园丁集 泰戈尔著 冰 心译
Title: The Gardener Author: Rabindranath Tagore 英文 中文 双语对照 双语交替 首页 目录 上一章 下一章 | |
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Let your work be, bride. Listen, the guest has come.
| 放下你的工作吧,我的新娘。听,客人来了。
Do you hear, he is gently shaking the chain which fastens the door?
| 你听见没有,他在轻轻地摇动那拴门的链子?
See that your anklets make no loud noise, and that your step is not over-hurried at meeting him.
| 小心不要让你的脚镯响出声音,在迎接他的时候你的脚步不要太急。
Let your work be, bride, the guest has come in the evening.
| 放下你的工作吧,新娘,客人在晚上来了。
No, it is not the ghostly wind, bride, do not be frightened.
| 不,这不是一阵阴风,新娘,不要惊惶。
It is the full moon on a night of April; shadows are pale in the courtyard; the sky overhead is bright.
| 这是四月夜中的满月,院里的影子是暗淡的,头上的天空是明亮的。
Draw your veil over your face if you must, carry the lamp to the door if you fear.
| 把轻纱遮上脸,若是你觉得需要;提着灯到门前去,若是你害怕。
No, it is not the ghostly wind, bride, do not be frightened.
| 不,这不是一阵阴风,新娘,不要惊惶。
Have no word with him if you are shy; stand aside by the door when you meet him.
| 若是你害羞就不必和他说话,你迎接他的时候只须站在门边。
If he asks you questions, and if you wish to, you can lower your eyes in silence.
| 他若问你话,若是你愿意这样做,你就沉默地低眸。
Do not let your bracelets jingle when, lamp in hand, you lead him in.
| 不要让你的手镯作响,当你提着灯,带他进来的时候。
Have no word with him if you are shy.
| 不必同他说话,如果你害羞。
Have you not finished your work yet, bride? Listen, the guest has come.
| 你的工作还没有做完么,新娘?听,客人来了。
Have you not lit the lamp in the cowshed?
| 你还没有把牛栅里的灯点起来么?
Have you not got ready the offering basket for the evening service?
| 你还没有把晚祷的供筐准备好么?
Have you not put the red lucky mark at the parting of your hair, and done your toilet for the night?
| 你还没有在发缝中涂上鲜红的吉祥点,你还没有理过晚妆么?
O bride, do you hear, the guest has come?
| 呵,新娘,你没有听见,客人来了么?
Let your work be!
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