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Pulitzer Prizes Spotlight Jan. 6 Capitol Riot and Mideast Air Wars Coverage

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-10 01:24

        The Pulitzer Prizes were awarded on Monday to an array of news organizations for investigations that uncovered the tragic toll of the United States’ air war in the Middle East, exposed the dangers of a Tampa lead smelter and pieced together the full picture of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.        周一,一系列新闻机构的调查报道被授予普利策奖,包括揭露美国在中东空战造成的悲惨伤亡,曝光了坦帕铅冶炼厂的危险,勾勒出1月6日美国国会大厦骚乱的全貌。
        The New York Times won the most Pulitzer Prizes this year of any outlet, including in the international reporting, national reporting and criticism categories. A Times reporter, Andrea Elliott, also won the award for nonfiction book.        《纽约时报》是今年获得普利策奖最多的新闻媒体,类别包括国际报道奖、国内报道奖和批评写作奖。纽约时报记者安德里亚·埃利奥特还获得了非虚构图书奖。
        The Washington Post won the public service category, considered the most prestigious of the prizes, for “The Attack,” a sprawling chronological examination of what led to the siege on the Capitol building and what transpired during the riot and its aftermath. The Pulitzer Prizes are presented annually by Columbia University for excellence in journalism, books, music and drama.        《华盛顿邮报》凭借《袭击》获得了分量最重的公共服务奖,该报道按时间顺序对导致国会大厦被围困的原因、骚乱中发生的事情及其后果进行了广泛的研究。普利策奖每年由哥伦比亚大学颁发,以表彰获奖者在新闻、书籍、音乐和戏剧方面的卓越表现。
        The staff of The Times won in the international category for a deeply reported look at the failures of America’s air war across the Middle East, including its tragic civilian toll. The Times drew on a trove of Pentagon documents to show how the breakdowns in military intelligence contrasted with the image of the war that the United States was presenting.        因深入报道美国在中东空战的失败,包括惨重的平民伤亡,《纽约时报》获得了国际报道奖。《纽约时报》利用五角大楼的大量文件展示了军事情报的失败如何与美国展现出的战争形象形成对比。
        An investigation by the staff of The Times into deadly police encounters was recognized for national reporting. The reporters combed through court documents, prosecutor statements and audio and video recordings to find out why many police stops escalate into fatal encounters and how police are sometimes given cover after deaths in custody.        《纽约时报》对警察致命执法的调查报道获得国内报道奖。记者梳理了法庭文件、检察官的陈述以及录音录像,以查明为何多起警察截停车辆会升级为致命事件,以及有时平民在被扣押期间死亡后警察是如何被包庇的。
        Salamishah Tillet, a contributing critic at large for The Times, won the criticism category for her writing on race in popular culture that examined Black experiences, including how the art inspired by the murder of George Floyd resonated with her.        《纽约时报》特约评论员萨拉米沙·蒂莱特因关于流行文化中的种族主题的文章赢得了批评写作奖,文章审视了黑人的经历,包括乔治·弗洛伊德被谋杀所激发的艺术如何引起了她的共鸣。
        Another Times reporter, Andrea Elliott, won the Pulitzer Prize in the general nonfiction category for her book “Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival and Hope in an American City,” which was published by Random House and originated with a 2013 series she did at The Times.        另一位《纽约时报》记者安德里亚·埃利奥特凭借著作《看不见的孩子:美国城市的贫困、生存和希望》获得普利策非虚构图书奖,该书由兰登书屋出版,源于她2013年在时报做的一个系列报道。
        During the tenure of Dean Baquet, the executive editor, The Times has been awarded 22 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any top editor in decades. Mr. Baquet will step down from his role in June and will be succeeded by Joseph Kahn, the paper’s managing editor.        在主编迪恩·巴奎任职期间,《纽约时报》获得了22项普利策奖,他是几十年来带领时报获奖次数最多的一任主编。巴奎将于6月卸任,由该报执行主编周看(Joseph Kahn)接任。
        The staff of the Miami Herald won for breaking news reporting for their coverage of the partial collapse of the Champlain Towers South condo tower in the town of Surfside, which killed nearly 100 people.        《迈阿密先驱报》因报道瑟夫赛德的尚普兰公寓南楼部分倒塌而导致近100人死亡的事件获得突发新闻奖。
        Corey G. Johnson, Rebecca Woolington and Eli Murray of The Tampa Bay Times were awarded the prize for investigative reporting for “Poisoned,” in which they exposed the dangers of a lead smelter in Tampa, Fla., and the serious consequences it had on workers.        《坦帕湾时报》的科里·约翰逊、丽贝卡·伍灵顿和埃利·默里因《中毒》获得调查报道奖,他们在报道中揭露了佛罗里达州坦帕市一家铅冶炼厂的危险及其对工人造成的严重后果。
        Madison Hopkins of the Better Government Association, a Chicago journalism nonprofit, and Cecilia Reyes of the Chicago Tribune won for local reporting after their yearlong reporting project revealed that Chicago officials had been warned about safety issues in buildings where tenants were killed by fires.        芝加哥新闻非营利组织“更好的政府协会”的麦迪逊·霍普金斯和《芝加哥论坛报》的塞西莉亚·雷耶斯获得了地方报道奖。建筑物中的租户因火灾而丧生,他们为期一年的报道项目揭露了芝加哥官员曾经收到过关于这些建筑物安全问题的警告。
        The staff of Quanta Magazine, a science and mathematics publication, including the reporter Natalie Wolchover, were awarded the explanatory reporting award for coverage of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.        科学和数学出版物《量子杂志》的报道团队因NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜的报道而获得释义性报道奖,团队成员包括记者娜塔莉·沃尔乔弗。
        Jennifer Senior of The Atlantic won the features writing award for her article on a family grappling with loss in the 20 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.        《大西洋》杂志的詹妮弗·西尼尔获得了特稿写作奖,她的文章描述了9·11恐怖袭击后,一个家庭20年来一直努力应对失去的一切。
        Melinda Henneberger, a columnist at The Kansas City Star, was awarded the prize for commentary for her work demanding justice for the alleged victims of a retired police detective, who is accused of raping and exploiting Black women.        《堪萨斯城之星》的专栏作家梅琳达·亨内伯格获得评论写作奖,她的文章为一名退休警探的受害者伸张正义,该退休警探被指控强奸和压榨黑人女性。
        For the editorial writing category, Lisa Falkenberg, Michael Lindenberger, Joe Holley and Luis Carrasco of the Houston Chronicle were awarded for “The Big Lie,” a series on voter suppression that examined claims of voter fraud.        在社论写作类别,《休斯敦纪事报》的丽莎·法尔肯伯格、迈克尔·林登伯格、乔·霍利和路易斯·卡拉斯科因《大谎言》获奖,这是一个关于压制选民的系列报道,调查了关于选民欺诈的说法。
        Insider, the website formerly known as Business Insider, won its first Pulitzer Prize. Fahmida Azim, Anthony Del Col, Josh Adams and Walt Hickey won the illustrated reporting and commentary prize for using comics to tell the story of China’s oppression of the Uyghur ethnic minority.        前身为《商业内幕》的《内幕》网站首次获得普利策奖。法赫米达·阿齐姆、安东尼·德尔·科尔、乔什·亚当斯和沃尔特·希基因使用漫画讲述中国对维吾尔少数民族压迫的故事而获得图片报道和评论奖。
        The breaking news photography award was given jointly to Marcus Yam of the Los Angeles Times, for his work in Afghanistan, and staff from Getty Images for their images of the Jan. 6 insurrection. The features photography award was given to Adnan Abidi, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, Amit Dave and Danish Siddiqui of Reuters for their coverage of the pandemic’s toll in India.        突发新闻摄影奖由《洛杉矶时报》的马库斯·亚姆和盖蒂图片社共同获得,以表彰亚姆在阿富汗的工作以及盖蒂图片社关于1月6日骚乱的图片。专题摄影奖授予路透社的阿德南·阿比迪、桑娜·伊尔沙德·马图、阿米特·戴夫和丹麦·西迪基,以表彰他们对印度疫情的报道。
        The award for audio reporting, a category that was introduced in 2020, was given to the staffs of Futuro Media and PRX for their podcast “Suave,” which follows a man’s life after he is released from prison after more 30 years.        音频报道奖于2020年设立,今年由Futuro Media和PRX的员工获得。他们制作的播客《斯瓦乌》讲述了一名男子坐牢30多年后的出狱生活。
        The Pulitzer board also announced a special citation awarded to journalists of Ukraine for their reporting during the Russian invasion and President Vladimir V. Putin’s attempts to mislead the public on its realities.        普利策奖委员会还宣布,将向乌克兰记者颁发一个特别奖项,表彰他们在俄罗斯入侵期间的报道,以及对俄罗斯总统普京试图就入侵误导公众的报道。
        “These are challenging and dangerous days for journalists around the world,” John Daniszewski, co-chair of the Pulitzer Prizes board, said in a livestream on Monday, citing the 12 journalists who have died in the war on Ukraine and eight Mexican journalists who have been murdered this year.        “对世界各地的记者来说,现在是充满挑战和危险的日子,”普利策奖委员会联合主席约翰·达尼谢夫斯基周一在直播中说,他提到了今年在乌克兰战争中丧生的12名记者和今年被杀害的八名墨西哥记者。
        He said the threat to independent journalism meant it was “essential that journalists at every level keep doing the difficult and sometimes courageous work to bring the public true and revelatory stories.”        他说,独立新闻事业面临的威胁意味着,“各级记者必须继续从事困难的、有时甚至是勇敢的工作,为公众带来真实的、有启发性的报道。”
        The fiction prize was given to “The Netanyahus,” by Joshua Cohen, which reimagines a visit to a university campus by the father of Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister of Israel.        小说图书奖颁给了乔舒亚·科恩的《内塔尼亚胡家》,这本书重新想象了以色列前总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡的父亲参观一所大学校园的情景。
        The history prize was jointly awarded to two books. “Covered With Night,” by Nicole Eustace, looks at the murder of a Native American man by two white fur traders in 1772 and its impact on the definition of justice. “Cuba: An American History,” by Ada Ferrer, chronicles the evolution of the country and its relationship with the United States.        历史图书奖由两本书共同获得。一本是妮可·尤斯塔斯的《夜幕笼罩》讲述了1772年一名印第安人被两名白人皮草商谋杀的故事,以及这件事对应当如何界定正义所产生的影响。另一本是阿达·费勒的《古巴——美国历史》,它记录了这个国家的演变及其与美国的关系。
        The biography award went to “Chasing Me to My Grave: An Artist’s Memoir of the Jim Crow South,” by Winfred Rembert as told to Erin I. Kelly. Mr. Rembert, the late Black artist, remembers his life in rural Georgia and surviving an attempted lynching to turning to art in his 50s.        传记奖颁给了温弗雷德·伦伯特向艾琳·凯利口述的传记《追我到坟墓——一位艺术家对实施吉姆·克劳法的南方的回忆录》。已故黑人艺术家伦伯特回忆了自己在佐治亚州乡村的生活,他逃过一次未遂的私刑,在50多岁时开始从事艺术。
        Diane Seuss’s “frank: sonnets,” a collection of more than 100 sonnets, won the poetry category. “Fat Ham,” by James Ijames, which places the Shakespearean classic “Hamlet” at a Southern barbecue, was awarded the prize for drama. “Voiceless Mass,” a composition by Raven Chacon for organ and ensemble, won in the music category.        黛安·苏斯的《坦率——十四行诗》获得了诗歌类奖项,这本书收录了100多首十四行诗。詹姆斯·伊詹姆斯的《肥火腿》获得了戏剧奖,它把莎士比亚的经典作品《哈姆雷特》放进了一次南方烧烤会。雷文·夏康为管风琴和乐团创作的《无声的弥撒》获得音乐类奖项。
        “I love that people who write for a living saw something that I wrote and they saw something of beauty in it,” Mr. Ijames said after learning that he won a Pulitzer.        “我很高兴,那些以写作为生的人看到了我写的东西,他们看到了其中的美,”伊詹姆斯在得知自己获得普利策奖后说。

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