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Shanghai says its Covid outbreak is under control, but many residents remain locked down.

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-18 09:44

        Shanghai health officials said on Tuesday that the city had brought the Covid outbreak there under control, after a nearly two-month lockdown that disrupted residents’ access to food and medicine, stoked widespread public outrage and brought China’s financial center to a standstill.        上海卫生官员周二表示,经过近两个月的封城,上海已控制住了新冠病毒疫情。封城影响了居民的食品和药品供应,引发了广泛的公愤,让中国这个金融中心陷入停顿。
        At a news conference, officials pledged to restart normal life as soon as possible, with a goal of reopening fully by June. Some businesses, bus lines and parks had been allowed to resume operations on Monday. Twelve trains were also allowed to leave from Shanghai’s Hongqiao train station on Monday, with more than 6,000 passengers aboard, according to state news media.        官员在新闻发布会上承诺,从6月开始尽快恢复正常生活,争取6月底前全面恢复。一些企业、公交线路和公园已在周一获许恢复运营。据官媒报道,周一,上海虹桥火车站出发列车12趟,载着6000多名离沪乘客。
        The city recorded 823 new coronavirus cases on Monday, all in people who had been in quarantine or in areas under increased surveillance. Officials declared they had achieved “societal zero,” a term used by the Chinese authorities to indicate the absence of uncontrolled community transmission.        周一,上海市新增823例新冠确诊病例,所有新增感染者都是已被隔离的人或已在严格管控区的人。官员已经宣布实现了“社会面清零”,中国当局用这个术语来表述不再有不受控制的社区传播。
        More than 620,000 cases and 576 deaths have been recorded in Shanghai’s recent outbreak, which began growing rapidly in March. It was the worst outbreak China has faced since the virus first emerged in Wuhan in early 2020.        上海的这轮疫情从3月起开始迅速蔓延,已累计确诊了逾62万例感染病例,并有576人死亡。这是自新冠病毒于2020年初在武汉首次出现以来,中国面临的最严重的一轮疫情。
        State media outlets shared images of residents buying groceries and getting haircuts. “Shanghai’s cooking oil smell is returning,” said one hashtag promoted by Xinhua, the state news agency, using a Chinese phrase to describe daily life.        官媒发布了居民买菜和理发的图片。官方通讯社新华社推出的一个标签是“#上海的烟火气正在回来”。
        But even as state media celebrated, some Shanghai residents pushed back, noting that they were still under strict lockdown measures. Under the Xinhua post on Weibo, a Twitter-like platform, the most-liked comment was by a user who said they had just finished doing another mandatory coronavirus test and were still not allowed to leave their neighborhood. Others said they still could not receive deliveries and were running low on essentials.        但就在官媒庆祝胜利的时候,一些上海居民表示了不满,指出他们仍处于严格的封控状态。新华社在微博上发布的帖子下面被点赞最多的评论是,一名用户说他们刚做完了又一次强制性核酸检测,仍不许离开小区。还有人说,他们仍不能收快递,生活必需品已经不足。
        Even in areas with looser restrictions, residents who were allowed to leave their neighborhoods had to first receive permission from neighborhood officials, and could only be out for a certain amount of time and in certain areas, state media acknowledged.        官媒承认,即使在放松管控的地区,居民出去也必须先获得居委会的批准,而且外出的时间有限,只能去特定地区。
        Schools remain closed, as do theaters, gyms and other cultural venues. The city would prioritize restarting work at industrial facilities, said Zong Ming, a deputy mayor.        学校仍关闭,剧院、体育馆和其他文化场所也没有开放。副市长宗明说,上海将优先恢复企业的生产工作。
        In a widely shared article on WeChat, titled “Is ‘Shanghai’s cooking oil smell returning’ a lie?” a blogger there, Zhang Pei, wrote that many friends elsewhere had messaged her to congratulate her on the city reopening. But she did not know how to respond, as her complex remained sealed.        微信上,一篇名叫《“上海的烟火气正在回来”到底骗没骗人》的文章被广为转发,博主张蓓在文章中写道,许多地方的朋友给她发短信,祝贺上海解封。但她不知道该如何回复,因为她所在的小区仍未解封。
        “We really feel like we are living in a parallel universe,” she wrote. “We don’t know who has gone to work, where has returned to business.”        “我们确实感觉活在平行世界,”她写道。“确实不知道谁复工复产了、哪里复商复市了。”
        In a jab at state news media’s tendency to dismiss any bad news as rumors or isolated incidents, she added: “When it’s good news, as long as it’s true in one place, that’s the same as it being true everywhere, and it’s not a rumor. When it’s bad news, as long as it’s not true everywhere, then that’s the same as it not existing.”        针对官媒通常将任何坏消息当作不值一提的谣言或孤立事件处理的做法,她补充道:“凡是好事,只要一个地方有,那就可以等于全有,你说有就不叫谣言。凡是坏事,只要不是每个地方都有,那就可以等于没有,你说有就是谣言。”

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