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How Australia Saved Thousands of Lives While Covid Killed a Million Americans

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-18 08:22

        MELBOURNE, Australia — If the United States had the same Covid death rate as Australia, about 900,000 lives would have been saved. The Texas grandmother who made the perfect pumpkin pie might still be baking. The Red Sox-loving husband who ran marathons before Covid might still be cheering at Fenway Park.        澳大利亚墨尔本——美国的新冠死亡率若是与澳大利亚相同,约90万人的生命将会被挽救。会做一手完美的南瓜馅饼的得州祖母可能还在烘焙。疫情前会跑马拉松的红袜队球迷丈夫可能还在芬威球场欢呼。
        For many Americans, imagining what might have been will be painful. But especially now, at the milestone of one million deaths in the United States, the nations that did a better job of keeping people alive show what Americans could have done differently and what might still need to change.        对许多美国人来说,想象这种可能将是十分痛苦的。但特别是在美国新冠死亡人数达到100万大关的当下,那些挽救民众生命比美国更多的国家向美国人展示了他们本可以采取哪些不同的做法,以及还有哪些地方可能仍需要改变。
        Many places provide insight. Japan. Kenya. Norway. But Australia offers perhaps the sharpest comparisons with the American experience. Both countries are English-speaking democracies with similar demographic profiles. In Australia and in the United States, the median age is 38. Roughly 86 percent of Australians live in urban areas, compared with 83 percent of Americans.        许多地方的措施都值得借鉴。日本。肯尼亚。挪威。但与美国经验对比最为鲜明的当属澳大利亚。这两国都是说英语的民主国家,人口结构也较为相似。澳大利亚和美国的人口年龄中位数都是38岁。约86%的澳大利亚人生活在市区,而美国人的这一比例为83%。
        Yet Australia’s Covid death rate sits at one-tenth of America’s, putting the nation of 25 million people (with around 7,500 deaths) near the top of global rankings in the protection of life.        但澳大利亚的新冠死亡率仅为美国的十分之一,这个有2500万人口(新冠死亡人数约为7500人)的国家在保护民众生命方面走在了世界的前列。
        Australia’s location in the distant Pacific is often cited as the cause for its relative Covid success. That, however, does not fully explain the difference in outcomes between the two countries, since Australia has long been, like the United States, highly connected to the world through trade, tourism and immigration. In 2019, 9.5 million international tourists came to Australia. Sydney and Melbourne could just as easily have become as overrun with Covid as New York or any other American city.        地处遥远的太平洋之中,通常被认为是澳大利亚防疫相对成功的原因。然而,这并不能完全解释两国防疫成果的差异,因为长期以来,澳大利亚与美国一样,通过贸易、旅游和移民与世界建立了密不可分的联系。2019年,澳大利亚接待国际游客950万人次。悉尼与墨尔本完全可能像纽约或其他美国城市一样,很容易就被新冠病毒淹没。
        So what went right in Australia and wrong in the United States?        那么,澳大利亚做对了什么,而美国又做错了什么呢?
        For the standard slide-show presentation, it looks obvious: Australia restricted travel and personal interaction until vaccinations were widely available, then maximized vaccine uptake, prioritizing people who were most vulnerable before gradually opening up the country again.        从最直观的角度看,差别是相当明显的:澳大利亚限制了旅行与人际交往,直至疫苗广泛可用。那之后,最大限度地推广疫苗,优先考虑最脆弱的群体,随后再逐步重新开放。
        From one outbreak to another, there were also some mistakes: breakdowns of protocol in nursing homes that led to clusters of deaths; a vaccine rollout hampered by slow purchasing. And with Omicron and eased restrictions, deaths have increased.        在一次又一次的疫情暴发中,澳大利亚也犯了一些错误:养老院的不规范防疫导致了许多死亡;疫苗推广因采购缓慢而受阻。随着奥密克戎的出现和管制的放松,死亡人数也在增多。
        But Australia’s Covid playbook produced results because of something more easily felt than analyzed at a news conference. Dozens of interviews, along with survey data and scientific studies from around the world, point to a lifesaving trait that Australians displayed from the top of government to the hospital floor, and that Americans have shown they lack: trust, in science and institutions, but especially in one another.        但澳大利亚的新冠策略之所以能取得成功,靠得是一些比新闻发布会上的分析更能产生共鸣的东西。数十次采访以及世界各地的调查数据和科学研究都表明,从政府高层到医院各科室,澳大利亚人都以救人性命为指导方向;而美国人则暴露了他们缺乏的东西:对科学与机构的信任,尤其是对彼此的信任。
        When the pandemic began, 76 percent of Australians said they trusted the health care system (compared with around 34 percent of Americans), and 93 percent of Australians reported being able to get support in times of crisis from people living outside their household.        疫情之初,76%的澳大利亚人表示他们信任医疗系统(相比之下美国人的这一比例约为34%);93%的澳大利亚人报告称,在发生危机时他们能获得来自家庭以外的支持。
        In global surveys, Australians were more likely than Americans to agree that “most people can be trusted” — a major factor, researchers found, in getting people to change their behavior for the common good to combat Covid, by reducing their movements, wearing masks and getting vaccinated. Partly because of that compliance, which kept the virus more in check, Australia’s economy has grown faster than America’s through the pandemic.        全球调查显示,比起美国人,澳大利亚人更可能认同“大多数人是可以信任的”——研究人员发现,这是让民众为抗击疫情改变行为模式,减少活动、佩戴口罩和接种疫苗的一个关键因素。澳大利亚在疫情期间的经济增速超过美国,部分原因就是因为民众遵守规定,从而更有效地控制了病毒传播。
        But of greater import, interpersonal trust — a belief that others would do what was right not just for the individual but for the community — saved lives. Trust mattered more than smoking prevalence, health spending or form of government, a study of 177 countries in The Lancet recently found. And in Australia, the process of turning trust into action began early.        但更重要的是,人与人之间的信任——即相信他人会做正确的事,不仅为了个人,也是为了社区——能够挽救生命。最近发表在《柳叶刀》上的一项针对177个国家的研究发现,信任比吸烟率、医疗支出或政府形式更为重要。在澳大利亚,化信任为行动的过程很早就开始了。
        Government: Moving Quickly Behind the Scenes        政府:在幕后迅速行动
        Greg Hunt had been Australia’s health minister for a couple of years, after working as a lawyer and investor, when his phone buzzed on Jan. 20, 2020. It was Dr. Brendan Murphy, Australia’s chief medical officer, and he wanted to talk about a new coronavirus in China.        当他的电话在2020年1月20日响起时,曾做过律师和投资人的格雷格·亨特已担任澳大利亚卫生部长很多年。来电者是澳大利亚首席医学官布兰登·墨菲博士,他想跟亨特谈谈中国出现的一种新型冠状病毒。
        Dr. Murphy, a low-key physician and former hospital executive, said there were worrisome signs of human-to-human transmission.        墨菲是一名低调的医生,曾做过医院高管。他说,这种病毒出现了令人担忧的人传人迹象。
        “What’s your honest, considered advice?” Mr. Hunt recalled asking.        “实话实说,你在考虑的建议是什么?”亨特回忆自己这样问对方。
        “I think this has the potential to go beyond anything we’ve seen in our lifetime,” Dr. Murphy said. “We need to act fast.”        “我认为这有可能比我们这辈子见过的所有疫情都要严重,”墨菲说。“我们必须迅速行动起来。”
        The next day, Australia added the coronavirus, as a threat with “pandemic potential,” to its biosecurity list, officially setting in motion the country’s emergency response. Mr. Hunt briefed Prime Minister Scott Morrison, visited the country’s stockpile of personal protective equipment and began calling independent experts for guidance.        次日,澳大利亚就将这种新冠病毒列入了生物安全名单,称之为“可能暴发为大流行”的威胁,正式启动了紧急应对措施。亨特向莫里森总理做了简报,视察了澳大利亚的个人防护装备储备,并开始致电独立专家寻求指导。
        Sharon Lewin, the director of the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, one of Australia’s top medical research organizations, received several of those calls. She fed his questions into the meetings that had started to take place with scientists and officials at Australia’s public health laboratories.        亨特的咨询对象之一就是澳大利亚顶级医学研究机构彼得·多尔蒂传染病与免疫研究所所长莎朗·莱温博士。在澳大利亚各个公共卫生实验室的科学家与官员开始召集的会议上,她传达了亨特的问题。
        “There was a very thoughtful level of engagement, with politicians and scientists, right at that early phase in January,” Dr. Lewin said.        “就在1月的疫情早期阶段,政界人士与科学家的交流是非常深入的,”莱温说。
        The first positive case appeared in Australia on Jan. 25. Five days later, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first human transmission of the virus in the United States, President Donald J. Trump downplayed the risk. “We think it’s going to have a very good ending for us,” he said.        1月25日,澳大利亚出现了首例阳性。五天后,当美国疾控中心确认国内首次出现该病毒的人际传播后,特朗普总统淡化了风险。“我们相信,我们会有一个非常好的结果,”他说。
        The same day, Mr. Hunt struck a more practical tone. “Border, isolation, surveillance and case tracing mechanisms are already in place in Australia,” he said.        而在同一天,亨特选择了更加务实的语调。“澳大利亚已经部署好边境、隔离、监测与病理追踪的防疫机制,”他说。
        Less than 24 hours later, on Feb. 1, Australia closed its border with China, its largest trading partner. On Feb. 3, 241 Australians were evacuated from China and placed in government quarantine for 14 days. While Americans were still gathering in large groups as if nothing was wrong, Australia’s Covid containment system was up and running.        在不到24小时后的2月1日,澳大利亚关闭了与最大贸易伙伴中国的边境。2月3日,241名澳大利亚人从中国撤离,并被政府隔离14天。当美国人仍在大批聚集、好像一切都没问题之时,澳大利亚的新冠防御系统已经启动并运行起来了。
        A full border closure followed. Hotels were contracted to quarantine the trickle of international arrivals allowed in. Systems for free testing and contact tracing were rolled out, along with a federal program that paid Covid-affected employees so they would stay home.        随后,澳大利亚彻底关闭了过境。酒店签订了合约,为获准入境的国际旅客提供隔离服务。政府开始进行免费检测和密接追踪,同时还推出了一项联邦计划,为受新冠影响的员工支付工资,以便他们居家隔离。
        For a business-friendly, conservative government, agreeing to the Covid-containment measures required letting go of what psychologists describe as “sticky priors” — longstanding beliefs tied to identity that often hold people back from rational decision-making.        对于一个重商的保守派政府来说,同意采取遏制新冠的措施需要放弃心理学家所谓的“顽固性先验”,即长期以来与身份认同有关的信念,它们往往会阻碍人们做出理性决策。
        Mr. Morrison trusted his close friend Mr. Hunt. And Mr. Hunt said he had faith in the calm assessments and credentials of Dr. Lewin and Dr. Murphy.        莫里森信任他的密友亨特。亨特则表示,他信任莱温与墨菲博士的冷静评估和资历。
        In a lengthy interview, Mr. Hunt added that he also had a historical moment of distrust in mind: Australia’s failures during the 1918 flu pandemic, when inconsistent advice and a lack of information sharing led to the rise of “snake oil” salesmen and wide disparities in death rates.        在一次漫长的采访中,亨特还说,他也想到了一个缺乏信任的历史先例:澳大利亚在1918年流感大流行期间的失败,当时前后矛盾的建议与信息共享的缺乏导致“蛇油”贩子猖獗,以及死亡率上的巨大差异。
        In February and March, Mr. Hunt said, he retold that story in meetings as a warning. And in a country where compulsory voting has been suppressing polarization since 1924, Australia’s leaders chose to avoid partisanship. The Morrison government, the opposition Labor Party and state leaders from both parties lined up behind a “one voice” approach, with medical officers out front.        亨特表示,在2月和3月的会议上,他反复重申这个故事作为警示。在这个自1924年以来就通过强制性投票来限制政治极化的国家,澳大利亚的领导人选择避免党派纷争。莫里森政府、反对党工党以及两党在各州的领导人一致支持“一种声音”的办法,以医务人员马首是瞻。
        Still, with a highly contagious virus, scientists speaking from podiums could do only so much.        尽管如此,面对这种高传染性的病毒,在讲台上发言的科学家能尽到的努力也是有限的。
        “Experts ‘getting on the same page’ only matters if people actually trust the actions government is taking, and trust their neighbors,” said Dr. Jay Varma, director of Cornell’s Center for Pandemic Prevention and Response and a former Covid adviser to Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York.        “只有当民众真正信任政府采取的行动,信任左邻右里的时候,专家们的所谓‘共识’才有意义,”康奈尔大学流行病预防与应对中心主任杰伊·瓦玛博士表示,他曾是纽约市长白思豪的新冠防疫顾问。
        “While that type of trust is relatively higher in New York City than in other parts of the U.S.,” said Dr. Varma, who has worked extensively in China and Southeast Asia, “I suspect it is still quite low compared to Oceania.”        “与美国其他地区相比,纽约市的这种信任程度相对较高,”曾在中国和东南亚许多地区开展广泛工作的瓦玛说。“但我怀疑,与大洋洲相比,这种信任程度仍相当低。”
        Health Care: Sharing the Burden        卫生保健:分担
        The outbreak that many Australians see as their country’s greatest Covid test began in late June 2020, with a breakdown in Melbourne’s hotel quarantine system. The virus spread into the city and its suburbs from guards interacting with travelers, a government inquiry later found, and within a few weeks, daily case numbers climbed into the hundreds.        许多澳大利亚人认为新冠疫情中该国面临最大的考验始于2020年6月下旬,当时墨尔本的酒店隔离系统出了问题。一项政府调查后来发现,病毒通过与旅客互动的警卫传播到该市及郊区,几周内,每天的病例人数攀升至数百人。
        At Royal Melbourne, a sprawling public hospital built to serve the poor, clusters of infection emerged among vulnerable patients and workers. Case numbers and close contacts spiraled upward. Vaccines were still a distant dream.        在为穷人服务的庞大公立医院皇家墨尔本,易感的患者和工作人员中出现了聚集感染。病例数和密切接触者急剧上升。疫苗仍然遥遥无期。
        “We recognized right away that this was a disaster we’d never planned for, in that it was a marathon, not a sprint,” said Chris Macisaac, Royal Melbourne’s director of intensive care.        “我们马上意识到,这是一场我们没有任何准备的灾难,因为这是一场马拉松,而不是短跑,”皇家墨尔本重症监护室主任克里斯·麦萨克说。
        A few weeks in, the system started to buckle. In mid-July, dozens of patients with Covid were transferred from nursing homes to Royal Park, a satellite facility for geriatric care and rehabilitation. Soon, more than 40 percent of the cases among workers were connected to that small campus.        几周后,系统开始出现问题。7月中旬,数十名新冠患者从疗养院转移到老年护理和康复的卫星设施皇家公园。很快,工作人员中超过40%的病例都被证明与那个小园区有关。
        Kirsty Buising, an infectious disease consultant at the hospital, began to suspect — before scientists could prove it — that the coronavirus was airborne. In mid-July, on her suggestion, Royal Melbourne started giving N95 masks, which are more protective, to workers exposed to Covid patients.        该医院的传染病顾问克斯蒂·布辛在科学家能够证明之前就开始怀疑,新冠病毒可以通过空气传播。7月中旬,在她的建议下,皇家墨尔本开始向接触过新冠患者的工作人员发放防护性更强的N95口罩。
        In the United States, hospital executives were lining up third-party P.P.E. vendors for clandestine meetings in distant parking lots in a Darwinian all-against-all contest. Royal Melbourne’s supplies came from federal and state stockpiles, with guidelines for how distribution should be prioritized.        在美国,医院的管理人员正在物色第三方个人防护装备供应商,他们在遥远的停车场秘密会面,进行达尔文式弱肉强食的竞争。皇家墨尔本的物资则来自联邦和州的储备,并且有关于分配优先级别的指导方针。
        In New York, a city of eight million people packed closely together, more than 300 health care workers died from Covid by the end of September, with huge disparities in outcomes for patients and workers from one hospital to another, mostly according to wealth.        在有800万密集人口的纽约,截至9月底,300多名医护人员死于新冠,不同医院的患者和工作人员的情况存在巨大差异,主要取决于财富不同。
        In Melbourne, a city of five million with a dense inner core surrounded by suburbs, the masks, a greater separation of patients and an intense 111-day lockdown that reduced demand on hospital services brought the virus to heel. At Royal Melbourne, not a single worker died during Australia’s worst institutional cluster to date.        墨尔本有500万人口,人口密集的市中心被郊区包围着,口罩、对病人更大力度的隔离以及111天的严格封锁降低了对医院服务的需求,让病毒受到了控制。皇家墨尔本的疫情是澳大利亚迄今为止最严重的机构聚集感染,然而没有一名工作人员死亡。
        In America, coordination within the health care system was haphazard. In Australia, which has a national health insurance program and a hospital system that includes both public and private options, there were agreements for load sharing and a transportation service for moving patients. The hospitals worked together, trusting that payment would be worked out.        在美国,医疗保健系统内部的协调杂乱无章。澳大利亚有全国性的健康保险计划,还有包括公立和私立的医院系统,有分担负荷的协议和转移病人的运输服务。各个医院通力合作,相信付款问题会得到解决。
        “We had options,” Dr. Macisaac said.        “我们有选择,”麦克艾萨克说。
        Society: Complying and Caring        社会:服从和关爱
        “I’d just hate to be the one who lets everyone down.”        “我只是不想让大家失望。”
        When Australians are asked why they accepted the country’s many lockdowns, its once-closed international and state borders, its quarantine rules and then its vaccine mandates for certain professions or restaurants and large events, they tend to voice a version of the same response: It’s not just about me.        当澳大利亚人被问及为什么接受该国的多次封锁、一度关闭的国际和州边境、隔离规定,以及针对某些职业或餐馆及大型活动的疫苗规定时,他们往往会给出同样的回答:这不仅仅是我一个人的事。
        The idea that one’s actions affect others is not unique to Australia, and at times, the rules on Covid stirred up outrage.        一个人的行为会影响他人的想法并不是澳大利亚独有的,有时,关于新冠的规定也会引发愤怒。
        “It was a somewhat authoritarian approach,” said Dr. Greg Dore, an infectious diseases expert at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. “There were lots of mandates, lots of fines for breaching restrictions, pretty heavy-handed controlling, including measures that were pretty useless, like the policing of outdoor masking.”        “这是一种有点专制的做法,”悉尼新南威尔士大学传染病专家格雷格·多尔说。“有很多规定,对违反限制的行为有很多罚款,有的控制非常严厉,包括一些非常无用的措施,比如监管人们户外戴口罩。”
        But, he added, the package was effective because the vast majority of Australians stuck with it anyway.        但他还说,因为大多数人坚持下来了,所以这一系列方案最终是有效的。
        “The community coming on board and remaining on board through the tough periods of 2020 and even into 2021 was really, really important,” Dr. Dore said. “There is a general sense that for some things, where there are major threats, you just have to come together.”        “在2020年、甚至到2021年的艰难时期,社区加入进来、保持团结,这真的、真的很重要,”多尔说。“人们普遍认为,面对重大威胁时必须团结起来。”
        Studies show that income inequality is closely correlated with low levels of interpersonal trust. And in Australia, the gap between rich and poor, while widening, is less severe than in the United States.        研究表明,收入不平等与较低的人际信任水平密切相关。在澳大利亚,贫富差距虽然在扩大,但没有那么美国严重。
        During the toughest of Covid times, Australians showed that the national trait of “mateship” — defined as the bond between equal partners or close friends — was still alive and well. They saw Covid spiral out of control in the United States and Britain, and chose a different path.        在新冠疫情最艰难的时期,澳大利亚人展示了他们被称为“伙伴关系”——意思是平等伙伴或亲密朋友之间的纽带——的民族特征仍然存在,而且很坚实。看到美国和英国的新冠疫情失控,他们选择了不同的道路。
        Compliance rates with social distancing guidelines, along with Covid testing, contact tracing and isolation, held steady at around 90 percent during the worst early outbreaks, according to modeling from the University of Sydney. In the United States, reductions in mobility — a key measure of social distancing — were less stark, shorter and more inconsistent, based in part on location, political identity or wealth.        根据悉尼大学的模型,在疫情最严重的早期,对社交距离准则的遵守率以及新冠病毒检测、接触者追踪和隔离的比例稳定在90%左右。在美国,流动性的减少——保持社交距离的一个关键措施——不那么明显,时间更短,也更不稳定,部分是地理位置、政治身份或财富的不同所带来的。
        In Australia, rule-following was the social norm. It was Mick Fanning, a surfing superstar, who did not question the need to stay with his American wife and infant in a small hotel room for 14 days of quarantine after a trip to California. It was border officials canceling the visa of Novak Djokovic, the top male tennis player in the world, for failing to follow a Covid vaccine mandate, leading to his eventual deportation.        在澳大利亚,遵守规则是一种社会规范。冲浪巨星米克·范宁去加州旅行后需要与美国妻子和婴儿在一个小酒店房间里隔离14天,他完全没有质疑该措施的必要性。边境官员取消了世界顶级男性网球运动员诺瓦克·德约科维奇的签证,原因是他没有遵守关于新冠疫苗的规定,导致他最终被驱逐出境。
        It was also all the Australians who lined up to get tested, who wore masks without question, who turned their phones into virus trackers with check-in apps, who set up food services for the old, infirm or poor in lockdowns, or who offered a place to stay to women who had been trapped in their homes with abusive husbands.        还有那些澳大利亚人,他们排队接受检测,毫无疑虑地戴上口罩,把自己的手机变成带有签到应用程序的病毒追踪器,为被封锁的老弱病残或穷人提供食品服务,为被丈夫虐待却被困在家中的女性提供住处。
        At a recent awards luncheon in Melbourne for people who made a difference during Covid, those were the kinds of people being celebrated. Jodie McVernon, the director of epidemiology at the Doherty Institute, was the only scientist lauded at the event.        最近在墨尔本举行的颁奖午宴上,那些在疫情期间做出了贡献的人都受到了赞扬。多尔蒂研究所的流行病学主任朱迪·麦克弗农是唯一一位在此次活动中受到赞美的科学家。
        “Care is so undervalued,” she said. “This was all about the power of care.”        “关爱的价值被低估了,”她说。“这一切都与关爱的力量有关。”
        And, perhaps, the power of adaptability.        也许还有适应能力。
        When the Delta variant flooded the country last year as vaccine supplies were low, Australia’s ideas of protection and compliance changed.        去年,当德尔塔变种由于疫苗供应不足而泛滥成灾时,澳大利亚的保护和遵守规则的思路发生了变化。
        Mr. Hunt scrambled to procure vaccines — far too late, critics argued, after the AstraZeneca vaccines made in Australia seemed to pose a greater-than-expected risk of heart problems — while community leaders fought against a moderate burst of fear and skepticism about vaccines.        亨特慌忙采购疫苗——批评人士表示为时已晚,此前发现澳大利亚制造的阿斯利康疫苗带来心脏问题的风险似乎高于预期——而社区领导人在努力去除人们对疫苗产生的些许恐惧和怀疑。
        Churches and mosques became pop-up Covid inoculation clinics. Quinn On, a pharmacist in Western Sydney’s working-class suburbs, took on extra staff at his own cost to get more people vaccinated. Mayor Chagai, a basketball coach in Sydney’s South Sudanese community, hosted Zoom calls with refugee families to answer questions about lockdowns and vaccines.        教堂和清真寺变成了临时新冠疫苗接种诊所。奎因·安是西悉尼工人阶级郊区的一名药剂师,为了让更多人接种疫苗,他自费聘请了更多员工。悉尼的南苏丹社区的篮球教练梅耶尔·查盖主持了与难民家庭的Zoom电话会议,以回答有关封锁和疫苗的问题。
        Many Aboriginal Australians, who have countless reasons to distrust the authorities, also did what they could to get people inoculated. Wayne Webb, 64, a Wadandi elder in Western Australia, was one of many to prioritize a collective appeal.        许多澳大利亚原住民有充分理由不信任当局,但也尽其所能让人们接种疫苗。64岁的韦恩·韦伯是西澳大利亚瓦丹迪的一名长者,他是众多优先考虑集体呼吁的人之一。
        “It all goes hand in hand with protecting our old people,” he said he told the young men in his community.        他说,他告诉社区里的年轻人:“这一切都与保护我们的老年人是相辅相成的。”
        Vaccination uptake in Australia surged last year as soon as supplies arrived, rushing from roughly 10 percent of Australians over age 16 to 80 percent in six weeks. It was the fastest rate in the world at the time. Once that 80 percent was reached, Australia eased open its national and state borders.        去年,在疫苗供应到位后,澳大利亚的接种率即刻飙升,16岁以上的澳大利亚人的接种率在六周内从大约10%飙升至80%。接种率的上升速度在当时达到了世界之最。一旦达到80%,澳大利亚就放宽了其国家和州边界。
        Now, more than 95 percent of Australian adults are fully vaccinated — with 85 percent of the total population having received two doses. In the United States, that figure is only 66 percent.        现在,超过95%的澳大利亚成年人完全接种了疫苗,其中85%的总人口接种了两剂。在美国,这个数字仅为66%。
        The arrival of the Omicron variant, which is more transmissible, has sent Australia’s case numbers soaring, but with most of the population inoculated, deaths are ticking up more slowly. Australia has a federal election on Saturday. Covid is far down the list of voter concerns.        更具传染性的奥密克戎变种的到来使澳大利亚的病例数飙升,但由于大多数人口接种了疫苗,死亡人数的上升速度较慢。澳大利亚周六将举行联邦选举。在选民关注的问题列表中,新冠远远排在后面。
        “We learned that we can come together very quickly,” said Denise Heinjus, Royal Melbourne’s executive director for nursing, whose title in 2020 was Covid commander. “There’s a high level of trust among our people.”        “我们了解到我们可以快速团结在一起,”皇家墨尔本护理执行董事丹尼斯·海因朱斯说,她在2020年的头衔是新冠指挥官。“我们的人民之间有高度的信任。”

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