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Digital Threads Between the U.S. and China

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-26 04:27

        As the world’s two superpowers grow further apart, the internet environments in the U.S. and China are increasingly separate digital worlds. U.S. internet companies have mostly flopped in China, and with notable exceptions, apps from China haven’t gone big outside their home country.        随着世界上两个超级大国的距离越拉越远,美国和中国的网络环境也逐渐变成了两个截然不同的数字世界。大多美国互联网企业在中国都遭遇滑铁卢,而中国开发的应用程序在本土之外也没能大获成功。
        Digital life in each country is largely walled off from the other, but the two online spheres are not totally isolated. There is a cross-fertilization of digital ideas between the U.S. and China as well as threads of interdependence, showing that hard borders and political divisions are not absolute roadblocks to the internet bringing a fractured world a bit closer together.        两国的数字生活基本相互隔绝,但其网络空间并不完全孤立于彼此。美中两国的数字观念相互交织渗透,并存在种种相互依存,表明了硬性边界与政治分歧并不是互联网的绝对障碍,它仍能将这个破碎的世界拉得更近。
        The shreds of ties still existing between the parallel digital spheres of China and the U.S. demonstrate both the failure of the idea that the internet can break down nationalist walls, and that online innovations can slip past borders and censorship.        中美这两个平行数字领域仍存在零散的联系,既说明互联网可以打破民族主义堡垒的想法是错误的,也说明网络创新可以越过边界和审查。
        For sure, the divisions are real. It’s hard to overstate just how different the online experiences are for people in China and the U.S.        当然,分裂是真实存在的。中国人和美国人的上网体验,用天差地别来形容也不为过。
        Most popular websites and apps in the West — including Google, Facebook, Amazon, Spotify, LinkedIn and Uber — are essentially banned by China’s government or have fallen on their faces in the country.        包括谷歌、Facebook、亚马逊、Spotify、领英和优步在内,大多数西方热门应用程序基本都被中国政府封禁,或被中国市场淘汰。
        Airbnb, the last remaining large U.S. internet company in China, said this week that it would close its six-year-old home rental service there. The company, however, will continue to operate a business serving Chinese tourists traveling outside the country, my colleague Erin Griffith reported.        中国仅存的最后一家大型美国互联网公司爱彼迎本周表示,将关闭在中国运营六年之久的民宿租赁服务。不过据我的同事艾琳·格里菲斯报道,该公司将保留为境外出行的中国游客服务的业务。
        Airbnb’s decision was effectively an admission that the company, like Google, Amazon and Uber, has been outfoxed by Chinese competitors. Those U.S. companies likely never had much of a shot in a country where the government tightly controls the internet and has made business difficult for many foreign (and recently, also Chinese) tech companies.        爱彼迎的这一决定等于是承认了它与谷歌、亚马逊、优步一样都被中国竞争对手打败的事实。在一个互联网受政府严格管控,许多外国(近来也包括中国本土的)科技企业都难以开展业务的国家,这些美国企业大概从来就没什么机遇可言。
        You can count the Western tech companies that have thrived in China on one hand. There’s Apple and … that’s it? Maybe you could also include companies like Microsoft that have had some mild success selling software or tech equipment to corporations.        能在中国发展壮大的西方科技企业屈指可数。除了苹果,可能就没别的了。或许也可以把微软这类向企业销售软件或技术设备的业务取得了一定成功的公司包括在内。
        It’s been nearly as uncommon for Chinese digital stars to make headway in the U.S. or many other large countries. TikTok, which is owned by the Chinese internet conglomerate ByteDance, is a notable exception. There’s also Didi, China’s on-demand ride titan, which has expanded into Latin America and other regions, although the Chinese government’s tech crackdown has hurt the company.        无独有偶,中国数字领域的当红炸子鸡在美国或其他许多大国同样难以取得进展。中国互联网巨头字节跳动旗下的TikTok是罕见的例外。还有就是中国网约车巨头滴滴,尽管中国政府的科技管制对该公司造成了伤害,但它还是成功扩张到了拉丁美洲等地区。
        But the digital spheres of the two global superpowers are not entirely separate.        但这两个全球超级大国的数字领域并非完全独立于彼此。
        People in China can’t officially access Facebook or Google, but the companies sell billions of dollars in ads to businesses based in China that want to reach Chinese nationals or Chinese-speaking people elsewhere in the world.        中国人无法正式访问Facebook或谷歌,但它们都向中国企业售出了数十亿美元的广告,这些企业希望凭此接触到世界其他地方的中国公民或说中文的人。
        Brian Wieser, the global president of business intelligence for the advertising firm GroupM, says that companies based in China are responsible for roughly $10 billion of Facebook’s 2021 ad sales. That’s a lot of money for companies with zero official users in China.        广告公司群邑集团的全球商业情报总裁布赖恩·威泽表示,2021年,中国企业为Facebook贡献了约100亿美元的广告销售额。对于在中国没有任何正式用户的企业来说,这是一笔不小的数目。
        There would be no Amazon as we know it without the boom in merchants from China that have expanded the product selection of the digital mall, as I wrote in On Tech yesterday.        正如我昨天在On Tech专栏中所写的那样,没有中国商户的繁荣,就不会有我们所知的亚马逊,是他们扩大了这家电商的产品选择范围。
        Trends and business ideas also move between the separate internets in China and the U.S. Perhaps you remember when each new smartphone was smaller than the last? Then larger-screen smartphones became popular among Chinese consumers, contributing to the dominance everywhere now of supersized phones. If you love your gigantic iPhone, you can partly thank 2010s smartphone buyers in Beijing and Shanghai.        在中美两国,趋势和商业理念也会在各自的互联网领域内相互流动。或许你们还记得那个新款智能手机总比上一代小的时代,在那之后,大屏智能手机开始在中国消费者中流行起来,导致如今超大尺寸手机变成了全球主流。如果你对手里巨大的iPhone很满意,在一定程度上你应该感谢2010年代北京和上海的智能手机消费者。
        There have been other Chinese trends that have shaped Americans’ online experiences. U.S. internet companies have made so far unsuccessful but relentless attempts to mimic live internet shopping-as-entertainment programs from China. And executives’ and investors’ hopes for food delivery services in the U.S. and Europe stem partly from the ubiquity of food delivery services in China.        还有一些中国潮流也改变了美国人的上网体验。直到现在,美国互联网企业还在不停尝试模仿中国的娱乐式网络直播带货,但都没能成功。那些企业高管和投资者之所以对欧美送餐服务给予厚望,部分原因也是中国的外卖服务无处不在。
        The copying goes in the other direction, too. Didi started out as a dispatch app for conventional car services. But when Uber opened its doors in China in 2014, connecting people with nonprofessional drivers, it influenced how Didi operated, too. Uber gave up on China in 2016, but the company left its mark on Chinese transportation.        模式的复刻也是双向的。滴滴最初是一款传统的汽车服务派单应用。但当2014年优步进入中国市场,将用户与非职业司机联系起来,滴滴的业务模式也发生了改变。优步在2016年退出中国,但还是在中国交通运输领域留下了自己的印记。
        Don’t get me wrong: The divisions far outweigh the fuzzy links between the internet systems in China and the U.S. And it’s hard to imagine that changing. China and the U.S. are growing further apart, both politically and online.        别误会我的意思:中美互联网系统之间的分歧远大于那些模糊不清的联系。这种现状很难被改变。无论是政治还是互联网,中美两国都离彼此越来越远。
        But I find some measure of hope that China’s authoritarian internet controls and the animosities between the U.S. and China can’t completely wall off the two countries’ digital worlds.        但中国的威权式互联网管控和美中之间的敌意依然不能让两国的数字世界彻底隔离开来,这还是让我看到了些许希望。

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