iOS 16和Android 13将如何改变你的手机_OK阅读网
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iOS 16和Android 13将如何改变你的手机
How Updates in iOS 16 and Android 13 Will Change Your Phone

来源:纽约时报    2022-06-08 03:40

        CUPERTINO, Calif. — Around this time every year, our smartphones become a reminder to always be ready for change.        加州库比蒂诺——每年的大约这个时候,我们的智能手机都会提醒我们,要时刻准备着迎接变化。
        That’s because Apple and Google announce updates to the operating systems that power our iPhones and Android phones. Soon, the software that makes the devices tick will have design tweaks and new features — in other words, new things to learn.        这是因为苹果和谷歌会宣布要对iPhone和Android手机的操作系统进行更新。很快,让这些设备运转起来的软件将会有设计调整和新的功能——换句话说,大家有新的东西需要学习。
        On Monday, Apple unveiled iOS 16, the next version of its iPhone operating system. It will include new features like a redesigned lock screen and the ability to edit text messages. Last month, Google introduced Android 13, which features a streamlined wallet app for storing credit cards and important documents like vaccine records. Both companies also said they were improving their apps for sending text messages.        周一,苹果发布了iPhone的新一代操作系统iOS 16。它将包括一些新功能,比如对锁屏和短信的编辑功能进行了重新设计。上个月,谷歌推出了Android 13,新增一个精简的钱包应用程序,用于存储信用卡和疫苗接种记录等重要文件。两家公司还表示,他们正在改进用于发送短信的应用程序。
        The new iPhone and Android operating systems will arrive on our phones as free updates this fall.        新的iPhone和Android操作系统将在今年秋天提供免费更新。
        Apple and Google often accompany these software updates with highfalutin language and promises. “Today we’re going to push our platforms further than ever,” Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said in a prerecorded video for the event announcing the new software.        苹果和谷歌在进行这些软件更新时,往往会伴随着冠冕堂皇的说法和承诺。“今天,我们将把我们的平台推向前所未有的高度,”苹果首席执行官库克在为新操作系统发布会预录的视频中说。
        But in reality, lots of the changes — especially the ability to retroactively edit a text — are incremental improvements that feel as if they should have happened a long time ago. Here are the most noteworthy updates to look for.        但实际上,很多变化——尤其是对编辑已发出短信的能力——都是渐进式的改进,感觉它们似乎早就该发生了。以下是最值得关注的更新。
        Apple is overhauling the iPhone lock screen        苹果正在对iPhone的锁屏进行全面改造
        Apple said it was making a change to the first thing anyone sees when using an iPhone: the lock screen.        苹果表示,它正在对人们使用iPhone时首先看到的东西,也就是锁屏进行修改。
        In the past, people could modify only the wallpaper on their lock screens. But with iOS 16, iPhone users can customize the lock screen by choosing from different fonts and colors for the clock. People will also be able to pin “widgets,” which are essentially shortcuts to apps like the phone’s calendar and fitness data tracker, to the lock screen.        过去,人们只能更改锁屏上的墙纸。但在iOS 16系统下,iPhone用户可以通过为时钟选择不同的字体和颜色来定制锁屏。人们还可以将“小组件”固定在锁屏上,这些小组件主要是手机日历和健身数据追踪器等应用程序的快捷方式。
        These customizations could help us tailor our phones to our lifestyles. Consider that the new software will let an iPhone user create a number of custom lock screens for different scenarios.        这些自定义功能可以帮助我们根据自己的生活方式定制手机。想想吧,新的操作系统将让iPhone用户为不同的场景创建多个自定义锁屏。
        For example, a lock screen dedicated to work could show a wallpaper of your office building and contain a calendar widget with your next meeting appointment. A lock screen for personal time could show a wallpaper of your dog and an exercise widget. The idea is that people will be able to switch among lock screens to better accommodate their needs throughout the day.        例如,专门用于工作场合的锁屏可以把你所在的写字楼作为墙纸,并包含一个日历小部件,显示你的下一个会面预约。一个用于私人场合的锁屏可以把你的狗狗设为墙纸,并加上一个运动小部件。这种设计背后的理念是,人们能够在锁屏之间切换,以更好地满足一天的各种需求。
        Google’s Wallet app plays catch-up to Apple        谷歌的钱包应用正在追赶苹果
        The pandemic accelerated the use of mobile purchases as many people shifted toward contactless digital payments to avoid touching cash. Apple has had a robust offering for electronic payments for more than five years with its Wallet software for iPhones, which lets people make credit card purchases and carry important documents like boarding passes and health data.        新冠疫情加速了移动支付的使用,许多人转向非接触式数字支付,以避免接触现金。五年多来,苹果一直通过iPhone上的钱包软件为电子支付提供强大服务。人们可以通过它进行信用卡消费,保存登机牌和健康数据等重要文件。
        Google, which has struggled to market its mobile payments technology, took the opportunity last month to delve itself further into payments with Android 13. For years, its Google Pay system severely lagged Apple’s payment system because few Android users understood how to use the technology.        谷歌在推广自己的移动支付技术方面一直举步维艰,上个月,利用Android 13的推出,它进一步深入到支付领域。多年来,Google Pay大大落后于苹果的支付系统,因为Android用户很少有人了解这项技术该如何使用。
        Last month, Google renamed its digital payments app Google Wallet. The company simplified the technology by embedding a shortcut to the wallet into the Android lock screen. It also plans to expand the software beyond credit cards, to include documents like boarding passes, movie tickets and Covid-19 vaccination proof.        上个月,谷歌将其数字支付应用程序更名为Google Wallet。它简化了这项技术,在Android锁屏中嵌入钱包快捷方式。该公司还计划将该软件扩展到信用卡之外,包括登机牌、电影票和新冠疫苗接种证明等文件。
        Google and Apple are expanding their messaging apps        谷歌和苹果正在扩展他们的即时通讯应用程序
        Anyone who has sent text messages with a phone is familiar with the digital divide between the so-called green bubble and blue bubble.        任何用手机发过短信的人都熟悉所谓的“绿泡泡”和“蓝泡泡”之间的数字鸿沟。
        When a text message is sent from an Android phone, it shows up as a green bubble on the recipient’s screen, with pictures and videos often pixelated and distorted. That’s because a green bubble message is sent through the phone carrier’s network, which automatically degrades the quality of the image.        当Android手机发送短信时,它会在接收者的屏幕上显示为一个绿泡泡,图片和视频通常是像素化和失真的。这是因为绿泡泡信息通过手机运营商的网络发送,会自动降低图像质量。
        In contrast, blue bubble messages sent between iPhone users go through iMessage, Apple’s proprietary messaging service, which maintains a high-quality look for photos and videos.        相比之下,iPhone用户之间发送的“蓝泡泡”短信是通过苹果的专有信息服务iMessage发送的,该服务可以保持照片和视频的高质量外观。
        With Android 13, Google is trying to create a blue bubble experience of its own. The company is building into its messaging app a technology called Rich Communication Services, which can send high-resolution images and large files. It will also let people create group conversations, like most modern messaging apps.        在Android 13系统中,谷歌试图创造自己的“蓝泡泡”体验。该公司正在其消息应用程序中内置一项名为“富通信服务”的技术,可以发送高分辨率图像和大文件。它还可以让人们创建群聊,就像大多数现代通讯应用一样。
        Apple, meanwhile, is making changes to iMessage so that iPhone users can edit or recall messages after they are sent. Retroactive message editing, which would spare us the embarrassment of bizarre autocorrect typos or the accidental pocket text, has been a feature people have wanted for years.        与此同时,苹果正在对iMessage进行修改,以便iPhone用户可以在发送消息后编辑或撤回消息。追溯信息编辑,可以让我们避免尴尬,比如奇怪的自动拼写更正错误或误发信息,这是多年来人们一直想要的功能。
        Both companies are beefing up user privacy        两家公司都在加强用户隐私保护
        These days, no software update would be complete without a Big Tech company’s proclaiming that it cares about our privacy. That’s because the tech companies want users to feel safe sharing personal data, especially as European regulators and others have cracked down on them over the issue.        如今,如果大型科技公司不宣称关心用户隐私,那么它的任何软件更新都是不完整的。这是因为科技公司希望用户在分享个人数据时感到安全,尤其是在欧洲监管机构和其他机构在这个问题上对它们进行了打击。
        So naturally, Apple and Google said they were offering more protections to user data in their next operating systems.        因此,苹果和谷歌自然表示,他们将在下一代操作系统中为用户数据提供更多保护。
        Apple, which has long allowed iPhone users to give family members and romantic partners permanent access to their location data, said it would provide deeper controls for such data sharing should an intimate relationship go awry. Its new software feature, Safety Check, will let people quickly review and revoke access to such data so that they can protect their information from abusers.        长期以来,苹果一直允许iPhone用户让家人和恋人可以永久访问他们的位置数据。苹果表示,它将对亲密关系出现问题后的这种数据共享提供更深入的控制。它的新软件功能“安全检查”可以让人们快速审查和撤销对这些数据的访问权限,从而保护自己的信息不受滥用者的侵害。
        Google said it would give users more control over what data was shared with third-party apps. In the next version of Android, people will also be able to give apps access to just certain photos instead of their entire camera roll — a measure of protection against malicious apps that disguise themselves as photo-editing software.        谷歌表示,它将让用户在哪些数据被共享给第三方应用程序方面拥有更多控制权。在Android的下一个版本中,人们也能让应用程序只访问特定的照片,而不是他们的所有照片——这是一种保护措施,防止伪装成照片编辑软件的恶意应用程序。
        In conclusion        总结
        If many of these tweaks feel long overdue, that’s because they are. Just as smartphone hardware upgrades have become more and more incremental, the software is also inching toward becoming better — but unremarkably so.        如果这些调整让人觉得姗姗来迟,那是因为确实迟了。就像智能手机的硬件升级越来越趋向于缓慢上升,软件也是在渐渐变好——但不是很明显。

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