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Biden to Begin New Asia-Pacific Economic Bloc With a Dozen Allies

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-23 04:28

        SEOUL — President Biden has enlisted a dozen Asia-Pacific nations to join a new loosely defined economic bloc meant to counter China’s dominance and reassert American influence in the region five years after his predecessor withdrew the United States from a sweeping trade accord that it had negotiated itself.        首尔——拜登总统召集了12个亚太国家加入一个定义松散的新经济集团,该集团旨在对抗中国的主导地位,并重申美国在该地区的影响力。五年前,拜登的前任让美国退出了一项由美国自己谈判达成的全面贸易协定。
        The alliance will bring the United States together with such regional powerhouses as Japan, South Korea and India to establish new rules of commerce in the fastest growing part of the world and offer an alternative to Beijing’s leadership. But wary of liberal opposition at home, Mr. Biden’s new partnership will avoid the market access provisions of traditional trade deals, raising questions about how meaningful it will be.        该联盟将使美国与日本、韩国和印度等地区强国走到一起,在世界增长最快的地区建立新的商业规则,并提供一个替代北京领导地位的选择。但由于担心国内自由派的反对,拜登的新伙伴关系将避开传统贸易协定的市场准入条款,这让人怀疑它的意义有多大。
        Mr. Biden will formally inaugurate what he has dubbed the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity on Monday in Tokyo, where he will be joined by several leaders of the new network in person or virtually. It represents the centerpiece not only of his first trip as president to Asia but also of his broader strategy in the region at a time when China has increasingly filled the void left when President Donald J. Trump pulled the United States out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership in 2017.        拜登将于周一在东京正式启动他所称的“印太经济繁荣框架”,届时这个新网络的几位领导人将亲自或通过虚拟方式加入。这不仅是他作为总统首次出访亚洲的核心内容,也是他在该地区更广泛战略的核心内容。目前,中国越来越多地填补了特朗普总统在2017年让美国退出跨太平洋伙伴关系(TPP)后留下的空白。
        “It is by any account the most significant international economic engagement that the United States has ever had in this region,” Commerce Secretary Gina M. Raimondo, who will lead some of the negotiations triggered by the agreement, told reporters on Sunday. “And the launch of it tomorrow here in Tokyo marks an important turning point in restoring U.S. economic leadership in the region and presenting Indo-Pacific countries an alternative to China’s approach to these critical issues.”        “无论如何,这都是美国在该地区进行的最重要的国际经济接触,”商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多周日对记者说。她将领导该协议带来的一些谈判。“明天它在东京的启动标志着一个重要的转折点,它将恢复美国在该地区的经济领导地位,并为印太国家提供面对这些关键问题时与中国不同的方法。”
        In addition to the United States, India, Japan and South Korea, the 13 members of the framework will include Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Together, the participating nations represent about 40 percent of the world economy, and any specific agreements that emerge from the grouping could go a long way toward setting standards even beyond its membership.        除美国、印度、日本和韩国外,该框架的13个成员国还包括澳大利亚、文莱、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、新西兰、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国和越南。这些参与国加起来约占世界经济的40%,该组织达成的任何具体协议都可能在很大程度上有助于为甚至成员国以外的范围制定标准。
        Amid uncertainty and skepticism in the region about what the new framework would actually mean, American officials scrambled in recent weeks to line up enough major countries to commit in hopes of making a big impression with a splashy kickoff. Privately, they said all of the nations they had been seriously targeting agreed to join, but some analysts wondered whether any assurances or trade-offs proffered to entice participation would diminish the scope of the new bloc.        由于该地区对新框架的实际意义存在不确定性和怀疑,美国官员最近几周忙着召集很多主要国家做出承诺,希望通过引人注目的启动给人们留下深刻印象。私下里,他们表示他们一直在认真考虑的所有国家都同意加入,但一些分析人士怀疑,为吸引参与者而提供的保证或交易是否会缩小新集团的范围。
        The new Biden initiative comes less than five months after the China-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership officially went into force, linking 15 Asia-Pacific economies in the world’s largest trade bloc. Most of the countries Mr. Biden signed up for his framework already belong to the bloc with China.        拜登的新倡议是在中国领导的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》正式生效不到五个月后提出的,后者将15个亚太经济体连接起来,成为世界上最大的贸易集团。与拜登签署框架协议的大多数国家已经和中国同属该集团。
        For the United States, the new framework effectively replaces the more expansive Trans-Pacific Partnership as the main vehicle to shape the flow of goods and services in the region. President Barack Obama, with Mr. Biden as his vice president, negotiated the T.P.P., only to have Mr. Trump abandon it on his first full weekday in office, leaving the bloc to proceed without its largest member.        对美国来说,新框架实际上取代了更广泛的跨太平洋伙伴关系,成为影响该地区商品和服务流动的主要工具。在拜登担任副总统期间,总统贝拉克·奥巴马总统曾就TPP进行谈判,然而特朗普在上任后的第一个工作日就放弃了它,使得该集团在没有头号成员国的情况下继续运作。
        But rather than simply rejoin the partnership, as Japan, Singapore and other countries wanted him to do, Mr. Biden essentially abandoned it too, in deference to opposition within his own party. To assuage his liberal base, the new framework, unlike T.P.P. and other traditional free trade pacts, will not reduce tariffs.        但拜登没有像日本、新加坡和其他国家希望的那样,只是重新加入伙伴关系,而是在尊重自己党内反对意见的情况下,也基本上放弃了它。为了安抚他的自由派选民,新框架不会像TPP和其他传统自由贸易协定那样降低关税。
        Business executives say the China-led bloc has now done more to define trade in the region, even though it asks little of its members and focuses mainly on limiting red tape. The American vision for the region, in contrast, is ambitious, aiming to raise labor and environmental standards. But without offering more access to its market, analysts say, the United States does not have a lot of carrots to encourage those changes.        商界高管表示,以中国为首的集团目前为界定该地区的贸易做了更多工作,尽管它对其成员国要求很少,主要侧重于限制繁文缛节。相比之下,美国对该地区的愿景则雄心勃勃,旨在提高劳工和环境标准。但分析人士说,如果不提供更多的市场准入,美国就没有很多利益诱饵来鼓励这些改变。
        “It is going to be difficult to convince Asian governments to change rules in ways that may be disruptive to their political economies without the promise of increased access to the American market,” said Aaron Connelly, a research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Singapore.        “如果没有增加进入美国市场的承诺,就很难说服亚洲各国政府以可能破坏其政治经济的方式改变规则,”新加坡国际战略研究所研究员亚伦·康奈利说。
        The framework will focus on four main goals: harmonizing efforts to secure supply chains, expanding clean energy, fighting corruption and paving the way for greater digital trade. With Monday’s kickoff, negotiations in each of these areas will soon ensue, led by Ms. Raimondo or Katherine Tai, the United States trade representative.        该框架将侧重于四个主要目标:协调努力以确保供应链安全、扩大清洁能源、打击腐败和为更大的数字贸易铺平道路。随着周一的启动,13个成员国在这些领域中的每一个领域都将很快展开谈判,由雷蒙多或美国贸易代表戴琪领导。
        Each of the 13 participating countries will be allowed to choose in which of the four areas to pursue deals without having to commit to all of them. Parameters for the negotiations should be set by late June or early July, and the administration hopes to wrap up any agreements within 12 to 18 months to then submit to each government for ratification.        13个成员国都将获准在四个领域中选择一个方面谈判协议,而不必对所有领域都做出承诺谈判范围应当在6月底或7月初前划定,拜登政府则希望能在12至18个月间敲定协议,然后将其提交至每个政府进行批准。
        As officials prepared for the new venture, it was clear that the scars of T.P.P. run deep in the Biden administration. Ms. Tai acknowledged bluntly on Sunday that “the biggest problem” with T.P.P. was that even before Mr. Trump was elected, “we did not have the support at home to get it through” Congress. “There was a very, very strong lesson there, that T.P.P., as it was envisioned, ultimately was something that was quite fragile and that the United States was not able to deliver on, and that informs very much our thinking,” she said.        随着官员们为新的协议做准备,很明显,退出TPP给拜登政府留下了深深的伤痕。戴琪周日直言承认TPP的“最大问题”——甚至在特朗普赢得大选之前——是“我们在国内没有获得支持以让它通过国会”。她说:“这是一个非常非常惨烈的教训,即TPP——正如对它的预期那样——最终是相当脆弱的,美国无法兑现,这对我们非常有指导意义。”
        She said that labor and environmental groups would “have premier seats at the table” in the new framework but demurred on whether agreements emerging from it would be submitted to Congress for approval. “Let’s see where these negotiations take us,” she said.        她说,劳工和环保组织将“在谈判桌上拥有首要席位”,但对是否会将新框架下出现的协议提交国会批准提出了异议。“我们看看这些谈判会带来什么结果再说,”她表示。
        But other administration officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said separately that without tariffs on the table, it most likely would not be necessary to go to Congress.        但其他不愿透露姓名的高级政府官员在讨论内部审议时表示,在关税没有被放在台面上的情况下,协议不太可能提交给国会。
        The kinds of agreements currently envisioned, some binding and some not, could be accomplished through executive agreements, they said. Nonetheless, one of the officials added that the administration would consult with Congress as if approval were needed in hopes of rebuilding trust following the T.P.P. experience and establishing durable bipartisan support for any eventual deals.        他们表示,目前设想中的协议(有些具约束力,有些则不然)可能通过行政协定完成。然而,其中一名官员补充说,拜登政府可能会像需要批准那样征求国会的意见,希望能在TPP事件之后重建信任,并且为任何最终形成的协议建立长久的两党支持。
        The membership in the new framework overlaps the T.P.P. membership but not precisely. Seven countries will belong to both, but several members of T.P.P. did not sign onto the framework. For two of them, Canada and Mexico, it could be less imperative since they already have their own North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States, recently updated by Mr. Trump.        新框架中的成员与TPP成员重叠,但并不完全一致。七个国家将同时属于两个协议,但TPP的几个成员没有签署该框架。其中,对于加拿大和墨西哥两个国家来说,签署TPP可能不那么重要,因为它们与美国有自己的北美自由贸易协定,特朗普曾对其进行修订。
        Ms. Raimondo said the new framework goes above and beyond a “same-old, same-old” free-trade agreement, but partners in Asia still want a same-old trade agreement. Countries like Singapore have tried to convince the United States to use the framework as a steppingstone to rejoin the T.P.P., a nonstarter for the Biden team.        雷蒙多说,新框架超越了“老样子”的自由贸易协定,但亚洲的合作伙伴仍然希望达成一个从前那样的贸易协定。新加坡等国家曾试图说服美国利用该框架作为重新加入TPP的垫脚石,这对拜登团队来说不太可能实现。
        Even the more limited Biden framework will require deft management of Democratic constituencies. Labor groups in the United States are already skeptical of any broad new commitments, including digital provisions that could lead to more outsourcing in fields like medicine and other service industries.        即使是更有限的拜登框架也需要对民主党选区进行巧妙的管理。美国的劳工团体已经对任何新的宽泛承诺持怀疑态度,包括可能导致医药和其他服务行业等领域进行更多外包的数字条款。
        Joining Mr. Biden in Tokyo for the announcement on Monday will be Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and Anthony Albanese, who was just elected on Saturday as prime minister of Australia. Several other leaders will join by video and a few will have ministers represent them.        周一,在东京与拜登一起发布声明的还有日本总理岸田文雄、印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪和周六刚被选为澳大利亚总理的安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯。其他几位领导人将通过视频加入,还有少数国家将由部长代表。
        The kickoff will come during a busy two days for Mr. Biden, who will meet separately with each of those three leaders in addition to a summit gathering of all four of them representing the Quad, a security-oriented bloc formed years ago out of growing anxiety about China’s military footprint in Asia and parts of the Indian Ocean.        启动仪式将在拜登繁忙的两天行程中举行,拜登将分别与这三位领导人中的每一位会面,此外还将与代表四方安全对话的所有四位领导人举行峰会。多年前,四个成员国对中国在亚洲和印度洋部分地区的军事足迹感到焦虑而成立了这个面向安全问题的集团。
        Economic issues, however, have clearly been front and center on Mr. Biden’s mind throughout his trip to South Korea and Japan. With prices rising, stock markets falling and fears of recession spreading at home, the president is eager to demonstrate that he is focused on stabilizing the economy, especially with midterm elections five months away.        然而,经济问题显然是拜登在韩国和日本期间的核心考虑。随着价格上涨、股市下跌以及国内对经济衰退的担忧蔓延,总统急于表明他专注于稳定经济,尤其是在距离中期选举还有五个月之时。
        Before flying to Tokyo on Sunday, Mr. Biden joined Euisun Chung, executive chairman of Hyundai Motor Group, to celebrate the company’s plan to build a new $5.5 billion electric vehicle and battery manufacturing plant in Savannah, Ga. Mr. Biden said the factory would result in 8,000 jobs, continuing the administration’s strategy of pointing to job growth as Republican lawmakers escalate attacks over high inflation.        在周日飞往东京之前,拜登与现代汽车集团执行董事长郑义宣一起庆祝该公司在佐治亚州萨凡纳的建厂计划,该计划将建造一座价值55亿美元的新电动汽车和电池制造厂。在共和党立法者对高通胀的抨击升级之际,拜登表示,该工厂将产生8000个工作岗位,延续了政府指向就业增长的战略。
        “These investments are part of a trend by my administration,” Mr. Biden said, adding that it would help the White House make good on its clean-energy commitments. “Manufacturing jobs are coming back to America.”        “这些投资是我的政府趋势的一部分,”拜登说,并补充说这将有助于白宫兑现其清洁能源承诺。“制造业的工作正在回到美国。”
        Such announcements often have a political component. Mr. Biden framed the investment as a result of work by his administration and the Democratic senators from Georgia, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.        此类公告通常带有政治成分。拜登制定的这项投资计划来自于他的政府以及乔治亚州民主党参议员拉斐尔·沃诺克和乔恩·奥索夫的共同努力。
        But he was not the only one eager to claim credit. Just two days earlier, Mr. Chung had been in Georgia celebrating the investment while standing next to Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican facing a primary contest from a pro-Trump challenger.        但他并不是唯一一个急于邀功的人。就在两天前,郑义宣在佐治亚州庆祝这项投资,州长布赖恩·坎普站在他旁边。坎普是一名共和党人,即将面临初选,其首要对手是一名亲特朗普挑战者。

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