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Constructive Communication Between the U.S. and China Gets Harder

来源:纽约时报    2022-06-16 01:30

        At the outset of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s presidency, many people hoped that relations between the United States and China, after four years of battering, would slowly start to improve. That hasn’t been the case.        小约瑟夫·R·拜登上任之初,许多人希望经历了四年重创的中美关系会慢慢开始好转。事实并非如此。
        “The one thing that has held over from Trump to Biden is that the U.S. is doing a bad job talking to our own people about China,” Alan Bersin, the executive chairman of the supply chain software Altana AI and a former assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, said last week during a discussion as part of the DealBook D.C. policy forum.        供应链软件Altana AI的执行主席、前美国国土安全部助理部长艾伦·贝尔辛上周在交易录(DealBook)DC政策论坛的讨论中表示:“从特朗普到拜登,美国在与我们自己的人民谈论中国方面一直做得很糟糕。”
        The communication breakdown between the two countries is bad for diplomacy and for the economy, but some experts believe a tough-on-China message is needed. Senator Bob Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania, who was also part of the discussion at the forum, said there was some overarching bipartisan agreement on China issues that doesn’t exist in other areas. “We have to confront a Chinese regime that is telling us every day they are not only going to take our lunch, but the entire global economy,” Mr. Casey said.        两国之间的沟通中断对外交和经济不利,但一些专家认为,需要对中国发出强硬的信息。宾夕法尼亚州民主党参议员鲍勃·凯西也参与了论坛的讨论,他说,中国问题是两党唯一达成全面一致的领域。“中国政权每天都在告诉我们,他们不仅会抢走我们的午餐,还会抢走整个全球经济,我们必须正视这一点,”凯西说。
        Later this month, the United States and China may face another looming threat in their already fraught relations: An American law will go into effect that will likely ban most imports from the Chinese province of Xinjiang, which is home to much of China’s Uyghur Muslim minority population and the source of accusations of forced labor. China has denied those allegations and has vowed to retaliate if the U.S. law is enforced. Mr. Bersin said there was general uncertainty from both the U.S. private sector and the Chinese about what might happen then.        美国和中国本已紧张的关系可能会在本月下旬再次面临迫近的威胁:一项美国法律将生效,可能会禁止来自中国新疆的大部分进口商品,新疆是中国大部分维吾尔族穆斯林少数民族的家乡,也被指控开展了强迫劳动。中国否认了这些指控,并誓言如果美国执行该法律,将进行报复。贝尔辛说,美国私营部门和中方都普遍不确定届时可能发生什么情况。
        Restrictions on traveling during the early part of the pandemic made maintaining the relationship close to impossible, and the United States’ standing within China became progressively worse over misinformation being spread in the United States about the coronavirus. “Being blamed by some U.S. lawmakers for purposely unleashing a deadly virus on its own population to infect the West, which is obviously ludicrous, has caused the once-positive image of the U.S. for the average Chinese citizen to fade,” said Robert Daly, the director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States. “All they hear from us is simplistic bad Chinese rhetoric.”        由于大流行初期的旅行限制,两国关系几乎无法维系,并且由于关于新冠病毒的虚假信息在美国传播,美国在中国的口碑逐渐恶化。“一些美国立法者指责中国故意向自己的人民释放一种致命病毒以感染西方,这显然很可笑,导致普通中国人曾对美国抱有的正面印象逐渐消失,”基辛格中美研究所所长罗伯特·戴利说。“关于中国,他们从我们这里听到的全是简单粗暴的负面言辞。”
        The answer to start mending relations between the two global powers is to try to create a dialogue between the average Chinese citizen and the average American, said Bonny Lin, the director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “There is very little interaction between the two populations right now,” she said.        战略与国际研究中心“中国力量”项目主任林洋说,要修复两个全球大国之间的关系,首先要努力在两国的普通人之间建立对话。“现在这两个人群之间几乎没有互动,”她说。
        Her proposal: The U.S. government should fund a U.S.-centric, Chinese language media outlet that could give Chinese citizens a more complete picture of what is being said about China in America. Even if it were censored in China, the broadcast could be accessed by some Chinese citizens when they traveled abroad.        她建议:美国政府应该资助一个以美国为中心的中文媒体机构,让中国人更全面地了解美国对中国的看法。即使这样的媒体被中国审查,一些中国人在国外旅行时也可以接触到这些传播。
        Cheng Li, a scholar in residence at the Brookings Institution who studies the Chinese middle class, supported the proposal, saying, “The Chinese middle class does want to engage with the U.S., and lots of Chinese citizens are educated in the U.S.”        布鲁金斯学会研究中国中产阶级的驻留学者李成支持这一提议,他说:“中国中产阶级确实想和美国打交道,很多中国人在美国接受教育。”
        But while encouraging more conversation between America and Beijing may be a good thing overall, some fear that opening up communication channels will leave Americans vulnerable to Chinese government-sponsored misinformation campaigns. Renée DiResta, the research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory, said that though Chinese misinformation campaigns were not as active as those from Russia, China had engaged in similar attempts to use fake social media accounts to influence U.S. public opinion.        但是,虽然鼓励美国和北京之间进行更多对话可能总体上是一件好事,但一些人担心开放沟通渠道会使美国人容易受到中国政府支持的虚假信息运动的影响。斯坦福互联网观察站的研究经理蕾妮·迪雷斯塔表示,尽管中国的虚假信息宣传活动没有俄罗斯的那么活跃,但中国也曾进行过类似的尝试,利用虚假社交媒体帐号影响美国舆论。
        Participants: Bob Casey, U.S. senator (D-Pa.); Bonny Lin, director of the China Power Project and senior fellow for Asian security, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Charles Freeman, senior vice president for Asia, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Renée DiResta, technical research manager, Stanford Internet Observatory; Cheng Li, director of the John L. Thornton China Center and senior fellow for foreign policy, Brookings Institution; Robert Daly, director, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States, The Wilson Center; Alan Bersin, executive chairman, Altana AI; Jonathan Gold, vice president, supply chain and customs policy, National Retail Federation.        论坛参与者:宾夕法尼亚州民主党参议员鲍勃·凯西;“中国力量”项目主管、战略与国际问题研究中心亚洲安全高级研究员林洋;美国商会亚洲区高级副总裁查尔斯·弗里曼;斯坦福互联网观察站技术研究经理蕾妮·迪雷斯塔;约翰·桑顿中国中心主任、布鲁金斯学会外交政策项目资深研究员李成;威尔逊中心基辛格中美研究所所长罗伯特·戴利;Altana AI执行主席艾伦·伯辛;全国零售联合会供应链和海关政策副会长乔纳森·戈尔德。

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