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Jill Biden’s Secret Ukraine Trip

来源:纽约时报    2022-05-09 03:35

        UZHHOROD, Ukraine — Jill Biden, the first lady, traveled to western Ukraine in an unannounced trip on Sunday, the latest show of support from the United States, which in recent weeks has significantly increased military aid for Ukraine and sent others close to President Biden into the country.        乌克兰乌日哥罗德——第一夫人吉尔·拜登周日突访乌克兰西部,这是美国对乌克兰表现出的最新支持。近几周来,美国大幅增加了对乌克兰的军事援助,并派遣与拜登总统关系密切的人进入乌克兰。
        Dr. Biden met Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, at a school converted to assist refugees who had come from other parts of the country to Uzhhorod, a town of 100,000 people a few miles from the border with Slovakia. Ms. Zelenska, the wife of President Volodymyr Zelensky, had not been seen in public since Russia’s invasion began on Feb. 24.        吉尔·拜登博士在一所学校会见了乌克兰第一夫人叶莲娜·泽连斯卡娅。这所学校已经改建为庇护所,帮助从乌克兰其他地区来到乌日霍罗德的难民。乌日霍罗德有10万人口,距离乌克兰与斯洛伐克的边境只有几公里。泽连斯卡娅是乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基的妻子,自2月24日俄罗斯入侵以来,她一直没有在公开场合露面。
        “I thought it was important to show the Ukrainian people that this war has to stop, and this war has been brutal,” Dr. Biden told reporters as she sat at a table across from Ms. Zelenska, “and that the people of the United States stand with the people of Ukraine.”        “我认为,重要的是向乌克兰人民表明,这场战争必须停止,这场战争是残酷的,”两人对坐在桌边,拜登博士对记者说,“美国人民与乌克兰人民站在一起。”
        Dr. Biden made her trip on a day of public displays of support for Ukraine, with visits from Bono and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, and as rescuers searched for survivors from a Russian airstrike on a school in the east that officials feared had left dozens dead. In Kyiv, a team of senior American diplomats returned to the U.S. Embassy for the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine, a move that coincided with Victory in Europe Day.        拜登博士此行当天是公开表达对乌克兰支持的一天,波诺和加拿大总理特鲁多也在这天到访乌克兰。而与此同时,救援人员正在搜寻俄罗斯对乌克兰东部一所学校发动的空袭中的幸存者,官员们担心此次空袭已造成数十人死亡。在基辅,一组美国高级外交官自俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来首次返回美国大使馆,此举恰逢欧洲胜利日。
        The day was a patchwork of the hopeful and the foreboding. Her visit also came as Western officials were bracing for the possibility that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia might use his country’s Victory Day holiday, which falls on Monday, as a reason to intensify attacks on Ukrainian citizens.        这一天充满了希望和不祥的预感。拜登博士访问的同时,西方官员也在做准备,应对俄罗斯总统普京利用该国的周一胜利日,加强对乌克兰公民的袭击的可能。
        Ukrainian officials understand the emotional power of social media and headlines written by the Western press and have invited an assortment of Western officials — and Bono — into the country in recent days. They reached out several days ahead of Dr. Biden’s planned four-day tour of Eastern Europe to suggest a meeting with Ms. Zelenska in Ukraine, according to Michael LaRosa, the first lady’s spokesman.        乌克兰官员了解社交媒体和西方媒体的头条新闻中所蕴含的情感力量,并在最近几天邀请了各种西方官员——以及波诺——进入该国。据第一夫人的发言人迈克尔·拉罗萨说,在拜登博士计划对东欧进行为期四天的访问数天前,他们联系了泽连斯卡娅,提议在乌克兰与她会面。
        Such a high-stakes visit is a rarity for any sitting first lady; they do not usually visit war zones, and the last one to travel to one alone was Laura Bush, who visited Afghanistan in 2008. Dr. Biden, an English professor who teaches full time, has so far spent much of her time as first lady traveling the United States, urging Americans to take vaccines and support community colleges, or touting Mr. Biden’s plans for social spending.        如此高风险的访问对在任第一夫人来说是罕见的;她们通常不去战区,上一位独自前往战区的人是劳拉·布什,她在2008年访问了阿富汗。拜登博士是一名全职英语教授,到目前为止,她作为第一夫人的大部分时间都在美国旅行,敦促美国人接种疫苗,支持社区大学,或者宣传拜登的社会支出计划。
        Until now, she has had comparatively little to say about Ukraine, but her full-throated call for an end to the war on Sunday was a departure that reflected the bolder and broader steps the Biden administration has taken to move against Russian aggression without engaging Moscow in an all-out war.        到目前为止,她在乌克兰问题上的发言相对较少,但她在周日全力呼吁结束战争是一个起点,表明拜登政府在不与莫斯科全面开战的情况下,为打击俄罗斯侵略所采取的更大胆、更广泛的措施。
        It also appeared to be an opportunity for the first lady — who, like many before her, has positioned her identity as a mother as a central one — to use her office to highlight the reality of the war in Ukraine: As many as 90 percent of the people who have been displaced are women and children, according to United Nations figures.        像她的很多前任一样,第一夫人将母亲这个角色定位为自己的核心身份,这一次,她得到机会,利用她的办公室来强调乌克兰战争的现实:根据联合国数据,多达90%的流离失所者是妇女和儿童。
        Ms. Zelenska, 44, was among the first to be displaced when the war began.        44岁的泽连斯卡娅是战争开始后第一批流离失所者之一。
        In a speech only days after the first Russian missiles fell on Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, Mr. Zelensky said he knew he was the first target for assassination in case of an occupation. His wife and children, Oleksandra, 17, and Kyrylo, 9, he said, are “target No. 2.” Since then, her whereabouts has been kept private.        就在第一批俄罗斯导弹落在乌克兰首都基辅几天后,泽伦斯基发表讲话说,他知道如果俄罗斯占领乌克兰,自己是第一个暗杀目标。他说,他的妻子和孩子——17岁的亚历山德拉和九岁的基里洛是“二号目标”。从那以后,泽连斯卡娅的行踪一直保密。
        A first lady who once focused on issues of female empowerment, literacy and culture in Ukraine, Ms. Zelenska, like her husband, now spends much of her time trying to bring the world’s attention to what is happening in her country. She wrote to Dr. Biden in April, expressing her concerns for the emotional well-being of the citizens of Ukraine, Mr. LaRosa said.        作为第一夫人,泽连斯卡娅曾经关注乌克兰女性赋权、扫盲和文化等问题。现在,她和丈夫一样,把大部分时间花在让世界关注乌克兰正在发生的事情上。拉罗萨说,她在4月给拜登博士写信,表达对乌克兰公民情绪健康的担忧。
        Her concerns appeared to have been received by Dr. Biden, who spent much of her time in front of the cameras quizzing humanitarian organization workers on their capacity to support women and children who had endured the trauma of war.        拜登博士似乎感受到了她的担忧,在镜头前的大部分时间里都在询问人道主义组织工作人员是否有能力为遭受战争创伤的妇女和儿童提供支持。
        At stop after stop, in Romania and in Slovakia and later in Ukraine, Dr. Biden talked to children who had circles of exhaustion under their eyes and mothers who were on the verge of tears. She stood among bottles of baby formula and well-worn toys and asked whether volunteers had what they needed.        在罗马尼亚和斯洛伐克,以及后来在乌克兰,在每一次到访中,拜登博士与疲惫不堪到眼圈深陷的孩子和在崩溃边缘的母亲交谈。她询问志愿者所需物品是否齐备,周围是一瓶瓶婴儿配方奶和旧玩具。
        Allida Black, a historian who studies first ladies, said Dr. Biden’s work was in the tradition of other first ladies who had traveled oversees to witness the “personification of pain,” hearing stories of trauma and war, all while staying within the limits of an unelected role within the administration.        研究第一夫人的历史学家艾莉达·布莱克说,拜登博士的工作沿袭了其他第一夫人的传统,她们前往海外见证“苦难的化身”,聆听创伤和战争的故事,同时保持一个政府内部的非民选角色。
        “There’s real finesse to this,” said Dr. Black, who has been an adviser to Hillary Clinton. “Because you’ve got to carry all of those memories with you. It’s hard work.”        “这是需要真正的技巧的,”曾担任希拉里·克林顿顾问的布莱克博士说。“因为那些记忆将伴你一生。这是一项艰难的工作。”
        Before stopping in Ukraine on Sunday, Dr. Biden traveled to the Slovakian city of Kosice, where she met with refugees at a bus station that had been converted to assist new arrivals to the country.        周日在乌克兰停留之前,拜登博士还去了斯洛伐克科希策市,在那里的一个公共汽车站与难民会面,该车站被改建以帮助新抵达该国的难民。
        There a woman named Viktozie Kutocha clutched her daughter, Yulie, and told the first lady that she struggled to explain to her child what had happened to their lives.        在那里,一位名叫维克托齐·库托查的女子带着女儿尤丽叶告诉第一夫人,她很难向她的孩子解释他们的生活发生的动荡。
        “How I can explain this to child? It’s impossible,” she said. “I try to keep them safe. It’s my mission.”        “我怎么跟孩子解释呢?无法解释,”她说。“我尽力保护他们的安全。这是我的使命。”
        “It’s senseless,” Dr. Biden said.        “这太不可理喻了,”拜登博士说。
        After crossing the border into Ukraine, she was driven for about 15 minutes to the parking lot of a school building. Ms. Zelenska quietly slipped out of a vehicle to greet her.        越过边境进入乌克兰后,她坐车15分钟到达一座学校的停车场。泽连斯卡娅悄悄地从一辆车上下来迎接她。
        The two women exchanged hugs and, later, Ms. Zelenska thanked Dr. Biden for making a “courageous” visit.        两位女士互相拥抱。后来,泽伦斯卡娅感谢拜登博士的“勇敢”访问。
        “We understand what it takes for the U.S. first lady to come here during a war, where the military actions are taking place every day, where the air sirens are happening every day, even today,” she told Dr. Biden.        她告诉拜登博士:“我们了解美国第一夫人在战争期间来到这里的代价,这里每天都在发生军事行动,空袭警报每天都在响,甚至今天也是。”
        During a private meeting, the two women discussed their concerns over the war and also spoke about their personal lives. (At one point, Ms. Zelenska asked the first lady how she was able to travel if she worked full time as a teacher. Dr. Biden told her that she had just finished grading final exams and that the semester was over.)        两位女士在私下的谈话中讨论了她们对战争的担忧,还谈到了她们的个人生活。(泽伦斯卡娅问第一夫人,既然她是全职教师,她如何能够旅行。拜登博士告诉她,她刚刚结束了期末阅卷,学期结束了。)
        Their two-hour visit to the school was meant to be focused on children and the humanitarian work that went into housing some 160 refugees, 47 of them children, in the building, but even the most innocent interactions betrayed the strain of war: A security agent passed a hand-held metal detector over a child who had entered a classroom just before Dr. Biden and Ms. Zelenska entered.        她们对学校进行了两个小时的访问,目的是关注儿童和人道主义工作,这些工作将大约160名难民——其中47名为儿童——安置在那座楼里,但即使是最无邪的互动也暴露着战争的压力:安保特工用手持金属探测器检查了一名在拜登博士和泽伦斯卡娅之前进入教室的孩子。
        Dr. Biden spent about two hours in Ukraine before crossing back into Slovakia, but before she said goodbye, she slipped a pocket-size medallion, called a challenge coin, into the hands of one of Ms. Zelenska’s bodyguards. The man took a Ukrainian flag pin from his lapel and handed it to her.        拜登博士在乌克兰待了大约两个小时后返回斯洛伐克。但在告别之前,她将一枚名为“挑战币”的袖珍奖章放进泽伦斯卡娅的一名保镖手中。男子从翻领上取下一枚乌克兰国旗别针,递给她。
        The visit made Dr. Biden the latest high-profile person close to Mr. Biden to travel to Ukraine. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III visited Kyiv last month, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with Mr. Zelensky there last week.        这次访问使拜登博士成为又一位访问乌克兰的与美国总统关系密接的重要人物。国务卿安东尼·布林肯和国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀上个月访问了基辅,议长南希·佩洛西上周在那里会见了泽连斯基。
        Mr. Biden traveled to Poland for three days at the end of March. While he visited troops near the border with Ukraine, he stopped short of entering the country because of security concerns.        拜登在3月底曾前往波兰进行为期三天的访问。在访问乌克兰边境附近的部队时,出于安全考虑,他没有进入该国。
        Shortly after she departed the school in Ukraine, the first lady called her husband, who was home in Wilmington, Del., from her motorcade.        在离开乌克兰的学校后不久,第一夫人在车队和给当时在特拉华州威尔明顿家中的丈夫打了电话。
        On Monday, Dr. Biden plans to meet with Zuzana Caputova, the president of Slovakia, in Bratislava, the country’s capital, before returning to Washington.        周一,在返回华盛顿之前,拜登博士计划在斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉发会见斯洛伐克总统祖扎娜·卡普托娃。

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