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North Korea Says Its Covid Outbreak Is Spreading Fast

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-18 02:23

        SEOUL — North Korea reported a significant surge in suspected coronavirus infections and deaths on Saturday as it struggled to contain its first reported outbreak, which the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said could be one of the greatest crises in the country’s history.        首尔——朝鲜周六报告,疑似新冠病毒感染和死亡人数大幅增加。该国正在努力应对首次报告的新冠疫情,领导人金正恩表示,这可能是该国历史上最大的危机之一。(本文英文版发表于周日,根据朝中社周一最新消息,周日有39.29万人出现了可能由新冠引起的发热等症状,死亡人数已攀升至50人。自上月末以来,朝鲜共报告了超过120万例发热病例。——编注)
        State media said an additional 174,400 people had symptoms, like fever, that could be due to Covid-19, nearly a tenfold jump from the 18,000 such cases reported on Friday. It also said 21 more people had died in connection with the outbreak, bringing the country’s total to 27. But the reports did not say how many of the new infections or deaths had been definitively linked to Covid-19 through testing.        官方媒体称,另有174400人出现了发烧等可能是由新冠引起的症状,比周五报告的1.8万此类病例增加了近十倍。它还表示,又有21人因疫情死亡,使该国的死亡总数达到27人。但报告没有说有多少新增病例或新增死亡是通过检测确定与新冠明确相关的。
        “North Korea is reporting only ‘people with fever’ because it does not have enough test kits,” said Cheong Seong-chang, the director of the Center for North Korean Studies of the Sejong Institute in South Korea. “Some of the people with fever may not be actual patients, but there could be far more cases among asymptomatic people without any fever. So the actual number of infected people will likely be more than the North has announced.”        “朝鲜只报告’发烧的人’,因为它没有足够的检测试剂盒,”韩国世宗研究所朝鲜研究中心主任郑相昌说。“有些发烧的人可能实际上不是新冠,但在没有发烧的无症状人群中可能会有更多的病例。因此,实际感染人数可能会比朝鲜宣布的要多。”
        Most of the newly reported deaths were caused by overdoses of medication and other negligence caused by a lack of medical expertise, North Korean health officials were quoted as saying during a high-level meeting on Saturday. At the meeting, Mr. Kim criticized health officials in the North’s ruling Workers’ Party for “incompetence” and “irresponsibility,” the state-run Korean Central News Agency said.        据报道,朝鲜卫生官员在周六的一次高级别会议上说,大多数新报告的死亡病例是由于没有掌握科学治疗方法且过多服用药物等过失所致。官方媒体朝中社说,在会议上,金正恩批评朝鲜执政的劳动党卫生官员“无能”和“不负责任”。
        After insisting for years that it had no Covid-19 cases and rejecting offers of humanitarian aid, North Korea admitted on Thursday that an outbreak had begun in late April. The country has reported a total of 524,400 people with Covid-like symptoms since late last month. State media said on Saturday that 243,630 had recovered fully and 280,810 were still in quarantine.        此前,朝鲜一直坚称没有新冠病例,并拒绝接受人道主义援助。周四,该国承认,疫情已于4月下旬开始蔓延。自上月底以来,该国共报告了524400人出现类似新冠的症状。官方媒体周六称,243630人已完全康复,280810人仍在隔离中。
        Health experts have long expressed concern about the North’s ability to battle a major coronavirus outbreak because of its threadbare public health system and low vaccination rate. International health organizations and the South Korean government have said that they were ready to ship vaccines, therapeutics and other aid should the North ask for it.        由于朝鲜公共卫生系统薄弱,疫苗接种率低,长期以来,卫生专家一直对该国抗击新冠疫情大规模暴发的能力表示担忧。国际卫生组织和韩国政府表示,若朝鲜提出需求,他们已准备好运送疫苗、治疗药物并提供其他援助。
        The state media reports on Saturday did not indicate whether the North would consider accepting such assistance, but they suggested a malfunctioning public health system.        周六的官方媒体报道并未表明朝鲜是否会考虑接受此类援助,但它们暗示了公共卫生系统运转不良。
        Mr. Kim was quoted as telling health officials to learn from “the epidemic prevention policies of advanced countries,” particularly those of China, its neighbor and ally.        根据报道引述,金正恩告诉卫生官员要“好好研究别的先进国家的防疫政策”,尤其是学习邻国和盟友中国的防疫经验。
        North Korea seemed to be following China’s playbook of extreme Covid restrictions when it declared a “maximum emergency” this week, ordering all cities and counties in the nation of 25 million to lock down. It also ordered them to isolate “each working unit, production unit and residential unit from each other.”        朝鲜似乎是在效仿中国的极端新冠病毒限制措施,本周,拥有2500万人口的朝鲜宣布进入“最高紧急状态”,下令全国所有市县封锁。该国还命令“按照工作单位、生产单位和居住单位采取隔绝措施”。
        The government said it was studying how to mobilize “all the state means and forces” to get patients the medicine they need.        政府表示正在研究如何“调动国家手段和力量”,确保医药品到达患者手中。
        At the meeting on Saturday, Mr. Kim said that the virus was spreading only within individual locked-down areas and units, and that there was no “uncontrollable spread among regions.” He also said that most of the symptoms reported had been mild.        在周六的会议上,金正恩说,病毒目前是在封控区和相关单位内部传播,不是“各地区间无法控制的传播”。他还说,报告病例大多数为轻症。
        Mr. Kim said the Covid outbreak was “a great upheaval in our country,” one of the most significant in its history. But he said it could be overcome “based on the single-minded unity of the party and the people,” according to the state media reports.        金正恩说,新冠肺炎疫情是“我国建国以来的大动乱”,是历史上最大的考验之一。但据官方媒体报道,他表示,“以党和人民一心团结为基础”,就能克服它。

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