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Sisters Divided by China’s Divisions

来源:纽约时报    2022-06-21 11:46

        DAUGHTERS OF THE FLOWER FRAGRANT GARDEN: Two Sisters Separated by China’s Civil War, by Zhuqing Li        《花香园的女儿们:被中国内战分离的两姐妹》,李竹青/著
        In the summer of 1949, young Chen Wenjun (“Jun”) stepped off a ferry in Jinmen, an island off the coast of southeastern China. She did not know that the Communists’ People’s Liberation Army (P.L.A.) had occupied Fuzhou, her home city, the night after she left. But in Jinmen, the anti-Communist Nationalists held their territory. None of the 9,000 P.L.A. soldiers who fought on Jinmen’s beaches made it back home. Neither did Jun, who now effectively lived in a different country from her family. Jun’s short visit to a friend quickly became a long exile.        1949年夏天,年轻的陈文钧在中国东南沿海的金门岛走下渡船。她并不知道,在她离开后的那个晚上,共产党的人民解放军占领了她的家乡福州。但在金门,反共的国民党守住了他们的地盘。在金门海滩上作战的9000名解放军没有一个能够回家。陈文钧也是一样,现在她实际上与家人生活在不同的国家。陈文钧短暂的访友之行很快变成了长期的流放。
        “Daughters of the Flower Fragrant Garden,” written by Jun’s niece, Zhuqing Li, a professor of East Asian studies at Brown, tells the riveting story of Jun’s decades-long struggle to find her way home. Li begins in the Flower Fragrant Garden, a lavish compound in Fuzhou overlooking the Min River, where Jun lived happily with her father, a powerful salt commissioner, his two wives and their children. One of those children was another of Li’s aunts, Hong (a pseudonym), whose story Li skillfully braids with that of Jun. Li does not linger on the Chens’ peaceful “hilltop aerie,” as the turmoil of 20th-century China soon catches up to the family and plunges it into poverty.        由陈文钧的侄女、布朗大学东亚研究教授李竹青撰写的《花香园的女儿们》是一个引人入胜的故事,讲述了陈文钧几十年的艰难寻亲历程。故事从福州的花香园开始,在这座俯瞰闽江的富丽堂皇的院子里,陈文钧的父亲——一位有权势的盐政专员,和两个妻子还有孩子们幸福地生活着。其中一个孩子是李竹青的另一位姨妈“鸿”(化名),李竹青巧妙地将她的故事与陈文钧的故事编织在一起。李竹青并没有沉湎在陈家祥和的“山顶窝巢”上,因为中国在20世纪的动荡很快就降临到这户人家,并使其陷入贫困。
        While Jun scrambles to survive in Jinmen, it is Hong who suffers the most, and it is her struggle that drives this absorbing book. After their father dies of tuberculosis, Hong, a skilled and passionate doctor, is left to support the large family on her salary alone; she is appalled when her infant brother and nephew are handed over to P.L.A. officers, exchanged for bags of rice. In the book’s most engrossing pages, Li describes in agonizing detail how Hong is forced to stand full time in front of the hospital with a placard (wrongly) labeling her a counterrevolutionary while passers-by spit on her. Soon after, she is “re-educated” in an isolated mountain village where she spends grueling days planting rice and sweet potatoes. (Her husband, China’s best-known cardiologist, becomes a hospital cleaner.) And yet Hong later rises to the highest ranks of medicine, never forgetting the plight of those she met along the way.        陈文钧在金门艰难地生存,而受苦最深的却是鸿,正是她的挣扎推动了这个扣人心弦的故事的发展。父亲因肺结核病逝后,技术精湛、满怀热忱的鸿医生只能靠自己的薪水养活一大家子;她幼小的弟弟和侄子被送给解放军军官以换取几袋大米,令她惊骇不已。在这本书最耐人寻味的几页中,李竹青以令人心痛的细节描述了鸿被迫整天站在医院门前,拿着“反革命”标牌,任由路人朝她吐口水。不久之后,她在一个偏僻的山村“接受改造”,在那里种水稻和红薯,煎熬度日。(她的丈夫、中国最著名的心脏病专家则在医院当清洁工。)鸿后来还是成为了最高级的医生,但从来没有忘记一路上遭遇的痛苦境遇。
        Li wisely fades into the background as she unspools these stories, surfacing occasionally to provide personal context. But her love for her aunts warms every page. If this exceptional book has any flaw, it is this: Li presents the sisters as near-saints, often taking pains to justify any seemingly morally ambiguous choice they make.        当李竹青将这些故事展开时,她聪明地退到背景中,偶尔出现以提供个人角度。但她对姨妈们的爱温暖了每一页。如果这本出色的书有任何不足,那就是:李竹青对这对姐妹的描绘近乎圣人,经常竭力为她们做出的任何看似道德上模棱两可的选择辩护。
        But what choices! Li unpacks the decisions each made to survive, and explains how those decisions pulled them toward the ideologies of their governments. Jun is lured into the Nationalist cause, helping coordinate the Anti-Communist and Resist Russia Union, marrying a Nationalist officer and eventually building a thriving import-export business in Taiwan. In contrast, Hong labors to clear her name, calls her son Jiyue, or “Continue the Leap,” in recognition of Mao’s Great Leap Forward campaign and becomes a party member. In placing her aunts’ stories side by side, Li presents the reader with two equally compelling questions: Will the sisters ever be reunited? And if so, will they even know each other?        她们的选择令人感慨万分!李竹青揭开了两个人分别为生存而做出的决定,并解释了这些决定是如何将她们拉向各自政府的意识形态的。在台湾,陈文钧被诱入国民党事业,帮助协调反共和抗俄联盟,嫁给国民党军官,最终建立了蒸蒸日上的进出口业务。而鸿努力洗刷自己的名声,给儿子起名“继跃”——意为“继续大跃进”,以纪念毛泽东的大跃进运动——并成为了一名党员。李竹青将两位姨妈的故事并排叙述,向读者提出了两个同样迫切的问题:这对姐妹会有一天团聚吗?如果团聚了,她们还认得出对方吗?
        On the very day I finished this book, President Biden was asked whether the United States would defend Taiwan if China attacked. His answer? “That’s the commitment we made.” “Daughters of the Flower Fragrant Garden” is not a history of Taiwan-China relations, but in telling this gripping narrative of one family divided by the “bamboo curtain,” Li sheds light on how Taiwan came to be — and why China might one day risk everything to take it.        就在我读完这本书的当天,有人问拜登总统,如果中国发动进攻,美国是否会保卫台湾。他的回答?“这是我们给过的承诺。”《花香园的女儿们》不是一部台中关系史,而是讲述了一个被“竹帘”隔开的家庭的扣人心弦的故事,揭示了台湾是如何成为今天的样子——以及为什么中国在某个时候可能会不顾一切地夺取它。

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