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Steps taken to bolster youth employment

来源:中国日报    2022-07-05 16:02

        The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said a national employment campaign is taking place from July to December focusing on this year's 10.76 million new college graduates and jobless people under the age of 35.人力资源和社会保障部表示,7月至12月将以1076万高校毕业生和35岁以下失业青年为服务对象,集中开展服务攻坚行动。
        The ministry said that more regular on-site job fairs will be organized during the campaign. For example, those cities with large populations of college graduates should organize a comprehensive job fair every month.人社部表示,在行动期间将组织更多定期现场招聘会。未就业毕业生较为集中的地市级以上城市,每月至少举办1次综合性招聘活动。
        In addition to encouraging companies to offer more jobs to the young people, government bodies are also required to step up efforts to expand grassroots recruitment campaigns, said the ministry.人社部表示,除鼓励企业吸纳高校毕业生就业外,还要求政府机构加大力度扩展毕业生到基层就业的空间。
        "Young people still face employment pressure as vacancies have decreased due to the novel coronavirus epidemic, while there is a gap between the available positions and graduates' employment expectations," said Pang Shi, director of the department of employment and entrepreneurship at the Chinese Academy of Personnel Science.中国人事科学研究院就业创业与政策评价研究室主任庞诗表示:“受新冠疫情影响,职位空缺减少,年轻人仍然面临就业压力,而现有职位与毕业生的就业期望之间存在差距。”
        He said that it's important for the college graduates to change their perceptions of some professions and what they consider to be suitable employment.他称,对于大学毕业生来说,重要的是改变他们对某些职业的看法,以及他们认为什么是合适的工作。
        The ministry said that it will continue to make efforts to develop more suitable jobs for college graduates, and will also improve its supervision of illegal behaviors encroaching on young people's rights, such as unqualified employment agencies, as well as gender and age discrimination.人社部表示,将持续强化毕业生就业权益保障,加强对黑职介、性别年龄招聘歧视等侵害求职者权益的违法违规行为的监督。

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