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California Church Shooting Was ‘Hate Incident,’ Sheriff Says

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-18 12:58

        LAGUNA WOODS, Calif. — Gathered to celebrate a beloved former pastor, snapping photographs of their Sunday church luncheon, the members of the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church did not pay much attention, at first, to the 68-year-old stranger in their midst.        加州拉古纳伍兹——为了欢迎一名受人爱戴的前牧师,IRVINE台湾基督长老教会的教友周日举办了一场聚会,起初大家忙着给周日午餐会拍照,没太注意人群中那个68岁的陌生人。
        He had been there before, the man assured a receptionist, refusing in Taiwanese to fill out a form providing his contact information. Asked why he was locking the doors, he let his black shirt, emblazoned with what appeared to be the word “security,” speak for him. It was not until he opened fire with one of his two semiautomatic pistols that the crowd of 150 or so churchgoers, most of them retirees, took notice.        陌生男子用台语告诉接待员他以前来过这里,让其放心,但拒绝填写提供本人联系信息的表格。接待员问他为什么要把门锁上时,他用身上穿的印有看似“保安”二字的黑衫做了回答。直到他用携带的两支半自动手枪中的一支开火后,房间的大约150名教徒(其中大多数是退休人员)才注意到他。
        Only then, scattering in terror, did they realize that the doors to the multipurpose room at the suburban Southern California campus where they were meeting had been chained, nailed and super-glued shut.        人们在惊恐之中向房间出口四散时才意识到,这个位于南加州郊区的多功能厅的门已被铁链、钉子和强力胶合剂封死。
        On Monday, a day after the attack that killed one person and wounded five others, the authorities announced murder and attempted murder charges against David Chou, a Las Vegas man with a wife and child in Taiwan who had traveled to Orange County with a grievance against Taiwanese people. At a news conference, the Orange County sheriff, Don Barnes, called the mass shooting a “politically motivated hate incident.”        这场枪击事件造成一人死亡、五人受伤。事件发生一天后,当局在周一宣布,指控周文伟(音)谋杀和谋杀未遂。周文伟来自拉斯维加斯,妻子和孩子在台湾,他带着对台湾人的不满来到加州奥兰治县。新闻发布会上,奥兰治县警长唐·巴恩斯称这起枪击事件是“出于政治动机的仇恨事件”。
        The shooting, the nation’s second in two days considered a hate crime, came as authorities in Buffalo were investigating a supermarket massacre that claimed 10 lives; the suspect in New York, a white teenager who livestreamed the assault, is accused of having driven across the state to kill Black people.        这是美国两天内发生的第二起被认为是仇恨犯罪的枪击事件。纽约州布法罗当局正在调查另一起导致10人死亡的超市屠杀;该案的犯罪嫌疑人是一名白人青年,他对枪击事件进行了直播,当局指控他为杀死黑人开车穿越该州。
        Sheriff Barnes said that Mr. Chou had apparently acted alone, setting an elaborate trap, although it was not clear why he had chosen this out-of-the-way church as a target. He said that investigators had found notes in Mr. Chou’s car, which was parked outside the church, that were proof of his “hatred of the Taiwanese people.”        巴恩斯说,周文伟显然是单独行动,他设置了一个复杂的陷阱,但尚不清楚他为什么选择了这个偏远的教堂作为目标。巴恩斯说,侦查员在周文伟停在教堂外的车里找到了一些证明他“仇恨台湾人民”的便条。
        A small congregation that never had its own building, the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church is mostly a congregation of older Christian immigrants who worship weekly in Taiwanese, their first language. They meet on Sundays on the campus of the larger Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, a suburb dominated by a gated community for residents 55 and older.        IRVINE台湾基督长老教会很小,没有自己的教堂,教会成员主要是一些从台湾移民美国的老年基督徒,他们每周用台语做礼拜,那是他们的母语。他们做礼拜用的地方是更大的教会——日内瓦长老会在拉古纳伍兹的分教堂。拉古纳伍兹属于郊区,主要是一个住户年龄在55岁以上的封闭式住宅小区。
        The sheriff said Mr. Chou, who had emigrated to the United States and is an American citizen, had been living alone in a rented room and appeared to have no ties to the congregation. A statement by the church said he had spent the morning church service in the back of the sanctuary, quietly reading a Taiwanese newspaper.        警长表示,周文伟早年移民美国,现为美国公民,他一直独自住在一个租来的房间里,似乎与IRVINE台湾基督长老教会没有关系。该教会在一份声明说,在教堂上午做早祷期间,周文伟一直坐在教堂的后边,静静地阅读一份台湾报纸。
        The authorities said the shooting erupted at about 1:26 p.m. local time on Sunday. Congregants said they had been celebrating the return from Taiwan of a former pastor, the Rev. Billy Chang, with a luncheon and had gathered after the morning service in the church’s multipurpose room.        当局说,枪击事件发生在当地时间周日下午1点26分左右。教友们说,他们在举办午餐会,欢迎前牧师张宣信从台湾归来。早祷结束后,他们聚集到教堂的多功能厅里。
        In an account released by the church, Mr. Chang said he was on a podium taking photos when the gunman opened fire from 10 to 15 steps away. Afterward, as they filed into the banquet, a few congregants, who assumed he was a maintenance staffer, noticed him locking the doors.        在教会发布的事件描述中,张宣信说,枪手从距离他10到15步远的地方开枪时,他正在讲台上拍照。后来,当人们鱼贯进入午餐会厅时,几名教徒注意到周文伟在锁门,还以为他是个维修工。
        Then he fired toward the ceiling, the statement said: “Most of the church members thought that the sound was from a large balloon popping.” After realizing it was gunfire, the crowd rushed to the blocked exits, some falling, some trying to break the doors down, a few others escaping through a kitchen door that the gunman had overlooked.        之后,周文伟朝天花板开了枪,教会的事件描述写道:“大多数教会成员以为那是一个大气球爆裂的砰砰声。”当大家意识到那是枪声后,人们开始冲向被封死的出口,有些人摔倒,有些人试图破门逃走,还有些人从枪手遗漏的厨房门逃了出去。
        Most of the victims came from Taiwan and ranged in age from 66 to 92, Sheriff Barnes said. Four were critically wounded, but their conditions improved on Monday, the authorities said. The F.B.I. said it had opened a federal hate crime investigation into the shooting.        巴恩斯说,大多数受害者来自台湾,年龄从66岁到92岁不等。其中四人伤势严重,但当局称,他们的情况周一已在好转。联邦调查局表示,已对枪击案展开联邦仇恨犯罪调查。
        Authorities and witnesses said that one church member charged the gunman as he fired apparently at random with two firearms that he had legally bought.        当局和目击者说,在周文伟双手各持一枪向人群随意开火的时候,一名教会成员冲向枪手。(周文伟的两支枪都是合法购得。)
        John Cheng, 52, of Laguna Niguel, a sports physician and co-founder of the nearby South Coast Medical Group, was shot and killed after he tackled the gunman and tried to disarm him, Sheriff Barnes said. Mr. Cheng’s intervention, he added, allowed the visiting pastor — who had led the service that day — to throw a chair at the gunman while others helped to restrain him, confiscating two weapons and hogtying him with extension cords.        巴恩斯说,52岁的郑达志将枪手摔倒在地,试图解除他的武装,后被枪手开枪打死。郑达志家住拉尼格尔湖,是运动医学科的医生,也是附近南海岸医院的联合创始人。巴尼斯还说,郑达志的干预让当天主持祷告的来访牧师得以将一把椅子扔向枪手,并在其他人的帮助下将枪手制服,收缴了他的两支枪,还用电器延长线把枪手五花大绑起来。
        “If not for their quick action, the way that this individual set up that environment to kill many more people, there would have been many, many more lives lost,” the sheriff said.        警长说:“这个人对现场环境动手脚是为了杀更多人,如果不是他们迅速行动起来,将会有许多许多人丧生。”
        Johnna Gherardini, the medical center’s executive director, said that Dr. Cheng, who was not a church member, had picked up his mother from her home at Laguna Woods Village and taken her to church on Sunday. Raised in Texas, the physician was not religious and did not have strong political views about China, but was there in solidarity with his mother, who was mourning the recent death of his father, she said.        南海岸医院的执行主任乔娜·盖拉尔迪尼说,郑达志医生并非教会成员,他周日从拉古纳伍兹村的母亲家中接母亲去教堂。她说,这位在得克萨斯州长大的医生并不信教,对中国没有强烈的政治观点,在那里是为了陪伴母亲,他的父亲最近去世,母亲还处于悲痛中。
        Dr. Cheng, who is survived by his wife and two teenage children, was also an accomplished master martial arts instructor.        郑达志医生也是一位杰出的武术教练。他的遗属包括他的妻子和两个十几岁的孩子。
        “He was there for a reason,” Ms. Gherardini said.        “他在那里是冥冥之中的安排,”盖拉尔迪尼说。
        The gunman had secured the church doors with chains and had attempted to disable the locks with glue, Sheriff Barnes said, adding that he also tried to nail one of the building’s doors shut. Bags filled with magazines of ammunition, as well as several incendiary devices, were found on the church grounds, the sheriff said.        巴恩斯警长说,枪手用铁链锁住了教堂的门,并尝试用胶水破坏门锁,还试图用钉子钉住教堂的一扇门。警长说,在教堂里发现了装满弹药弹匣的袋子以及几个燃烧装置。
        The sheriff said Mr. Chou had lived in the United States for many years but also resided in Taiwan at some point. “I believe his hatred of Taiwan manifested when he was residing there in previous years, possibly in his youth,” Sheriff Barnes said. “He was not well received while living there, according to what we believe we’ve collected so far.”        治安官说,周文伟在美国生活了很多年,但也曾在台湾居住过。“我相信他对台湾的仇恨是在他之前居住在那里时就表现出来了,可能是在他年轻的时候,”巴恩斯警长说。“根据我们目前收集到的信息,他住在那里的时候不受欢迎。”
        It is not clear when Chou lived in Taiwan. About 70 years ago, one million or so Chinese retreated there with the Nationalists during the Chinese civil war against the Communists. They encountered residents on the island who had been there for centuries, many of whom spoke a different dialect. In recent decades, some mainland Chinese have also moved to Taiwan to work and study.        目前尚不清楚周文伟何时居住在台湾。在大约70年前的中国内战期间,约100万中国人随国民党一起撤退到那里。岛上的原住民已经在那里生活了几个世纪,其中许多人说着不同的方言。近几十年来,也有一些大陆人搬到台湾工作和学习。
        The sheriff also referred to “China and Taiwan tensions that are current.” Beijing has long claimed Taiwan, a self-governed democratic island, as its own territory, and has threatened to absorb it using force if it deems necessary.        警长还提到了“当前的中台紧张局势”。一直以来,北京声称台湾这个自治的民主岛屿是自己的领土,并威胁在认为必要时进行武统。
        Sam Huang, a member of the Taiwanese community in Laguna Woods, said, however, that the diverse area’s well-established Chinese and Taiwanese communities exhibited few tensions. He is a member of the congregation but did not attend church on Sunday.        然而,拉古纳伍兹的台湾人山姆·黄(音)表示,这个多元化地区的华人和台湾人群体已很成熟,很少出现紧张关系。他是教会的成员,但周日没有去教堂。
        “Typically, we try to be friendly,” Mr. Huang said, adding that he occasionally played table tennis, or participated in line dancing at the community center together with other Chinese residents. He added: “Nobody says you are Chinese, and I’m Taiwanese, so we won’t play with you.”        “通常情况下,我们尽量表现得友好,”黄先生表示,还说自己偶尔会和其他华人一起打乒乓球,或者在社区中心跳集体舞。他还说:“没有人说因为你是中国人,我是台湾人,所以我们不会和你一起玩。”
        Wei-Ming Tao, 67, a retiree living in Laguna Woods, confirmed that those in the community generally tried to steer clear of politics of any kind in conversations. But she added that the confluence of the coronavirus, the rise in racist acts against people of Asian descent, and Russia’s war in Ukraine had created a simmering environment that was inescapable, even in an ordinary peaceful haven.        生活在拉古纳伍兹的67岁退休人员陶薇明(音)证实,社区居民通常会尽量不谈政治。但她又说,新冠病毒、针对亚裔的种族主义行为的增加,以及俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争等因素叠加起来,导致了一个一触即发的环境,这无法避免,即使在一个普通的宁静避风港也是如此。
        “We don’t need this kind of political agenda,” Ms. Tao said. “The hate crimes — we had enough, we don’t need any more.”        “我们不需要这种政治议程,”陶薇明说。“仇恨犯罪——我们受够了,不要再有了。”
        The shooting served as another reminder that religious sanctuaries are not immune from the gun violence that has occurred in virtually every public space, from grocery stores to schools. Just 70 miles southeast of Laguna Woods, a man in 2019 killed one woman and injured three people at a synagogue in Poway, a shooting incident that was a hate crime.        枪击事件再次提醒人们,从超市到学校,几乎每个公共场所都发生过枪支暴力,宗教场所也不能幸免。2019年,在拉古纳伍兹东南仅110公里的地方,一名男子在波威的一座犹太教堂开枪杀害了一名女子并打伤三人,那也是一起仇恨犯罪。
        The sheriff, meanwhile, called the shooting an example of “the ugliest part” of the divisiveness raging across the country. “At some point we have to put aside our differences,” he said. “And focus on our similarities. And realize we all want the same things.”        与此同时,警长称,分裂现象在全国肆虐,该枪击事件是其“最丑陋部分”的一个例子。“到了某个时刻,我们必须放下分歧,”他说。“并专注于我们的共同点。明白我们要的是相同的东西。”

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