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Heated Debate Erupts Over What Happened Inside Trump’s Vehicle on Jan. 6

来源:纽约时报    2022-06-30 02:50

        WASHINGTON — Soon after his speech on the Ellipse ended on Jan. 6, 2021, President Donald J. Trump stepped into the back of a black Suburban bearing the presidential seal.        华盛顿——2021年1月6日,刚刚结束椭圆形草坪演讲的唐纳德·J·特朗普总统坐上了一辆有总统徽章的黑色雪佛兰萨博班的后座。
        What happened next has become a matter of intense debate after explosive testimony on Tuesday by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former White House aide who said Mr. Trump became enraged when his security detail refused to take him to the Capitol.        那之后发生的事情引发了激烈的争论。前白宫助手卡西迪·哈钦森在周二发表爆炸性证词,称特朗普在他的安全人员拒绝将他带到国会大厦后暴怒。
        Speaking before the House committee investigating the attack, Ms. Hutchinson said she had been told by Anthony M. Ornato, a deputy White House chief of staff, that Mr. Trump tried to grab the wheel of his vehicle when he was told he could not go to the Capitol to join his supporters. Ms. Hutchinson also said Mr. Ornato told her the president “lunged” at his lead Secret Service agent, Robert Engel.        哈钦森对调查袭击事件的众议院委员会说,白宫副幕僚长安东尼·M·奥纳托告诉她,特朗普在被告知不能去国会大厦加入他的支持者后,曾试图抢夺其座驾的方向盘。哈钦森还说,奥纳托告诉她,总统将手“奋力伸向”他的首席特勤局特工罗伯特·恩格尔。
        Ms. Hutchinson made clear in her public testimony that she did not have direct knowledge of the incident, but that Mr. Ornato recounted it to her with Mr. Engel present in the room. It remains unclear what, if anything, the committee did to corroborate it.        哈钦森在公开证词中明确表示,她没有亲历这件事,但奥纳托在恩格尔在场的情况下向她讲述了这件事。目前尚不清楚委员会是否采取了任何行动核实这一点。
        Secret Service officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, disputed her account.        几名不愿透露姓名的特勤局官员对她的说法提出异议。
        But the officials did say Mr. Engel, Mr. Ornato and the driver of the Suburban are prepared to confirm to the committee another damning finding from Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony: that Mr. Trump demanded his agents bring him to the Capitol so he could join his supporters, even after they emphasized the dangerous scene playing out there.        但官员们确实表示,恩格尔、奥纳托和萨博班司机准备向委员会确认哈钦森证词中的另一个致命的信息:特朗普要求他的特工将他带到国会大厦,这样他就可以加入他的支持者,尽管特工们强调国会大厦当时情况危险。
        The willingness of the agents to provide potentially critical details about the person they were protecting marks a rare turn for an agency that has historically prioritized the secrecy of presidents, even in the face of investigations.        特勤局历来以保守总统机密为重,即使面对调查也是如此。而特工愿意提供关于受其保护的总统的潜在关键细节,是一个罕见的转折。
        On Wednesday, Jody Hunt, an attorney for Ms. Hutchinson, said his client “stands by all of the testimony she provided yesterday, under oath” and he challenged others who know of Mr. Trump’s actions during the ride to come forward to the committee.        周三,哈钦森的律师乔迪·亨特表示,他的当事人“信守她昨天宣誓作证后提供的所有证词”,他呼吁其他知道特朗普在该行程中行为的人来委员会作证。
        “Those with knowledge of the episode also should testify under oath,” he said.        “那些了解这一事件的人也应该宣誓作证,”他说。
        In an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd, committee member Representative Stephanie Murphy, Democrat of Florida, said Mr. Ornato “did not have as clear of memories from this period of time as I would say Ms. Hutchinson did.”        在接受NBC的查克·托德采访时,委员会成员代表、佛罗里达州民主党人斯蒂芬妮·墨菲说,“我觉得奥纳托对那段时间的记忆并不像哈钦森那样清晰。”
        Asked if the panel had evidence to corroborate Ms. Hutchinson’s claims, Representative Jamie Raskin, Democrat of Maryland and a member of the committee, said on Tuesday that Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony was itself “the evidence” he was aware of. “I’m not aware of anything that contradicts the account that she just gave,” he said.        周二,当被问及专家组是否有证据证实哈钦森的说法时,马里兰州民主党众议员、事件调查委员会成员杰米·拉斯金表示,哈钦森的证词本身就是他所知道的“证据”。“我不知道有任何与她刚刚提供的说法相矛盾的事情,”他说。
        Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Secret Service, said the committee did not contact the agency about Hutchinson’s account of Mr. Trump’s ride from the Ellipse to the White House before her testimony.        特勤局发言人安东尼·古列尔米表示,在哈钦森作证之前,调查委员会没有就她对特朗普从椭圆形草坪前往白宫途中事件的陈述与特勤局联系。
        Mr. Ornato, who was the head of Mr. Trump’s Secret Service detail before being made deputy chief of staff, and Mr. Engel provided testimony to the committee before Ms. Hutchinson appeared, but they are willing to do so again, a Secret Service official said.        在被任命为副幕僚长之前,奥纳托是特朗普的特勤局安全负责人,而恩格尔在哈钦森出现之前曾向委员会提供证词,但特勤局官员表示两人愿意再次作证。
        Mr. Trump’s allies are using the dispute over what happened in the presidential vehicle to call into question the credibility of Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony as a whole, which painted a portrait of a president who disregarded threats of violence from his own supporters, sympathized with those who wanted to “hang” the vice president and wanted to join the crowd that went on to attack on the Capitol.        特朗普的盟友正在利用围绕着关于总统专车事件的争议对哈钦森证词的整体可信度提出质疑,在她的证词中,总统无视其支持者的暴力威胁,支持那些想要“吊死”副总统,并想加入继续攻击国会大厦的人群。
        The dispute also highlights Mr. Trump’s relationship with his Secret Service detail, which was unlike that of most previous presidents. Agents were seen as more overtly supportive and admiring of Mr. Trump than they had been under any other modern president, according to people who have spent time in the White House during multiple administrations, and Mr. Trump worked to build loyalty among them.        这场争议还凸显出特朗普与他的特勤局安全人员的关系与大多数前任总统的不同之处。据曾在多届政府任职的人士称,与其他任何现代总统相比,特工们看上去更公开支持和钦佩特朗普,而特朗普则努力建立他们的忠诚度。
        While other presidents came to favor the head of their detail and sometimes ensured they were promoted within the service, even at times appointing them as director of the agency, Mr. Trump sought to make his lead agent part of his personal political team. In naming Mr. Ornato deputy White House chief of staff, Mr. Trump raised eyebrows among traditionalists who saw that as inappropriate.        虽然别的总统也会对负责其安全的特工主管格外器重,有时会确保他们在特勤局中得到提拔,甚至任命他们为该机构的负责人,但特朗普试图让他的首席特工成为他个人政治团队的一部分。任命奥纳托为白宫副幕僚长一事引起了重视传统的人的注意,认为这是不妥当的做法。
        For generations, agents generally tried to maintain studious neutrality under Republican and Democratic presidents, determined to be seen as protectors of the office regardless of who occupied it. Agents were known to like certain presidents more than others — George H.W. Bush was often described as a favorite, while many were reportedly not fond of Bill Clinton and especially Hillary Clinton — but they always insisted they were not part of the political team.        保护共和党和民主党总统的特工们向来会努力保持严格中立的身份,追求单纯的总统保护者身份,无论在位者是谁。据了解,特工更喜欢某些总统——乔治·H·W·布什经常被描述为最受欢迎的人,而许多人不喜欢比尔·克林顿,尤其不喜欢希拉里·克林顿——但他们始终坚称自己不参与政治团队。
        The murky nexus between presidents and their protectors was pierced during the Clinton years when Ken Starr, the independent counsel, subpoenaed agents and uniformed officers to testify about the president’s relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky, the former White House intern. The Secret Service fought the subpoenas vigorously all the way up to the Supreme Court, maintaining that disclosure of what agents see and hear while protecting a president would shatter the bond of trust and prompt future chief executives to keep their guardians at an arm’s length, increasing the potential risk. But the justices rejected the argument, finding no law authorizing agents to resist legal orders to testify.        在克林顿执政期间,外界得以一窥总统和其保护者之间的隐晦关系,当时独立律师肯·斯塔尔传唤特工和军官就总统与前白宫实习生莫妮卡·S·莱温斯基的关系作证。特勤局奋力寻求撤销传票,坚称在保护总统的同时披露特工所见所闻会破坏信任纽带,并促使未来的总统与其保护者保持一定距离,增加潜在的风险,最终闹到了最高法院。但法官驳回了这一论点,认为没有法律授权特工抵制出庭作证的命令。
        That precedent paved the way for the Jan. 6 committee to compel Mr. Trump’s agents to testify and set a precedent in case they eventually do return to the panel to discuss what happened in the vehicle on the day of the Capitol attack. That puts the service in an exceedingly uncomfortable position, whether the agents effectively come to the political defense of a president they had protected physically or provide information that could be damaging to him.        这一先例为1月6日国会暴动事件调查委员会要求特朗普的特工作证铺平了道路,同时这也开创了一个先例,以备他们最终回到委员会讨论国会大厦袭击当天车内发生的事情。无论特工是否实际上为受到他们保护的总统进行政治辩护,还是提供可能对他造成伤害的信息,都会让特勤局处于极其尴尬的位置。

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