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China still priority for companies from US

来源:中国日报    2022-05-18 16:43

        China remains a priority market for companies of the United States, with many of them believing it is vital to stay competitive in this market in order to win globally, the American Chamber of Commerce in China said in a white paper on Tuesday.        中国美国商会5月17日发布白皮书称,中国仍然是美国企业的首选市场,许多美国企业认为,要成为全球赢家,在中国市场保持竞争力至关重要。
        The document, the 24th edition of the American Business in China White Paper, said that AmCham China's member companies stand committed to the Chinese market. About 83 percent of them report they are not considering relocating manufacturing or sourcing outside of China.        第 24 期《美国企业在中国白皮书》指出,中国美国商会的会员公司将深耕中国市场。83%的企业报告称没有将制造或采购转移出中国的打算。
        With China being a top market priority for nearly two-thirds of the chamber's member companies, Colm Rafferty, the chamber's chairman, said its members believe that a decoupling of the US and China economies is in neither country's economic interest.        近三分之二的中国美国商会会员公司继续将中国列为首要市场。中国美国商会主席华刚林表示,会员们认为,中美经济“脱钩”不符合双方的经济利益。
        As the world economy faces multiple uncertainties, China and the US should strengthen cooperation to meet each other halfway. Improvement in Sino-US economic and trade relations will not only benefit the two nations, but also the world, said Liu Ying, a researcher at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of the Renmin University of China in Beijing.        当前世界经济面临着诸多不确定性,中美应该加强合作,相向而行。中国人民大学重阳金融研究院研究员刘英表示,中美经济贸易关系的改善不仅对两国有益,而且会惠及世界。
        The US should remove additional tariffs on China and promote economic and trade cooperation between Chinese and US companies, instead of creating obstacles against that purpose, she said, adding that in these times of globalization and digital economy, no country can develop by itself.        刘英指出,美国应该取消对华加征关税,增进中美企业的经贸合作,而不是为双方合作制造障碍。她还表示,在全球化和数字经济时代,没有哪个国家能够孤立发展。
        Regarding its priority for 2022, AmCham China said it will encourage action-based engagement between the US and China to create substantive and mutually beneficial initiatives and solutions on an issue-by-issue basis, and it will support both sides to enrich cooperation and exchanges in areas of global and bilateral importance.        关于2022年的政策重点,中国美国商会鼓励中美两国采取以行动为基础的交往,在实事求是的基础上提出实质性的、互利的倡议和解决方案,并在重要国际与双边领域中开展积极合作与交流。
        Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing, said China's strict COVID-19 prevention and control measures provide clear pathways for enterprises to abide with related policies, and the stability of the dynamic-zero approach also ensures policy predictability, which is important for enterprises to grow.        国际贸易经济合作研究院资深研究员周密表示,中国严格的疫情防控措施为企业遵守相关政策扫清了道路,动态清零策略的稳定性也保证了政策的可预见性,而这对于企业发展非常重要。
        Besides, China is improving its epidemic prevention and control measures through practices working toward dynamic zero-COVID, and better coordination between long-term economic growth and COVID-19 prevention and control is expected, he said.        周密指出,除此以外,中国在动态清零的实践中不断改进疫情防控措施,未来将能更好地协调疫情防控和长期经济发展。
        As the coronavirus mutates constantly, China's dynamic zero-COVID strategy is helpful to cut the possibility of new deadlier and more transmissible variants, he added.        他还指出,随着新冠病毒不断变异,中国的动态清零策略有助于减少更致命、传播性更强的新变异株出现的可能性。
        China's actual use of foreign capital surged by 20.5 percent year-on-year to 478.61 billion yuan ($70.78 billion) in the first four months of 2022, while investment from the US rose 53.2 percent on a yearly basis, according to Ministry of Commerce data.        商务部的数据显示,2022年1-4月中国实际使用外资金额4786.1亿元人民币,同比增长20.5%,美国实际对华投资同比增长53.2%。
        US automaker Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory shipped 4,767 electric cars to Slovenia earlier this month, and Starbucks, the Seattle-headquartered coffee chain, said it is still on track to achieve its goal of operating 6,000 stores in China by the end of the year.        美国汽车制造商特斯拉上海超级工厂本月早些时候出口斯洛文尼亚4767辆电动汽车。总部位于西雅图的咖啡连锁店星巴克表示,仍在致力于实现年底前在中国开店6000家的目标。

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