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U.N. Human Rights Chief Decides Not to Seek a Second Term

来源:纽约时报    2022-06-14 09:56

        GENEVA — The United Nations’ top human rights official announced Monday that she was stepping down when her term expires at the end of August, less than a month after a visit to China that drew fierce criticism from human rights groups.        日内瓦——联合国人权事务高级官员周一宣布,她将在今年8月底任期届满时卸任。不到一个月前,她对中国的访问招致了人权组织的激烈批评。
        Michelle Bachelet, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, revealed her decision at the end of a statement opening a session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva that she said would be her last.        在日内瓦人权理事会会议发表开幕词结束时,联合国人权事务高级专员米歇尔·巴切莱特透露了她的决定。她说,这将是她最后一次出席会议。
        Ms. Bachelet, a former president of Chile who took up the United Nations’ job in 2018, had given no warning she intended to step down. After addressing the council, she told reporters she had informed the U.N. secretary general, Antonio Guterres, two months ago that she wanted to return to her family in Chile and would not seek a second term.        巴切莱特曾任智利总统,于2018年担任联合国人权事务高级专员,此前她并未给出打算离任的先兆。在人权理事会致辞后,她对记者表示,她两个月前已经通知联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯,她想回到在智利的家人身边,不会寻求连任。
        She had recently come under fire from rights groups outraged by her visit to China in May, the first by a U.N. human rights chief in 17 years. Critics said the visit handed a propaganda coup to Beijing by avoiding any public censure of its mass incarceration of Muslims in Xinjiang and the repression of activists, lawyers and journalists in China.        最近,巴切莱特因5月访华之行遭到人权组织的抨击,这是17年来联合国人权事务负责人首次访华。批评者说,她在访问期间避免公开谴责中国在新疆大规模拘禁穆斯林,镇压活动人士、律师和记者等做法,将一次宣传上的胜利拱手送给了北京。
        “There was no condemnation from Madame Bachelet even remotely commensurate with the severity of the atrocities being committed in Xinjiang,” Kenneth Roth, director of Human Rights Watch, told reporters ahead of the council session. “She gave up her most powerful weapon for a back room dialogue which will be meaningless.”        “巴切莱特夫人表达的批评与中国在新疆制造的暴行的严重程度一点也不相称,”人权观察组织执行主任肯尼思·罗思在人权理事会开会前对记者说。“她为了一次毫无意义的密室对话,放弃了自己最有力的武器。”
        Ms. Bachelet told the Human Rights Council on Monday that she had raised concerns during her visit about China’s treatment of the Uyghurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang, as well as Beijing’s policies in Tibet and Hong Kong. She also said she was committed to releasing a long-awaited report on China’s actions in Xinjiang.        巴切莱特周一告诉人权理事会,她在访问期间曾对中国对待新疆维吾尔族和其他穆斯林的做法,以及北京在西藏和香港的政策提出了担忧。她还说,她仍致力于发布关于中国在新疆行为的报告,外界对这份报告期待已久。
        The report, which has been awaiting publication since last year, is being updated, Ms. Bachelet told the council. She told reporters that she would release it before she left office.        巴切莱特对人权理事会说,她正在给这份自去年以来一直有待发表的报告增加最新信息。她向记者表示,将在离任前公布这份报告。
        The United Nations human rights office would continue to pursue the issue in a new annual meeting with senior Chinese officials, Ms. Bachelet said, flagging what she has said was one of the achievements of her visit and her policy of discreet engagement with Beijing.        巴切莱特说,联合国人权办公室将在一个新的年度会议上与中国高级官员继续讨论人权问题,她表示这是她访问的成就之一,也是她与中国政府谨慎接触的体现。
        Her report to the Human Rights Council on Monday, which reviewed global developments, expressed concerns with a wide range of countries.        她周一提交给人权理事会的报告回顾了全球事态发展,对许多国家表示了关切。
        It noted the horrors and destruction of the war in Ukraine, saying it would scar its population for generations, and said that Moscow’s crackdown on Russians protesting against the war on Ukraine was “worrying.”        报告提到乌克兰战争带来的恐怖和破坏,称这将给该国的几代人带来创伤,还说莫斯科对抗议乌克兰战争的俄罗斯人的镇压“令人担忧”。
        Restrictive laws on abortion posed a threat to human rights, she said, singling out the United States among other countries. The British government’s proposed amendments to Britain’s human rights act, described by Ms. Bachelet as one of its most important human rights laws, risked limiting citizens’ access to justice, she said.        巴切莱特还说,限制堕胎的法律对人权构成威胁,并特别提到了美国等国家。她表示,英国政府对人权法案——她称之为英国最重要的人权法律之一——提出的修正案,有可能限制公民诉诸司法的机会。
        Ms. Bachelet also said that Israel should open a criminal inquiry into the death of the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The Palestinian Authority says she was shot by an Israeli soldier; Israel says that it is still investigating her death.        巴切莱特还说,以色列应该对巴勒斯坦裔美国记者希琳·阿布·阿克勒的死亡展开刑事调查。巴勒斯坦当局表示,她被一名以色列士兵开枪打杀;以色列则表示仍在调查她的死因。
        Ms. Bachelet said Ms. Akleh’s death spotlighted the killings and injuries of Palestinians by Israeli forces, and warned that the “prevailing climate of impunity” was stoking violence.        巴切莱特称,阿克勒的死亡让公众注意到以色列军队对巴勒斯坦人的杀戮和伤害,并警告,“不受惩罚的普遍倾向”正在助长暴力。

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