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China Halves Quarantine Time for International Arrivals, Cheering Markets

来源:纽约时报    2022-06-29 09:48

        China is halving the time that people arriving from overseas must stay in a Covid-19 quarantine facility, reducing it from two weeks to one, the country’s National Health Commission said on Tuesday.        周二,中国国家卫生健康委员会表示,海外入境人员的集中隔离时间减半,从两周缩短至一周。
        The step was welcomed by some investors but greeted cautiously by others. Since early 2020, China has enforced some of the strictest entry rules in the world, requiring that nearly everyone coming from overseas go into government-run quarantine — often in a designated hotel — for at least 14 days, followed by isolation at home.        一些投资者对这个做法表示欢迎,但也有人持谨慎态度。自2020年初以来,中国一直在实施全世界最严格的入境管理,要求几乎所有海外入境人员集中隔离(通常是在指定酒店)至少14天,然后还要居家隔离一段时间。
        The new rules issued by the National Health Commission say that time will be cut to seven days in the facility, followed by three days in home isolation with regular testing for the virus throughout.        按照卫健委发布的新规定,集中隔离时间将缩短到七天,然后居家隔离的时间缩短到三天,隔离期间定期进行核酸检测。
        Chinese investors appeared to welcome the changes. Foreign companies and some Chinese companies have complained that the government’s Covid isolation and shutdown rules were choking off business by deterring trips abroad and visits to China by investors and clients. The Shanghai stock market jumped after the new rules were announced.        中国投资者似乎对这些变化表示欢迎。外国企业和一些中国企业抱怨政府的隔离管控规定让人不敢出国,也让投资者和客户不愿来中国,这影响到了生意。新规定公布后,上海股市大幅上涨。
        But the European Chamber of Commerce in China reacted cautiously, pointing out that local governments across China have often imposed additional requirements for quarantine and tests.        但中国欧盟商会反应谨慎,商会指出,中国各地的地方政府经常对防疫政策加码。
        “While the N.H.C. has recommended that this be rolled out nationwide, it remains to be seen if it will be implemented by all local authorities,” Joerg Wuttke, the president of the chamber, said in an emailed comment, referring to the National Health Commission.        “虽然国家卫健委建议在全国范围内实施新防控方案,但是否所有地方政府都会这样做还有待观察,”中国欧盟商会主席伍德克(Jörg Wuttke)在用电子邮件发来的置评中写道。
        “China may have to maintain a restricted immigration policy beyond the summer of 2023,” Mr. Wuttke said, emphasizing the country’s relatively low Covid vaccination rates among older people, and the Chinese government’s reluctance to roll out more effective foreign-developed mRNA vaccines.        “中国也许会将严格的出入境政策维持到2023年夏季之后,”伍德克说道。他还强调指出,中国老年人的新冠疫苗接种率相对较低,而且中国政府不愿使用外国研发的更有效的mRNA疫苗。
        The quarantine time for people determined to be close contacts of Covid carriers will also be cut from 14 days in a centralized facility followed by a week of home isolation to seven days, followed by three days of isolation and monitoring at home.        密切接触者的隔离期间也将缩短,从“14天集中隔离医学观察+7天居家健康监测”调整为“7天集中隔离医学观察+3天居家健康监测”。
        The new rules do not abandon the Chinese government’s “dynamic zero” goal of eliminating nearly all Covid infections by regular testing and, when clusters of infections are found, shutdowns of housing units, neighborhoods and even whole cities. But the rules indicated that the government is trying to soften the impact on people and the economy.        新规定没有放弃中国政府的“动态清零”目标,政府一直通过定期的核酸检测,以及在发现聚集性感染后对住宅楼、小区甚至整个城市进行封控,来消除几乎所有的新冠病毒感染病例。但新规定表明,政府正在试图减轻防控措施对民众和经济的影响。
        Travelers from abroad also will no longer have to endure viral swabs of their noses, an often eye-watering experience. Throat swabs will be enough.        来自海外的旅行者也将不再需要忍受采集鼻咽拭子,这种检测方式经常令人痛苦。他们只需做采集口咽拭子的病毒检测。

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