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Millennial millionaires are delaying home, car purchases due to inflation

来源:中国日报    2022-06-24 16:08

        Millennial millionaires are temporarily shelving major purchases as interest rates and inflation rise, according to CNBC’s Millionaire Survey.        美国消费者新闻与商业频道的百万富翁调查发现,由于利率上升和通货膨胀,千禧一代的百万富翁暂时搁置了大宗消费计划。
        Nearly half of millennial millionaires say higher borrowing costs are causing them to delay buying a car, and 44% say higher interest rates have caused them to delay purchasing a home, according to the survey. More than a third said inflation has caused them to delay a trip or vacation.        调查显示,近半数千禧一代百万富翁表示,贷款利率升高促使他们推迟购买汽车,44%的人表示,利率上涨导致他们推迟购买房产。超三分之一的人表示,通货膨胀促使他们推迟出行或度假。
        The CNBC Millionaire Survey, which surveys those with investible assets of $1 million or more, suggests that inflation and rising borrowing costs are working their way up the wealth ladder. While inflation hits the middle-class and lower-income groups hardest, rising interest rates are starting to squeeze more affluent, younger consumers, especially for big-ticket items.        美国消费者新闻与商业频道的百万富翁调查的对象是可投资资产在100万美元以上的人,这意味着通货膨胀和贷款成本提高已经影响到了高收入阶层。尽管通货膨胀对中产阶级和低收入群体打击最严重,但利率上调也开始让比较富裕的年轻消费者捂紧钱袋子,尤其是大宗消费。
        Millennials are three times more likely to be cutting back on big purchases compared with their baby boomer counterparts, according to the survey.        调查显示,相比婴儿潮一代的百万富翁,千禧一代百万富翁减少大宗消费的可能性要高出两倍。
        "The millennial millionaires are clearly dealing with something they've never experienced,” said George Walper, president of Spectrem Group, which conducts the survey with CNBC. “As a result, they are changing their behaviors and spending plans.”        与美国消费者新闻与商业频道合作开展这一调查的光谱国际集团总裁乔治·瓦尔波称:“千禧一代的百万富翁显然从未遇到过这种情况。因此,他们正在改变自己的行为和开支计划。”
        Spectrem Group and the survey consider respondents born in 1982 or later, those currently aged 40 and younger, to be millennials. Respondents born between 1948 and 1965, aged 57 to 75, were considered baby boomers.        光谱集团和本次调查认为1982年以后出生的、当前年龄小于(含)40岁的受访者是千禧一代;1948年到1965年出生的、年龄在57岁至75岁之间的受访者是婴儿潮一代。
        Inflation and rising rates have created two separate but related spending constraints for affluent consumers.        通货膨胀和利率上调在两个彼此独立又相互关联的方面制约了富有阶层的消费。
        Inflation has driven up the prices of luxuries such as dining out, plane tickets, hotels and even certain monthly subscriptions. According to the survey, 39% of millennial millionaires have cut back on dining out because of higher inflation. Thirty-six percent have cut back on vacations, and 22% have cut down on driving.        通货膨胀抬高了奢侈品及奢侈享受的价格,比如外出就餐、机票、酒店甚至部分月度订阅服务。调查发现,39%的千禧一代百万富翁因为通胀加剧已经减少了外出就餐。36%的人减少了度假次数,22%的人减少了开车出行。
        At the same time, the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes have jacked up the cost to borrowing, especially for homes and cars. The central bank on Wednesday raised its benchmark rate to a range of 1.5%-1.75% and said another hike could come in July.        与此同时,美联储上调利率导致贷款成本升高,尤其是购房购车贷款。6月15日美联储将基准利率上调至1.5%到1.75%,并表示7月份还可能加息。
        Two-thirds of millennial millionaires surveyed said they are “less likely than a year ago to borrow money” due to higher interest rates. That compares with only 40% for baby boomers.        受访的千禧一代百万富翁有三分之二表示,由于利率上调,“相比一年前自己的贷款意愿降低了”。相比之下,只有40%的婴儿潮一代百万富翁贷款意愿降低。
        Forty-four percent of millennial respondents said higher rates have caused them to delay purchasing a new home, compared with only 6% of baby boomers. Nearly half of millennial millionaires said they are delaying purchase of a car because of higher rates — more than double the rate of baby boomers.        44%的千禧一代受访者表示利率上调促使他们推迟购买新房产,相比之下只有6%的婴儿潮一代有这一情况。近半数千禧一代百万富翁表示,他们因为利率上调而推迟购买汽车,这一比例是婴儿潮一代百万富翁的两倍多。
        Millennials are typically key drivers of sales growth for both homes and cars.        千禧一代百万富翁通常是推动房产和汽车销量上涨的主力军。
        "Millennials, like everyone else, are seeing that the mortgages they were looking at in January are now more than twice as much,” Walper said.        瓦尔波称:“和其他所有人一样,千禧一代发现自己要还的按揭金额从一月份到现在已经涨了一倍多。”
        CNBC’s Millionaire Survey was conducted in May, before the Fed’s latest rate hike. It surveyed approximately 750 respondents who reported that they are the financial decision-makers or share jointly in financial decision-making within their households.        美国消费者新闻与商业频道的百万富翁调查是5月份开展的,在美联储最近一次加息之前。调查涵盖了近750名受访者,据称他们都在家里掌有财政大权或共同掌握财政大权。
        Millennials appear more optimistic with their investments than older millionaires, however: 55% of millennial millionaires said inflation will last less than a year, compared with nearly two-thirds of baby boomers who said it will last at least a year or two. Forty percent of millennials surveyed plan to buy more stocks as inflation accelerates, compared with just 11% of boomers.        不过,千禧一代在投资方面似乎比婴儿潮一代更为乐观:55%的千禧一代百万富翁认为通货膨胀持续时间不会超过一年,相比之下,近三分之二的婴儿潮一代认为通货膨胀至少会持续一到两年。40%的千禧一代受访者表示计划在通胀加速时买进更多股票,相比之下只有11%的婴儿潮一代受访者打算这么做。
        Millennials are also more sanguine about inflation’s impact on their stock returns: Nearly 90% of millennial respondents are “confident” or “somewhat confident” in the Fed’s ability to manage inflation — a stark contrast to the 38% of baby boomers who are “not at all confident.”        千禧一代对于通货膨胀对自己股票收益的影响也更乐观:近90%的千禧一代受访者对于美联储控制通货膨胀的能力“有信心”或“有一点信心”,与38%的婴儿潮一代的“完全没信心”形成了鲜明对比。
        More than 70% of millennial millionaires believe the economy will be stronger or even “much stronger” at the end of 2022, compared with two-thirds of boomers who said it will be weaker or “much weaker.”        超70%的千禧一代百万富翁认为2022年底美国经济会更加强劲甚至“强劲得多”,相比之下三分之二的婴儿潮一代表示经济会更疲软或“非常疲软”。

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