点儿令人失望……不过我肯定你已经尽力而为了。”
"I'm so sorry, dear boy," she said dreamily, "the heat of the day, you know... I drifted off for a moment...."
| 哈利松了一口气,站起来,拿起书包转身要走,但这时一个响亮、嘶哑的声音在他背后说起话来——“这事今晚就要发生。”
Harry sat there, staring at her.
| 哈利飞快地回过身来。特里劳妮教授僵在扶手椅里,目光散漫,下巴下垂。
"Is there anything wrong, my dear?"
| “对——对不起——”哈利说。
"You -- you just told me that the -- the Dark Lord's going to rise again... that his servant's going to go back to him.
| 但是特里劳妮教授似乎没听见,眼睛开始转动起来。哈利惊慌地站在那里。她看上去好像什么病发作了似的。哈利踌躇了,想要不要跑到校医院去……这时特里劳妮教授又说话了,仍旧是那种嘶哑的声音,和她自己的很不相像。
Professor Trelawney looked thoroughly startled.
| “黑魔头一个人躺着,没有朋友,被同伴遗弃。这十二年来他的仆人一直遭到锁禁。今晚,午夜以前,这仆人将挣脱锁链,开始寻找他的主子。黑魔头将在仆人帮助下重新崛起,比以前任何时候都要强大可怕。今晚——午夜以前——那仆人——将开始——重新找到——他的主子——”
"The Dark Lord? He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? My dear boy, that's hardly something to joke about.... Rise again, indeed --"
| 特里劳妮教授的脑袋垂到胸前,她哼了一声。然后,很突然地,她的脑袋啪的一下又抬了起来。
,'But you just said it! You. said the Dark Lord --"
| “抱歉,亲爱的孩子,”她像在梦中似的说,“白天太热,你知道……我睡着了一会儿……”
"I think you must have dozed off too, dear!" said Professor Trelawney. "I would certainly not presume to predict anything quite as far-fetched as that!"
| 哈利仍旧站在当地,瞠目不语。
Harry climbed back down the ladder and the spiral staircase, wondering... had he just heard Professor Trelawney make a real prediction? Or had that been her idea of an impressive end to the test?
| “有什么不对头的地方吗,亲爱的?”
Five minutes later he was dashing past the security trolls outside the entrance to Gryffindor Tower, Professor Trelawney's words still resounding in his head. People were striding past him in the opposite direction, laughing and joking, heading for the grounds and a bit of long-awaited freedom; by the time he had reached the portrait hole and entered the common room, it was almost deserted. Over in the corner, however, sat Ron and Hermione.
| “您——您刚才告诉我说那——黑魔头要重新堀起了——说他的仆人要回到他身边了——”
"Professor Trelawney," Harry panted, "just told me --"
| 特里劳妮教授似乎彻底惊慌起来。“黑魔头?就是那连名字都不能提的人?我亲爱的孩子,这可不是什么能开玩笑的事……重新崛起,当真……”
But he stopped abruptly at the sight of their faces.
| “但是你刚才说了呀!你说黑魔头……”
"Buckbeak lost," said Ron weakly. "Hagrid's just sent this."
| “我想你一定也睡着了一会儿,亲爱的!”特里劳妮教授说,“我肯定不会预言这么遥远的事情!”
Hagrid's note was dry this time, no tears had splattered it, yet his hand seemed to have shaken so much as he wrote that it was hardly legible.
| 哈利爬下楼梯,心里想着……他刚才莫非听到特里劳妮教授作了一番真正的预言?要不然她这样做就是为了给考试来一个令人印象深刻的结束?
Lost appeal. They're going to execute at sunset. Nothing you can do. Don't come down. I don't want you to see it.
| 五分钟以后,他从保安侏儒面前冲过去,到了格兰芬多塔楼入口处的外面,特里劳妮教授的话仍然在他耳边回响。人们在他面前大步走过,走的是与他相反的方向,一路又说又笑,往屋外走,走向向往已久的那一点儿自由。等到他走到肖像画的洞那里并且走进公共休息室的时候,那里几乎没有人了。然而,角落里坐着罗恩和赫敏。
| “特里劳妮教授,”哈利喘着气说,“刚才告诉我……”但是他看到他们的脸就呆住了。
"We've got to go," said Harry at once. "He can't just sit there on his own, waiting for the executioner!"
| “巴克比克败诉了,”罗恩没精打采地说,“海格刚把这个送来。”海格的便条这次是干的,上面没有洒上泪水,但是他的手可能抖得厉害,所以这张字条很难认。
"Sunset, though," said Ron, who was staring out the window ill a glazed sort of way. "We'd never be allowed... 'specially you, Harry...."
| 败诉了。太阳落山的时候执行死刑。你们什么也帮不了了。不要来。我不要你们看见行刑。海格
Harry sank his head into his hands, thinking.
| “我们一定要去,”哈利马上说,“不能让他自己坐在那儿等着行刑手!”
"If we only had the Invisibility Cloak...."
| “但是,太阳落山,”罗恩说,他眼睛瞪着窗外,“怎么也不会同意我们出去的……特别是你,哈利……”
"Where is it?" said Hermione.
| 哈利双手捧着脑袋思索着。“要是我们有那件隐形衣……”
Harry told her about leaving it in the passageway under the one-eyed witch.
| “隐形衣在哪里?”赫敏问。
"... if Snape sees me anywhere near there again, I'm in serious trouble," he finished.
| 哈利告诉她上次把隐形衣留在独眼女巫雕像下面的通道里了。“……要是斯内普再在那附近看见我,我的麻烦可就大了。”他最后这样说。
"That's true," said Hermione, getting to her feet. "If he sees you.... How do you open the witch's hump again?"
| “说得对。”赫敏表示同意,一面站起来,“如果他看见你……你怎么能打开女巫的驼背?”
"You -- you tap it and say, 'Dissendium,'" said Harry. "But --"
| “你……轻轻敲它一下说:‘左右分离’,”哈利说,“但是……”
Hermione didn't wait for the rest of his sentence; she strode across the room, pushed open the Fat Lady's portrait and vanished from sight.
| 赫敏不等他说完,她大步走过房间,推开胖夫人的肖像,就此消失了。
"She hasn't gone to get it?" Ron said, staring after her.
| “她不会是去取隐形衣吧?”罗恩说,瞪着她离去的方向。
She had. Hermione returned a quarter of an hour later with the silvery cloak folded carefully under her robes.
| 赫敏是去了。十五分钟以后,她回来了,隐形衣小心地折好藏在她的袍子下面。
"Hermione, I don't know what's gotten, into you lately!" said Ron, astounded. "First you hit Malfoy, then you walk out on Professor Trelawney --"
| “赫敏,我不知道你最近是怎么了!”罗恩惊讶地说道,“你先是打了马尔福,然后你在特里劳妮教授的课堂上走出去……”赫敏看上去很爱听他这样说。
Hermione looked rather flattered.
| 他们和其他人一起下去吃晚饭,但晚饭后没有回到格兰芬多塔楼。哈利把隐形衣藏在袍子的前襟下面,他必须一直交叉双臂,以便隐藏袍子下面隆起的那一块。他们偷偷摸摸地走到前厅附近一间空房间里,谛听了一会儿,直到他们附近的确没有人为止。他们听见最后两个人急急忙忙穿过礼堂离开了,还听到一扇门关上了,赫敏把脑袋伸到门外去看。
They went down to dinner with everybody else, but did not return to Gryffindor Tower afterward. Harry had the cloak hidden down tie front of his robes; he had to keep his arms folded to hide the lump. They skulked in an empty chamber off the entrance hall, listening, until they were sure it was deserted. They heard a last pair of people hurrying across the hall and a door slamming. Hermione poked her head around the door.
| “没事,”她低声说,“那里没有人——穿上隐形衣——”
"Okay," she whispered, "no one there -- cloak on --"
| 三个人挤在一起走着,以免让人发现。他们在隐形衣下面踮着脚穿过礼堂,然后走下大门前的石阶,来到门外。太阳已经落到禁林后面去了,余辉正照在树梢上。
Walking very close together so that nobody would see them, they crossed the hall on tiptoe beneath the cloak, then walked down the stone front steps into the grounds. The sun was already sinking behind the Forbidden Forest, gilding the top branches of the trees.
| 他们走到海格的小屋前,敲了敲门。他过了一分钟才来开门,等他把门打开后,四处找不到来访的客人,他不觉脸色苍白,发起抖来。
They reached Hagrid's cabin and knocked. He was a minute in answering, and when he did, he looked all around for his visitor, pale-faced and trembling.
| “是我们,”哈利低声说,“我们穿着隐形衣呢。让我们进去,我们就可以脱掉隐形衣了。”
"It's us," Harry hissed. "We're wearing the Invisibility Cloak. Let us in and we can take it off."
| “你们不该来!”海格低声说道,但他退后一步,他们就走了进去。海格迅速关上门,哈利拉掉了隐形衣。
"Yeh shouldn've come!" Hagrid whispered, but he stood back, and they stepped inside. Hagrid shut the door quickly and Harry pulled off the cloak.
| 海格没有哭,也没有扑到他们身上搂住他们的脖子。他看上去像是个不知道自己身在何地、也不知道自己该做什么的人。看见这种无助的情况要比看见流泪更糟。
Hagrid was not crying, nor did he throw himself upon their necks. He looked like a man who did not know where he was or what to do. This helplessness was worse to watch than tears.
| “喝茶吗?”他说,伸手去拿茶壶,一双大手直发抖。
"Wan' some tea?" he said. His great hands were shaking as he reached for the kettle.
| “巴克比克呢,海格?”赫敏迟疑地问道。
"Where's Buckbeak, Hagrid?" said Hermione hesitantly.
| “我……我刚才把它带到外面去了。”海格说道,在把牛奶倒到罐子里的时候溅得满桌子都是。“用绳子系在我的南瓜地里。想它应该看看树木和……呼吸呼吸新鲜空气……在它……”海格的手抖得那样厉害,牛奶罐从他手里掉到了地上,碎成一片片的。
I -- I took him outside," said Hagrid, spilling milk all over the table as he filled up the jug. "He's tethered in me pumpkin patch. Thought he oughta see the trees an' -- an' smell fresh air -- before
| “我来,海格。”赫敏赶快说,忙着走过去收抬残局。
Hagrid's hand trembled so violently that the milk jug slipped from his grasp and shattered all over the floor.
| “碗柜里还有一个罐子。”海格说着坐了下来,用袖子擦前额。
"I'll do it, Hagrid," said Hermione quickly, hurrying over and starting to clean up the mess.
| 哈利看看罗恩,罗恩无可奈何地也看看哈利。“有谁能想出什么办法吗,海格?”哈利狂怒地问道,坐在他旁边。“邓布利多——”
"There's another one in the cupboard," Hagrid said, sitting down and wiping his forehead on his sleeve. Harry glanced at Ron, who looked back hopelessly.
| “他努力过了,”海格说,“他没有控制委员会的力量。他告诉他们巴克比克不危险,但是他们害怕……你们知道卢修斯马尔福是什么样的……威胁他们,我想……还有那行刑手,麦克尼尔,他是马尔福的老伙伴了……但是行刑会是迅速、利落的……而且我会在它身旁……”
"Isn't there anything anyone can do, Hagrid?" Harry asked fiercely, sitting down next to him. "Dumbledore --"
| 海格吞咽了一下。他的眼睛在小屋里到处乱看,好像在寻找一丝一缕的希望或是安慰。
"He's tried," said Hagrid. "He's got no power ter overrule the Committee. He told 'em Buckbeak's all right, but they're scared.... Yeh know what Lucius Malfoy's like... threatened 'em, I expect... an' the executioner, Macnair, he's an old pal o' Malfoy's... but it'll be quick an' clean... an' I'll be beside him.... "
| “那个——那事发生的时候,邓布利多肯定会来的。今天早上他写信告诉我的,说他要——要和我在一起。好人,邓布利多……”
Hagrid swallowed. His eyes were darting all over the cabin as though looking for some shred of hope or comfort.
| 赫敏一直在海格的碗柜里找另外一只牛奶罐,这时低低地抽泣了一下,立即又忍住了。她拿着新罐子直起了身子,拼命忍住眼泪。
"Dumbledore's gonna come down while it -- while it happens. Wrote me this mornin'. Said he wants ter -- ter be with me. Great man, Dumbledore...."
| “我们也和你在一起,海格。”她开始说。
Hermione, who had been rummaging in Hagrid's cupboard for another milk jug, let out a small, quickly stifled sob. She straightened up with the new jug in her hands, fighting back tears.
| 但是海格摇摇他那粗发蓬松的脑袋。“你们应该回城堡去。告诉你们,我不要你们看行刑。而且不管怎样,你们不应该在这里……如果福吉和邓布利多撞见你擅自离开城堡,哈利,你的麻烦就大了。”
"We'll stay with you too, Hagrid," she began, but Hagrid shook his shaggy head.
| 现在赫敏无声地流着泪,但是为了不让海格看见,她忙碌着准备茶。然后,正当她拿起牛奶瓶要倒些牛奶到罐子里去的时候,她尖叫了一声。
"Yeh're ter go back up ter the castle. I told yeh, I don' wan' yeh watchin'. An' yeh shouldn' be down here anyway... If Fudge an' Dumbledore catch yeh out without permission, Harry, yeh'll be in big trouble."
| “罗恩!我——我不相信——那是斑斑!”
Silent tears were now streaming down Hermione's face, but she hid them from Hagrid, bustling around making tea. Then, as she picked up the milk bottle to pour some into the jug, she let out a shriek.
| 罗恩目瞪口呆地看着她。“你在说什么呀?”
"Ron, I don't believe it -- it's Scabbers!"
| 赫敏把牛奶罐拿到了桌上,把它底朝上翻了个个儿。斑斑惊慌地尖叫,努力挣扎着想回到牛奶罐里去,却滑落到了桌子上。
Ron gaped at her.
| “斑斑!”罗恩茫然地叫道,“斑斑,你在这里干什么?”他抓住这只挣扎不已的耗子,把它举到有光线的地方。斑斑样子狼狈,比以前更加瘦了,皮毛大量脱落,留下一片片光秃的皮肤。它在罗恩手里扭动着,似乎拼命想得到自由。“没事,斑斑!”罗恩说,“没有猫!这里没有东西会伤害你!”
"What are you talking about?"
| 海格突然站起来,眼睛盯着窗外。他原来脸色红润,现在却变成了羊皮纸那样的颜色。“他们来了……”
Hermione carried the milk jug over to the table and turned it upside down. With a frantic squeak, and much scrambling to get back inside, Scabbers the rat came sliding out onto the table.
| 哈利、罗恩和赫敏都迅速转身。
"Scabbers!" said Ron blankly. "Scabbers, what are you doing here?"
| 远处,一群男子正在走下城堡的石台阶。走在前面的是邓布利多,他的银色胡须在落日余辉中闪闪发亮。他身旁是康奈利福吉,后面是年老体弱的委员会成员和行刑手麦克尼尔。
He grabbed the struggling rat and held him up to the light. Scabbers looked dreadful. He was thinner than ever, large tufts of hair had fallen out leaving wide bald patches, and he writhed in Ron's hands as though desperate to free himself
| “你们必须走了。”海格说,从头到脚一寸寸都在发抖,“一定不能让他们发现你们在这里……走吧,现在……”罗恩把斑斑塞到了衣袋里,赫敏拿起那件隐形衣。“我领你们从后面走。”海格说。
"It's okay, Scabbers!" said Ron. "No cats! There's nothing here to hurt you!"
| 他们跟着他走到通往后花园的那道门前,哈利感到好像是在梦中一般。当他看到几码开外的巴克比克时,这种感觉就更加浓厚了。巴克比克拴在海格的南瓜地里一棵树后面。巴克比克好像知道有什么事情要发生了,它把脑袋转来转去,还不安地用爪子抓地。
Hagrid suddenly stood up, his eyes fixed on the window. His normally ruddy face had gone the color of parchment.
| “没事,比克,”海格温柔地说,“没事……”他转向哈利、罗恩和赫敏。“走吧,”他说,“快走。”
"They're comin'...."
| 但是他们不动。
Harry, Ron, and Hermione whipped around. A group of men was walking down the distant castle steps. In front was Albus Dumbledore, his silver beard gleaming in the dying sun. Next to him trotted Cornelius Fudge. Behind them came the feeble old Committee member and the executioner, Macnair.
| “海格,我们不能——”
"Yeh gotta go," said Hagrid. Every inch of him was trembling. "They mustn' find yeh here.... Go now..."
| “我们要告诉他们实际情况。”
Ron stuffed Scabbers into his pocket and Hermione picked up the cloak. "I'll let yeh out the back way," said Hagrid.
| “他们不能杀它!”
They followed him to the door into his back garden. Harry felt strangely unreal, and even more so when he saw Buckbeak a few yards away, tethered to a tree behind Hagrid's Pumpkin patch. Buckbeak seemed to know something was happening. He turned his sharp head from side to side and pawed the ground nervously.
| “走!”海格狂怒地说,“你们遇到麻烦的话,事情就更糟了!”
"It's okay, Beaky," said Hagrid softly. "It's okay..." He turned to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Go on," he said. "Get goin'."
| 他们别无选择。赫敏把隐形衣罩在哈利和罗恩头上,这时,他们听到小屋门外有了人声。海格看着他们刚刚隐没的地方。
But they didn't move.
| “快走,”他哑着嗓子说,“别听……”他慢慢走回小屋,已经有人在敲他的门了。
"Hagrid, we can't --"
| 在一阵恐怖的恍惚之中,哈利、罗恩和赫敏开始静静地绕着海格的小屋慢慢走着。他们走到小屋那一边时,前门砰的一响关上了。
"We'll tell them what really happened --"
| “劳驾,我们快走吧,”赫敏说,“我受不了,我忍受不了……”
"They can't kill him --"
| 他们踏上倾斜的草坪,走向城堡。现在太阳下沉得很快,天空清朗,灰中带紫,但是西方还有一抹残红。罗恩站住了,一动不动。
"Go!" said Hagrid fiercely. "It's bad enough without you lot in trouble an' all!"
| “哦,劳驾,罗恩。”赫敏开始说。
They had no choice. As Hermione threw the cloak over Harry and Ron, they heard voices at the front of the cabin. Hagrid looked at the place where they had just vanished from sight.
| “是斑斑——它不肯——待着不动——”
"Go quick," he said hoarsely. "Don' listen...."
| 罗恩弯下了腰,努力让斑斑仍旧待在衣袋里,但是那耗子变得狂暴起来,疯狂地尖叫着、扭动着并且踢蹬着,想咬罗恩的手。
And he strode back into his cabin as someone knocked at the front door.
| “斑斑,是我呀,你这个傻瓜,是罗恩呀。”罗恩低声说。
Slowly, in a kind of horrified trance, Harry, Ron, and Hermione set off silently around Hagrid's house. As they reached the other side, the front door closed with a sharp snap.
| 他们听到身后有一扇门开了,有男子的说话声传来。
"Please, let's hurry," Hermione whispered. "I can't stand it, I can't bear it...."
| “哦,罗恩,劳驾让咱们走吧,他们要下手了!”赫敏说。
They started up the sloping lawn toward the castle. The sun was sinking fast now; the sky had turned to a clear, purple-tinged grey, but to the west there was a ruby-red glow.
| “好——斑斑待着不要动——”
Ron stopped dead.
| 他们向前走。哈利像赫敏一样,努力不去听身后人们说话的声音。罗恩又停下来了。“我抓不住它——斑斑,住嘴,人家要听见我们了——”
"Oh, please, Ron," Hermione began.
| 那耗子狂乱地尖叫,但还不是响得能盖过从海格的花园里传过来的声音。有几个乱七八糟的男声,一阵静默。然后,在不加誊告的情况下,斧子挥动的声音和一声钝响。赫敏在原地摇晃了一下。
"It's Scabbers -- he won't -- stay put --"
| “他们已经下手了!”她对哈利耳语道,“我不……不信……他们已经下手了……”
Ron was bent over, trying to keep Scabbers in his pocket, but the rat was going berserk; squeaking madly, twisting and flailing, trying to sink his teeth into Ron's hand.
"Scabbers, it's me, you idiot, it's Ron," Ron hissed.
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They heard a door open behind them and men's voices.
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"Oh, Ron, please let's move, they're going to do it!" Hermione breathed.
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"Okay -- Scabbers, stay put --"
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They walked forward; Harry, like Hermione, was trying not to listen to the rumble of voices behind them. Ron stopped again.
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"I can't hold him -- Scabbers, shut up, everyone'll hear us --"
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The rat was squealing wildly, but not loudly enough to cover up the sounds drifting from Hagrid's garden. There was a jumble of indistinct male voices, a silence, and then, without warning, the unmistakable swish and thud of an axe.
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Hermione swayed on the spot.
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"They did it!" she whispered to Harry. "I d -- don't believe it -- they did it!"
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