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North Korea reports increase in cases despite its claim to have the virus under control.

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-31 10:10

        SEOUL — North Korea reported an increase in suspected new cases of Covid-19 on Monday, a day after its government claimed to have the pandemic under control.        首尔——朝鲜周一报告称新冠新增疑似病例有所增加,此前一天,政府宣布疫情已被控制。
        North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, convened the Political Bureau of his ruling Workers’ Party on Sunday and heard “a positive evaluation of the pandemic situation being controlled and improved across the country,” according to state media.​ But on Monday, the country reported 100,710 suspected new cases, more than the 89,500 reported a day earlier.        据官方媒体报道,朝鲜领导人金正恩周日召集执政的劳动党政治局会议,听取了“对全国疫情形势得到控制和改善的乐观评估”。但周一,该国报告了100710例疑似新病例,超过了一天前报告的89500例。
        North Korea declared a “maximum emergency” on May 12, acknowledging a Covid-19 outbreak for the first time and locking down all the cities and counties. It said the outbreak began in late April​,​ and that ​its daily caseload of suspected patients peaked at 390,000, which it ​reported on May 16. But ​over the weekend, the reported caseload dipped below 100,000, and ​the government began saying that it had brought the pandemic under control.        朝鲜于5月12日宣布进入“最高紧急状态”,首次承认新冠疫情暴发并封锁了所有的市郡。朝鲜表示疫情始于4月下旬,每日疑似病例数在5月16日达到39万人的峰值。但在上周末,报告的病例数降至10万以下,政府开始表示疫情已经得到控制。
        Outside experts have cast doubt on the figures announced by North Korea, however.        然而,外界专家对朝鲜公布的数字表示怀疑。
        The country measures its Covid outbreak by the number of people found with fevers, not by the number of people who have ​actually ​tested positive with the virus, because​ it lacks testing kits and labs. It said that only 70 people have died, although more than 3.5 million people have been found to have had fevers since last April. Its fatality rate, 0.002 percent, is among the lowest in the world, lower than the 0.13 percent reported in South Korea.        因为缺乏检测试剂盒和实验室,朝鲜不是根据实际检测出病毒呈阳性的人数来衡量疫情,而是通过发热的人数。该国表示只有70人死亡,尽管自4月以来发现有超过350万人发热。其0.002%的死亡率为世界上最低,低于韩国报告的0.13%。
        South Korea’s National Intelligence Service said it suspected that the North Koreans found with fevers may ​include people ​with diseases like pertussis, measles and typhoid, rather than solely the coronavirus.        韩国国家情报局表示,他们怀疑发现发热的朝鲜人可能包括患有百日咳、麻疹和伤寒等疾病的人,而不仅仅是感染新冠病毒。
        The intelligence agency told South Korean lawmakers that North Korea’s recent tests of three missiles was in part to demonstrate its confidence that it could overcome the outbreak without internal instability or outside aid. North Korea has refused to accept offers from South Korea, the United States and world health organizations to provide vaccines. The only aid it has accepted is emergency Covid medication from China, which it distributed to the elites living in its capital, Pyongyang, the agency said.        该情报机构告诉韩国立法者,朝鲜最近试射了三枚导弹,一定程度上是为了表明它有信心战胜疫情的同时保持内部的稳定,而且不需要外部援助。朝鲜拒绝接受韩国、美国和世界卫生组织提供疫苗的提议。该机构表示,它接受的唯一援助是来自中国的紧急新冠药物,并将其分发给居住在首都平壤的精英阶层。
        “There is a big gap in medical services between Pyongyang and the rest​ of the country​,” Kim Tae-hyo, ​a deputy national security adviser for President Yoon Suk-yeol of South Korea, said last week.        “朝鲜其他地区的医疗服务和平壤存在很大差距,”韩国总统尹锡悦的国家安全副顾问金泰孝上周表示。
        On Monday, the South Korean government said it could not confirm news reports that North Korea may have partly lifted the lockdown in Pyongyang.​        周一,韩国政府表示无法证实有关朝鲜可能已将平壤部分解封的新闻报道。
        “​If you take the North Korean figures at face value, the situation there seems to be improving,” said Cho Joong-hoon, spokesman of the South’s Unification Ministry. “But we can’t say for sure, because we don’t know how the North has come up with its data.”        “如果你从表面上看朝鲜的数据,那里的情况似乎正在改善,”韩国统一部发言人赵重勋(Cho Joong-hoon,音)表示。“但我们不能确定,因为我们不知道朝鲜是如何得到数据的。”

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