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A President Untethered

来源:纽约时报    2022-06-29 05:13

        WASHINGTON — He flung his lunch across the room, smashing the plate in a fit of anger as ketchup dripped down the wall. He appeared to endorse supporters who wanted to hang his own vice president. And in a scene laid out by a former aide that seemed more out of a movie than real life, he tried to wrestle away the steering wheel of his presidential vehicle and lunged at his own Secret Service agent.        华盛顿——他把午餐扔到房间另一头,盛怒之下摔碎盘子,墙上的番茄酱流淌而下。他似乎认可那些想绞死他自己的副总统的支持者们。在一名前助手的描述中,他试图抢过总统专车的方向盘,并冲向自己的特勤局特工,这简直不像现实世界会发生的事情,倒像是电影里的场面。
        Former President Donald J. Trump has never been seen as the most stable occupant of the Oval Office by almost anyone other than himself, but the breathtaking testimony presented by his former aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, at Tuesday’s House select committee hearing portrayed an unhinged commander in chief veering wildly out of control as he desperately sought to cling to power and egged on armed supporters to help make it happen.        除了他自己,几乎没有人会认为前总统特朗普是精神状态最稳定的椭圆形办公室主人,但他的前助手卡西迪·哈钦森周二在众议院特别委员会听证会上提供的证词非常惊人,描绘了一个精神失常的三军总司令失控的样子,他拼命想抓住权力不放,并且怂恿武装支持者帮助自己实现这一点。
        The president that emerged from her account was volatile, violent and vicious, single-minded in his quest to overturn an election he lost no matter what anyone told him, anxious to head to the Capitol to personally disrupt the constitutional process that would finalize his defeat, dismissive of warnings that his actions could lead to disaster and thoroughly unbothered by the prospect of sending to Congress a mob of supporters that he knew included people armed with deadly weapons.        从她的描述中可以看出,这位总统情绪不稳,充满暴力,危险凶残,不管别人怎么跟他说,他都一心想要推翻自己败选的事实,急于前往国会亲自破坏将会最终宣告他失败的宪法程序。他对自身行为可能导致灾难的警告不屑一顾,并且在明知其中有人持有致命武器的情况下,他对于自己向国会派出一群暴徒支持者可能导致的结果也毫不在意。
        A president who liked to describe himself as a “very stable genius” was anything but that as Ms. Hutchinson observed in those final, frenzied days of his time in office. Hers was not a description that surprised many of those who worked for Mr. Trump and had seen him up close in the preceding four years, or for that matter, many who had known him in the decades that preceded his life in politics. But hearing her recount it all under oath, on live television, brought home how much Mr. Trump and his White House spiraled in its perilous last chapter.        一位喜欢形容自己是“非常稳定的天才”的总统,在其任期最后那段疯狂的日子里,却成了哈钦森所观察到的那个样子。她的描述并没有让许多曾为特朗普工作、并在此前四年近距离接触他的人惊讶,也没有让许多在他从政之前的几十年里就认识他的人惊讶。但是看到她在电视直播中宣誓并重新讲述这一切,可以让人了解到,特朗普及其白宫在那个危险的最后阶段出现了多么糟糕的情况。
        “This is f-ing crazy,” Pat A. Cipollone, his White House counsel, declared at one point on Jan. 6, 2021, as Ms. Hutchinson recalled it, when Mr. Trump was busy castigating Vice President Mike Pence rather than trying to call off the attack on the Capitol.        “这太(脏话)疯狂了,”他的白宫法律顾问帕特·A·希波隆在2021年1月6日那天声言,据哈钦森回忆,当时特朗普正忙着斥责副总统迈克·彭斯,而不是试图阻止对国会的袭击。
        Mr. Cipollone was not the only one who thought so. By Ms. Hutchinson’s account, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other members of the Cabinet were so concerned about Mr. Trump’s behavior that they discussed invoking the 25th Amendment, used to remove a president deemed unable to discharge his duties.        希波隆并不是唯一这么认为的人。据哈钦森说,国务卿迈克·庞皮欧和其他内阁成员对特朗普的行为非常担忧,他们讨论了援引第25修正案的问题,该修正案用来罢免被认为无法履行职责的总统。
        Mr. Trump, who regularly accuses his critics of being “crazy” and “psycho,” bombarded his new social media site during the hearing on Tuesday with posts assailing Ms. Hutchinson and denying the most sensational anecdote she provided to the committee.        特朗普经常指责批评他的人“疯了”,是“精神病”,在周二的听证会期间,他在自己新的社交媒体网站上发布了大量攻击哈钦森的帖子,并否认她向委员会提供的那些最耸人听闻的轶事。
        “Her Fake story that I tried to grab the steering wheel of the White House Limousine in order to steer it to the Capitol Building is ‘sick’ and fraudulent, very much like the Unselect Committee itself,” Mr. Trump wrote on his Truth Social website. “Her story of me throwing food is also false.”        “她的假故事说我试图抓白宫豪华轿车的方向盘,把它开到国会大厦,这是‘有病’和虚假的,非常像非专责委员会本身,”特朗普在他的“真相社交”(Truth Social)网站上写道。“她说我扔食物也是假的。”
        A Secret Service spokesman said in a statement that the agency would respond on the record to the House committee about Ms. Hutchinson’s account of what happened in the armored car.        特勤局的一名发言人在一份声明中表示,特勤局将就哈钦森对装甲轿车里发生事件的描述,对众议院委员会做出正式回应。
        Secret Service officials who requested anonymity to discuss the potential testimony said that both Robert Engel, the head of Mr. Trump’s protective detail, and the driver of Mr. Trump’s sport utility vehicle were prepared to state under oath that neither man was assaulted by the former president and that he did not reach for the wheel. The officials said the two men would not dispute the allegation that Mr. Trump wanted to go to the Capitol.        要求匿名讨论证词的特勤局官员表示,特朗普的保护小组负责人罗伯特·恩格尔和特朗普专车司机都准备在宣誓后声明,两人都没有受到前总统的攻击,这位前总统也没有伸手去碰方向盘。官员们表示,这两个人不会对特朗普先生想去国会大厦的指控提出异议。
        Ms. Hutchinson did not witness the scene in the vehicle herself but said she was informed about it moments later by Anthony Ornato, the president’s deputy chief of staff and a former Secret Service agent, with Mr. Engel present in the room and not disputing it.        哈钦森没有亲眼目睹车内的这一幕,但她说,总统的副幕僚长、前特勤局特工安东尼·奥纳托在事发片刻后向她通报了这一情况,恩格尔当时也在场,没有提出异议。
        Either way, other veterans of the Trump White House who have broken with the former president said Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony resonated with their own experiences. Mr. Trump was prone to temper tantrums, slamming his hands down on his desk and screaming at advisers he considered insufficiently loyal. As Ms. Hutchinson said, his destruction of dishware during an outburst following the election was hardly the first time he had taken his wrath out on the White House china.        不管怎样,其他已与前总统决裂的前特朗普白宫人员说,哈钦森的证词与他们自己的经历相符。特朗普动不动就发脾气,拍桌子,对他认为不够忠诚的顾问大喊大叫。正如哈钦森所说,他在大选后的一次大发脾气中砸了餐具,这并不是他第一次把怒气发泄在白宫的瓷器上。
        “His temper was scary. And swift,” Stephanie Grisham, who served as his White House press secretary and communications director and as Melania Trump’s chief of staff, said after the hearing on Tuesday. “He’d snap and almost lose control.”        “他的脾气很吓人,”曾任特朗普白宫新闻秘书、通讯主任、梅拉尼娅·特朗普的幕僚长史蒂芬妮·格里沙姆在周二的听证会后说。“他会暴跳如雷,近乎失控。”
        She related a number of examples in her tell-all book published after she left office, and noted that when Mr. Trump descended into rage, his staff resorted to summoning an aide, nicknamed the Music Man, to play favorite show tunes they knew would soothe him, including “Memory” from the Broadway musical “Cats.”        她在离任后出版的爆料书中讲了许多例子,还说当特朗普勃然大怒时,工作人员就会叫来一名绰号“音乐人”的助手,播放他们认为能安抚他的精选曲目,包括百老汇音乐剧《猫》(Cats)中的《回忆》(Memory)。
        Other presidents have exhibited erratic behavior behind the scenes, from Andrew Jackson to Lyndon B. Johnson. Richard M. Nixon threw an ashtray across the room upon learning of the Watergate break-in, and on another occasion was seen shoving his own press secretary. In the days of scandal that led up to his resignation, Nixon drank, talked to the paintings of past presidents and seemed so unstable that his defense secretary ordered generals not to carry out any orders he issued without checking with him or the secretary of state first.        从安德鲁·杰克逊到林登·约翰逊,在幕后有乖张行为的总统并非只有特朗普一位。得知水门大厦入侵事件后,理查德·尼克松把烟灰缸扔到房间另一头,还有一次,有人看到他推搡自己的新闻秘书。在导致尼克松辞职的丑闻发生期间,他酗酒,对着几位前任总统的画像说话,情绪似乎非常不稳定,以至于他的国防部长命令将军们,在没有首先同自己或国务卿核实的情况下,不要执行尼克松发布的任何命令。
        Even so, it’s hard to imagine any other president accosting his own Secret Service agent, in a vain attempt to turn his vehicle toward the Capitol, so that he could march into the House chamber to object to his own election defeat.        即便如此,很难想象还有哪位总统会纠缠自己的特勤局特工,徒劳地试图把车开向国会大厦,以便走进众议院会议厅,反对自己的败选。
        “We never know everything that goes on behind closed doors at the White House, and presidential history is replete with boorish behavior,” said Jeffrey A. Engel, founding director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University. “But I’m hard pressed to think of any previous instance when a president physically assaulted, or even threatened, someone charged with keeping them safe.”        “我们永远无法知道白宫关起门来背后发生的一切,有关总统的历史中充满了粗鲁的行为,”南卫理公会大学总统历史中心的创始主任杰弗里·恩格尔说。“但我很难想象以前有哪位总统殴打、甚至威胁负责保护他们安全的人。”
        Mark K. Updegrove, president of the L.B.J. Foundation and author of “Incomparable Grace,” a new book about John F. Kennedy, said he was unable to come up with a historical comparison. Johnson and Nixon “could be volatile emotionally, but nothing approaching physical violence,” he said. “Like almost everything else with Trump, this is utterly unprecedented.”        林登·约翰逊基金会主席马克·K·厄普德格罗夫撰写了关于约翰·F·肯尼迪的新书《无与伦比的风度》(Incomparable Grace)。他表示,他很难从历史中找出相似的人。约翰逊和尼克松“也许情绪不稳定,但没有发生过任何肢体暴力”,他说。“这些行为,和几乎所有与特朗普相关的事情一样,是前所未有的。”
        One who might know would be John Dean, the White House counsel whose own testimony during the Watergate era helped bring down Nixon. “Cassidy‘s testimony makes clear that Trump is prone to tantrums, like an undisciplined child,” he said after the hearing. “I can’t tell from her testimony if they’re controlled or uncontrolled. I suspect at his age they’re controlled tantrums.”        白宫法律顾问约翰·迪恩也许对此有所了解,他在水门事件期间的证词促使尼克松下台。“卡西迪的证词清楚地表明,特朗普容易发脾气,就像一个不守管教的孩子,”他在听证会后说。“我无法从她的证词中判断这些是否是受控的发脾气。我怀疑在他这个年纪,这些脾气是受控的。”
        Mr. Trump’s mental state was a regular issue throughout his four years in office and the notion of declaring him unfit to serve through the application of the 25th Amendment came up inside his own administration even in its early months.        在特朗普的四年任期中,他的精神状态是一个经常被谈起的问题,甚至在其政府上台的最初几个月里,他自己的政府内部就已经出现根据第25条修正案宣布他不适合任职的想法。
        Bookshelves were filled with volumes speculating about his psychological health. His speech patterns were analyzed for signs of dementia. His own niece, Mary L. Trump, a clinical psychologist, declared that he had “so many pathologies” and “demonstrates sociopathic tendencies.” At one point during the 2020 campaign, he took a cognitive test to prove his mental acuity, reciting in order, “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.”        书架上摆满了猜测他心理健康的书籍。他的语言模式被分析出有失智迹象。他本人的侄女、临床心理学家玛丽·L·特朗普宣称他“存在多种病态”并“表现出反社会倾向”。在2020年竞选期间的某个时刻,他参加了一项认知测试以证明自己心智敏锐,按顺序背诵:“人。女人。男人。相机。电视。”
        Some advisers came to the conclusion that Mr. Trump deteriorated after losing the election to Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Nov. 3. Former Attorney General William P. Barr, whose public statement on Dec. 1 that there was no evidence the election was stolen prompted Mr. Trump to attack his lunch, told the House committee that the president seemed increasingly unbalanced.        一些顾问得出的结论是,特朗普在11月3日输给小约瑟夫·R·拜登后状况出现恶化。前司法部长威廉·P·巴尔在12月1日的公开声明中表示,没有证据表明选举被窃取,这促使特朗普摔了他的午餐。巴尔告诉众议院委员会,总统似乎越来越不稳定。
        “I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has lost contact with — he’s become detached from reality,” Mr. Barr testified.        “我想,天呐,如果他真的相信这些东西,他就失去了和现实的连接——他已经脱离了现实,”巴尔作证说。
        The reality conveyed by Ms. Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, became more disturbing on the day that Congress convened to count the Electoral College votes confirming Mr. Trump’s defeat. He lashed out and gave every indication that he knew the crowd of supporters he had gathered on the Ellipse included some bent on violence. Told that some trying to attend his rally were armed, he snapped that the Secret Service should remove its magnetometers and let them in.        白宫办公厅主任马克·梅多斯的高级助手哈钦森传达的现实,在国会召开选举人票计票会议从而确认特朗普败选那一天,变得更加令人不安。他破口大骂,并且有种种迹象表明,他知道聚集在椭圆形草坪上的支持者里包括一些有暴力倾向的人。当他被告知一些试图参加他的集会的人携带武器时,他厉声说特勤局应该将金属探测器撤走,并让他们进入。
        “You know, I don’t f-ing care that they have weapons,” Mr. Trump said in Ms. Hutchinson’s telling of the episode. “They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f-ing mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the f-ing mags away.”        在哈钦森讲述的这一事件中,特朗普说:“你知道,我(脏话)不在乎他们有武器。他们不是来伤害我的。拿走(脏话)金属探测器。让我的人进来。他们可以从这里去国会大厦。让人们进来。把(脏话)金属探测器拿走。”
        The fact that he then told them to march to the Capitol, knowing they were armed, did not daunt him in the least, as far as she could tell.        他后来告诉他们向国会大厦行进,从哈钦森掌握的情况来看,知道他们有武器这一事实丝毫没有吓倒他。
        He wanted to go with them and told the crowd that he would, even though advisers had pronounced it a phenomenally bad idea. “We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable” if he headed to the Capitol, Mr. Cipollone had warned a few days earlier.        他想和他们一起去,并告诉人群他会这样做,尽管顾问们认为这是一个非常糟糕的主意。几天前,希波隆警告说,如果他前往国会大厦,“我们会被指控各种罪行,一切你能想象到的罪行。”
        When Mr. Trump climbed into the armored presidential sport utility vehicle after his speech on the Ellipse, the Secret Service began to take him back to the White House, prompting him to erupt. “I’m the f-ing president. Take me up to the Capitol now,” he ordered.        当特朗普在椭圆形草坪演讲后坐入防弹总统专车时,特勤局开始将他带回白宫,这促使他情绪爆发。“我(脏话)是总统。现在带我去国会大厦,”他命令道。
        Robert Engel, the lead agent, told him he had to go back to the West Wing. At that point, according to the account Ms. Hutchinson later heard, the president reached up toward the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm. “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel,” the agent reportedly said. “We’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going to the Capitol.”        首席特工罗伯特·恩格尔告诉他,他必须回到西翼。那时,根据哈钦森后来听到的说法,总统向车辆前部伸手要抓住方向盘。恩格尔抓住他的胳膊。据报道,该特工说:“总统先生,您需要把手从方向盘上移开。我们回西翼。我们不去国会大厦。”
        According to the version relayed to Ms. Hutchinson, Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge toward the agent at his clavicle. But it did not make a difference.        根据讲述给哈钦森的版本,特朗普随后用另一只手奋力伸向特工的锁骨。但这并没有起到什么作用。
        The president was taken back to the White House, where he watched the action of the rest of the day on television — upset not at the violence unleashed in his name but at its failure to change the election outcome.        总统被带回白宫,在那里,他在电视上观看了当天接下来发生的事情——他很不高兴,不是因为以他的名义发动了暴力事件,而是因为这未能改变选举结果。

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