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Contact lens that can release drug could be used to treat glaucoma

来源:中国日报    2022-05-19 08:00

        Glaucoma is an eye disease that involves damage to the optic nerve, and can lead to blindness if not treated.青光眼是一种损害视神经的眼病,如不治疗可能导致失明。
        Researchers in China revealed they have developed a contact lens that can sense an increase in pressure within the eye and release an anti-glaucoma drug should the pressure exceed a certain level.中国科研人员表示,他们已经研制出一种隐形眼镜,可以感知眼压的升高,并在压力超过一定水平时释放抗青光眼药物。
        When the pressure inside the eye increases, the gap between the upper and lower lenses decreases. This is detected by the pressure sensor by means of a cantilever. The sensor then sends a signal to the wireless system which subsequently triggers the release of an anti-glaucoma drug, from a hydrogel attached to an electrode, and enables it to cross the cornea of the eye. The drug, brimonidine, acts to reduce the pressure within the eye.当眼内压力增加时,上下镜片之间的间隙就会减少。压力传感器通过一个悬臂检测到这一点。然后,该传感器向无线系统发送信号,随后触发抗青光眼药物的释放,并使其穿过眼角膜。该药物来自连接到电极的水凝胶,名为溴硝柳胺,可以降低眼压。
        The researchers note the lenses are not only soft and minimally invasive but are also battery-free, adding that the approach could be expanded to help tackle other eye diseases.研究人员指出,这种镜片不仅柔软、无创,而且无需电池,这种方法可以扩展到辅助治疗其他眼部疾病。
        “The materials required to create such contact lenses are inexpensive and soon could be mass-produced,” he added.阿赫默德还称:“制造这种隐形眼镜所需的材料价格低廉,很快就能大规模生产。”

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