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Lifting tariffs right choice for Biden

来源:中国日报    2022-05-17 17:19

        US President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that the White House could drop some of the Donald Trump-era tariffs on Chinese goods to lower consumer prices in the United States, according to CNBC. The White House is reviewing the tariffs, and could opt to lift them altogether.据美国消费者新闻与商业频道报道,美国总统拜登5月10日表示,白宫可能会取消特朗普任期对中国商品加征的部分关税,以降低美国的消费价格。白宫正在审查这些关税,并可能选择将其一并取消。
        The consumer price index in the US broke the 7 percent mark in December 2021, the highest since 1982, and has continued to increase since the start of 2022, hitting 7.9 percent in February and 8.5 percent in March, forcing the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates by 50 basis points on May 4, the largest rate hike in 22 years. The CPI for April is 8.3 percent, somewhat abated, though still high.2021年12月,美国消费者价格指数(CPI)突破了1982年以来的最高纪录7%,并自2022年初持续上涨,2月和3月分别达到7.9%和8.5%,这迫使美联储在5月4日加息50个基点,这是美国22年来最大幅度加息。4月份的CPI高达8.3%,但较之前有所下降。
        The Trump administration had imposed tariffs on Chinese goods in steps. Hence, the statutory review for the rest of the tariffs will be completed only by Sept 1, 2023.特朗普政府逐步对中国商品加征了关税。因此,其余关税的法定复审将在2023年9月1日之前完成。
        First, the lifting of all the tariffs could quickly bring down the CPI in the US. A recent policy brief by the Peterson Institute of International Economies estimated that the removal of tariffs on Chinese goods including steel and aluminum could reduce the CPI by 1.3 percentage points.首先,取消这些关税可能会迅速降低美国的CPI。彼得森国际经济研究所最近发布的一份政策简报预测,取消钢铁和铝等中国商品的关税可能会将CPI降低1.3个百分点。
        A Moody's study has found that 92.4 percent of the added tariffs on Chinese imports are borne by the US side. And a joint study by the US-China Business Council and Oxford Economics found that tariffs on Chinese imports had reduced the US' GDP by $108 billion, or 0.5 percent, and household incomes by $88 billion in 2018-19.穆迪公司的一项研究发现,美国对中国进口商品征收的附加关税中有92.4%由美方承担。美中贸易委员会和牛津经济研究院联合开展的一项研究发现,2018-2019年间,对中国进口商品征收关税使美国国内生产总值(GDP)减少0.5%,即1080亿美元(约合人民币7308亿元),家庭收入减少了880亿美元(约合人民币5955亿元)。
        Compared with 2020, Chinese exports to the US rose by 27.5 percent, more than that to ASEAN member states (26.1 percent) which didn't impose any additional tariffs on Chinese goods. Since the US tariffs have made no difference to bilateral trade, what is the rationale of keeping them?与2020年相比,中国对美国的出口增长了27.5%,超过了对东盟成员国(26.1%)的出口增长,后者没有对中国商品征收任何额外关税。既然美国加征关税对双边贸易没有影响,那么为什么要保留关税呢?
        Based on the three reasons, the correct choice for the Biden administration would be to swiftly lift all the added tariffs on Chinese goods. The move will result in three immediate benefits. It will help reduce the highest inflation in the US in 40 years, be a good gesture toward improving Sino-US trade relations, and a step in the right direction to show the US is back to following WTO rules.基于这三个原因,拜登政府的正确选择是尽快取消对中国商品征收的所有附加关税。此举将带来三个立竿见影的好处:将有助于降低美国40年来最高的通货膨胀率;是改善中美贸易关系的一个良好姿态;也是表明美国重新遵守世贸组织规则,朝着正确方向迈出的一步。

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