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North Korea reports its first cases of Covid.

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-12 04:31

        SEOUL — North Korea on Thursday reported its first outbreak of the coronavirus, declaring a “maximum emergency” and ordering all cities and counties in the nation of 25 million to lock down to fight the spread.        首尔——周四,朝鲜报告了国内首次新冠疫情暴发,宣布进入“最高紧急状态”,下令封锁全国所有市郡的2500万人口以控制疫情蔓延。
        It was an abrupt turnabout for a secretive country that had long insisted that it had no cases of the virus since it emerged in neighboring China more than two years ago. Outside experts had been skeptical, however, citing a lack of extensive Covid testing and the North’s threadbare public health system.        自两年多以前疫情在邻近的中国出现,这个讳莫如深的国家一直坚称其没有任何感染,因而如今的口径转变非常突然。不过,外部专家始终对朝鲜无感染的说法持怀疑态度,指出其缺乏大规模新冠检测,公共医疗体系也十分落后。
        The Covid cases emerged after health officials on Sunday tested people in an unidentified organization in Pyongyang, the capital, who showed symptoms such as fever, the North’s official Korean Central News Agency said. They were confirmed to be infected with the BA.2 subvariant of the Omicron variant of the virus, the news agency said. It did not reveal how many people were infected.        朝鲜官方媒体朝鲜中央通讯社表示,卫生官员周日对首都平壤某机构出现发烧等症状的人员进行了检测,随后发现了新冠病例。该通讯社称,他们被确诊感染了奥密克戎亚型变异株BA.2。具体的感染人数并未公布。
        The outbreak, if not controlled quickly, could further strain the country’s economy, which had been already hit hard by years of United Nations sanctions and its decision two years ago to close its border with China, its only major trading partner, to prevent the spread of the virus. It could also affect efforts by the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, to expand his nuclear arsenal “at the fastest possible speed,” analysts said.        联合国多年来的制裁以及两年前为防止病毒传播对唯一主要贸易伙伴中国关闭边境的决定,本就让朝鲜经济遭受重创,如果不能迅速控制疫情,该国经济可能将承受更大的压力。分析人士表示,这也可能影响到朝鲜最高领导人金正恩“以最快速度”扩大核武库的努力。
        Mr. Kim convened the Political Bureau of the ruling Workers’ Party on Thursday to discuss the crisis, the news agency said.        朝鲜中央通讯社称,金正恩在周四召集了执政的劳动党政治局会议,商讨如何应对此次危机。
        “He called on all the cities and counties of the whole country to thoroughly lock down their areas” to help prevent the virus from spreading, the report said. He instructed them to keep working, but said that “each working unit, production unit and living unit” must be kept “from each other.” He also called for tightened vigilance along all of the country’s land and sea borders, and at its air and sea ports.        报道称,“总书记同志表示,全国各市、郡要彻底封锁本地区”以防止病毒传播。他指示所有人继续工作,但称“各工作单位、生产单位、生活单位”必须保持“封闭状态”。他还要求加强全国边境、海上和空中的警戒任务。
        The news agency did not reveal if officials knew how the virus had entered the country.        该通讯社并未透露官员是否了解病毒是如何传入国内的。
        After closing its borders from the rest of the world for two years, North Korea again began allowing cargo trains to bring in badly needed imports from China early this year. The North also held a huge nighttime military parade late last month in which the soldiers, members of the elite and tens of thousands of people who mobilized to watch the spectacle did not appear to wear masks.        在关闭边境、与世隔绝两年后,朝鲜今年年初重新允许货运列车从中国运输急需的进口货物。上个月底,朝鲜还举行了一场大型夜间阅兵式,部队、权贵和数以万计被动员观看盛典的人群似乎都没有佩戴口罩。
        Signs of possible trouble began leaking out soon afterward.        那之后不久,可能出现问题的迹象就开始显露出来。
        South Korean intelligence officials said last week that the North Korean authorities were ordering people on the streets to return home and stay there. Also last week, Park Jie-won, director of South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, said that the North had again banned cargo trains from China from entering his country.        韩国情报官员上周表示,朝鲜当局正在命令街上的民众返回家中,不能出门。同样在上周,韩国国家情报院院长朴智元表示,朝鲜已经再次禁止来自中国的货运列车入境。
        On Thursday, the North Korean news agency said, Mr. Kim called for national unity at a time of state emergency, telling his people that a “more dangerous enemy of us than the malicious virus are unscientific fear, lack of faith and weak will.”        周四,朝鲜中央通讯社报道称,金正恩呼吁全国在紧急状态下团结一心,并告诉他的人民,“比恶性病毒更危险的敌人是非科学的恐怖、信心不足和意志薄弱。”
        He urged his country to continue to push forward with the bold five-year economic development plan he unfurled during a Workers’ Party congress in January last year. Under that plan, North Koreans have been building residential districts in the capital and greenhouse complexes in provinces.        他敦促朝鲜继续推进他在去年1月的劳动党八大会议上提出的大胆的五年经济发展计划。根据该计划,朝鲜已开始在首都兴建住宅,并在地方各道建设温室综合体。
        For Pyongyang to publicly admit to having Covid-19 cases, the public health situation had to have been serious, said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor of international relations at Ewha Womans University in Seoul.        首尔梨花女子大学国际关系教授李雷夫(Leif Eric Easley)表示,平壤能公开承认出现新冠病例,证明其公共卫生状况一定出了大问题。
        “The worsening coronavirus situation is a serious challenge for Kim Jong-un, not only in terms of limiting infections, deaths and food disruptions,” Mr. Easley said. “Kim has credited strict social controls and self-imposed international isolation with keeping North Korea safe from Covid. If those signature measures fail, it could be a blow to regime legitimacy.”        “不断恶化的疫情对金正恩而言是一个严峻挑战,这不仅关乎限制感染、死亡和食品供应的中断,”李雷夫说。“金正恩相信,朝鲜免受新冠影响要归功于严格的社会管制和自绝于国际的做法。如果这些特色办法都失败了,可能会是对其政权合法性的打击。”
        The epidemic control measures that North Korea enforced on Thursday could further restrict the traffic of people and goods between towns and factories, and disrupt supplies and production, said Cheong Seong-chang, director of the Center for North Korean Studies at the Sejong Institute in South Korea.        韩国世宗研究所朝鲜研究中心主任郑正章(音)表示,朝鲜周四实施的防疫措施可能会进一步限制城镇与工厂之间的人员和货物流通,扰乱供应和生产。
        If North Korea fails to bring the outbreak under control, it “could face a serious food crisis and the kind of great confusion we have seen in China recently,” Mr. Cheong said, referring to the severe difficulties created by the draconian restrictions that China has imposed on major cities like Shanghai in recent weeks.        如果朝鲜不能控制疫情,就“可能面临严重的粮食危机,还有我们近来在中国看到的那种大混乱”,郑正章说,他指的是中国近几周对上海等主要城市进行严厉封锁所造成的严重问题。
        Analysts questioned whether the Covid outbreak would affect Mr. Kim’s plan to restart nuclear tests. American and South Korean officials have warned in the past week that North Korea could resume such tests as soon as this month, possibly around the time that President Biden is scheduled to meet with South Korea’s new president, Yoon Suk-yeol, in Seoul on May 21.        分析人士怀疑此次疫情暴发会否影响金正恩重启核试验的计划。美国与韩国官员在过去一周警告称,朝鲜最快可能于本月——大约就是拜登总统计划在5月21日会见韩国新总统尹锡悦前后——恢复此类测试。
        They also wondered whether North Korea would change its policy of not accepting any pandemic-related humanitarian aid, including vaccine donations from world health organizations. South Korean officials have hoped that humanitarian shipments, including Covid-19 vaccines, could help restart the stalled dialogue between North Korea and the United States and allies.        他们也不确定朝鲜是否会改变其不接受任何与疫情相关的人道主义援助的政策,包括世界卫生组织的疫苗捐赠。韩国官员曾希望,包括新冠疫苗在内的人道主义物资能够帮助重启朝鲜与美国及其盟友之间陷入僵局的对话。
        Mr. Easley, of Ewha Womans University, said North Koreans might be less interested in nuclear or missile tests when the most urgent threat involved the coronavirus rather than a foreign military. But, Mr. Cheong said, “If anything, the North Korean leadership will likely try to boost the morale of the people in the wake of the outbreak through nuclear or missile tests.”        梨花女子大学的李雷夫表示,眼下最紧迫的威胁是新冠病毒而非外国军队,朝鲜或许不会再那么热衷于核武器或导弹试验。但郑正章说,“不管怎样,朝鲜领导层可能还是会利用核武器或导弹试验来鼓舞民心。”
        Along with North Korea, Turkmenistan and several small island nations such as Tuvalu and Nauru had reported having no coronavirus cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.        根据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的数据,与朝鲜一样,土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢、瑙鲁等几个小型岛国此前都未曾报告过新冠病例。
        Still, the North had enforced some of the world’s harshest restrictions to keep the virus out.        尽管如此,朝鲜为了抵御病毒,实施的管制仍属于全球最严厉的水平。
        In 2020, it created a buffer zone along its border with China, issuing a shoot-to-kill order to stop unauthorized crossings, according to South Korean and U.S. officials. Also that year, when a man from South Korea defected to the North, North Korea declared a national emergency for fear he might have brought in the virus. It was also accused of shooting a South Korean fisheries official found adrift in its waters and burning his body for fear of the virus.        韩美官员表示,2020年,朝鲜在与中国的边境建立了一个缓冲区,并下达了对未经授权越境者的枪决令。也是在那一年,当一名来自的韩国男子逃至朝鲜,朝鲜出于对他可能携带病毒的担忧宣布进入国家紧急状态。朝鲜还被控射杀了一名在其水域被发现的韩国渔业官员,并因害怕病毒焚烧了他的尸体。
        North Korea has also been extremely hesitant to using the Covid vaccine. It is not known to have imported any doses. The country is also believed to be one of only two nations in the world not to have begun a Covid-19 vaccination initiative, though news reports have suggested that some key people, such as the top leadership elites, may have been vaccinated.        朝鲜对于使用新冠疫苗也极为犹豫。尚不知该国是否进口了任何疫苗。朝鲜也被认为是世界上仅有的两个未启动新冠疫苗接种计划的国家之一,但新闻报道表明,一些包括最高领导层在内的关键人物可能已经接种了疫苗。
        Mr. Kim himself has never appeared in public wearing a mask. All officials who attended the Political Bureau meeting on Thursday wore them — except for Mr. Kim, according to photos released by North Korean state media.        金正恩本人从未戴着口罩在公众场合现身。根据朝鲜官媒发布的照片,周四出席政治局会议的所有官员都戴了口罩,金正恩是唯一的例外。

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