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Two-thirds of Americans live paycheck to paycheck as inflation continues to climb

来源:中国日报    2022-05-13 16:46

        Inflation is showing no signs of slowing down, making it harder for workers to make ends meet.美国的高通胀没有缓和迹象,这使得工薪阶层艰难维持生计。
        Although it was down slightly from the March peak, inflation is still growing at the fastest annual pace in about four decades.尽管通胀率略低于3月份的峰值,但仍在以近40年来最快的年增长速度增长。
        Food prices are up at the fastest pace in more than 41 years and the shelter index, which makes up about one-third of the CPI weighting, was up 5.1% on a yearly basis, its fastest gain since March 1991.食品价格正以逾41年来的最快速度上涨,占CPI权重约三分之一的住房价格指数同比上涨5.1%,为1991年3月以来的最快涨幅。
        As of March, close to two-thirds, or 64%, of the US population was living paycheck to paycheck, just shy of the high of 65% in 2020, according to a LendingClub report.美国在线借贷平台LendingClub的一份报告显示,截至今年3月,近三分之二(64%)的美国人成为月光族,略低于2020年65%的高点。
        Consumers who are struggling to afford their day-to-day lifestyle tend to rely more on credit cards and carry higher monthly balances making them financially vulnerable, the survey of more than 2,600 adults found.这项针对2600多名成年人的调查发现,那些难以负担日常生活花销的消费者往往更依赖信用卡,而且月余额较高,这让他们的财务状况更脆弱。
        At this rate, balances could soon reach record levels amid higher prices for gas, groceries and housing, among other necessities, according to Ted Rossman, a senior industry analyst at CreditCards.com.CreditCards网站高级行业分析师泰德·罗斯曼表示,按照这个速度,随着汽油、食品杂货和住房等必需品价格的上涨,信用卡余额可能很快打破纪录。

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