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Report reveals staggering gun violence cost in US Santa Clara County

来源:中国日报    2022-05-26 16:24

        Firearm incidents cost Santa Clara, a US county in Northern California, 72 million US dollars each year, according to a report by San Jose Spotlight on Monday.        据圣何塞焦点网5月23日报道,枪支暴力事件每年导致美国加州北部的圣克拉拉县损失7200万美元(约合人民币4.8亿元)。
        The estimate covers the costs of public sector responses to gun violence. Margaret Petros, executive director of Mothers Against Murder, a nonprofit that assists victims of violent crimes, said she was stunned by the financial cost of gun violence in Santa Clara County. She noted the financial burden of gun violence can be traumatizing for families.        这一数额涵盖了应对枪支暴力的公共支出。援助暴力犯罪受害者的非营利组织“母亲们抗击凶杀”的执行董事玛格丽特·佩德罗斯说,她被圣克拉拉县枪支暴力带来的经济损失惊呆了。她指出,枪支暴力的经济负担会给家庭造成创伤。
        The county's Assistant District Attorney James Gibbons-Shapiro also said that shootings have impacts on communities throughout the county that go deeper than dollars.        该县的地区助理检察官詹姆斯·吉本斯-夏比骆还表示,枪击事件给该县各社区带来了比经济损失更加深远的影响。
        The report claims Santa Clara County had about 550,000 firearms in 2021, roughly one gun for every four residents.        报道称,2021年圣克拉拉县约有55万支枪,大概每四名居民就有一支枪。
        Over the past two decades, 1,494 county residents have died from firearm-related injuries, with the most common cause being suicide. The report shows Latino residents are disproportionately impacted by gun violence.        过去二十年间,该县共有1494名居民死于枪伤,多为自杀引起的。报道显示,拉丁裔居民遭遇枪支暴力的比例尤其高。
        More than half of all nonfatal firearm injuries reported at emergency rooms between 2016-2020 were for Latinos, who only account for 25 percent of the county's population, the report said.        报道称,2016年至2020年期间急诊室报告的所有非致命的枪伤病例,超半数为拉丁裔居民,而这部分居民只占该县人口的25%。
        County Supervisor Cindy Chavez said at a news conference Monday that the county decided to examine the cost of gun violence following the 2019 shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival which killed three and injured at least 15 others.        县长辛迪·查韦斯5月23日在一次新闻发布会上称,该县决定对2019年“吉尔罗伊大蒜节”枪击事件之后的所有枪支暴力事件的损失进行一次盘点。“吉尔罗伊大蒜节”枪击事件导致3人死亡,另外至少15人受伤。
        The county is considering enhanced gun control measures just before the first anniversary of the mass shooting at a Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) yard north of downtown San Jose. Nine people were killed during the attack, which prompted San Jose officials to crack down on gun violence.        该县考虑在圣何塞大规模枪击事件一周年纪念日前夕加强枪支管控措施。这起大规模枪击事件发生在圣何塞市中心以北圣克拉拉谷交通管理局区域,共导致9人丧生,促使圣何塞官员采取措施打击枪支暴力。
        In Santa Clara County the number of non-serialized guns found at crime scenes went from four in 2015 to 293 in 2021, according to the report.        据报道,在圣克拉拉县,从犯罪现场找到的没有编号的枪支数量从2015年的4支增加到了2021年的293支。

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